MEMORIZE Chapter 523

00523 Do you know that it is a crossroads? ————————————————– ———————-=

Come to think of it, there was an item called observation in the user information window.

I forced out the breath I had been holding without realizing it. My dry lips were also moistened with saliva. Then, after taking a deep breath and gathering his chest, he softly opened his mouth.

“What does that mean? Trainee.”

“ah. I’m just curious. I’ve never had anything like this before. Did you ever see a message appear in the air? “I woke up.”

“I really want to ask the trainee a question. Are you really a new trainee?”

“Ho Ho. sure.”

Jegal Haesol’s eyes and mouth draw a euphemistic curve, as if this situation is so amusing that he dies. Jegal Haesol smiled brightly, wrapped his arms around him and said,

“Anyway, I never thought we’d meet like this. He’s a really fun person. Mercenary Lord.”

“… “You knew me.”

“I know, yo~. “Among the trainees, is there anyone who doesn’t know instructor Kim Soo-hyun?”

“… … .”

It was a very refreshing voice, but I can’t help but feel that it was too meaningful to just ignore.

For a moment, there was a pause in speech. I gently bit my mouth. Jegal Haesol still has a calm face. no. Once again, his eyes are shining brightly and he is looking at me with curiosity.

We stared at each other for a while without saying anything.

It was then.

“Your eyes look complicated. “You tend to think a lot, don’t you?”

I closed my eyes for a moment and then stared back at Jegal Haesol.

However, Jegal Haesol was already slowly turning around.

Then, I don’t know why, but I thought I shouldn’t just let it go like this. I was about to reach out for a sudden thought.

“oh. “It’s okay.”

For a moment, without realizing it, I hesitated and stopped my actions. Suddenly, Zhuge Haesol turned his head halfway and looked straight at me. Then he smiles silently.

“I like being an escort, but I’ll decline today.”

“… ah. That’s not it. for a moment.”

“It was late at night. And you wouldn’t know if you were a life instructor. “Wouldn’t everyone think it was strange if an instructor brought trainees late at night?”


I thought it was definitely possible and couldn’t think of anything to say, so I ended up keeping my mouth shut.

Jegal Haesol soon said, “You’re not upset, right?” and lowered her head, slightly pulling up her pants with both hands as if she were wearing a skirt. Princess greetings.

After saying hello, he turns his back and walks away without any hesitation.

As I stared at it blankly for a moment, I felt like I was possessed by something.

Then, at some point, I slowly touched my earlobe. The distance is less than 10 meters. If you want… . Now could be the best time.

“… … .”


In the end, I just gave up without being able to do anything.

I don’t even know why it’s like this. I just suddenly feel like all energy is draining out of my body. I felt helpless for the first time since entering Hall Plain… .

no. Isn’t this the first time? It’s a feeling I’ve felt hundreds or thousands of times in the first episode. As if I saw Jegal Hae-sol next to the Holy Queen during the first episode.

After slumping my shoulders as I felt a feeling that was coming to me for the first time in a long time, but that I could not get used to.

I slowly raised my gaze and looked ahead.

Before I knew it, Jegal Haesol had suddenly disappeared.


The morning of week 9 dawned. After checking the 9th week schedule and eating breakfast, I walked to the instructor’s office when Shin Jae-ryong called me.

“… So, this is the result of a meeting with magical talent instructors over the weekend. We decided to leave the mental education for this 9th week to the clan lord. “There was a lot of talk about this and that, but it seems like everyone didn’t like the trainees.”

The reason Shin Jae-ryong called me was simple.

To put it bluntly, I was stabbed.

I was literally stabbed by the trainees. Among the trainees who received spirit during the last mental training, about ten or so stood up as a group. He complained that the intensity of the fight was too severe and requested that he never be allowed to take charge of mental education again.

Actually, rather than being angry when I heard it, I found it a bit funny. In a way, I was grateful. All weekend, my mind was full of thoughts about Jegal Haesol, but you made me laugh, even if only for a moment.

But what happened after that was even funnier.

As a result of Shin Jae-ryong calling several instructors for a meeting, everyone supported me, not the trainee. Rather, he pointed out the rotten mental state of the trainees and had the instructors scold them thoroughly.

Also, it is said that there has been a consensus that I will also be in charge of this 9th week of mental education. In other words, he was asking me to check the mental state of the arrogant trainees.

“Anyway, the situation is like this, so I need you to take charge of mental education this week as well. ha ha ha.”

“All right.”

“ah. Come to think of it, there is a mental training session this afternoon for all magic talent classes. Originally, another instructor was going to take over, but he said he was willing to hand it over to the clan lord. Since he suddenly came and talked to me this morning, time is a bit tight… . “Is it possible?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

I paused and quietly nodded my head. Then, as if he suddenly sensed something strange, Shin Jae-ryong suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me.

this. Did I show off too much?

“Is there anything you don’t like? Or are you worried about anything?”

Eventually, I smiled blandly at Shin Jae-ryong, who was staring at me.

“It’s just because it’s obvious.”

“I feel… . Can you see it?”

“So, I don’t like the attitude of the trainees, but it’s a bit hard to mess with them. So, I am thinking of putting myself forward and fixing it for them. In short, they will protect their image.”

“no way. It can’t be that far… . “This is a proposal that instructors unanimously agreed to.”

“There is no way the trainees would know that. And so is the sudden visit this morning. “They’re telling me not to educate them, but to just give them my spirit.”

“… her.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Anyway, I think I know what they’re aiming for, so don’t worry too much. “I will attend the afternoon training.”

Actually, it was good.

Rather, just thinking about Jegal Haesol makes my head pound like it’s going to explode.

After meeting that night, Jegal Hae-sol was on my mind all weekend. Every time I think of it, my heart starts pounding for no reason and an unexpected feeling of anxiety comes over me. Just for no reason.

Finally, I was about to turn and leave the instructor’s office.

“Clan Lord. “Please wait just a moment.”

A slightly urgent voice caught me. When I turned my gaze, I saw Shin Jae-ryong fumbling around the desk, looking for something.

Soon, “Ah. Shin Jae-ryong looks at me and throws something, saying, “It’s here.” It was a crystal ball with a faint glow, reflecting the sunlight. A crystal ball for recording, not a crystal ball for communication.

“It was sent from the Mercantile Clan. “It’s a gift from the clan lord.”

“A recording crystal ball as a gift? “Why is this happening?”

“In principle, it was an external item, so I had to check it first, but it was quite interesting. I definitely recommend checking it out.”

“… Me indeed. What about fun? “I probably didn’t do what I was told to do and just filmed the wrong thing.”

However, Shin Jae-ryong just smiled. Then he calmly stood up and opened his mouth with a still smiling face and at the same time speaking in a slightly calmer tone.

“Clan Lord. “I don’t know what’s going on, but cheer up.”

At that moment, I took my eyes off the crystal sphere and glanced at Shin Jae-ryong.

“Because we always have faith in the Clan Lord.”

“… Do you drink a lot of tea?”

Shin Jae-ryong smiled quietly without saying anything.

After finally leaving the instructor’s office, I let out a deep breath. Anyway, Shin Jae-ryong, that guy. He really is a wise man with a sharp sense of humor. Of course, it’s my fault for showing off too much. … All of this is because of Jegal Haesol.

As I was walking out of the hallway with a sigh, a recording crystal ball suddenly caught my eye.

While walking slowly and staring endlessly at the crystal ball, I pretended to be deceived and poured out my magic power. I wanted to calm my troubled mind, if only for a moment.

Then, a video began to flow from the recording crystal ball.

(Then, from now on, we will film a video to cheer on our Clan Lord. First, let’s meet the three people who proposed this plan.)

This is Cho Seung-woo’s voice. So are you saying that Cho Seung-woo is filming it?

Soon the video showed three women. Ko Yeon-ju, Nam Da-eun, Lim Hanna. These three people were sitting together at a table, sharing something and eating.

(Oh, you are enjoying something. What is that?)

That… . It’s rice cake. no. It looks like rice cake.

(Ah. Ko Yeon-ju is looking here and waving her hand. Her smile is really beautiful. And Nam Da-eun and Im Hanna are moving their lips quickly. It seems like they are saying something? But why can’t I hear any sound? )

It was just as Cho Seung-woo said. Ko Yeon-joo is smiling brightly and waving her hand, while Nam Da-eun and Lim Hanna are constantly moving their mouths. But I can’t really hear anything.

… It’s definitely too much for chewing rice cake. for a moment. no way… . Am I mistaken if I felt like I was making repeated noises?

After a while.

The video ends with the three women’s sinister-looking eyes and then moves on to another location.

The next thing I saw was Sasha and Helena. The two were in the middle of a fight without even caring about taking a video.

(Damn it! A bitch who smells like a lizard came crawling in from somewhere…!)

(Can’t you just shut your mouth? How dare you use your mouth carelessly?)

(Aaagh! How could the Clan Lord accept such a monster!)

(Hohoho. Monster. Isn’t it too harsh to talk to a woman? And have you ever seen such a pretty monster?)

Sasha is glowing and Helena is calmly responding. She is playing very well. And Heo Jun-young can also be seen looking at the two in pity.

Heo Jun-young seems to be thinking similarly to me. Immediately shaking his head, Heo Jun-young looked at the crystal ball and shrugged his shoulders. And he quietly closes his eyes and drinks tea. That guy also looks quite leisurely.

(It’s noisy. Ah, Clan Lord. Don’t worry. Everyone is faithfully carrying out their duties. I’m just taking some time to take pictures. Hahaha.)

Cho Seung-woo must have sensed my feelings and reports with good timing.

(Now then. Cha So-rim, you should also say something, right?)

This time I saw Cha So-rim. For a moment, she looks at herself and her car So-rim’s eyes light up as if she is startled. But she soon lowered her head and held her hands together and hesitated. She looked as if she didn’t know what to do.

(I…. He….)

(Now, it’s okay. Just say it out loud. You’re sending it to the clan lord.)

(Well, I mean…. Clan Lord….)

(Mr. Cha So-rim! I can’t hear you! Make it louder!)

At Jo Seung-woo’s urging, Cha So-rim suddenly stopped talking.

Silence for a moment.

During this time, the clearly exposed neck area seemed to be moving, and then he brought his hands together in front of him and lowered them vigorously. And at the same time, Cha So-rim raises her head, closes her eyes tightly, and screams.

(Bo, I miss you!)

… huh?

But before I could even understand what it meant.

(Please come back quickly!)

Cha So-rim shouted, and soon ran away without even looking back.


When I saw Cha So-rim like that, I couldn’t help but laugh. I continued walking and kept my eyes on the crystal ball.

Afterwards, the faces of several clan members appeared in the video.

Yumi dances the shuffle dance on four legs.

Vivien gently shakes her buttocks as if to stir a cauldron.

The old man smiles kindly while adjusting his jewelry.

Won Hye-soo looking at the baby with an expressionless face, Woo Jung-min and Seon Yu-woon looking at Won Hye-soo like that.

It seems as if it was a film of the daily life of the Mercenary Clan.

How much time has passed?

After the video that had been playing for a while ended, I looked up and suddenly bright sunlight hit my field of vision.

I immediately closed my eyes and then slowly opened them. And when I looked around, I realized that I was already outside. It seems like he was really distracted watching.

And, it was that moment.


At that time, I suddenly felt the corners of my mouth slowly disappearing. But I don’t remember laughing.

… So does that mean I was laughing just a moment ago? even I did not know?

I touched my mouth in a daze.

That wasn’t all. My hair, which was so complicated until a moment ago, has now settled down as comfortably as before.

My mind and body became stable in an instant, to the point where I thought it was a lie that I had been worrying about Jegal Haesol all weekend. Ever since I saw this crystal ball.

It was as if I was possessed by something, or rather, I felt at ease.

When I finally look up at the sky, I see a clear sky without a single cloud and the sun rising in the sky.

After looking at the sky for a moment, I gently closed my eyes. And as I recall the video I just watched one by one, I burst into laughter again.

Suddenly, I felt something harsh yet sticky filling me with warmth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

You gave a lot of opinions about Jegal Haesol. And also inside Su-hyeon. There may be a difference between Soo-hyun’s position and the readers’ perspective. No, why are you so agitated? Is Jegal Haesol such a great user?

Actually, there’s a lot I want to say, but I’ll just save it for now. I think what is revealed through future content is what I and the readers want. ha ha ha. Also, since I already have an idea of ​​how to end it, I think the right answer is to just continue as is.

This time, you probably won’t be able to predict what will happen until the end. 🙂

As of now, there are about 6 to 8 episodes left for the User Academy part. Once we conclude the story about Jegal Hae-sol and Han So-young, we plan to continue until the second half of the week. (There may be errors in episodes 1 and 2.)

ah. And as I wrote in yesterday’s review, I will tell you again about the hiatus.

Memorize will be closed on April 12th (Saturday), April 13th (Sunday), and April 14th (Monday) due to personal reasons. ㅜ.ㅠ

And it will be updated again from April 15th (Tuesday). However, since that is the day I finish work, updates may be delayed. I ask for your deep understanding in that regard. _(__)_

See you again on April 15th (Tuesday)!


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not work with dark mode