MEMORIZE Chapter 521

00521 101 left, 101 hidden. ————————— ——————————-=

Why, hasn’t everyone imagined it at least once in their lives?

Imagine living an ordinary life in modern times, but then one day you open your eyes and find yourself in a world you have never seen before.

Imagine gaining tremendous power through a chance encounter.

Imagine feeling relaxed in everything you do and feeling happy wherever you go.

Even though there may be some hardships and adversity, I imagine that I will emerge victorious in the end and become a hero.

In other words, imagine that the world revolves around you.

The hero development project was a plan implemented by taking into account those elements. Except for Jin Soo-hyun, who was the center of the plan, all situations were thoroughly manipulated and managed.

A secret class I got by chance and a colleague I met and started working with by chance. And accidentally discovered ruins, etc.

It’s all a coincidence. To be precise, Jin Soo-hyun would think it was a coincidence, but in reality, it was all inspired by angels.

“Are you okay?”

He asked as if he was worried, but Jin Soo-hyun did not open his mouth. All I can see is a face that still looks sullen. Jin Soo-hyun was not even eating, so I sat down next to him and slowly took out a piece of tobacco and asked.

“I heard about it. “I heard you were once colleagues with the Magic Top Lord?”

“… yes.”

“What’s wrong with that? “I heard she broke up cleanly.”

“… “Did your sister say that?”

A voice that doesn’t sound like Mac’s is heard. At the same time, Jin Soo-hyun finally looked back at me.

I lit a candle, took a deep breath, and nodded. Then Jin Su-hyeon, who smiled in despair, immediately put his bowl aside and hung his head.

Then a long, thin breathing sound comes out.

“under… . Well, I’m not in a position to say anything… .”

“what’s the matter. “From what I hear you say, it seems like you really like each other.”

“yes. that’s right.”

“… huh?”

For a moment, I closed my mouth. It was just a joke, but Jin Soo-hyun immediately agreed. And that too in a very serious tone. As soon as I look to the side, spitting out smoke, I see a face with a vague mixture of regret and sadness.

“I thought you liked it, exactly. But no.”

“Me again. Hey. “Are you doing this just because you got dumped?”

When he spoke in a harsh tone, Jin Soo-hyun suddenly opened his mouth helplessly. Then she forced a smile and looked straight at me.

“Now that I think about it… . “My brother could be similar to me.”

“… … ?”

Suddenly, I heard something unexpected. However, his face is too serious to make a tackle, so I think it would be better to keep listening for now.

Soon, Jin Su-hyeon’s mouth opened.

“Your brother is like that too. “My brother is the clan lord of the most popular Mercantile Clan.”

“What does that have to do with this?”

At those words, Jin Soo-hyun immediately calmed his face. He closed his mouth for a moment as if to pause, but then continued speaking with a somewhat spleen spirit.

“Hyung. What about my brother? Have you ever thought this way? I am the main character of this world called Hol Plain. “This is what I think.”

… I asked what he was talking about.

“Actually, I used to think that way. “I deserve to be the main character of this world.”

“… “Why did you think that?”

“Because it works. Because you can do anything. Of course, doing this in front of my brother might be a bit embarrassing, but… . As for me. “From the perspective of a user, I started out 180 degrees differently than others.”


Jin Soo-hyun’s voice sounded as if she was spewing out everything that had been accumulated in her heart. She even felt inexplicably angry.

But at the same time, I thought I knew why he was doing that, so I smiled softly and lifted my chin as if to tell me to keep going.

“It was really different. Not long after I started, I was able to get a secret class with good performance. Also, people say that it’s hard to make a living each day in the beginning, right? no. I wasn’t at all. “Every place I go has great results, and I don’t remember ever having any financial problems.”

Secret class with good performance. A series of great achievements. A generous start without worrying about money.

“It’s not just that. Even in terms of life, the days were dream-like. Reliable colleagues who only look at me, believe in me, and follow me. And many women who like me like that.”

Hyeon Ahn, Sol An, Lee Yu-jeong, Ko Yeon-ju, Jeong Ha-yeon, Vivien, Shin Sang-yong… .

“Because those days continue. no. In fact, it gets better, so I can’t control it. and. This is what it felt like. So at some point, I started to like this world called Hole Plain.”

“I like the hole plane… .”

When I mumble the question, he nods his head loudly as if he really means it.

“yes. Think about it. “In modern times, I was just an ordinary college student, but here I have become more successful than anyone else.”

“… … .”

It was then.

“But. By the way.”

Suddenly, Jin Soo-hyeon’s voice became lower.

“… however?”

Soon, I see the gaze that was looking straight at me slowly fall to the ground.

After a while. Jin Soo-hyun continued speaking in a much quieter voice than before.

“Suddenly, everything started to feel weird.”

“… “What kind of things?”

When asked again, Jin Soo-hyeon opened his mouth softly.

And what followed was as expected.

In summary, at some point, the road to success that had been achieved suddenly came to an end.

Now, it has become difficult to even count the number of cases, let alone the huge success wherever I go. At some point, the colleagues I had been with began to turn their backs on me one by one for one reason or another.

“Among them, the one who shocked me the most was Seonyul… . One day, he suddenly said that to me. “He was originally a clan lord of a clan, but he lied about his identity and approached me to recruit me.”

indeed. Was the situation given to Jin Soo-hyun recovered in that way?

Although I was tongue-in-cheek at the angels’ thoroughness, deep down I felt that it had to be that way. From the moment the angels stopped their plan, the luck that had guided Jin Soo-hyeon also had to fall away.

However, Jin Su-hyeon was probably not used to such a situation.

There was a moment of quiet silence. Before he knew it, Jin Soo-hyun was frustrated, holding his face with both hands. Just like his personality, he looks helpless. Soon, lamentable words leak out through the hand covering his face.

“so… . Even if it meant going back to the beginning, he would somehow gather his colleagues and start over… .”

I was quietly lost in thought while listening to Jin Soo-hyeon.

Jin Soo-hyun was in a position where there was bound to be a difference with me from the beginning. Based on my memories from the first round, I took advantage of my own needs. However, Jin Soo-hyun’s luck only came to him due to someone’s need.

To summarize, it can be seen that Jin Soo-hyun is still unable to escape from those times. He still can’t forget those days, and he was struggling somehow.

Now I can fully understand why Jin Su-hyeon joined the User Academy.

“But after joining the User Academy and meeting many people… . under. “What should I say about this?”

At that moment, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Things don’t work out the way you think, do they?”

Then Jin Soo-hyeon glanced up and raised his head. Then she stares at me with her stinging face. After checking the reaction, I tilted my head and raised my gaze to the sky.

“He’s the main character of the world… . “Of course, I’ve thought that too.”

“… After all, you are like that too, right? Actually, I heard a lot of rumors about that guy. And this is what I thought when I first saw it here. ah. This person is a successful case. This person is the world’s… .”

“But, no. “That is a very wrong idea.”


I stopped talking and immediately got up. Then he stood in front of Jin Soo-hyun and placed his hands on both of his shoulders. Then, an anxious look slowly rises.

I didn’t plan on talking too long, so I opened my mouth right away.

“There can’t be a main character in the hole plane in the first place. This world never revolves around just one person. Rather, they try to move users according to their will.”

“But brother… .”

“But, just the jersey. Well, I don’t think you’ll understand this right away. Like I said before, I’ve thought that way too.”

“… … .”

“Still, one thing is certain.”

“that is… . “What is it?”

The moment I cautiously asked back, I forcibly lifted Jin Su-hyeon’s body up. Jin Su-hyeon was scared and shrugged his shoulders, then moved his eyes. I smiled softly while looking at Jin Soo-hyun like that.

“At least, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

And at that moment, Jin Soo-hyun stared at me with a blank face.


When I look out the window while lying on the bed in the hotel, I see the pitch-black darkness that has already fallen.

Thinking that a lot had happened today, I stretched out as hard as I could. And after checking the bed of Ahn Hyeon, who had not yet returned, I recalled the conversation I had with Jin Soo Hyun that afternoon.

‘What do you mean by that?’

Jin Soo-hyun asked curiously what I said. But I didn’t answer straight away. I just sent it back saying that I should think about it carefully and that I would like to talk about this issue with you next time.

Because, with Jin Su-hyeon’s current way of thinking, even if he talked about it for a hundred days, he wouldn’t be able to understand it. Therefore, rather than just talking, you should throw in short, bold topics to make people think for themselves.

And even just a little bit is good if you realize the wrongness of your thoughts. As I was able to find a gap in today’s conversation, I will use it to coax Jin Soo-hyun.

Of course, I’ll have to go there to find out the details, but I think the possibility is high.

Suddenly, I couldn’t help but laugh as I imagined the level of power that would increase with Jin Soo-hyeon joining the team.

“Does this mean that spell snipers will also join Mercenary? ha ha ha.”

It was a moment when I rolled around in bed, enjoying the endorphins flowing throughout my body.


“older brother!”


Ahn Hyeon suddenly opened the door and came in. I lay down on my stomach, then immediately did push-ups and looked away.

“Hmm. “Is patrol over?”

“yes. I just finished and am on my way back. … “Have you been exercising?”

“iced coffee. I feel like my body is a little stiff. Anyway, why?”

“I see. ah. It’s no different, you said last time that you would report after taking action, right?”

The moment I felt relieved that I wouldn’t have seen it, I tilted my head.

“It is not first action and then report, but first report and then action.”

“Oh~. right. Anyway, I have something to report to you.”


“I was patrolling the main building earlier and came across a trainee.”

Suddenly, a feeling of anxiety passes through my whole body. An uneasy feeling for no reason.

I narrowed my eyes and glared at Ahn Hyeon, who was trudging towards the bed.

“No way. also.”

“Oh, brother, too. no. So what are you doing now, you shouldn’t be walking around at this hour. “That’s what I said.”

“yes. That’s how it should be. “Good job.”

“lol. By the way. “Something is a little strange.”

It was then. When Ahn Hyun furrows her face, the anxiety that was trying to subside along with her relief begins to creep back up.

“What’s strange?”

“The moment I told him to go back, the trainee suddenly smiled softly.”

“You laughed?”

“yes. So at first, I thought he meant that he understood, so I turned around, but since the patrol is over, let’s take him back and check. “I thought this and turned around again?”

Ahn Hyeon was also worried about what I would say, so he defended himself passionately. I crossed her arms and kept my eyes on Anhyun.


“But, it’s gone.”

“… what?”

“I too am dumbfounded right now. Even if I were to say the time it took to turn around was less than 5 seconds, right? But it literally disappeared without a trace. Just like a ghost. “Aww, talking about it gives me goosebumps again.”

Ahn Hyeon rubbed his arms with a truly horrified look on his face. Then, a puzzled feeling filled me, and I calmly smoothed my chin.

No matter how much you think about it, it makes no sense. I know Anhyeon’s user information. But the trainee just avoided Anhyun’s senses? And that in less than 5 seconds?

… Something is strange.

I immediately got up.

“You didn’t see it wrong, did you? “Are you really sure?”

“Oh, of course, bro. “My eyesight is really good.”

“Where did you see it?”

“uh? Are you going to go out yourself? “Just me.”

“no. You stay here. Because I’m scared that I’ll get into an accident again. “Just come see me alone.”

“… “What I encountered was at the entrance to the main building.”

Anhyun quickly became sullen and pursed her lips.

But I passed by Anhyeon and left the dormitory right away.

Ahn Hyeon’s report. In fact, if you think about it, it was quite possible, and it wouldn’t be a big problem if Anhyeon went again.

However, to just ignore it like this, the unreasonable anxiety I felt earlier still hasn’t gone away. That was why I moved. If you endure a little inconvenience, you can prevent unexpected incidents.

After leaving the instructor’s dormitory and running as hard as I could, I was able to quickly arrive at the entrance to the main building that Ahn Hyeon had mentioned.

No one was seen in the main building. Only the cold night air and pitch black darkness remain.

At the same time as increasing my eyesight, I simultaneously opened my third eye and magical power detection. Now that we’ve gotten to this point, we can find some traces, even if only a little remains.

Either way, unless he was really a ghost, his feet would have touched the ground.

While I was carefully examining the ground, I suddenly stopped looking at one side. Without delay, I walked over, bent one knee, and took a closer look.

The first thing I saw was the footsteps of less than 10 minutes ago, which clearly belonged to An Hyeon.

And around there… .


It was then.

The moment I looked at the marks around me, I felt my eyes narrow.

The traces seen around were not just simple footsteps.

First of all, one thing is certain: I can feel the faint energy of magical energy.

I opened my eyes wide and activated my third eye even more.

And after a while, I had to feel incredible.

“This… .”

… It’s a trace of warp magic.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Originally, I was planning to allocate one episode to this episode, including Jin Soo-hyun’s past, but it seemed like there were some people who didn’t like it, so I just cut it off. I also omitted some explanation in the middle. If you think you did well, pat your head once for the first time in a while. Then I sleep well. lol

P.S. caution! The emergence of a Balbung-level user is expected soon.


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not work with dark mode