MEMORIZE Chapter 520

00520 101 left, 101 hidden. ————————— ——————————-=

Do you know each other?

Looking at their reactions, it seems like that. Seonyul was calmly staring at Jin Soo-hyun with dark eyes. However, it is difficult to say that the visible emotion is joy. She is as calm as if she had just seen her former colleague.

And in contrast to the melody’s unemotional attitude, Jin Soo-hyun’s attitude is clearly different. It was hard as if it had been made of pumice stone. Only his mouth is trembling, as if he wants to say something but is holding it back. Or the words don’t come out.

“Why are you standing still? “Come and sit down.”

“… sister.”

“Now that I think about it, it’s been a really long time? But I’m a little disappointed. I’ve been at the same academy so far, so how can I never… .”


It was then. Jin Su-hyeon suddenly distorted his face, then quickly lowered his head and ran in front of him. Then he opened the door, went out, and disappeared.

Seonyul, who was tapping the chair, immediately looked back at us with a blank expression on her face. Then he shrugs his shoulders and begins to eat deliciously as if nothing has happened.

I opened my mouth right away.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? “Do you know each other?”


Seonyul held the spoon tightly in her mouth and instead tilted her head and bobbed. Then, suck the spoon so hard that it makes a sound.

“why? “Do you want to know?”

“yes. I wonder. “It’s because he’s my younger brother that I’m close with these days.”

However, Seon-yul still did not stop sucking on the spoon and cackling. no. Until she nodded as if everything went well.

“Ah. I see But how? I have no intention of telling you. Just ignore me like before, and let the two of you talk. Side by side.”

“Magic Top Road.”

… Did this bitch drink a spoonful of soju before eating?

My eyebrows naturally furrow. This is why I don’t like talking to Seonyul. The users themselves don’t think so badly. However, when I suddenly come to my senses while talking, I realize that the topic has slipped into Samcheonpo without me even realizing it. In one word, it can be said that it is impossible to understand.

Perhaps because he sensed that, his head, which had been slowly shaking from side to side, finally stopped.

Soon, Seonyul tilted the spoon and scooped up a full bowl of sauce from the food. Then he pretended to put it in her mouth, and suddenly he let out a deep laugh and turned the spoon over. Soon, the sauce flowing down draws a long arc across Seonyul’s clearly exposed cleavage.


Deokpil Kim hastily covers his mouth. Seonyul smiled brightly at Kim Deok-pil, and then looked at me with a gentle wink.

“oh. “I accidentally got the sauce on it.”

“You can just wipe it.”

“Yes, that is true. “But there are two gentlemen, so why should the lady move his hand?”

“Don’t say that with both hands intact. Stop talking nonsense and hurry… .”

Just as I was about to tell her to spit out information about Jin Soo-hyun, Seon-yul shook her head violently.

“ah. Dunno. I do whatever I want. Do you know anything? “If someone nice across the street wipes me kindly, my frozen heart might melt.”

In other words, he was saying that he would open his mouth if I wiped the sauce off his chest.

I stared at the melody for a while. It would be nice if I could slap that swollen face at least once, and it would make me feel refreshed. But I couldn’t do that, so I had no choice but to reach for the piece of cloth.

“ah. That’s foul. “I will only accept your hand unconditionally.”

I chewed my lip hard.

“Are you really going to do this?”

“yes. “It’s really going to be like this.”

It was then.

Just as my blood pressure was about to skyrocket, I suddenly caught sight of Deokpil Kim sitting next to me. For some reason, the face looks extremely stuffy. In the meantime, he is constantly changing the shape of his mouth as if he wants to say something.


… eat? what?

At that moment, a thought suddenly passed through my head.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“… great. “Please don’t regret it.”


Seonyul burst out laughing lightly and leaned her upper body closer.

As I glanced down, I saw the small, clearly exposed shoulders and the hollow collarbone beneath them. And if you look further down there… . By tightening the dress, the already voluptuous breasts were now accentuated by two hills that seemed to burst.

Because the cleavage is so tightly attached to each other, the sauce cannot flow inside and pools, giving off a very strange aura.

After a while.

I calmly raised my hand.

Then, at some point, I moved my hand as fast as I could and grabbed Deokpil Kim’s wrist, which was lying on the table. Deokpil Kim’s eyes, who were looking at me enviously for a moment, widen. But I didn’t give him any time to react. Immediately, he lifted the wrist he had grabbed and without delay dug into Seonyul’s cleavage.

Not with my hands, but with Kim Deok-pil’s hands.


Seonyul frowned slightly, perhaps feeling pain from the sudden surprise attack. At the same time, a strange scream erupts from the side.


I stared at the melody, curling the corner of my mouth.

But soon I felt dizzy. I borrowed Kim Deok-pil’s help with the mindset of saying, “f*ck you,” but Seon-yul was just looking down without any reaction.

“Oh my, damn it. “I hadn’t thought of this method.”

The voice is also very calm. Then, he pulls my hand away with a seemingly calm gesture, and looks at me and lets out a soft sigh.

“Today I was really determined and took the plunge… . I lost again. Mercenary Road over there. I think I asked this once before, are you a eunuch? Or homos*xual?”

I gently pressed my forehead.



“No, so let’s stop talking nonsense.”

“It’s not that, if you’re a man, you can just close your eyes and touch it. “Like this person right now.”

Seonyul raised her pretty index finger and pointed to the side. Even though I thought this was not a normal story, I turned my gaze to follow the direction indicated. Then, Deok-Pil Kim is seen with a haggard face and his hands shaking. Then, a furry boy made eye contact with me and then fell flat on his face.

“I swear right here and now. User Deok-Pil Kim will be Mercenary Road’s New Year’s Shuttle starting today. “Please allow it.”

I thought that was really good and shook my head excitedly.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t really feel like touching those breasts. Actually, my breasts aren’t that eye-catching. “There are many women around who are several times better than the Magic Top Lord.”

It was true. Go Yeon-ju, Im Hanna, etc… .

However, Seonyul made a fake angry face and crossed her arms.

“I can’t just listen to that and ignore it. “What she just said did a great deal of damage to her womanly pride.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“But it’s true.”

“… “Who is that?”

“What are you going to do?”

“I will torture you until you die.”

“aha. Well then. “I will personally deliver it to the Shadow Queen.”

“Oh shit. “Surrender.”

Seonyul shook her head in horror, as if she couldn’t bear to confront Go Yeon-ju. And “That’s disgusting.” or “How do I deal with the Shadow Queen?” She muttered, etc., and lifted the spoon. Fortunately for her, she didn’t fuss this time and ate normally.

I pressed my forehead again. If I thought about it carefully, I ended up getting caught up again. When I came to my senses, I realized I was in Samcheonpo again. If I had known this would happen, I would have just followed along earlier.

I opened my mouth weakly.

“so. “What is our relationship in the end?”

“A former colleague.”

“Is that all?”


An immediate answer without any hesitation.

Seonyul continued speaking.

“It just seemed like he was somewhat okay, so I just helped him out a little bit in the beginning. If I saw potential, I was planning to recruit him to the Magic Tower. “In the end, we just broke up because we didn’t agree with each other.”

The Magic Top Lord is just a colleague.

I suddenly felt my eyes narrow. If you think about it, Seraph said that he manipulated the entire situation around Jin Su-hyeon. What this means is that even colleagues around him can be manipulated.

Then there is one answer.

If that was true, then Seonyul was one of the users who became Jin Soo-hyeon’s colleagues under the orders of the angels.

Deokpil Kim, who was just listening quietly for a moment, taps Seonyul’s side.

“For something like that, the reaction is too strange. “Didn’t we break up on bad terms when we broke up?”

“hmm… . I think we broke up quite cleanly. But he might feel that way. actually… .”

At that time, Seonyul glanced at me with sharp eyes. However, as if he had never done that before, he lowered his gaze and went back to eating his food.

“Anyway, something like that happens. “It is difficult to talk about it in detail due to personal circumstances.”

“no way. It’s okay, so tell me the truth. Aren’t you at least in love with rice cake? And then we break up and do that.”

“No way. Even if you say it was rice cake, I only hit him three or four times. “Would you be fond of just that?”

“… “W-was it real?”

After a while. Seonyul’s voice was heard saying, “You’re just kidding.”

And I remembered one of Jin Soo-hyun’s tendencies: lethargy. At the same time, I felt that I had nothing more to gain from Seonyul, so I immediately got up.

Of course, we don’t know the details yet. However, in my intuition, I felt like an important clue had come out. It felt as if an important choice had been made in the game. It may or may not be visible yet, but… .

Anyway, I have nothing more to see, so I have to leave first.

“Would you like to follow me?”


“It would be best to pay no attention to her. “This is my sincere advice.”

“That’s my heart.”

As if that was true, Seonyul nodded, scooping up a lot of food. Then he chewed and muttered in a calm voice.

“The situation is interesting. “The dead Su-hyeon is chasing the living Su-hyeon.”

For a moment, I frowned, unable to understand what was being said, and Seonyul glanced down. Those melodious eyes were looking exactly at the area where my genitals were.


You can find Jin Soo-hyun sooner than you think. When we looked for traces of walking and followed them, we were able to see Jin Soo-hyeon sitting at a table outside the entrance, eating alone.

Jin Soo-hyun had a very lonely look on his face, and he was repeatedly taking a sip of rice and then sighing.

“and. It’s such a bad situation. really.”

Deokpil Kim spoke in a tone that seemed as if he was dumbfounded. In fact, I strongly agreed with that statement, but since I had something to aim for this time, I pushed Deok-Pil Kim’s back.

“I guess so. “Then why did you follow me?”

“I thought it would be fun. “Is it a hindrance?”

“yes. Since it’s a distraction, why don’t you just pair up with the Magic Top Lord at the restaurant?”

“I was going to, but I guess I don’t have anything to do. “When you left, he got up and left right away?”

It seems like a sad story, but it is told quite calmly.

“Anyway, I have nothing to do. So, stop interrupting me now and go away.”

“cancer. Whose name is it? Then, I’ll be savoring the feeling from before, so please call me when you’re done talking. Ugh.”

Kim Deok-pil smiled brightly and turned around. And then he raises the hand that he did something stern with earlier and licks it greedily with his tongue and hops away. … To be honest, it looked very ugly.


Jin Su-hyeon was still in trouble. Even if I pretend to be, I look like I’m having a hard time. But on the other hand, seeing him like that gave him a feeling of pity. This is because I can understand to some extent why Jin Soo-hyun acts like that.

I don’t think the angels were lax in their management. Rather, he would have managed it without any water leaks, and as such, he would have thoroughly manipulated and caused everything, including colleagues and incidents, one by one. Almost like an event that happens in a game.

Those angels have only one purpose. Creating a second Kim Soo-hyun who listens well.

So Jin Soo-hyun, who doesn’t know anything about the world, was born. Although the user information may be at a decent level, other aspects are still childish.


That was the part I needed to dig into before recruiting.

Thinking so, I walked closer and lightly tapped his shoulder. Then Jin Soo-hyun slowly turned his face and smiled weakly.

“ah… . older brother.”

I opened my mouth quietly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Jin Soo-hyun recruitment process… .

xxx (spoiler) appears… .

Han So-young and I are at loggerheads… .

Ahn Hyun and Cha Hee-young… .

And to finish… .

The user academy part is now almost at its peak.

Actually, as the User Academy part comes to an end, I get a strange feeling. not too bad. I feel like something is slowly taking hold of me. 🙂


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not work with dark mode