MEMORIZE Chapter 518

00518 101 left, 101 in hiding. —————————————— ——————————-=

“I think it’s time to start preparing for recruitment.”

It’s been a whirlwind 7th week and we’re approaching the 8th week.

I used the weekend to gather all the clan members currently in the User Academy. This is because now we literally have to coordinate our opinions and begin the process of selecting and filtering out the trainees to be recruited.

In fact, since there are still 6 weeks left, you may be saying, ‘Already?’, but if you think about it carefully, it can’t be considered too soon.

The biggest problem is that they have not yet been able to find a single trainee worth recruiting. I don’t know what other clans might think, but at least by my standards, I’ve never seen a trainee get angry.

Of course, not all trainees have been confirmed yet. Considering that mental education begins tomorrow in the 8th week (mental education does not care about the class in the relationship between instructor and trainee), there is still room to take a closer look at the trainees who have not yet been seen.

The point is that the selection process must be completed before week 10, when clan promotion and lobbying are allowed. Wouldn’t it be much better to take the lead in advance rather than be left behind as a latecomer?

“Hmm~. Come to think of it, the recruitment competition will begin in just two weeks. There is definitely no harm in preparing in advance… . “How, do you have a trainee in mind to become a clan lord?”

Hayeon, who was calmly organizing her records, calmly raises her head and asks.

I immediately nodded my head.

“yes. “There is about one person.”

“uh. really? Who is that? “Last time, you said that there were no trainees worth looking at among the melee classes.”

“hmm. Let me correct my words. You are not a trainee, but an instructor. To be precise, it is instructor Jin Soo-hyun, and we have already reached a certain level.”

“… yes?”

Hayeon opens her eyes and asks a question. no. Not only Hayeon, but everyone was looking back at me with a look of incomprehension.

“I think I know what you’re thinking, so you don’t have to worry. After researching a lot of things, I thought they might be worth hiring, so I approached them. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you look at it as a merger, but in any case, it won’t be a big problem.”

Hayeon seemed to be listening calmly, and nodded with an understanding look on her face.

“is it so. That’s what the Clan Lord is like. “Then is there anything we can do to help?”

“no. I think it’s better to approach it person-to-person now. Rather, are there any trainees in the magical talent field that you have been eyeing? “It looks like something is special, or they are trainees who hit the ground running suddenly.”

“Suddenly hitting the mark” was a term used to refer to trainees whose grades rose sharply. In general, if talent is good, there is a high possibility that the potential will also be outstanding, so all instructors keep an eye on trainees whose grades rise rapidly.

“I’ve already put it in the records.”

“Here is a list of priest trainees. “These are trainees who have been specially selected and selected.”

Then Ha-yeon Jeong and Jae-ryong Shin presented several records as if they had been waiting for them.

First of all, I was relieved for a moment because I didn’t throw it out in a bundle like last time. However, the moment I looked through the list written in the record, I tilted my head. Because at first glance, there were more than twenty people.

“no. Are there this many? “No matter how many times there are, it rarely exceeds ten lives.”

“Because our standards are different from the Clan Lord. “The standards of a clan lord are very, very strict.”

Very, very much.

If I felt that Hayeon’s voice was full of thorns, whether I knew it or not, was I mistaken?

The issue of the Mercantile Clan’s small number of members had been on the rise for quite some time, so there was nothing much to say. (Hayeon had long argued that the number of members should be increased significantly even if the standards were lowered slightly.)

Feeling my heart being stabbed, I took a deep breath.

“Uhm… . All right. “Let me take a closer look at the trainees listed here.”

“Can you tell me more?”

“Of course, as positively as possible.”

“… Clan Lord. please. Our clan is probably the only clan that has not accepted new users for more than half a year. “It’s not a good idea to say that the barrier to membership is high.”

It was then.

Now I’m just about to rub my chin in response to the pleading voice.

“ah. Clan Lord. “I have something important to tell you.”

As I was about to glance at the records handed to me in an awkward mood, Shin Jae-ryong spoke in a rather serious voice.

I nodded, still keeping my eyes on the record. What I meant was that since I was listening, I was told to speak.

“There was a meeting with the central management body yesterday. “They asked if I would be interested in holding an event around the 10th week.”

“event? “What event?”

“yes. “On weekends, the instructors spar with each other in front of all the students.”

“okay. That’s really good… . … yes?”

At that moment, I had no choice but to take my eyes off the record. This is because it was difficult to hear and ignore without doubting your ears.

“no. “What does that mean?”

“I took the motif from the incident that instructor Gong Chan-ho caused last time. In other words, the intention of showing the battles of high-level users was not considered a bad thing. He also said that while providing various things to see, it would also have some promotional effect.”

… After listening to it, I realized that it wasn’t entirely wrong. Still, isn’t it a bit wrong for instructors to stick together?

“No matter how much it is, there are probably more than one or two problems. Isn’t there a clear difference in skill even among instructors? No matter how much of an event it is, it will not be very pleasant for the relatively weak.”

“Of course it is. So, it has not been finalized yet and various directions are being discussed. For example, you could only accept applicants, or you could give them equal opportunities but match their level.”

Certainly, there is room for some improvement. And even if it was just a little bit, there was nothing that appealed to me.

For example, what if your brother and Han So-young have a one-on-one match? How fun would that be?

However, if you think about it from a public standpoint rather than personal curiosity, I don’t think it’s a very good method. … But figure it out. Either way, I have nothing to lose.

Either way, it was Shin Jae-ryong who decided, not me, so in the end, I just shrugged.

“All right. “It was nice to talk about it, and let’s talk about it again when it’s confirmed.”

“yes. “I’ll let you know first.”

Shin Jae-ryong says with a grin. What a great thing that is.

I responded with a dull feeling, and then looked around.

“I think the discussion is roughly over. “Is there anything else you would like to report?”

Then the clan members looked at each other and then all stared at me with blank faces.

No answer. I don’t think there’s anything more to say. then… .

“Then let’s end the meeting here. Thank you all for your hard work.”

As I organized the records I had received, I quietly announced that the meeting had been canceled.


The User Academy has finally entered its 8th week.

One thing that has changed as it has been half way since I entered education is that a subject called mental education was created.

In other words, the opportunity to legally(?) see trainees from other classes has now opened up.

In fact, since mental education itself is convenient, it can be said to be a very popular lecture among instructors, and the same was true for trainees. Because it was a lecture where you could just sit comfortably and listen, rather than a lecture that would make your head or body hurt.

And I applied for the mental education plan as soon as week 8 began. He thought there was nothing more to look at in the melee classes, so he planned to turn his attention to the magic talent classes.

But to put it bluntly, I had no choice but to give up on mental education in the 8th week.

As it is still a time to focus on regular education, only one magical talent mental education plan has been assigned to this 8th week schedule. As a result, there was a huge influx of applicants, and the high competition rate was ultimately not possible.

Shin Jae-ryong was very sorry and told me that it would not be possible for the 8th week, but I reassured him that he had done well. The best way to handle an issue that attracts everyone’s attention was to handle it as equitably as possible. Also, I really didn’t want to hear that the instructor was looking after me, but the opportunity would come back equally anyway.

Just as I was about to shake off my disappointment by promising to park in the parking lot, I received unexpected news.

The person who brought the news was none other than Jin Su-hyeon.

The unexpected news is that Jin Soo-hyun has requested joint training prior to the 8th week of mental training. It was a very strange request for me, but when I heard the circumstances, I felt astonished.

“therefore… . “You don’t know what to do?”

“Yeah, right.”

In front of me, Jin Soo-hyun scratches his head and avoids my gaze with an awkward expression.

Jin Su-hyeon and I were already talking comfortably. After Jin Soo-hyun asked to become friends last time, they considered each other’s ages and decided to become older and younger.

Inwardly, I didn’t feel like saying anything right away, but it was understandable considering Jin Su-hyun’s friendly personality. I liked the refreshing feel of it without having to worry about it, so I gladly accepted it.

But no matter how cool it is, this type of personality is never good. oh my god. Applying for training without knowing what to do? Isn’t this the same as just closing your eyes and ignoring it?

“… Then why did you apply for training in the first place?”

“just… . I followed everyone else’s application, but did you know that the instructor would choose me? . “If it were regular education, I would still teach it anyway, but since this is a completely different class, I don’t know what to do.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, mental education is said to be convenient, but there is still a degree. It’s too late to cancel now, and I’ll be completely embarrassed if I go in like this. I’ll go in and come out muttering loudly. older brother. Please save me. “I really don’t know anything.”

What Jin Soo-hyun meant was that he would include me in joint training. And he said that he would take full responsibility for the progress of the education, and that he would only help out from time to time.

Hearing those words, I thought to myself.

Joint training.

Since training instructors are given considerable training authority, joint training is not impossible. In fact, there were several cases where it was done with the agreement of instructors.

… If you think about it that way, I don’t think there’s anything particularly bad about it.

Eventually, after thinking about it for a while, I was able to make up my mind.

The upcoming mental education is tomorrow. It felt a bit rushed, but I felt confident that if it were me, I wouldn’t have to worry so much. There is no problem with experience.

okay. All you have to do is use your past experience and speak well. In addition, I also checked the user information I wanted to see.

After thinking that, I opened my eyes again and sighed. And he calmly opened his mouth, trying to sound like he had no choice.

“Ugh. If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do. But this is a request, right?”

“sure. The commission fee is equivalent to a meal at a restaurant. how is it?”

When I see Jin Soo-hyun hesitating and smiling brightly, a wry smile comes out. Anyway, the attachment quality is really good.

I immediately gave the OK sign, and Jin Soo-hyun, with a much relieved look on his face, grabbed me and dragged me to the restaurant.

The day of ordering the most expensive food and making Jin Soo-hyun shed tears of blood passed by, and the next morning dawned.

As the plan was made in the morning, after finishing the meal, I headed straight to the classroom accompanied by An Sol and Jin Su-hyeon.

Finally, the moment I walked down the hallway and entered the classroom, I could see about 20 people looking at me all at once, amidst a lot of noise.

There is a moment of quiet silence, and at the same time, curious gazes pour in. I also felt an unexpected excitement as it was my first time meeting, and it seems that the trainees also felt the same way.

But after a while.

“uh… . He. Isn’t it him? “He.”

“No, no. I heard yesterday that it has been changed to joint training. “I think he’s Kim Soo-hyun.”

The excitement was short-lived. The trainees looked at me with an approving gaze and soon began talking loudly amongst themselves. Everyone, including me and the instructors, seemed to not care. Some people applauded and welcomed it, but what was clear was that they were not in an overly good mood.

The people we will be training today are those who are at the top of the magic talent category.

When I thought of that fact, I suddenly remembered the attitude of the trainees towards Han So-young last time and the warning Hayeon had given me last night.

‘Su-hyun. You can’t take lightly the magic talent trainees this time.’

‘There are many times when I feel very tired while teaching. A bit… for a trainee… . Would you say he’s arrogant?’

I was told that I would find out once I got inside, but it seems like this is what I meant. The atmosphere definitely felt quite different from when training melee trainees.

After slowly looking around at the twenty or so people, I calmly headed to the central podium. And then he quietly opened his mouth.

“Nice to meet you. Today, I came in as your mental education instructor… .”

It was that moment.

“Hey instructor! Instructor Kim Soo-hyun! I know who the instructor is, so that’s enough of the introduction. “Anyway, I have a question. Can I ask you a question?”

Just as I was about to open the conversation for introductions, someone immediately interrupted me and asked another question.

And that too, in a very calm voice.

I slowly looked away. Then, my eyes caught the eye of a young man in the front left seat, raising his hand with all his might.

The young man made eye contact with me and then smiled brightly and continued speaking.

“I feel sorry for meeting you for the first time. We have a lot of questions about the instructor. “Isn’t that true for everyone?”

He then turns and speaks as if to ask for the consent of the other trainees.

Soon, the classroom was filled with loud cheers.

And I quietly closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt like something had settled down.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

To help you understand.

Late Sergeant: Nice to meet you. I am… .

Freshly transferred private: Oh, I know who he is, so we introduced him. Please accept any questions.

Late Sergeant: I’m angry.

Newly transferred private: Are you angry? Kkkkkkkk. Then evolve into a second star!

A sergeant in his later years VS a second class star. What is the result?!

P.S. The User Academy is much stricter than you might think. An instructor is an instructor, and a trainee is a trainee. The roles are clearly defined.

Training instructors can only meet trainees through training sessions, and the same goes for life instructors. Of course, you can pass by from time to time, but sharing personal stories is prohibited. In particular, the moment the instructor brings up something similar to publicity, he or she is immediately expelled and has nothing to say. We will provide enough promotional time later, so we have established a rule not to engage in unnecessary tricks.

Of course, it does not unconditionally advocate only principles, but there are exceptions to flexibility depending on the situation.

For example, let’s take Cha Hee-young as an example. There are cases where people turn a blind eye to some extent considering what happened to Cha Hee-young. The conversation was held under the pretext of seeing how Kim Soo-hyun, who was somewhat(?) an official, was doing well after the incident was over. Or, they are willing to allow Cha Hee-young to rely on Ahn Hyeon, her direct rescuer, for the sake of the trainee’s mental and physical stability. 🙂


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not work with dark mode