MEMORIZE Chapter 513

00513 Vs 101. ————————————————————– ————————–=

The User Academy has already entered its 7th week of training. As the weeks increased, the training became tighter and the instructors had to be busier. Even I, a special instructor, was no exception.

But even in the midst of my busy daily life, I never stopped thinking about Jin Soo-hyun. Rather than playing an endless game of hide and seek with a hidden chick, priority was given to recruiting Jin Soo-hyun, who was no different from a guaranteed check. Of course, that didn’t mean I gave up on searching for chicks.

In any case, there has been no direct contact with Jin Soo-hyun yet. Because the current Jin Soo-hyun is not a prospect who is evaluated based only on potential. In other words, Jin Soo-hyun was already a good user of a huge company, not just a single investor. Therefore, we need to approach it with the concept of M&A rather than individual-to-individual recruitment.

Also, in that sense, we first had to accurately understand the user Jin Soo-hyun.

Soohyun Jin.

A user with high potential, a secret class called a swordsman expert, and a reputation so high that he was called a wizard’s nightmare.

But those are just external factors. These are things you don’t need to look at anymore if you’ve already decided to recruit them. In other words, we need to delve a little deeper into internal factors rather than those factors and devise a recruitment strategy.

First of all, there are two reasons why I think Jin Soo-hyun’s recruitment is highly likely.

The first is that Jin Soo-hyeon’s current situation is that of a duck egg from the Nakdong River. And the second is that during the first round, Jin Soo-hyun was active as a subordinate user, not as a clan lord like he is now.

An example is the case of Woo Jeong-min. Woo Jung-min led a very famous clan called Red Fang in the first round, but in the second round, he was active as a Mercenary Clan member. Woo Jung-min is like that too, and there’s no law saying he shouldn’t do that to Jin Soo-hyun.

According to Seraph, Jin Soo-hyun lived like the main character of a novel in the second episode. She has been on the road to success so far and is a clear clan lord who leads her subordinates. That’s what Seraph meant by the expression “captain.”

I know Seraph’s concerns. There cannot be two captains on one ship. The point is, will I be a vessel worthy of embracing a user named Jin Soo-hyun? In the end, the prerequisite was to break Jin Soo-hyun’s pride or self-esteem before recruiting him.

“Instructor Kim Soo-hyun is coming!”

At that time, I heard my name being loudly called from the classroom in the front hallway. Then, a loud noise rang out, and soon I felt the commotion quickly subside.

Were my thoughts too deep? As I was walking aimlessly, thinking about Jin Soo-hyun, I finally arrived in front of the classroom. After checking through the window to see the trainees quickly taking their seats, I calmly pushed open the door and went inside.

The number of people to be trained today was approximately 50 students who were in the inspection class. In fact, they were people I had no business seeing. After observing with my third eye, I decided that there were no users worth recruiting.

However, as my schedule gets busier, I occasionally receive requests to take charge of certain types of training. Just like today. In fact, there was no obligation that I had to take on, but it was still good to do it considering the reputation of those around me. Because you can’t live doing only what you want to do.

“Today’s schedule is… . All melee classes are subject to outdoor education. Is that correct?”

Let’s ask with our backs turned, “Yes~.” The slightly weakened voice returns. That’s because outdoor education is another word for physical training or practical education.

I don’t feel good about the disappearance of the life-and-death experience that used to only occur on weekends. However, that does not mean that other types of education can be said to be easy.

You can tell just by looking at the reactions of the trainees. When it comes to outdoor education, most of the time it involves physical training, which is why I’m crying like that. To the point where I could already see trainees tapping their thighs.

I continued quietly.

“Today’s outdoor education is not physical training. We are planning to provide another practical training, so I hope everyone will calm down and come out. “It seems like all other melee classes have already left the field.”

Then this time, “Oh~.” A lively exclamation is heard. Looking at the trainees packing up their equipment with even more motivated faces, it looks like they really don’t like physical training. If you neglect physical training like this, you will regret it later.

I smiled bitterly (actually, worrying about physical strength was a non-issue three years ago), and left the classroom less than 5 minutes later and headed out into the hallway.

“Instructor Kim Soo-hyun. “All 57 swordsmanship trainees are ready.”

“Then let’s leave.”

Eventually, when the trainee representative reported that preparations had been completed, I immediately started walking. The other melee classes had already left, so the classroom I could see was extremely quiet.

“after. lived “I was completely devastated because I thought it was physical training.”

“It’s not time to like it yet. You never know. Training is more difficult than physical training… .”

“Oh no way. Still, the instructor is Kim Soo-hyun. Still, he’s better than that bastard Gong Chan-ho.”

“but. At least his education is fun. Gong Chan-ho is truly at the peak of ignorance, right? “Giggle.”

On the way, I hear the trainees whispering and a dull laugh comes out. Does he really think I can’t hear?

Anyway, the story about Gong Chan-ho is quite interesting. Reach the peak of ignorance. What kind of education did they give you to say things like that?

Anyway, I wanted to hear a little more, so I quietly increased my hearing. At the same time, it was the moment I passed through the entrance and took a step outside into the sunlight.

bang… .

There was a loud sound, almost like a bomb exploded. Considering the distance, it is a sound that can be considered a heavy sound.

I reflexively stopped walking. Then, because the trainees suddenly stopped walking, a brief murmur echoed through the hallway. I heightened my entire body’s senses and stamped my feet to maximize my magic power detection.

bang… . bang… .

A series of heavy sounds. The direction is about 300 meters northwest. The location is believed to be a playground.

Only then did I become sure. That something bad happened. Moreover, the sound coming from the playground meant that there were currently melee trainees from other classes.

I immediately called the student representative.

“Trainee representative. “I will lead the trainees back to the classroom right now.”

“… yes? “But didn’t you say you were going to teach outdoors today?”

“I think something happened, but I don’t have time to explain in detail. Either way, first of all, I will lead you back to the classroom.”

“Ugh, ugh! Please help me!”

It was then.

The moment the trainee representative opened his mouth, someone could be heard shouting loudly from one side. We must have been able to hear this sound, so we immediately turned to look in the direction from which we heard the rescue call.

There, about fifteen trainees were running as fast as they could. With your back to the place where the playground is.

“Oh, I understand. “I’ll go in right now.”

The trainee representative seemed to sense the seriousness of the situation and did not complain any further.

After confirming that the trainees were hesitantly leaving, I immediately turned around and looked at other trainees running toward the entrance. They, too, seemed to be looking for the instructor and were running in a straight line while looking at me. Even though he is panting, his face looks very urgent.

“Hey, Instructor Kim Soo-hyun!”

Eventually, the trainee approached me and grabbed me, almost collapsing.

“yes. Is there a problem?”

“Wow, we’re in big trouble! “I think you should go to the playground right now!”

“Calm down and calmly tell me what happened.”

“Two instructors. Two, you two had an argument for a moment! Oh no. So you suddenly said you were going to show me a sparring match! But sparring… . Ahhh! “This isn’t it!”

This situation must have been so frustrating that the trainee was tearing out his own hair while speaking gibberish. Thinking that I should never recruit this person, I thought carefully about the trainee’s words. Two people. brawl. Suddenly sparring. But sparring.

“The two instructors were arguing and suddenly started sparring, but the sparring didn’t feel like sparring. So I have to go. “Do you mean this?”

The trainee, who was shaking, stared at me blankly for a moment. Then, his face turns into an Oops and he starts nodding his head quickly.

I gave him a pat on the shoulder to show that I understood, and without delay, I kicked the ground and ran. Then, the static scenery suddenly changes into a scenery that passes by like water. It feels like I’m running as hard as I can for the first time in a long time since the war.

bang. bang. bang. bang.

It is about 300 meters to the playground. If it was long, it was long; if it was short, it was short. However, since my agility was greatly improved, the distance quickly decreased. The proof was that the more I ran, the more clearly the sound of heavy drinking became audible.

How long did it run like that?

After a while, the destination is slowly revealed in front of me. I frowned heavily. That’s because I understood why the trainee said earlier that sparring wasn’t like sparring as soon as I saw the playground.

In the playground, more than 100 students were spread out far and wide, surrounding the outskirts. However, more than half of them are sitting on the floor, unable to stand on their own two legs. It was worth it. There is a sinister, murderous spirit spreading out that would make even me frown, so what would the trainees have to endure?

But it wasn’t just that. The center of the playground, covered in dust, was cracked and unsightly, as if dozens of claymore mines had exploded. There was no way there was a mine in the hole plane, and it was clear that someone had struck the floor with great strength or magic power.

With that in mind, I watched closely near the center.

The culprit was found sooner than expected.

“… Gong Chan-ho?”

With his eyesight raised as much as possible, he penetrated the scattered dust and immediately found Gong Chan-ho. Gong Chan-ho, whose eyes were wide open and sparkling, soon raised his arms to the sky. In both of his hands, he holds a Sura magic spear that oozes dark magical energy. It was clearly a motion intended to hit someone.

I don’t know the details of the situation. But after looking at Gong Chan-ho, I realized that there was no more time to mess around, so I immediately crouched down.

It was a ready posture for a bowman attack.



A powerful rush hit the young man’s body.


He reflexively defended himself, but soon the young man flew through the air and fell roughly to the floor. However, before he could come to his senses, the blade of a spear shining with dark light hit the area where the young man was stuck like a storm.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The young man followed his instinct and rolled on the floor. Then he gently bit his mouth as if he was angry.

one. It was just one. Unable to overcome Gong Chan-ho’s overwhelming strength, he planned to dodge as much as possible and take advantage of the opportunity, but he fell into a trap deliberately revealed and ended up getting hit again.

Now I can somehow roll my body to avoid it, but it is now my limit. Even though the blow was a miss, his lower body was shaking and almost losing all sense.

“after. He’s excellent at avoiding things. Very Taoist, Taoist.”

When none of the four strikes landed, Gong Chan-ho dragged his spear on the ground and shortened the distance between him and the young man. An ominous jet-black haze was creeping up from the window that cut into the ground.


Soon, Gong Chan-ho faced the young man sitting on the floor and suddenly smiled. It was a clear provocation, as if to say that you are not your opponent after all.

While the young man felt a strange sense of anxiety in his heart, his face was contorted in rising humiliation.

But does the young man know? The more Gong Chan-ho makes that expression, the happier he becomes.

the young man shouted.

“Are you crazy? “Is this sparring?”

“hmm? then. “It’s sparring.”

“It’s funny… !”

“We are not chicks. Still, he is an elite level user in the Northern Continent who came in as an instructor, so he needs to show a level appropriate for that. Isn’t it? Instructor Soo-hyeon?”

Then, a spark flew in the eyes of the young man, or rather, Jin Su-hyeon. Soon, his hands touched the ground as if he was trying to get up, but only his upper body was shaking. The two thighs that had been hit with the spear earlier had lost sensation for just a moment.

“or not. I don’t think he’s capable of withstanding this level of sparring, but why did he come in as an instructor? ha ha ha!”

Gong Chan-ho, who was hesitant looking at Jin Soo-hyeon, smiled broadly and looked around.

A face that is so happy. As you can see, this situation was very enjoyable for Gong Chan-ho.

All of the chicks looking at themselves with fearful faces. And Jin Soo-hyeon glares indignantly at the subject who is sitting on the ground and unable to get up. All of this is making Gong Chan-ho excited.

Gong Chan-ho soon stopped laughing and looked down, raising the corners of his mouth. Then, in Gong Chan-ho’s gaze, someone’s face overlapped with the face of the young man who was still glaring at him.

Gong Chan-ho thought. Two years ago, at the same user academy, a user gave himself a huge sense of shame.

When recalling the arrogant eyes that dared to criticize him, Gong Chan-ho let out a twisted laugh. And he looked down at the young man whom he thought was similar from the first time he saw him, and who even had the same name as that person.

“how is it. Is it surrender? Instructor Soo-hyeon?”

“Don’t talk nonsense! “What kind of surrender is this in Dalian?”

Then, Gong Chan-ho shows exaggerated gestures in admiration.

“Then I’ll take this opportunity to tell you clearly! Who is the true owner of Surama Spear? Hahahahahaha!”

“What is that… !”

Jin Soo-hyun, who was about to say it was nonsense, silently closed his mouth for a moment.

Suddenly, an eerie light emanated from Gong Chan-ho’s eyes and he raised both hands high in the sky. Soon, a tremendous energy of death began to swirl around the window. For an instant, a faint light appeared on Jin Su-hyeon’s face.

But even for a moment. As soon as he shook the spear in that state, Jin Su-hyeon, who immediately grabbed the sword, began to burn his fighting spirit. Gong Chan-ho, who confirmed that he had fallen for the provocation, chuckled.

Then, at some point, before Jin Su-hyeon had time to react, he struck down the Surama Spear with all his might. It was a surprise attack.

Gong Chan-ho burst into laughter as he saw Jin Soo-hyun belatedly stabbing him with his sword. He has no intention of killing. But it doesn’t matter if it gets messed up in one place. Gong Chan-ho thought so, but the magic power contained in his spear was enough to explode steel at once.

Just like that, the moment before the spear aimed at the right arm and the sword aimed at stabbing the chest crossed each other.


A ray of wind blew, causing Gong Chan-ho’s hair to flutter.

And it was that moment.

Quad Deuk! Quad deuk!


Sharp iron sounds and earth-shattering explosions erupted one after another.

Gong Chan-ho took a vain breath. He must have hit it one step ahead of him, but instead of crushing his arm, which he had originally aimed for, he felt a mixed sensation along with the feeling of colliding with something.

At the same time, an incredible shock came over my entire body. It felt as if the force he had struck was coming back.


Gong Chan-ho closed his mouth tightly and strengthened the hand holding the spear. He could barely control his body because the crossed Sura magic spears were deeply embedded in the ground. Gong Chan-ho, who barely swallowed the sour food, finally came to his senses and looked ahead. And at that moment, his eyes opened wide.

A soft light was seen.


A man was blocking Gong Chan-ho’s path, holding a sword shining with a faint light at an angle.

I don’t know when it came in. Not only Gong Chan-ho but all the users around him were unaware of the company’s speed. Before I could even blink, the man had penetrated the gap between Gong Chan-ho and Jin Soo-hyun like the wind.

Also, it wasn’t just about blocking Gong Chan-ho’s attack. Before he knew it, Jin Soo-hyeon’s sword, which had been stabbing from below, was also caught in the man’s left hand. And without even looking back.

Oooh… .

After the dust that had risen once again settled, an exclamation of relief and admiration flowed from the trainees around them.


At least for Gong Chan-ho now, such things were not important.

Someone’s face, which had been superimposed on Jin Su-hyeon’s face earlier, was now actually looking at him from in front.

An indescribable, animal-like moan flows from Gong Chan-ho’s mouth.

Two years ago, those unforgettable cold eyes.

The moment he met that gaze, Gong Chan-ho felt the feeling that had been soaring high in the sky suddenly plummet to the floor.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

In the next episode, we will show how far Gong Chan-ho can become a slob.

And today I will tell you a very important review. Please, please, please, please read until the end.

First of all, thank you to the readers. My mind fully recovered. From now on, there will be no more reviews like yesterday, and if you are sincere, I think it would be better for me to stop you with a comment. Mmmmm.

and… . Dear readers. I have one question.

Do you know what it is when sand cries?

Mud mud… .

Oh, sorry. sorry. I’m really sorry. yes. I was really wrong.

This isn’t real, in fact I have something to confess to you today.

under… . I don’t know how to tell you… . Actually, I am still a little worried, but I muster the courage to tell you this.

Actually, I am.

(Review deleted.)


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not work with dark mode