MEMORIZE Chapter 512

00512 99 Vs 102. ——————————————— —————————=

“Ansol? “Ansol is the most important cause?”

“yes. Think about it carefully. “The similarities between user Ansol and user Maeng Ara.”

Because it’s similar.

Now that I think about it, I definitely remembered Ansol when I first met Maeng A-ra. There were similarities in the way they spoke and their actions, but it wasn’t just that.

First of all, natural… . No, no.

High luck.

Same true name.

And an awakening that cannot be described in words, as if he had received a gift from God.

When I think about it that way, I think I understand it a little bit. As soon as I looked at the altar, Seraph nodded slightly.

“When User Meng Ara first set foot on the Hall Plane, all the angels paid attention to her. “In the beginning, the hero training plan had largely taken into account user Kim Soo-hyun’s actions, but even after searching, I couldn’t find user Ansol’s representative.”

“At that time, Maeng A-ra, who could be the second Ansol, came into the hole plane, and I thought it was right and assigned him to Jin Soo-hyun.”

“That’s right. We had no doubt that the user named Maeng Ara would add even more momentum to our hero training plan. So, with the intention of doing it more seriously, we even granted him guardian status.”

“is it.”

The moment I calmly agreed, Seraph continued speaking.

“But less than half a year later, our expectations were completely wrong.”

“… In what way?”

“We believe that user Ansol had the most influence on the achievements of user Kim Soo-hyun. So the existence of Maengara was considered essential. But to put it bluntly, the two users Jin Soo-hyun and Maeng A-ra could not be Kim Soo-hyun and An Sol. Rather, as time passes, the gap has widened to the point where it is now impossible to catch up. In the end, the two users could not escape the assessment that it was a downgrade no matter how they looked at it.”

“hmm… . If nothing else, I have a slightly different opinion about the first part. I will definitely admit that I benefited from Ansol. But I think it was Hwajeong who had the most influence in her role as a helper.”

Here I raised an objection right away. Although there was a slight deviation from the original theory, it was because there was a feeling that the angels evaluated Ansol too highly.

But Seraph slowly shook her head again.

“The power of Hwajeong is certainly powerful, but it must bear an enormous burden every time it is used. But user Ansol does not. Just by being next to the user, Kim Soo-hyun, he displays terrifying abilities that even we can’t judge. “Don’t user Kim Soo-hyun know better?”

“… “From what I heard, it’s true.”

“The only weakness is that it does not activate in every situation that arises. In other words, the probability of activation is very low. In fact, this is just a disappointing aspect and cannot be called a weakness.”

“hmm… . I guess that’s because it’s good. “I still have two questions left, right?”

Seraph stared at me quietly as if giving permission.

After gathering my thoughts for a moment, I quietly opened my mouth.

“first. You said that you took a lot of my actions into consideration when planning to nurture Jin Soo-hyun. How is that possible? “I have never heard any news, let alone Jin Soo-hyun’s whereabouts.”

“Didn’t I tell you? “This plan was quietly carried out beneath the surface.”

“So you’re saying you haven’t even completed the User Academy?”

“Yes. The initial training for user Jin Su-hyeon was conducted in a special way, and the main stage of activity was not within the North Continent, but in an unexplored area toward the north. Detailed information about this cannot be disclosed. However, user Jin Soo-hyeon received a much greater reward than the 4 points for completing the User Academy.”

Was it so?

Instead of completing the user academy, we conducted training in a different way and mainly worked in unexplored areas.

If you think about it carefully, it was entirely worth it. Because at first, I tried really hard not to reveal myself.

And the reason for moving into unexplored areas was probably due to the fact that there is currently no place in the North Continent where results can be achieved. It would also have been perfect for not being noticed by users.

“second. What is the exact meaning of abandonment that Maeng A-ra mentioned? Are you talking about abolishing the plan? And why did you come and tell me about it?”

“That’s simple. I told you earlier that I proposed a new plan. At the same time that the hero development project was permanently abolished, the support that had been going to user Jin Soo-hyun was redirected to user Kim Soo-hyun.”

“To me? … ah. Then maybe the mercenary academy?”

“You saw it right away. “The authority to establish a new academy granted this time can be viewed as part of that support process.”

I could roughly understand how things were going, so I placed both hands on the cold floor and let out a short breath. I feel somewhat empty.

“I’ll say it again, there is absolutely nothing for user Kim Soo-hyun to worry about just because he heard that he was abandoned. Actually, if you think about it, it’s not like you were abandoned, right? They just cut off support that they were unaware of and took back various perks that did not belong to them. “The achievements that will not be recovered are significant.”

“It’s not wrong, but that’s your position. From Maeng A-ra’s perspective, she can’t help but feel that it’s a duck egg from the Nakdong River. But one more thing. From what I heard, it seems like Jin Soo-hyun doesn’t know the situation, and on the other hand, Maeng A-ra seems to know. Then why is Maeng A-ra so desperate? “Strictly speaking, Maeng A-ra is a third party, right?”

“I will have no comment on that part. However, all you need to know is that discussions regarding user Maeng Ara’s guardian qualifications continue continuously.”


Although he said no comment, I could immediately understand what he meant. Guardians must always stand in a neutral position. However, there is a discussion going on regarding guardian qualifications… . Wouldn’t it be obvious?

After a moment of silence, Seraph spoke.

“The disclosure of information ends here. User Kim Soo-hyun.”

The long, drawn-out explanation finally came to an end.

“Right… . good.”

As I jump up, Seraph’s eyes slowly follow me.

“So are you convinced?”

“Every time I do it. “I completely understand the situation, and I just understood why you mentioned the User Academy this time.”

“… … ?”

“Actually, until I came here, I didn’t understand why this user academy became such an issue. But now I understand. okay. There is no law that says you should only recruit chicks. … no?”

I looked at Seraph as if to ask for consent. However, Seraph gently tilted her head. He then touches his chin with an expression on his face as if nothing is wrong and calmly lifts his shoulder. What is this reaction?

“It’s the recruitment of user Jin Soo-hyeon… . “It’s not a bad idea, but it won’t be that easy.”

“why? Anyway, it’s just Nakdong River duck eggs now, right? Even if you don’t know it yourself. “One way or another, it won’t matter to you anymore.”

“That’s true, but user Jin Soo-hyun has been at the center of everything that has happened so far. In other words, he was in charge of the captain’s role on a ship sailing on the sea called Hall Plain. Do you know what this means?”

“That’s something I’ll take care of. Anyway, I understand. “Thank you for the information.”

What Seraph was saying was that Jin Soo-hyeon was not the type of user to be put under anyone.

In fact, when I first saw Maeng Ara, I thought that Jin Soo-hyeon’s recruitment was a mistake since the clan had already been founded.

But not anymore. Now that the hero training plan has been stopped, Jin Soo-hyun is now just one user with decent user information. It also has no presence in the northern continent yet.

Then, as much as we know Jin Soo-hyun’s potential, isn’t it something we can’t just ignore?

Anyway, the things I was curious about were completely resolved. At the same time, a new thought occurred to me, so I changed my pace without delay.

It was then.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

Just as I was about to exit the portal, Seraph’s voice caught me.

When I quietly looked back, I saw Seraph still sitting at the central altar. Seraph was staring at me.

“Look Before You Leap.”

“… huh? “Look at where you want to run first and then run?”

“Yes. “This is one of the proverbs that speakers on the Western Continent sometimes say.”

“I know it’s an American proverb. This means that before putting your thoughts into action, you should consider all circumstances before making a decision. But why is that happening all of a sudden?”

Seraph kept his mouth shut. And after a brief pause, he opened his mouth softly.

“The recruitment of Jin Soo-hyun is only an option. Please do not forget the essence of the User Academy.”

Don’t forget the essence of the User Academy… ?

“Of course, I plan to check on each chick one by one.”

“That’s a good choice.”

In fact, it was a statement that gave me a strong sense of being out of the blue. However, Seraph seemed to have nothing more to say, and just calmly lowered her head as if to say goodbye. I then looked at the Seraph who slowly raised her head, and then I quietly buried myself in the portal.

When I left the summoning room and went outside the temple, I found Ansol standing alone on the stairs. It looks like he’s been waiting for me this whole time.

“Brother! “Did you finish your work well?”

While looking at Ansol, who was smiling brightly, I looked around and asked. The seedlings are not visible.

“okay. Thanks to. But what about Maeng-ara?”

“huh? “Bloom?”

“why. You know that. “A kid similar to you.”

“Oh~. He left early… . No, wait a minute. Brother? “You mean they’re similar?”

Ansol, who spoke with an undertone of ‘I did well, didn’t I?’ suddenly changed his attitude and showed an angry attitude. But even she looked cute, so I responded by caressing her shiny, flowing hair.


Ansol immediately clears his face and smiles innocently. When I see that, I also find myself bursting into laughter.

This person is a user who is highly regarded among angels.

Eventually, Ansol squeezed my hand, and the two of us slowly walked down the stairs in harmony.

Then a thought occurred to me, and I quietly opened my mouth.

“Ansol. Are you hungry? “Would you like to stop by a restaurant before heading back?”

“yes! great!”

Ansol smiled broadly and answered.


“Yes! Ugh! Oh brother! Hot, hot… ! You can’t do this… !”

“Sol. Sister, sister. Are you okay? are you okay? “Does it hurt a lot?”

“Ugh! Hmm! Ha, I’ve always thought about it… . I’m not mentally prepared yet… ! Sigh… . Sigh… .”

“Sol, Sol! What are you talking about? huh?”

I stared at Ansol, who was lying on the bed, in silence.

Her face is so red that it almost explodes, and it’s so hot that she’s panting with her small shoulders exposed. And Hayeon was continuously wiping Ansol’s body with a piece of water-soaked cloth.

… I don’t even know why Ansol is acting like that all of a sudden.

After finishing our business at the temple, we stopped by a restaurant on the street and had a delicious meal. However, on the way back, Ansol suddenly seemed to be making a fuss, and as soon as he arrived at the accommodation, he collapsed. It also radiated heat from her entire body.

A little time passes, and Ansol’s nasal voice gradually becomes weaker as Suma comes to visit.

Hayeon struggled to get up and came towards me, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

“after. “For now, I think I barely fell asleep.”

“Well, I see.”

“Anyway, it’s a really big deal. The priest came and looked at me and said there was no particular pain. But the fever rises… . Su-hyun? Do you have any idea why Sol is like that? “You went out together today.”

“… yes?”

I answered hesitantly. Personally, I look up to the heavens and say that I have no shame(?), but I feel like something is bothering me to say that nothing happened.

Actually, it’s hard to see it as such a big deal, we just had a simple conversation at a restaurant.

‘Brother. Brother. As for me. My brother is really nice. ‘Do you like me too?’


‘Wow. The answer is so simple. I don’t believe it. Show me the proof.’

‘evidence? how?’

‘It’s simple! A deep kiss on these lips… . Ooh~.’

‘Of course. side.’


‘Ansol? Ansol!’

Of course, I didn’t really kiss her on the mouth, just a quick kiss on my forehead. Also, it didn’t have any particularly deep meaning. From the beginning, I thought of her as my younger sister, and I also had the intention of further strengthening the strongest weapon I currently have.

Strictly speaking, it was a kiss no different from the one Yujeong had given on the forehead in the mountain range where the dragon sleeps.

If so.

“Ah… . Ahhh… . how… . me… . me… . It happened… . It finally happened… .”

From then on, the child lost interest and is now babbling nonsense like that.

Hayeon, too, must have heard the same thing, and her eyes were full of suspicion.

“well. I don’t know either. Why are you acting like that after eating well? . Oh really, why are you like that?”

In the end, I had no choice but to shrug.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Sorry for posting this late today.

Actually, I couldn’t concentrate on the article because I kept getting distracted by the comments from the previous episode. Over the 200 or 300th time, I’ve rarely been hurt by comments, but strangely enough, today was really difficult.

I finished this episode for now, but the content for today is actually a bit of a mess. The part originally scheduled for the second half of this episode was different, but it was a bit difficult to write down. However, I couldn’t handle it in this state, so I ended up replacing it with something a little easier to write. It just seems like something has shaken up a bit.

I fully understand what you are saying about the content to me. If the content is interesting, you can praise it, but if it is not, you can criticize it.

However, the communication about content between readers, not aimed at me… . Especially yesterday, I didn’t really understand it no matter how many times I read it.

I don’t think I was hoping for much. Since not all readers may have the same thoughts, opinions are bound to differ.

No matter what the situation was and how it was received. I wonder if it’s really something that will create such a conflict.

Looking at the comments at the beginning, I thought I could get over it well enough, but the spark grew and grew, and it ended up overheating more than necessary. Later on, there were harsh criticisms.

After thinking about it carefully, I think my standards are slightly, if not very, different from those of some people.

I am truly grateful to those who accurately pinpoint my intentions. This is proof that you read the article as I intended and in the direction you wanted.

But on the other hand, I can’t shake the feeling that the opinions expressed by some people were excessive. Among them, I’m sure there are some who just thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be better if it were like this?’, and it breaks my heart to think of the hurt they must have suffered.

This reminds me of a comment someone left a while ago, which said that no matter how much I try to stop it, disputes between readers will never end.

It was late at night.

We sincerely apologize to those who have waited so far.

Have a restful night.


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not work with dark mode