MEMORIZE Chapter 504

00504 Su-hyeon is pushed and Su-hyeon is abandoned. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was a moment of anticipation.

When I took out the card called the Crystal of Truth, I could see that my calm complexion suddenly changed. Kim Min-seo opened her mouth slightly as if she wanted to say something, but only her weak moans escaped and she could not say anything.

It has to be that way. Needless to say, crystals of truth are, by their nature, the items used as the most powerful evidence in such cases. Of course, it cannot be said that there are absolutely no weaknesses, but it is safe to say that there are very few users who can dig into those weaknesses.

Moreover, they said they would bear the burden of correcting the truth, so what more is there to say?

What if even this offer is rejected?

In that case, it was no different from Goryeo admitting that something was holding us back.

For a moment, there was a quiet silence.

“hmm. That’s nice. “It’s a really good idea.”

Meanwhile, Lee Hyo-eul, who had been quietly watching until now, finally spoke up. Since he came out as a member of the central management organization, it would have been difficult for him to take sides, but as soon as a justification arose, he immediately took action.

Lee Hyo-eul looked at Cho Seong-ho, who was quietly keeping his silence.

“If we use the Crystal of Truth, we will definitely be able to accurately reveal all the circumstances. “I think it’s a very good method, but what do you think about Koryo Road?”

Jo Seong-ho glanced to the side. However, when Kim Min-seo moistened her mouth and gently turned her head, she immediately looked back at Han Chae-hyuk with a cold sneer.

“User Han Chae-hyuk.”

“Yes, yes… .”

“I can’t think of anything here that I can refuse. Are you confident?”

“yes? ah… . I… . I am… .”

“Stop saying anything else. Are you confident? No, if what you say is correct, there is no reason to reject it. is not it?”

“Well, so… .”

Han Chae-hyuk stuttered with a very embarrassed expression. And although he looked as if he was looking for help, Kim Min-seo was still busy avoiding his gaze.

Then, a dark shadow appeared on Han Chae-hyuk’s face as if he felt something, and he ended up shaking his head. The implications of this attitude were all too clear.

“after. “That’s right.”

Jo Seong-ho let out a short sigh and muttered softly to himself. And that was when he burst out into a half-hearted laugh.


Craddangtang! Craddangtangtang!


Suddenly, a noise similar to the sound of fireworks exploding erupted, and Han Chae-hyuk fell to the floor, holding his face. Everyone seemed very surprised because it happened so unexpectedly, but I was able to stare calmly. At least to my eyes, it was clear that Cho Seong-ho hit Han Chae-hyuk in the face with all his might.

“You ugly bastard! “You idiot!”

He was hit so hard that blood was oozing out from the hand that was covering his nose. Jo Seong-ho, who spat out cold-blooded criticism at Han Chae-hyuk, immediately looked back at me with a look on his face that seemed to have lost all strength.

“I don’t think there’s any need to use the Truth Crystal. Mercenary Road.”

“… So, are you saying that you will admit the circumstances stated by Ahn Hyeon?”

“yes. Looking at the reactions of these kites, it seems that what the Qigong Spearman said is correct. “I will admit it clearly.”

“… … .”

After finishing speaking, Cho Seong-ho glared hard at Han Chae-hyuk again. Then he bit his lip and this time turned his gaze to Kim Min-seo and sarcastically sneered.

“It seems like what you said with confidence came back to me. What do you think? Diplomatic executive?”

“Well, the clan lord is… . why… . why… .”

“Why don’t you shut up. Who told you to freely state the circumstances as if they were facts? I will investigate this case again from the beginning. And if it turns out that you are even slightly involved, you better not just ignore it.”

“… Pfft!”

Cho Seong-ho was really angry. However, he soon calmly took a breath as if trying to calm his anger, and then he shook the blood off his fist and said,

“I can’t help but feel sorry for the user, Cha Hee-young, as well as the mercenaries. In order to punish the criminal, we will need to reexamine the circumstances in detail, but that will take some time. So, first of all, I will show as much sincerity as I can right now.”


“yes. We will provide appropriate compensation to user Cha Hee-young to console her for the damage she suffered as a result of this incident. At the same time, we will evict all Goryeo Clan members currently in the User Academy, and any vacancies resulting from this will be transferred to the Mercenary Clan.”

“hmm. That’s probably good, though. Anyway, the meaning of Goryeo Road is… .”

“Also, we plan to thoroughly investigate this case in the name of Goryeo and uncover all the wrongdoings. “Users who are even slightly guilty will be appropriately punished in consultation with the central management organization, and after this process is completed, we will hold them accountable with an official announcement and apology without any hesitation.”

“… … .”

Listening to Jo Seong-ho’s clear words, I was momentarily at a loss for words. As for the Goryeo clan, they bowed as low as possible to the extent that they could no longer bend.

However, I also felt a little strange. This is because I thought that Cho Seong-ho’s attitude was a bit excessive.

Of course, it is understandable to be angry even if you think of it as a reverse statement, but if I were in Jo Seong-ho’s position, I would have taken the direction of just abandoning Han Chae-hyuk. And Kim Min-seo would have gotten away with it somehow by leading the story to the point that he received the wrong report from the beginning.

However, Cho Seong-ho was insisting that he would expose the secrets of his clan members himself.

In any case, we will have to wait and see what happens next, but since a central management organization is involved, it will be difficult to ignore it.

There was nothing I could do to stop him from taking full responsibility, so I just shrugged my shoulders. Then Lee Hyo-eul clapped her hands together and opened her mouth.

“I’m glad things ended well. Well, it looks like the case has been somewhat concluded, so let’s call it a day. “It’s late at night, and there are things I can’t handle right now.”

Cho Seong-ho and I agreed at the same time.

And after a while.

As I watched the users waiting outside come in and drag Kim Min-seo, Han Chae-hyuk, and the three men away, Jo Seong-ho suddenly stood up and held out his hand.

It may have been an illusion, but Cho Seong-ho’s face seemed to have a faint smile somehow.

I held my hands together quietly.

“I saw Koryo Road’s decision well. “It must have been a difficult decision, but I personally have a lot of respect for you.”

“no. It’s natural, but I’m embarrassed to say that. Rather, it seems like I always get help from the Mercantile Lord. … “This and that.”

“… yes?”

“No, no. Well, I’ll see you again soon. We will make sure to carry out the promises we made. Then, please have a good night.”

Jo Seong-ho calmly said hello and left the door like the wind.

I looked at the door for a moment and then slumped my shoulders. As the tension suddenly eased, it felt like the strength in my body was draining away. Mental fatigue, not physical fatigue.

“brother… .”

As I was pressing my forehead like that, Ahn Hyeon approached me and spoke cautiously.

Even though everything worked out in a good direction, Ahn Hyeon still had an anxious look on his face. I thought I knew a little bit why he was doing that, so I stared at Ahn Hyeon. A long sigh naturally flows out.


“I’m sorry, brother.”

“Ahn Hyeon… . How is it that you, a guy, never have a good day? huh?”

“… i know. Although I acted based on my emotions, I don’t think I did a good job. So the crime of disobeying my brother’s instructions… .”

“Noisy. And you did well.”

“sorry… . yes?”

Anhyeon opened his eyes and asked back. At that moment, many words came to mind.

I definitely didn’t do everything well.

I’m sure I told you to be quiet, right?

How can you only think like that? etc.

okay. At first I thought so.

Not only did I hear about the wrong situation, but I also didn’t understand Ahn Hyeon, who had an accident again despite making a new request.


At least if there is a difference with the Dragon Sleeping Mountains incident, would it be said that the process is similar but the result is different? Also, since there are people watching, it wouldn’t be a good idea to yell at them here.

Thinking like that, I placed my hand firmly on the top of Anhyeon’s head.

And then he quietly opened his mouth.

“Good job.”

“uh… . uh… .”

“Of course I did something wrong, but for now, let’s just think of it that way. We’ll talk about the rest later. head hurts.”

“… … .”

Anhyeon didn’t say anything. He just looks at me with a blank look on his face.

After making eye contact for a while, suddenly, a single tear came down from Ahn Hyeon’s eye.

I was startled and hurriedly took my hand away. no. I praised you so much, but why are you crying?

“Hyuna, don’t cry. why are you crying. “They say you did a good job.”

“No, that’s… . I’m fine too… . just… . suddenly… . Pfft… !”

Ahn Hyeon kept his mouth shut as if trying to hold back his words, but before he knew it, tears like chicken shit were streaming down his cheeks and onto his lips. Hayeon patted Ahn Hyeon on the back and showed a calm smile.

Seeing Ahn Hyun rubbing his face with his fist, I scratched my cheek and looked away. When I thought about it, there were still a couple of people left in the room, and I felt embarrassed because I felt like I was showing some kind of anger.

“Ohh. It looks nice. It’s quite a rare sight in this world. By the way, I guess you’ve been pretty strict so far? huh?”

As expected, Lee Hyo-eul spoke with a happy face, and I rolled my eyes to tell him to shut up. Soon, as she followed Lee Hyo-eul’s gaze as she hurriedly turned her head, her eyes suddenly caught the sight of a woman whose body was still shaking.

Did you say Cha Hee-young?

After listening to the situation earlier, I was able to get a rough picture of the situation. It seems to have been a case of forced punishment due to meeting the wrong colleagues during the rite of passage, but in the case of Cha Hee-young, it was quite an unlucky case. In other words, it could be said that it started in a place full of people like Park Dong-geol. And that relationship would have continued even after entering Hall Plain.

After staring at Cha Hee-young for a while, I activated my third eye. Actually, it was none of my business what happened, but this user academy was planning to use the third eye on all chicks. And in the case of Cha Hee-young, there was some room to lure the Mercenary Clan under the pretext of this incident.

Even in this situation, shouldn’t we take care of what we need to take care of? Of course, there must be a condition that the user information must be excellent.

Soon, user information floated into the air.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Cha Hee-young (0 years)

2. Class: Normal, Mage, Beginner

3. Nation: –

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. Jin’s name • Nationality: The Hateful Witch (Jin) • South Korea

6. s*x: Female (21)

7. Height • Weight: 167.4cm • 47.6kg

8. Tendency: Lethargy • Detestation

[Strength 14] [Durability 24] [Dexterity 34] [Stamina 44] [Magic Power 84] [Luck 4]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

And it was that moment.

The moment I confirmed my true name, I felt like my breath had stopped.


The next morning.

I had to leave the User Academy as soon as I woke up at dawn. I was able to stay at the accommodation for one night as a courtesy, but according to the principles of the User Academy, no more than that is allowed.

There was no particular complaint. Anyway, I was scheduled to come in as an instructor after the 6th week.

“So we get a total of four seats?”

“yes. “Anyway, it won’t be good for the instructor’s position to be vacant for a long time, so please send it to me as soon as possible.”

Early morning.

At the main gate of the User Academy, I had a quick chat with Lee Hyo-eul, who was seeing me off.

As I said yesterday, Cho Seong-ho evicted all Goryeo Clan members from the User Academy before morning. As a result, one general instructor and education instructor position and one life instructor position were vacant, and Lee Hyo-eul acknowledged his intention to hand them over to us.

In fact, it would have been enough to raise Ahn Hyun as a life instructor, but since the education instructor is the most famous(?) and very important position, it is impossible to send just anyone. However, it is not like there is no talent in Mercantile, so I assured them that I would recommend suitable clan members in the near future.

“Then I’ll just leave and see you all in three weeks.”

“yes. Su-hyun. “I’m really sorry for coming like this, and thank you so much.”

I thought it was time to go, so I said goodbye, but the only user who responded was Hayeon.

Lee Hyo-eul was waving her hand as if telling her to go quickly, while Ahn Hyeon was still scratching his head as if he was embarrassed.

And next to Anhyeon, another woman was looking at me with eyes that had not yet gone away blurry.

“Go, go… .”

The woman was startled when she made eye contact with me, and then gently turned her head to avoid eye contact. At the same time, he grabbed Ahn Hyun’s clothes and surprised me twice.

I heard that Ahn Hyun stayed up all night talking with Cha Hee-young after leaving last night. Was there any progress in their relationship?

Anyway, it felt like I was seeing a very shy girl, so I had to feel awkward.

Because that woman I remember… . So, if she is a witch who summoned the Duke of Hell by sacrificing herself and her 1,700 people, that kind of attitude would never be possible.

‘Do not be ridiculous! Come now, come now and tell me to stop? That’s what I told you before! But, what did you guys do?’

‘I pretended not to know. You pretended not to notice! Even though I begged him to stop so much, to help him so much, to save him so much… !’

I don’t remember much about witches. I wasn’t interested in the first place, and I didn’t even know who he was before Atlanta was recaptured.

However, just before we recaptured Atlanta, I clearly remembered the laughter that seemed to tear the whole world apart and the hateful curses that were poured at us.

The fear the witch showed at that time was almost like a nightmare. In fact, the reason I took all the risks and chose Hwajeong at the beginning of the second round was because of the fear I felt at that time.

Suddenly, Ansol’s words came to mind.

‘therefore… . Depending on what choice my brother makes… . Brother’s nightmare… . Hehe~. Hmmmmmm… .’

So does this mean that Ansol predicted this situation when he suggested sending Anhyun to the user academy?

Of course, it is still too early to make a hasty conclusion.

As a result of living twice in the past three years, I realized that the future may change, but it does not change.

It was then.

“Thank you… .”

“… … ?”

“Thank you for helping me… . really… . Thank you very much… .”

“… … .”

Is it because he felt unspoken pressure as I kept looking at him?

Cha Hee-young, who had already put one hand together, bowed her waist. Although the voice was as loud as a mosquito, I could hear it clearly.

The witch who had showered such terrifying hatred and curses in the first session greeted me in the second session.

However, when I saw that he was holding Ahn Hyeon tightly with his other hand, my whole body suddenly sank and I felt a sense of desolation.

What was I really worried about?

Perhaps, I was caught by the ghost of the first episode and was wearing colored glasses.

Witches are definitely dangerous.

But I thought back to Yoo Hyeon-ah.

There was still enough time, and it was before Cha Hee-young awakened as a witch.

So either embrace it or kill it.

Wouldn’t it be okay to wait a little, just a little longer and watch?

okay. Rather than making a decision right now, it may not be too late to make a decision while looking at the growth process later.

With that thought in mind, I calmly turned around, promising to wait three weeks.

The cold wind of dawn blowing from somewhere was truly refreshing.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I’ve finally finished the story about Ahn Hyeon, who had a lot of trouble and talk.

When we first planned Memorise, we planned it as four parts. However, as the series began, it was shortened to three parts, and then halfway through, it was reduced to two parts again.

The content starting from the next episode is the User Academy part, which was originally the last part of Part 2 of the 3rd and 4th parts. You can think of it as a part where each person who has been mentioned many times so far appears one by one. At the same time, we plan to proceed in the direction of resolving the problem regarding Jin Soo-hyun. (Regarding the post-processing of the Magiana Cha Hee-young case, we plan to proceed by intermittently inserting it in the middle.)

Now that I think about it, it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve updated at midnight. ha ha ha.

And the comments section… . I asked for a favor yesterday, but I don’t think it’s actually gotten that much better. -_-a

Still, as much as I trust my readers, I believe they will make wise decisions.

I don’t think it’s difficult. Because each person’s opinions may well be different. But I think it’s really not good to criticize and be sarcastic like, “I’m right, you’re wrong.”

So, I ask you once again, please do not criticize each other excessively.

I hope this will be a comment section where everyone respects each other. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode