MEMORIZE Chapter 500

00500 Witch. ————————————————– ———————-=

Anhyeon hesitated for a while.

“that is… . “You’ll get angry if I tell you.”

“I’ve never been angry with you. He was only punished by following legal procedures. And even if I say it now, nothing will change.”

“… … .”

“I think it’s just curiosity. “Just say it.”

As if he thought it was plausible, Anhyeon’s neck moved with a grunt. After that, he hesitated for a while and opened his mouth with a slightly sullen expression.

“… “I didn’t want to hear you swearing at my brother.”

“Not my brother, but my clan…” . huh?”

“at that time… . “There have been various bad records related to the mountain range where the dragon sleeps.”

“Records of slander? “I told you not to worry about that.”

“I couldn’t help but pay attention. No matter how cavalier it may be, some users are talking about such records as if they were true. That happened right in front of me. so… .”

“so. “I couldn’t stand such obvious provocation, so I did something like that.”

Ahn Hyun could not continue speaking and lowered his head. And I was quiet and lost in thought.

In fact, Ahn Hyeon probably still doesn’t know how the incident took place at that time. For example, although Ahn Hyeon said it was just a provocation, it is very likely that the provocation was also planned.

In other words, the Koran Coalition had targeted Anhyeon from the beginning.

It was then. Suddenly, Ahn Hyeon opened his mouth.

“just… . “I wanted to stand next to my brother, as close as possible.”

“… … ?”

“I said it earlier, but on the other hand, I wanted to show it to you. Don’t always chase after your back, but at least once… . At least once… .”

“… … .”

“I didn’t forget what my brother said, nor did I completely ignore it. Still, he thought it would be okay if he just stepped foot in the beginning… .”

“… “There is a reason why people say not to go.”

I clicked my tongue and stared at Anhyeon. After listening to what he said, I think I understand what his intention was. It wasn’t that he had any bad intentions, he just acted for Mercenary’s sake anyway. You probably don’t feel unfair about yourself, and you probably have something you want to say.

But that doesn’t mean we can deny Ahn Hyeon’s carelessness. He has no intention of covering it up properly.

There are now two ways for Ahn Hyun to return to Mercantile. Either change your attitude properly or give proper credit. However, in reality, it was impossible to achieve merit in a place like this, so in the end, the first method was the only option.

And I don’t think Ahn Hyun’s attitude has changed enough to allow him to return yet.

Anyway, I can’t help but sigh. It’s a shame that the whole incident has now been concluded and things are going in a good direction, but if I had heard about it before then, I would have been furious again.

No, actually, I was angry, but… . As mentioned earlier, Ahn Hyeon had already been punished. Thinking like that, I threw away the bag I had brought with me.


A dull sound of iron exploded from the bag. Ahn Hyeon, who was shocked for a moment, raised his head and looked at me with a puzzled look.

“These are the equipment you used. “You’ll need it to get into the User Academy.”

“yes? “User academy?”

“okay. Because the instructor can bring one user to assist with the work. “Anyway, listen to Hayeon for a detailed explanation.”

“then… .”

“Of course, you can’t be mistaken. Originally, I was going to select another clan member, but Hayeon and Ansol asked so much that I decided on you. The equipment will be collected again as soon as this User Academy ends. That means you have to come here again when it’s over.”

“With my sister… . My younger brother… .”

Anhyeon still looked dazed. She doesn’t seem to have any idea what she’s talking about yet. But Hayeon was going to explain it in detail anyway, and now it was time to get up. Today is the day I leave for the ancient magic city of Magia, so my clan members will be waiting for me by now.

I calmly got up.

“Tongue, bro! “Are you going?”

“Not my brother, but the clan lord. And I know that because I’m going to be away for about four weeks. No, you don’t really need to know.”

Ahn Hyeon stretched out his hand as if to grab me, but then got back down with a sigh.

I immediately turned around. And just before opening the door, I turned my head halfway and stared at the table.

Ahn Hyeon stood up and was looking at me with an indescribable look on his face. Meanwhile, both hands are slowly manipulating the bag.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“Employee Ahn Hyeon.”

“yes… . yes!”

“this time… . “Do your best.”

“… yes?”

I asked back a curious question, and for the first time, I opened my mouth with earnestness.

“Be good. This time the User Academy is really important. So, I don’t want anything else this time. Just do as Hayeon tells you. You are Bozo after all, Bozo. No matter what you see, hear, or experience, never cause an accident. Just stay quiet and come out quietly. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“ah… . Yes, yes!”

Is yes the only thing I can say?

However, it soon occurred to me that it might be so from Ahn Hyeon’s perspective. I laughed bitterly.

“Anyway, what I said.”

And with those last words, he opened the bar door and went out.

The early morning air was cold and refreshing.


It was Atlanta.

Atlanta was visible.

It appears to be several times larger than Barbara. The outskirts are white and dazzling, as if they were covered in white cloth worn by angels.

okay. That thing, what I could see right now, was definitely Atlanta.

Suddenly, I felt my heart pounding. At the same time, excitement welled up deep in her heart, and she suddenly felt very good.

Although this was my second time attacking Terra, it was easy to get to Terra once I got to Atlanta. I felt like I could go home if I worked a little harder, so I wanted to share this joy with someone, even just for a little while.

I quickly looked around and looked for my brother, Han So-young. No, she liked anyone.

And soon I could see a man’s face. That man was a face I had never seen before.

Why is this man I’ve never seen next to me? And why is he making such a stern face?

As if reading my thoughts, the man suddenly and slowly raised his hand and pointed somewhere. His gaze is directed somewhere without even looking at me. The pointing direction and the gaze direction matched. Then, feeling as if I was possessed by something, I slowly turned my gaze towards the place the man pointed to.

It was then.


– The time has finally come! Ah, waiting~. I was waiting~. The time has finally come!

In an instant, a sound of laughter that seemed to tear the eardrums resounded around the area. At the same time, an indescribable feeling began to creep throughout my body.

It felt as if the space was forcibly distorted and the world seemed to be distorted.

okay. This feeling… . When recapturing Atlanta, it was similar to the appearance of the Archduke of Hell… .

No, just a moment. what?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through my head, and I looked up blankly.

Then, in the air, I could see a woman soaring high into the sky.

– Do not be ridiculous! Come now, come now and tell me to stop? That’s what I told you before! But what did you guys do?

– I pretended not to know. You pretended not to know! Even though I begged him to stop so much, to save him, to help him so much… !

– You abandoned me and even killed me. You heartless murderers!

– But it’s okay. Because soon I too will become a murderer.

– So, it’s unfair to die alone like this, right? So, some of you will be sacrificed with me, and the rest will all die together with the summoned monsters!

– ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───. ───.

Every time a voice rang through the air, it shook my head, and I couldn’t come to my senses for a moment.

And when I finally came to my senses, the world had already turned red. Red-hot flames with an extremely ominous energy were rising from the ground, and the sky was also dyed blood red.

In an instant, the sky and the ground turned an ominous red.

And it was that moment.

– Everyone die! Cluck, clap, clap!

At the same time, the woman spreads her arms wide and bursts into laughter.


Heaven and earth began to separate.


“brother? brother!”

I felt someone shaking my body. When I reflexively open my eyes, I see a dark space and someone’s face. Since I had just woken up, I couldn’t see much. I can only vaguely recognize the shape.

“brother! Suhyeon’s oppa! are you okay? yes?”

I shook my head vigorously to tell him to be quiet. For some reason, my mind was pounding and my breathing was heavy. Judging by the dampness on his back, he appears to be sweating coldly.

As I gently closed my eyes and caught my breath for a while, I felt a little more calm. And when I opened my eyes again, I saw the face of a star against the background of the beautiful night sky. His face looks like he doesn’t know what to do and he looks like he’s going to cry at any moment.

I jumped out of my sleeping bag. Then Kim Han-byeol spoke in a voice full of worry.

“oh my god… . Look at this sweat… . brother. What happen? While I was on watch, I suddenly heard a strange noise… .”

“… not a big deal. “I just had a bit of a strange dream.”

“If it’s a dream… . nightmare? Are you okay?”

“Are you fine. It’s just a dream. Well, I feel dirty.”

Actually, I wouldn’t say it was just a dream. If you think about it carefully, the dream you had a while ago was a real experience based on the first memory. In other words, it could be said to be a kind of reminiscence.

The Recapture of Atlanta and the Witch’s Curse. And the appearance of the Prince of Hell.

I don’t know why I suddenly had that dream, but I felt very dirty anyway. Her stomach was so tight that it felt like it was going to explode.

“First of all, sweat… . “It’s early in the morning and the air is cold, so if you stay like this, you’ll catch a cold.”

“no no. Because it’s really okay. “Can you just get me a bottle of water?”

Hanbyul quickly got up and brought him a water bottle. I moved from my seat, sat down near the bonfire, and drank as much water as I could. Soon, as the cool water flowed down my esophagus, I felt my heaving heart slowly subsiding.

After finally emptying the entire bottle, I hit the floor, out of breath, as if I was vomiting. I felt like I could buy something now.

Now I started to see the surrounding scenery one by one. I slowly looked around, feeling a little relieved.

The location we are currently in is the Mountain of Delirium, and tomorrow we were scheduled to pass through the Canyon of Illusion and enter the ancient magic city of Magia.

It took exactly 4 weeks to get here.

The Inn of Beginning had already been activated for a long time, and the chicks were entering their third week of training. And by the time I get home from work, I will have just entered my 4th week of training.

Even though the chicks that were getting so much attention from users came in, I was taking my time and taking it easy. We were already receiving reports from Hayeon every other day on most issues, and in the beginning, due to the nature of the user academy, we unconditionally focused on education. (If you are caught promoting directly or indirectly, the instructor will be kicked out immediately. .)

“Brother, wait a minute… .”

At that time, I suddenly felt a soft touch caressing my neck and cheek. When she turned her gaze, she saw Hanbyul moving his hands with a very concentrated face. Hanbyeol was wiping away the sweat from my body, playing with his hand with utmost care.

“Why, why are you like that?”

“wait a minute… . I’ll clean it for you… .”

For some reason, I felt embarrassed to make eye contact, so I looked around once more and then looked forward. And at that moment, I burst out laughing.

Across the street was Ansol. It looks like he was on watch duty with Hanbyeol, but she seemed to have fallen asleep, because she had her head down. Hanbyeol seemed to know why I was laughing, and I heard a quiet chuckle next to her.

I stared blankly at Ansol. As I was looking at him like that, it occurred to me that the way he lowered his head was just like my brother, and I was about to click my tongue.


Suddenly, Ansol raised his head.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Luck 102 ability activated! The saint’s prophecy has been activated!

Then next time… .

haha. It’s finally episode 500. Of course, it is not the full 500th episode including the announcements, but it still feels really new. In the past, when I was a reader, I was amazed to see a work that had been published more than 500 times. Ah, how did I write so much? Can I read it all? Etc. That’s what I thought, but I never thought it would be serialized for 500 episodes like this. 🙂

In fact, since it was a meaningful episode, I thought about planning a special feature, but I thought it would be better to just proceed with the story, so I wrote it as is. Still, if there’s something a little special, there might be a flashback in the middle. Now I have to release all the settings I saved one by one, right? 😀


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not work with dark mode