MEMORIZE Chapter 499

00499 Abandoned wizard hunter. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sky was already colored with dark light. Users who left the city in the morning and returned late at night headed to the downtown area with tired faces. For those who make a living from day to day, drinking a cold beer after exploring was one of the few pleasures.

Users who had been loitering on the street for a while soon moved to a tavern illuminated by whitish lights. And as soon as I opened the door with ‘Mercenary Bar’ written on it, loud noises came out.

The Mercenary Bar wasn’t a very famous bar, but the food and beer tasted good, and above all, the prices were cheap, so it was often almost full at night. But fortunately, users who found an empty table in the corner put their tired butts on the chair and shouted loudly.

“Hey little brother! “First, bring me four large beers!”

“Yes brother! “I’ll bring it to you right now!”

A moment later, a neat young man appeared holding four large beer glasses. The liquid in the glass was not bright yellow but a deep scarlet color, and one thing that was unusual was that the bubbles on the surface of the water were bubbling.

Eventually, the young man spread his arms wide, and the beer glass spun around and landed safely in front of the users. Surprisingly, the liquid only swirled in the direction of rotation and not a single drop splashed out. But now, as if they were used to it, the users smiled blandly and raised their beer glasses.

“Your child is acting funny. Anyway, I find this fascinating every time I see it.”

“lol. It’s service. Service. “What would you like as a snack?”

“Bring what you always eat. Oh, put in a lot of meat.”

“All right!”

The young man answered vigorously and passed the table with agile movements. Then he reached the kitchen and looked around, pushing his face. Hot heat was radiating from inside.

“Hyunwoo hyung! Hayeon’s older sister! Stir-fried food for 4 people! “With plenty of meat!”


“uh? “What about Hyunwoo?”

“You are calculating.”

When Hayeon, who was in the middle of stirring the pot, pointed with her chin, the young man, or rather Ahn Hyeon, immediately turned his head. As Hayeon said, the users were just getting up from one table, and Hyunwoo Park was calculating the price of food next to him. Ahn Hyeon took the cloth that Hayeon had thrown and ran as if flying, organizing the table with quick movements.

However, the table quickly filled with new users, and Ahn Hyun ran to the kitchen to take another order.

How much time has passed?

Taking orders, delivering food, paying, and clearing tables.

When Ahn Hyeon, who had been wandering around the restaurant for a while, came to his senses, about two-thirds of the tables in the restaurant had been cleared. Now dawn was slowly approaching. A time when users wake up with their bellies adequately full and prepare for tomorrow.

Nevertheless, the remaining users can be broadly divided into two types.

“hey! Drink, drink! “I’m going to shoot it all today!”

“Wow, what’s going on with this guy? The child who always begged because he didn’t have money to sleep… .”

“Isn’t it true that you discovered a Radolov village today? So he just brushed it off. Hahaha!”

“Oh~. okay? “I guess you collected some shiny things?”

Users who successfully explore today and do not need to go out tomorrow.

“Siyoung… . I’m sorry Siyoung… . I’m sorry for leaving you alone… . Ugh… .”

“Take it in moderation, dude. If you hadn’t run away then, you would have died too? “He who lives must live.”

“I’m the bad guy… . Oh no. Hey, maybe he’s alive? yes? huh? “That could be possible, right?”

“I told you to stop. It’s not just a goblin, it’s a hobgoblin. It’s a hobgoblin. Is it because you don’t know how cruel those monsters are? Where is it… . Did you hear about the incident where Yongsu’s caravan went missing while hunting for a hobgoblin? But not long ago, everyone was found cut into pieces. So stop giving up now… .”

And users who are grieving over the death of a colleague or lover and cannot survive without getting drunk.

Anhyeon always felt strange around this time. This was because he couldn’t shake the feeling of awkwardness rising up as he listened to what was being said.

It was amazing to see users who only earned 20 or 30 gold coins and acted as if they owned the whole world, and it was also strange to see users who cried because they could barely deal with one hobgoblin. It was so bad that I wanted to step in and solve the problem myself.

Well, maybe it’s natural for Ahn Hyeon to do this.

The first exploration started in the pitch-black forest, which most users were reluctant to enter, and since then, it has been on a path of remarkable success. Is that all? Didn’t Kim Soo-hyun cherish gold and jade, feed them, clothe them, and raise them? In addition, it even provides rare classes that every user dreams of.

Great leaders and good colleagues. And since he was a user who had been active without at least worrying about food, clothing, and shelter, Ahn Hyeon did not understand the users currently sitting at the table.

Even though they are the same users active in the same world, they have taken completely opposite paths.

However, it wasn’t that I didn’t feel anything while living as a non-combat user. When I look at them like that, there are times when I think, ‘What if I never met my brother?’

Of course, that older brother was Kim Soo-hyun.

“Ahn Hyeon. “I think we have a new customer.”

“Yes, yes? ah. yes!”

Was I lost in too deep thoughts? When Park Hyun-woo tapped his side, Ahn Hyun lifted his head in surprise. The door was creaking. It looks like someone is opening and closing it from the outside, but no one is actually coming in.

Anhyeon tilted his head and ran quickly. It was an added bonus that I was grumbling to myself, “Who is here at this hour?”

“welcome… .”

When he finally arrived at the door, Anhyeon paused for a moment. There were three or four users in shabby clothes standing outside the door. To be exact, there were three women. The women all looked at Ahn Hyeon who opened the door and came out with a pitiful face.

Ahn Hyun said, feeling an uneasy feeling.

“to… . “Are you here to eat?”

“no… .”

One of the women shook her head. She then opened her mouth in a voice that sounded very pitiful.

“if… . I was wondering if I could get some leftover food… .”

“… yes?”

“please. “I couldn’t eat a single meal today.”


“Can you help me just once, just once? I’ll ask you this. “It’s okay even if it’s someone’s leftover food.”

“… … .”

Ahn Hyeon tried to shake his head, even though he was troubled, but he couldn’t do it when the woman begged with a pitiful look on her face. If you look closely, you can see that the cheeks have plumped up as if they had starved for several days.

Anhyeon quietly turned his head. Coincidentally, the users who were still sitting were standing upright. And there was still some food left on both tables.

“… Just this one time. Please wait.”

Anhyeon immediately turned around. Then, after waiting for the users to leave, he started putting the remaining food on the cleanest looking plate.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who happened to come out with her body straight and arms outstretched, blinked when she saw Ahn Hyun.

“Hyun, what are you doing now? hungry?”

“Oh, no. My sister too. Users come outside… . “I’m hungry.”

“… so. “You want to give me that?”

“yes. it can not?”

“Hmm. “You will regret it.”

“… … ?”

Ahn Hyun rounded his eyes, but Hayeon shrugged her shoulders. And “Well. You have to experience this to know. Don’t make noise as you go, don’t leave right away, and raise your hearing at the door. “And she just waits.” She said, and she began to clean up the still messy table.

Although Ahn Hyeon felt puzzled, he kept walking as quietly as possible. And as Hayeon said, I listened to the door with my heightened hearing.

After a while, whispering voices were heard beyond the door. The voice that was heard was not the same pitiful tone as before, but rather a tone filled with meanness.

“f*ck you. Finally, I asked one question. Are you really giving it to an idiot just because he asked for it? look! I told you to come here a long time ago! Anyway, I guess I can eat free food for a while. “Giggle!”

“Anyway, the kid looks really good… . You know, you know the rumors. I heard that the guy who just came out was a really popular guy at Mercenary? “I heard you even got a rare class.”

“Then what do you do? Anyway, I’m completely abandoned now and it’s a mess. And just looking at him, he’s a top-notch person who can’t move around women.”

“You bitch, think about it. No matter how much of a Mercenary you are, would you really abandon a rare class? “I will reap it again someday.”

“uh. Come to think of it, is that right? So what should I do? Should I do some work?”

“It’s possible. From what I can see, it looks so pure that it even seems naive… . First, build up a relationship, and if you see an opportunity and offer your body a few times and ask for it… .”

That was the limit of what could be tolerated. Anhyeon gritted his teeth and kicked open the door. And then she threw the plate into the food wastebasket as if to show off to the women who turned their heads in surprise. Then, as he saw the women reaching for the food going into the trash can, he closed the door so harshly that it made a loud bang.

As his anger did not cool down and he continued to huff and puff, Hayeon came up to him and patted him as if to say goodbye. Then she gently pushed his back and said,

“I told you before. Even though there are users who like freebies on Hol Plain, there are no proper users. “Next time, absolutely refuse.”

“how… . Did you know?”

“You know it when you see it. When I was in my 0th and 1st year, I saw more than one or two kids like that. Anyway, that’s enough for today, let’s go in first.”

“I will help you.”

“are you okay. Anyway, I’m on duty this morning. And you’ll be on duty tomorrow morning.”

“… yes.”

Anhyeon answered in a weak voice. And Hayeon smiled softly as she watched Anhyun trudging up the stairs to the second floor.

“Hyuna~! I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. Absolutely. got it?”

Anhyun nodded half-heartedly and went up to the room on the second floor. And then he flung himself onto the bed. He wasn’t physically tired, but he felt tired for no reason.

In that small, smelly bed, Ahn Hyeon quietly closed his eyes. Before falling asleep, many faces passed through Ahn Hyeon’s mind.

An Sol, Lee Yu-jeong, Shin Jae-ryong, Cha So-rim, and Kim Soo-hyun… .

But that was only for a moment. Soon, with the accompaniment of harsh swear words and the sound of trash cans being lifted outside the window, darkness slowly entered Ahn Hyeon’s mind.


I think I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them, but before I knew it, the cold morning air was filling the room.

Ahn Hyeon, who had been sniffing, cracked his neck and barely got up. And as he peered through the window with his sleepy eyes, he realized that the trash can he had poured last night’s food into was gone.

“… Do you want to eat that? “It’s not even a cat thief.”

Although she was not fully awake yet, Anhyeon quickly opened the door and went down the stairs. This is because, as Hayeon had asked, I was on duty this morning.

Originally, bars did better business at night than in the morning, but there were still some customers who came for breakfast. Therefore, I had to finish cleaning, open the door, and prepare to welcome guests.

I was almost at the point where I went down the stairs.

Anyway, that’s the situation… .

okay. A lot has happened in the meantime… .

yes. It’s probably going to take about 4 weeks. We’ll be leaving around lunch today. Also, I’m very busy, so I need Hayeon’s help… .

Ho Ho. So is the vacation over now? ?

Is it because I’m still half asleep? A look of confusion appeared on Ahn Hyeon’s face as he heard voices that sounded like a dream.

Yes. And also, this User Academy is something different. As I said yesterday, you need to stay alert… .

I’m nervous when you say that… .

Because that’s what I said. ah. User Park Hyeon-woo should also come back soon… ?

ha ha ha. I’m ready anytime. Ok. Thank you for listening to my request so far. Clan Lord… .

However, the moment he heard the last word Clan Lord, Ahn Hyeon stopped walking as if he had been struck by lightning. But after a while, she hurried down and looked around the first floor.

And finally, I was able to see a woman and two men sitting at a table talking about random things.

Ha-yeon Jeong, Hyun-woo Park. and… .

“oh? “Hyeon woke up?”

“hmm? hmm.”

It was Kim Soo-hyun.

“uh… . uh… . ah… .”

Actually, I dreamed a lot during that time. She had a dream that one day, Kim Soo-hyun would open the door and come in, and she would forgive her. He would be lying if he said that he never wanted that kind of situation during his life.

However, when she saw it in front of her eyes for the first time in such a long time, Ahn Hyeon could not bear to open her mouth. Her mind just turned completely white.

While Ahn Hyun was stuttering, Jeong Ha-yeon and Park Hyeon-woo stood up at the same time as if they had made a promise. And then, with an unexpected smile, he walked away.

When the two of them were left alone, a quiet and awkward silence fell on the first floor.

no. Maybe Anhyeon is the only one who feels that way. Because Kim Soo-hyun was still calmly taking out the tobacco from his arms as if he was not interested.

Just as Ahn Hyun’s mouth was getting dry, Kim Soo-hyun, who had lit the candle at the beginning of the year, knocked on the table a couple of times. Anhyeon was still frozen. When Kim Soo-hyun tapped the table again and made her nod, only then did Ahn Hyun come to her senses.

Even though a thousand thoughts were on her mind, Ahn Hyeon ran as if she was flying and carefully sat down on the chair. His butt was warm, probably because it was where Hayeon sat.


A puff of smoke and some embers flew into the air. Just as Anhyun was chasing the embers without realizing it, a low voice was heard.

“I heard you’re working pretty hard… . “Is it worth it?”

Anhyeon swallowed his saliva. Suddenly, I felt like my mind was becoming clearer due to tension.

“just… . “That’s okay.”

“Then why don’t we just go this route? I heard that it is quite popular. It is said that bar sales have also increased considerably. what do you think about it? employer?”

Ahn Hyeon tried to laugh, as was his habit, but immediately closed his mouth. Because she thought she was not in a position to laugh yet.

For a while, time passed.

Ahn Hyeon is restless, and Kim Soo-hyun is looking at Ahn Hyeon.

Meanwhile, the voice continued, sounding a little softer than before.

“Okay, let me ask you one thing.”

“Yes, yes. brother… . Ah, no, Clan Lord.”

Perhaps because Ahn Hyun’s attitude was somewhat funny, Kim Soo-hyun let out a weak laugh with his lips parted. Then he opened his mouth, shaking off the tobacco.

“you. “Why on earth did you go to the mountain range where the dragon sleeps?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

This episode was about the lives of Jeong Ha-yeon and Ahn Hyeon. I also included the fate of Park Hyun-woo, who was both missing(?). Well, can we say that it was a direct or indirect experience for Ahn Hyeon? ha ha ha. He wanted to write something to change his mood and create a calm atmosphere, so I hope he can come across it well. 🙂


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not work with dark mode