MEMORIZE Chapter 498

00498 Abandoned wizard hunter. ————————————————– ———————-=

After a while, the magical energy flowing around changed completely. What had flowed as smoothly as water suddenly hardened like a stone stuck in the ground.

Of course, this was some kind of interference phenomenon that I started. It is an ability that uses possession among the types of magical energy release. It is an ability that twists the flow of magical energy to create a space that has an effect similar to a block field.

“and… .”

Maeng-ara must have felt the noise gradually subsiding, and looked around with a very curious expression. Still, it seems like she isn’t that stupid, as she quickly figured out what kind of abilities she had.

After chuckling to myself, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Watch your mouth anytime and anywhere. “If it becomes known that you are a guardian, it will be a pain in the ass.”

“Thank you. … uh? But did you know?”

Maeng A-ra bowed her head politely, but soon exclaimed in surprise.

I nodded my head. You figure it out really quickly.

“I assumed there was a possibility. “I thought Lee Hyo-eul’s actions and reactions were a little strange.”


“What kind of guy’s huff is that? Well, it was a little while ago that I became convinced.”

“Well, then it’s my fault…” . oh my god… .”

Maeng A-ra turned sullen again. She didn’t want to see him like that, so she tried to give him a hard squeeze on the top of his head (Ansol probably wouldn’t have hesitated), but then just stroked him gently. Also, it would be difficult to cry tightly.

“are you okay. After all, I was already acquainted with the Sentai Guardian, so there was no need to be in trouble. “I will keep your secret strictly confidential.”


“okay. “Now promise.”

“swimming… .”

When I walked up to the little finger, Maeng-ara looked at me with a much relieved face. The fact that his complexion suddenly brightened seemed to indicate that he is a user who trusts people’s words well and changes his emotions quickly. With that in mind, I decided to get straight to the point.

“Then shall we go back to the story from earlier? “I’m asking you to give up on me.”

“yes? Ahhh. But that… .”

“Don’t do that. lets think. I didn’t hear anything from the angel. But if you ask me to give up everything, what on earth should I think? “What do you need to know to decide whether to help or not, or to give up?”

“still… . I’m a guardian… . Secrets must be kept… .”

“Of course it is. But that’s not all, right? All you have to do is tell us the level you can reveal. Or do you just want to go back like this? I don’t mind though.”


Doridori. Maeng-ara shook her head as if she didn’t like that.

And some time passed.

Maeng A-ra, who seemed lost in thought for a long time, soon lowered her head and shouted.

“Then, please give up!”

Instead of covering my face with both hands, I looked down at Maeng Ara. The half-visible face was full of apprehension. It’s as if he wants to say something, but doesn’t know what to say.

then… .

“Please give up. “What do I have to give up?”

“Well, that’s… .”

“good. If you have trouble, you can pass it on. “Then, if I obtain something unknown from an angel, will all of you be at some kind of disadvantage?”

“yes yes. there is. Not everyone, but for some I know, it’s a huge disadvantage. If it continues like this… . “My brother has no choice but to be abandoned!”

“Abandoned? “Then who is that user called oppa?”

“to… .”

“… “How many years have you been a user?”

“Second, second year.”

Maeng A-ra was like an obedient little sister who always answered every question I asked. Oh, isn’t it constant? Things that are difficult to say straight away are blurred or vague.

It was then.


Suddenly, a strong vibration was heard from somewhere. As I looked around for a moment, I suddenly saw Maeng-ara hurriedly putting her hand into her arms.

Eventually, what Maeng Ara took out was a small piece of stone. However, rather than just a piece of stone, it seemed to be some kind of item with a similar effect to a call stone. This is because Maeng A-ra’s face turned pale after she took out the piece of stone. Looking at it, I got a general idea.

“You got a call from the temple? Oh, is this the angel in charge of you?”

Then, Maeng A-ra’s gaze suddenly moved. The eyes looking at me were filled with surprise, as if I had seen a ghost. Soon after hearing another strong vibration sound, Ara Maeng seemed to come to her senses and carefully opened her mouth.

“I… . Can I go… ? It’s never rang twice before. “I think it’s probably extremely urgent.”

“Did you think I was some kind of kidnapper?”

“S-sorry. Then I’ll go. “I think we should go quickly.”

“Sorry about that guy. Stop it now. Anyway, today’s meeting was fun.”

I was expecting interference anyway. There was no sense in which the conversation was rushed with that in mind in the first place.

I laughed bitterly. When I stamped my foot once more, the tightness loosened and the magic began to flow again as usual. And slowly, noisy sounds were heard.

Maeng A-ra slowly stood up, still looking anxious.

He seemed to hesitate a little, but then turned around and started running.

It was in the direction of Barbara’s temple.


The day when the Inn of Beginnings is activated is fast approaching.

There are about 10 days left now?

This time, the Mercenary received a total of two participation tickets, each of which was in charge of education and special instructor positions. Also, each instructor can bring someone to help with the work, so a total of 4 people can enter.

It had already been decided who to send. Hayeon is scheduled to be selected as the training instructor, and I must join as a special instructor who is allowed to enter after the 6th week.

Of course, if you calculate the round trip distance to Magia, it will take 8 weeks. However, I am confident that it will not be late. Because if you can only activate the warp gate after arrival, you will have about two weeks left.

With that thought in mind, I looked forward and focused on the man speaking in a quiet voice.

“As you said last time, we included Helena and Vivien in the group leaving for the ancient magic city of Magia. There are a total of 8 other people included, including users Heo Jun-young, Seon Yu-un, Nam Da-eun, Kim Han-byeol, Yu-jeong Lee, and An Sol, and there are 2 residents to follow. We invited residents who showed interest in construction.”

“You managed to recruit the residents. So, there are 11 of us including me. I guess that’s okay?”

“yes. I convinced them that there would be no major accidents since the area had already been conquered and cleaning work had already begun. And our clan’s reputation also played a part. In fact, considering each individual’s capabilities, there is nothing excessive about this appointment.”

“is that so. “Then what is the status of other matters?”

Cho Seung-woo, who was in the middle of talking, paused for a moment and turned over the record. And he handed me one of them and smiled kindly.

“Istantel Row has sent an official response. They say they accept our request. “Miss Helena has already finished calculating the coordinates, so we will be able to leave tomorrow as scheduled.”

“It’s good. I heard the report well. Thanks for your efforts.”

“thank you. ah. and… . Actually, I heard one more strange thing.”

“Strange words?”

Just as I was about to wave my hand to signify that I could leave now, Seungwoo Cho suddenly spoke up. He is still smiling calmly. However, he seemed to be holding back laughter for some reason, and it felt a little strange.

Seungwoo Cho continued.

“They say that once a woman sulks, it lasts longer than you think. But this time, Istantel Lowlord is participating as a special instructor, so she tells me to take advantage of this opportunity… . ah. I’m not really sure what you’re talking about, though. ha ha ha.”

“… “Who is the user who came as a messenger?”

“This is Yeon Hye-rim, famous for being the princess of execution.”

“… … .”

“You must be a great clan lord.”

“I can sense quite a bit of nonsense.”

When I glared at him with a sharp glare, Seung-Woo Cho took a step back. Then he smiled, waved his hands, and quickly turned around and disappeared out of the office.

After a while, I sighed when I saw the record with Istantel Row’s seal. This is because I was secretly concerned about Yeon Hye-rim’s words.

Of course, even in the first episode, there were very rare times when she sulked once or twice, but I combed Han So-young’s hair every time. Because then she was released at once. But isn’t the situation now the same as it was then?

“That would be really troublesome.”

I scratched my head and shook it vigorously from side to side. It’s because my mind is already complicated, but I’m worried about it for no reason, so I’m irritated.

Finally, after sinking deeply into the chair, I quietly looked up at the ceiling. And then I glanced sideways at a corner.

In the corner, there was a strange shadow. I swept my feet under the desk and opened my mouth quietly.

“You can come out now.”

Then, at the same time as the woman’s clothes were swept out from under the desk, the shadow in the corner moved slowly and came closer to me.

Eventually, someone emerges from the shadow that has reached the clothes they had gathered.


Soon, the woman who appeared with a sound was none other than Go Yeon-ju.

“What kind of salty is salty?” Hurry up and get dressed. “It’s embarrassing to see.”

“Ho Ho. why. “Wasn’t it somewhat thrilling?”

I shook my head saying absolutely not. And looking at the almost naked figure, I pointed to the clothes that had fallen on the floor. Go Yeon-ju pouted her lips, but still put on her clothes and obeyed me obediently.

“Please think about my situation. “Anyway, let’s quickly get dressed and listen to the information we learned.”

“tooth. I’m on an information shuttle to meet you. It is said that high-performance terriers get very upset if you do not give them affection. If you want to grow it properly in the future, be sure to do it! Please be aware.”

“… “I don’t want to think of Go Yeon-ju as a puppy.”

“Woof woof?”

… In fact, before Seung-Woo Cho came in, I was receiving reports from Yeon-Ju Ko first. This is because after meeting Ara Maeng three days ago, there were things I wanted to find out personally.

So, I gave instructions to find out everything about Jin Soo-hyeon, but the problem was in the way Go Yeon-ju reported. It must have tasted great since I tried it once before, and it was quite embarrassing because I had to take it off every time I reported it. Then suddenly Seung-Woo Cho came in, which led to this mess.


After checking that Go Yeon-ju was fully dressed, I calmly opened my mouth.

“so… . “Where did it get disconnected earlier?”

“I fell in love with Soo-hyeon’s majesty… . all right. I’m really going to stop, so don’t stare at me like that. Hmm. “I think I even said that I didn’t find out much.”

“I think so. “Keep going.”

“Hmm~. Actually, that’s it. As for the user named Jin Su-hyeon that Su-hyeon mentioned, I couldn’t get any information except for those minor details. “Even the little things are very fragmentary.”

Go Yeon-ju looked a little embarrassed, but I nodded. Even though I gave instructions to gather information, I thought that I might not be able to find out.

As can be seen from the previous Koran Alliance incident, Go Yeon-ju’s shadow skills are unrivaled. If you want, you can invade any clan and take away important confidential information.

If that’s the case, you can’t track the movements of just one user? If you think about it with common sense, it was nonsense.

But if there is only one possibility… .

“It’s okay even if it’s something small.”

“Hmm~. I think its most recent residence was Mule. It seems that a young man there occasionally stopped by a store to buy necessary items and then went out of the city again. “I found out about this from the guard guarding the north gate, and I think it was headed toward the Jet Black Forest.”

“Jet-black forest… . “Then what about the Mage Hunter Clan?”

“It’s the same thing. The clan management office refused to answer, and when we tried to find out by sneaking in during the night, we couldn’t find any information at all. Now that I think about it, it’s strange, right? “I was reluctant to answer as if I knew something, but there really isn’t any data, right?”

It’s just that the angels did something.

It was like that. No matter how incredible Go Yeon-ju’s abilities are, the angels are bound to be limited in gathering information if they choose to do so. So for now, all I could think about was this direction.

Anyway, now that the angels have figured it out, it will be difficult to get any more information from here.

But it’s okay. From the moment Maeng Ara mentioned the revelation, I had an intuiting fact that Seraph was involved in this plan. Then at least there will be no harm. Angels cannot intentionally harm their users, and Miu, Gou, and Seraph have never harmed me even once.

Of course, this idea is quite subjective from the angels’ perspective. When I recall the memories of the first round, it cannot be said that the results were necessarily good, so I had no intention of letting go of the tension until the intention was clearly revealed.

Anyway, you’ve already gathered as many clues as you can, so all that’s left is to combine and guess. Even if there was a possibility that my guess was wrong, I needed time to think.

“Anyway, that’s really it. sorry. “Because I couldn’t be of much help.”

Go Yeon-ju was hugged with a very sorry face… . No, why are you hugging me while feeling sorry?

Still, I couldn’t push him away, so I patted Go Yeon-ju on the back.

“no. it’s okay. Go Yeon-ju did her best. Anyway, I heard your story well. thank you for your effort.”

“Then it doesn’t matter… . But Su-hyeon.”


“Don’t we leave tomorrow?”

Go Yeon-ju smiled as he nodded his head to mean yes.

“Then shouldn’t I go there at least once? No matter how busy you are.”

Come back? Where?

I stared at Go Yeonju with a puzzled feeling.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ah. Lately, I keep being late. sorry. _(__)_

Actually, I was late today for very personal reasons.

While I was watching Jo Ara’s cast, I came across a work, and it was so interesting that I lost track of time while reading it. Later on, I felt like it would be a waste to read everything, so I read each line carefully. -_-a

If you have time, please read it. Author Bichu’s Team name: Goblin. I recommend it. 🙂

ah. And many people made guesses in this part, and 50% of the answers are contained in this episode. You don’t have to think too deeply about this part like the shadow war part. You can just think of it as a kind of preparation process before leaving the Iron Mountains.

P.S. And please stop teasing me! If this continues, the day may come when Han So-young only looks at Kim Soo-hyun and sucks her fingers. Huhuhuhu.(?)


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not work with dark mode