MEMORIZE Chapter 497

00497 Abandoned wizard hunter. ————————————————– ———————-=

Where did it go?

I thought I followed along quickly, but Lee Hyo-eul is nowhere to be seen. There is only a wide open hallway divided to the left and right. I looked from side to side, then greatly expanded my magic perception and increased my hearing.

After a while, I was able to detect the presence of two people at the end of the hallway on the right.

I walked right away. Be careful not to get caught.

“Are you crazy? How dare you come in here? “Are you aware of your role or not?”

“B-but… . sister… . Angels, angels, our Soohyun… .”

“Noisy! “Can’t you be quiet?!”


Although the tone is lowered to the highest level, a stern voice and a tearful voice can be heard one after another.

After a while, a long breathing sound, presumed to be Lee Hyo-eul’s, flowed out.

“after… . Of course, when that guy is around… . He’s already a very quick-witted guy… . “Did you notice?”

“to? Mercenary Lord?”

“Yes, you Meng Chu. Anyway, come on… .”

“wow. Great. “Then can’t I take this opportunity to say hello?”

Soon Maeng A-ra’s innocent voice was heard, followed by Lee Hyo-eul’s yelling. I quietly turned away. Soon, the sound of Maeng A-ra being forcibly kicked out was heard.

As I was sitting on the chair and acting like a fool, Lee Hyo-eul came back with a fuss and quickly calmed down. She forced a smile and put her butt in her seat.

“Ho Ho. Sorry sorry. The younger brother I know is so immature. Anyway, you waited a long time, right?”

“not really. Now, shall we get to the point? “Tell me the conditions.”

“huh? Ah, the condition is this. At this user academy, are you planning to revive the position of special instructor? if… . I know?”

“Special instructor. “I know.”

Lee Hyo-eul’s bargaining chip was that he would put me in the position of a special instructor.

Special instructors are instructors who specially join after the 6th week of basic training, and unlike general education and life instructors, they are not limited by the limitations of the user academy. In some ways, it could be said to be the best seat, but as such, it was not a place for just anyone. First of all, you must not only have talent, but you must also have a high level of reputation and recognition that anyone can recognize.

But in fact, if you look inside the special instructor, it was a kind of special case that arose during the Golden Lion era, and was a precedent that disappeared when it was transferred to the central management organization. As time passes, cases of abuse for purposes that are significantly different from the original purpose often occur.

But in the end, I decided to accept Lee Hyo-eul’s suggestion. I don’t know how they came up with the idea to revive it, but either way, it wasn’t a position I would turn down. Although there was a restriction that I had to become an instructor, the position with the highest value among special, educational, and life instructors was that of a special instructor.

After confirming each other’s conditions, we smiled and shook hands. And after chatting for a few trivial words about who you plan to recommend as an instructor, I plan to recommend Jeong Ha-yeon, etc., I left the central management organization and headed to the warp gate.


It might have felt good to have the unexpected income of being a special instructor, but my mind was still complicated. This is because the conversation between Lee Hyo-eul and Maeng A-ra from earlier kept lingering in my head.

‘B-but…’ . sister… . Angels, angels, our Soohyun… .’

Angels are our Soohyun.

If you think about what he said next, you can tell that Su-hyeon was not referring to me.

In fact, I had doubts from the first time I saw the user information. This is because ‘mage hunter’ refers to a user who had a very high reputation during the first round.

okay. A man who had a secret class as a swordsman expert and was known in the public as a wizard hunter.

The man must have been referring to Jin Soo-hyun, not the user Kim Soo-hyun.

It was then.

Do do do do do do do do!

While I was in the middle of organizing my thoughts one by one, I suddenly stopped walking. Because I felt like someone was secretly following me… .

No, isn’t it?

I’m a little confused. It is too obvious to think that it is following you secretly.

I calmly looked around. The place where I am standing now is the square. As many users come and go, directions may overlap.

Thinking like that, I started walking again.

Do do do do do do do do!

And before I had even walked twenty steps, I stopped walking. Now it is clear that it will follow.

Because he followed me so openly, I also openly turned away. Then, for a moment, I could see the woman looking startled and turning her head towards the distant building. And at that moment, I frowned deeply.

The identity of the woman who was chasing me was Maeng A-ra, whom Lee Hyo-eul tried so hard to hide.

But, did they really think I wouldn’t know?

Maeng A-ra was blinking rapidly. And while she is whistling, she is glancing sideways at me. Thinking that I would see how far it would go, I kept looking at it.

It was such a moment.


“Oh~. The weather is really nice~. The sun is also awesome~. uh?! Now that I think about it, I’m hungry too? Ehehe!”

After saying this, Maeng A-ra patted her stomach and smiled brightly.

And I quietly analyzed the meaning of Maeng A-ra’s actions a little while ago.

… Are you an asshole?

From the moment I heard his voice, I thought he was a bit of an asshole, but he was really an asshole.

Although I felt dumbfounded, I activated my third eye first. When I thought about it, not only did I not completely verify the information earlier, but I was also curious as to how he developed this tendency to act like a Jeong Jeong-ah like that.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Maeng Ara (1st year)

2. Class

① Guardian of the Northern Continent: Activation

② Normal, Priest, Beginner: Disabled

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Wizard Hunter (Clan Rank: C Plus)

5. True Name • Nationality: One who guides the light • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (16)

7. Height • Weight: 161.7cm • 45.8kg

8. Tendency: Innocence • Pure

[Strength 16] [Durability 12] [Dexterity 15] [Stamina 17] [Magic Power 91] [Luck 99]


This… . It’s a little surprising.

The moment I checked the user information, I felt my eyes tighten. Her disposition was because, even though she was the second child, her magic power and luck were very high considering that they were one year apart.

Of course, in many ways(?) it was not comparable to Ansol, but it can be seen as a downgrade. I was just about to lazily rub my chin, thinking I should cancel what I thought was an idiot.

“Oh, so annoying! Why are you standing here still? Move!”


At the same time as the sound, Maeng A-ra screamed. In a crowded square, an ill-tempered user passed by Maeng Ara and roughly pushed her. Maeng A-ra soon waved her arms and leaned forward, sharing a deep kiss with the floor. In other words, it hit her face first.

And in that state, 3 seconds passed.

Eventually, Maeng A-ra’s body seemed to wriggle once, and Maeng Ara’s head suddenly lifted up.

“Ugh… .”

Then, his expression gradually became tearful, and he opened his mouth wide and began to cry freely.


… No, I’m not some kind of brat.

I forgot about it for a while. An immutable law.

I let out a long sigh and walked away.

And after a while.

“Yum yum yum yum. Nyam yum yum.”

“… … .”

“Yum yum yum yum. “Yum yum yum yum.”

“… … .”

In a square with blue skies and bright sunlight.

I sat at the fountain and looked at Maeng Ara pursing her small pink lips. As if she wasn’t lying when she said she was hungry, Maeng-ara was actively licking her lips while holding the food and drinks I bought her in both hands. She ate one sandwich and had one drink. I am very fortunate to eat it.

Then, suddenly, as if she felt my gaze, Maeng-ara stopped moving her head constantly. Accordingly, the speed at which he moved his mouth gradually slowed down, and soon he quietly extended both his hands towards me. It probably means, “Would you like to take a bite?”

I shook my head, thinking that I had been sighing more lately. Then, he slowly raised his hand and wiped Maeng Ara’s dirty mouth. Actually, I don’t plan on doing anything like this, but as I was watching what he was doing, it reminded me of someone.

“Ugh. “Eububu.”

“… Eat slowly. “I pretend.”

Maeng-ara looked at me, making her already round eyes even more round. Then, her plump cheeks turned bright red and she shook her head and muttered.

“Oh, no. “To me, Soohyun is my only oppa.”

My name is also Suhyeon.

But I knew that he wasn’t talking about me, so I didn’t bother to say it out loud.

After pushing my trembling hands back, I placed my hands on the fountain and looked up at the sky.

“But you. “Why on earth did you follow me?”

Then Maeng-ara opened her mouth again and looked at me with a very anxious face.

“yes yes? no way… . Oh, did you know?”

“Then it couldn’t be… . Did you think I wouldn’t know? What kind of confidence is that? “They follow me so openly.”

“I-I see… . I thought I could hide because there were so many people… . ah. This is not it. really sorry!”

“… … .”

“… “Are you feeling very bad?”

“Of course it’s bad.”

Maeng A-ra asked me carefully and I nodded my head.

Suddenly, a slight sense of playfulness arose.

“Uh, how bad was it?”

“So much so that I want to kidnap you and do various things to you.”

“Hey, hey! “It’s a pedo!”

“… … .”

Maeng A-ra gave a big shout and lost the distance in an instant.

Pedophilia… .

It was like that. I distorted that innocent, almost natural face, and listened to the cry that burst from those cute lips… . No, not this. Absolutely not.

I slapped my forehead and shook my head vigorously.

“It’s a joke. Now tell me. Why did you follow me? “It looks like you know who I am.”

Then, Maeng-ara becomes sullen for a moment and droops her shoulders. And she spoke in a whispering voice.

“Well, that’s what I mean. Actually, Personally. I have something I would like to ask you. So I followed you.”


“yes. “Please.”

“What are you asking?”

Maeng A-ra seemed to be thinking for a moment. However, I didn’t spend long worrying about it because I thought it was already over. She looked at me with slightly sad eyes, as if she had made up her mind.

“So, please give up!”

And I quietly closed my eyes.

What are you asking me to give up?

No, before that.

… why me now Why on earth am I doing this here?

Maeng-a-ra continued hesitantly, perhaps because she thought it made no sense.

“Well, so… . “The revelation came to you not long ago, right?”

“… however.”

“sure. Have you heard anything from the angels? For example, other users’ stories… .”

“hmm? About other users?”

Now that something seems to be happening, I finally open my eyes.

“well. “I didn’t hear it.”

“Really? Nothing? “Not one?”

“huh. But what are you asking me to give up? “Tell me in detail from beginning to end.”

“Well, you can’t do that. “It’s a secret.”

Maeng A-ra answered with a look that said she could never do that. The voice is also very firm.

So, I got up right away.

“okay. hi.”

“Now, wait a minute! Do not go! “Please don’t go!”

Maeng-ara held on to me until I dropped what I was holding.

… Feeling encouraged by giving up food and drinks, I decided to sit down for once.

“Then tell me. “The context is very detailed.”

“Well, that’s it. I want to do that too. “I also have my own position.”

“That’s why you won’t talk.”

“Ha, but I really can’t help it. Because I am the number of people in the Northern Continent… ! Ugh!”

You idiot.

Before Maeng Ara could finish speaking, I quickly covered my mouth. Maeng Ara looked very surprised for a moment, but she soon seemed to realize her mistake. Her complexion turned pale.

Feeling the soft texture of my hand, I quietly stared at Maeng Ara.

I don’t know how a kid like this became the protector of the Northern Continent, but I thought it would be better to just give up. However, it only gave up on understanding the user named Maeng A-ra, and the desire to find out the truth still remained.

Because it smelled.

The sudden appearance of user Jin Su-hyeon, and the new guardian of the Northern Continent next to him.

This is what angels say about our Soohyun.

It means please give up.

And going back to the first question, the true intentions of the angels regarding this Magia.

Most of the information I found out was still vague. I don’t know why, but my intuition was telling me that there was a possibility that this information was connected.

And, there is a user right in front of you who can provide you with an accurate answer.

I gave up on Maeng Ara. However, maybe this type of personality is better. From the looks of it, he looks so immature that it makes me feel sorry to compare him to Lee Hyo-eul, but honestly, with a personality like this, it’s much easier to bake or use him.

okay. If you have any questions, you can just coax them. Isn’t this user not a user I know and is just a stranger?

Thinking like that, I slowly withdrew my hand. Then, he lightly stamped his feet and released the magical power of his entire body.

At the same time, trying to sound extremely soft, I quietly opened my mouth.

“With my brother… . “Would you like to talk for a moment?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

With your body.

hello. This is Ro Yujin. It’s really late today. sorry. _(__)_ I had a meeting at Joara today, so I was delayed for a while. Hahaha. (Ah, you can ignore the words at the top of the review.)

It was a very enjoyable and informative time.

What kind of conversation did you have?


A (I don’t know between the two because I’m confused.): It’s Royumi! Royumi Royumi! Please sign!

I : … … . … … . … … .


B (former editor in charge): Ah, hello. I am enjoying watching Memorise.

Me: Oh, thank you so much.

B: But I saw a review a while ago.

I : … yes?

B: Raw pervert… .

I : … … . … … . … … .


C (new editor in charge): Oh, there’s no manuscript? (Waving both hands) I need to proofread the Memorize e-book, but I don’t have the manuscript!

Me: ^_ㅠ


D (who cannot be revealed yet): Oh, hello. I am enjoying watching Memorise.

Me: Ah, thank you.

D: But I have a question.

Me: Yes! Please speak!

D: Why on earth did the unicorn stick out its butt?

I : … … . … … . … … .

I was able to laugh it off at the time, but inside I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.


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not work with dark mode