MEMORIZE Chapter 492

00492 New family member. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Anyway, the test is… .”

“Does not matter. Rather, Kim Soo-hyun. hurry.”

Just as I was about to say that we should postpone it to the next opportunity, Heo Jun-young quickly kicked the player away. Maybe he smelled this too. Thinking that, I sniffed a couple of times and walked away without delay.

As we went on, the smell of blood became stronger. As soon as I arrived at the lobby on the first floor, I saw employees who didn’t know what to do, and at the same time, I was able to pinpoint the source of the smell. There is no need to sniff anymore. All the employees were looking outside the building.

When I finally arrived at the garden, I saw about a dozen clan members gathered together. And I found it to be a little different than I expected… . No, I was able to see a very different situation.

First, Sasha was lying on the ground. She didn’t seem to be dead, as she raised her upper body, but her face looked blank and she seemed surprised to wake up. And across from her, about ten meters away, was a white animal standing upright. It was Yumi.

Even at first glance, Yumi’s condition was strange. The first thing I noticed was the blood stains on the softly shining horns. I think she probably stabbed Sasha for some reason, but I’m not sure why. But her eyes were very distorted and her tail was stiffly erect. In short, he looked very angry.

“Is there a problem?”

“ah! Clan Lord!”

I quickly approached and asked, and Dasom Park, who was treating Sasha, turned to me. However, she doesn’t seem to have anything to say as she just purses her lips and looks at Yumi. I lifted her foot and tapped Sasha.

“Sasha. Are you okay?”

“ah… . Okay, it’s okay. Clan Lord. “It’s not life-threatening.”

“Then tell me. “What happened?”

“that is… . I don’t know either. I tried to approach him just to see if he was okay, but he suddenly grabbed me with his horn… .”


At that time, Yumi cried loudly. It was a sound that somehow made her feel unfair. Sasha immediately covered her mouth and I sighed. I don’t know the details of the situation, but I thought it would be better to clean up the surroundings first. Yumi seemed extremely anxious right now.

“User Dasom Park. Take Sasha inside and heal her. And everyone else, please don’t just stand here. Please go inside first. “It looks like Yumi is anxious, so I’ll try to calm her down.”

Sasha answered yes and then stood up with support. And without saying anything, she started limping away. Soon, the clan members entered the main building one by one, leaving Yumi and I alone in the garden.

I calmly stared at Yumi. After about 3 seconds of looking at each other like that, I soon saw the stiff tail slowly lowering.

At that moment, I bent one knee and held out both arms.

“Yumi. “Come here.”

Kwirrrrrr… !

Fortunately, Yumi made a sobbing noise and ran to me in a hug. I felt a trembling vibration in her body. I patted his back gently and slowly got up. Then, I faced his bright eyes and wiped the blood from his horn.

“Okay, okay. But why did you do that to Sasha? “What happened to you two?”

Yumi lifted her face from her arms. Then she raised her front leg and pointed in one direction.

“Go over there?”

Then I nodded.

I guess that’s what he meant, so I tilted my head and walked in the direction Yumi pointed.

Eventually, we reached the end of the garden, that is, the dark shadow beneath the wall. Yumi struggled out of my arms and ran to the corner and looked back at me.

The moment I looked down and wondered what the hell was going on.

I was greatly disappointed.

“This… ?”

The first thing I saw were two eggs, more than half of which were broken. And in front of those eggs, two creatures are sleeping soundly. I just blinked for a while without even thinking about exhaling.

Then, suddenly, Hayeon’s words I heard before passed through my mind.

‘Oh, Yumi? Are you going to be very busy right now?’

‘Ho Ho… . You might be a little surprised when you see it.’

Ah, is that so? The reason Yumi hasn’t been seen these days is because she’s carrying an egg. And the reason she stabbed Sasha was to protect the babies born from her eggs.

Considering the paternal and maternal love of the unicorn race, it was not entirely unreasonable. Especially if the target is Sasha, a vampire.

I think I finally understand, and I look at the two lives with a new heart.

Pegasus’ egg and the fairy queen’s egg.

One was obtained from Chaos Mimic, and the other was obtained from the ancient magic city of Magia. Of course, it can be said to be a clear achievement, but in fact, it has not been a matter of much attention until now. That’s because he didn’t feel the need to hatch them (in fact, all he could think of was frying them and eating them sometime).

However, since I never dreamed that Yumi would embrace and hatch it, I couldn’t help but feel unfamiliar emotions.

Is this really a good thing? Or is it a bad thing?

Barely able to come to my senses, I quietly stared at the two writhing lives.

Baby Pegasus looked just like Yumi when she was young. The size of a kitten and slightly wet white fur. However, there are a few differences, like the lack of horns on the forehead and a pair of small wings on the back.

The moment I turned my attention to the baby fairy, I felt my eyes tighten.

Without even realizing it, I almost fell to my knees. Because it was just born, there was some dirt on its body, but other than that, the holy energy flowing around it and its clean appearance were amazing.

And the face. The gentle-looking face and gently closed lips gave off a beautiful impression that could be considered a woman. Her hair was shining a soft silver like Margarita, and the pair of wings slightly sprouting from her pure white back were extremely noble.

The ears sticking out through the hair looked so cute that I barely realized that this fairy was a baby.

okay. As soon as I saw this baby fairy, I was sure that it was the child of the Fairy Queen. That’s how similar the two were.

“… … .”

How much time has passed?

After staring blankly at the baby fairy for a while, I had a thought and activated my third eye. Since I was born to residents one day or another, resident information might appear.

And as expected, a message appeared in the air.

1. Name: -(Undetermined)

2. Class: -(Undetermined)

3. Nation: -(Undetermined)

4. Affiliation (Clan): -(Undecided)

5. True Name • Nationality: Half Elf, successor of the Fairy Queen • Fairy Forest

6. s*x: Female (0)

7. Height • Weight: 43.7cm • 2.7kg

8. Tendency: Lawful • Pure

[Strength 1] [Durability 2] [Dexterity 2] [Stamina 7] [Magic Power 87] [Luck 97]

< Achievements (0) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Ganesha’s Blessing (Rank: EX)

< Special Ability (0/0) >

1. The unquenchable light of wisdom (Rank: F Zero)

< Potential (0/0) >

One. -.

2. -.


* A fairy born with the blessings of Ganesha.

* He is the child of Marvolo de Eilite, the greatest wizard in human history, and Margarita Talent Beatrice, the last fairy queen. Even though the process was terrible, it is undeniable that she inherited the greatest magic talent and the qualities to become the best fairy. It may still be just a baby, but it has incredible growth potential.

… What kind of bizarre information is this? Now, the newborn baby has 87 points of magical power and 97 points of luck? No, before that, unique abilities and special abilities were developed?

I walked carefully, one step at a time, laughing helplessly. Since it was unplanned, I felt like I didn’t know what to do. As if the dazed feeling hadn’t gone away yet, the annoying sound of rustling and stepping on the grass came through.

At the same time, Baby Pegasus, who was close to me, opened his eyes and lifted his head with difficulty.


A low cry bursting out of a small mouth. Since I couldn’t even open my eyes yet, I wondered if I was trying to find the source of the sound or if I felt someone else was there. As Baby Pegasus looked around her head, Yumi quickly approached him and started licking him with her tongue.

After looking at the scene for a moment, I immediately turned my attention. And then, with utmost care, I picked up the sleeping baby fairy.

“Ugh… ? Huh?!”

Then, at some point, the baby fairy, who was slightly frowning, appeared to gently open her eyes. She said she was taking it slow, but I thought it must have woken her up. For a moment she was worried that she might burst into tears, but she was soon able to put her worries away as she came face to face with light blue eyes.

The eyes, which looked large and clear, were staring directly at me. There was a curiosity in that gaze that could not be hidden. Like, who is this person? Like this… . ah. Did you tilt your head slightly just now?

Eventually, the baby fairy, who was looking at me quietly, lowered her gaze, and soon raised her gaze again and made eye contact with me. I almost burst out laughing because it felt like I was giving a review.

Suddenly, the baby fairy stretched out her small, white, plump arms.

And then he smiled brightly and parted his small lips.



“bar! bar!”

“bar… ? dad… ? “Do you really think of me as your father?”

Kyurrrrrr! Kyurrrrrr!

Then, as if what he said was true, Yumi started crying in a loud voice. The baby fairy seemed to be happy and was smiling brightly. Then, I noticed the hand still waving in the air, and I slowly, very slowly, held the baby fairy in my arms.

“Kyaa! Baa~!”

The baby fairy burst out laughing. And then he buried his head, holding me tightly in his arms. I still followed my instinct and gave a soft hug to his back, and after a while, I heard the sound of his breathing evenly.

“Huh. “What should I do with this?”

Suddenly, I felt an unexpected feeling and I let out a sigh for no reason. This happened so suddenly that it was hard to believe it.

Kyurrrrrr… .

However, when I heard Yumi cry again and looked down, I suddenly came to my senses.

okay. These are newly born lives. Now that I thought about it, the baby fairy’s back seemed to be shaking slightly, but I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to leave her outside like this anyway.

And at that moment, I suddenly felt the sensation of my pants being pulled down. When I looked down, I saw Yumi looking at me with an expression of anxiety that had not yet gone away.

At that moment, I slowly got down on one knee, feeling as if I was possessed by something. Then he raised his free hand and slowly stroked Yumi’s head. Now that I think about it, the one who has suffered the most so far is probably Yumi.

“These kids… . “Are these the children you embraced?”

Kyurrrrrr… .

“You haven’t paid much attention to me with the excuse of being busy.”

Kwirrrr, kyurrrr… .

“haha. Are you saying it’s not? anyway… . great job. Thank you so much. You are like their mother. I am truly sorry, and thank you again.”

Huh? Grrrr… !

The moment Yumi said thank you, she finally smiled. Then she shakes her head as if it’s not, as if it’s okay. And she looked at me with her old gentle face. There was no longer any sense of anxiety.

“This is true. “I suddenly found myself becoming a father.”

So, I responded by smiling softly.

We were looking at each other happily for about 5 seconds.

Grumbling… . Whoop whoop… .

Yumi slowly lowered her eyes with a sound that sounded strange. Then she let out another whimper and started scratching her face, then put her head against my foot and started rubbing it gently.


I felt a little, but strangely. It was something he always did, but he seemed strangely shy today.

It was then.

Suddenly, Yumi raised her head. And she looked up at me with her eyes filled with a sense of solemnity. I asked in a puzzled mood.


Then Yumi, who was crying weakly, slowly but somehow turned around, looking as if she was embarrassed.

And then.

Eventually, he completely turned his back on me and thrust his butt towards me.

“… … .”

… uh?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Ah, I’m strangely tired yesterday and today. I felt sluggish throughout the day. My body feels dizzy too. She did gymnastics twice while writing. I think it’s because tomorrow, or rather today, is Monday. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode