MEMORIZE Chapter 489

00489 A peaceful time. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was the moment Ansol opened Pandora’s box with a powerful display of spirit.


Bright light burst from the wide open box, coloring the interior of the restaurant. The intense light even turned my vision white for a moment, but I was able to see, albeit vaguely.

A total of ten beams of light burst out of the box. And the fact that two of those beams of light radiated out of the restaurant, leaving behind a blurry afterimage.

My vision recovered after a long time. So I looked right down, and I saw a group of eight lights arranged in a circle around the outside of the table, with the box at the center. It was a definite achievement, and the bright light has not yet faded, revealing his extraordinaryness.

After a while, explosive cheers broke out among the clan members.

“It’s an achievement! What an achievement! It’s an achievement! “It’s an achievement!”

“Oh my, look at these flowers! Very pretty! “What on earth is this?”

“Goose Appreasel! Hey, hey! Goose Appreasel!”

“Hey, here! “I already packed it!”

The subsequent actions of the clan members were very agile and agile. Eight wizards stepped forward according to the number of castles and began chanting the Goose Appreasel. I don’t know when they brought it with them, but each person was holding an item appraisal order form.

Either way, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to wait for the goose appraiser, but since I already had a much better verification tool(?) called the third eye, I stared at the results right away.

The first thing that caught my eye was the seven neatly placed flowers. And starting with that, there are gray crystals, round beads, round spheres similar to beads but different in color and size, and… . Is this a square die? Anyway, next is a shiny stone, a blood-red dagger, and… . What’s the last one? This isn’t one thing, it’s like a set?

Anyway, I thought I’d know it when I saw it, so I decided to go clockwise and check one by one, starting with the seven flowers placed at 12 o’clock. Then, a huge amount of messages began to float in the air.

『Beatrice Stella.』

(Explanation: When a specially blessed star falls to the ground, the star’s blessing permeates the area where it fell. After a certain maturation process takes place over a period of 100 years, seven flowers with the star’s blessing appear on the ground. Beatrice Stella is a type of essence that can be found in the pistils of these flowers.

If the user takes essence, the stat potential of the user’s information can be slightly increased. However, the effect can only be seen on potentials that are still open, and cannot be effective on potentials that have already been closed. If even a very small amount remains, you can see definite results, but it is not recommended for users over 4 years of use. Also, you cannot enjoy duplicate effects.)

『Crystals Of Light And Darkness.』

(Explanation: It is a chaotic crystal that is a mixture of light and darkness. Because it is connected to a very powerful spirit, it has never been revealed to the world except once. It is not recommended to use it hastily unless you are a very talented user. .)

『Anima Oratio』

(Explanation: There was a man and a woman. The man aspired to be strong and devoted his life to becoming strong. The woman waited for the man who wandered abroad and always prayed that the man would achieve what he wanted. However, decades later. When the man who remembered the woman returned, the woman had already died for a long time.

The origin of Anima Oratio is a prayer of the soul that originated from a woman who loved a man. When the user receives a prayer, one of the unique, special, and potential abilities is randomly assigned, allowing one additional slot to be opened.)

『Talus Propheta.』

(Description: Ancient Hall Plane. It is a sphere containing a kind of restoration spell that was only allowed to the Pope of the Angelus Church. Although it is only a prophetic spell based on a prophecy, the Pope’s prophecy is so powerful that it is confirmed as a reality. It has power. By specifying an object (an inanimate object), it restores the power lost for some reason. The scope of application of the prophecy is very wide, and it can even restore the power of a divine power.)

『Memoria Stone.』


『Vagus’s Stigma.』

『Secret Desire, Set.』


So, the moment I read half of the eight achievements, I briefly looked away.

I felt dizzy. Not only did the message fill the air, but the noise from the clan members, who had already applied the goose appraiser, became even more intense.

But that wasn’t all.

In fact, the biggest reason why I stopped looking was because it hit the jackpot. I definitely read the information, but it didn’t make as much of an impact as I thought. I just felt dazed. No, no, what should I say? Should I say that I needed some time to gather my thoughts?

First, Beatrice Stella is said to be an essence that increases the user’s ability potential. Of course, it is unclear to what extent it will be raised, and there is a limitation that it has no utility for closed potential.

But anyway, isn’t it nice to just upload it? Moreover, since there were not one but seven, it was said that as many as seven prospects could be further upgraded.

The decision between light and darkness… . I don’t know either. If you think of it as a kind of elemental crystal, it seems like a means to change jobs to a spiritist, but maybe it’s fire, water, wind, earth, or electricity. It was my first time seeing such chaotic decisions.

Still, since I heard that it has never been released to the world except once, I was quite excited to see how well it would perform.

and anima oratio.

This was truly a hit. While I thought it was the best achievement I’ve ever seen, it was also the achievement I coveted the most.

No need to say anything else. It is said that one of the unique, special, and potential abilities is selected and one additional slot is added.

I already had one more ability slot than other users. But what if you use Anima Oratio in this situation? It goes beyond six slots and expands to seven slots. Knowing the importance of ability in user information, I really wanted it.

Lastly, Talus Profeta.

It is said that only inanimate objects can restore an object’s lost power.

At first glance, it was a slightly ambiguous achievement, but in reality it was not at all. As soon as I saw the phrase that prayers can be restored, an achievement came to mind. The thought that maybe, if I use this, I can regain my lost magic.

After gathering my thoughts like this for a while, I was finally able to realize the achievement in front of me.

okay. It’s literally amazing. No, it is a huge success that surpasses all the achievements achieved so far. I immediately looked for Ansol.

Ansol had his eyes tightly closed and his body was shaking as if he had done it. She has a strange look of delight on her face, as if she is about to have anorga*m.

I shook my head excitedly. Even though I saw it with my third eye, I still couldn’t believe it.

Is this really the result of Ansol’s luck? Or is it just luck? Oh, do you mean the same thing?

I stared at Ansol with a new feeling, then quickly turned my gaze to look at the four remaining achievements. The first four alone were truly incredible, and I was really looking forward to seeing what impact the remaining four would have.

It was then.

“brother. Look at this gem. “It’s a gem called Cordelia, and its efficacy is truly unbelievable.”

“Wow, Heo Jun-young is so lucky.”

Around this time, chaotic sounds could still be heard surrounding the performance.

For a moment, I frowned without realizing it. Apparently there were eight achievements on the table, but as I looked away for a moment, they were reduced to seven. In other words, one disappeared without anyone noticing.

The Memoria Stone is in place. Cordelia was in Baek Seung-hoon’s hands, and Vegas Stigma was in Park Dong-seok’s hands. and… .

“Where did the secret desire set go?”

The moment I said that, the sound of someone running hurriedly reached my ears. I reflexively turned my gaze to where the sound came from.

“… Vivien?”

I saw Vivien.

It was like that. Vivian was running urgently without looking back, holding something tightly in her arms. Although he stumbled once, he got up so quickly that it was hard to believe he had fallen at all and leisurely walked out of the entrance. And I just stared at that scene blankly for about 5 seconds.

Then, I suddenly came to my senses and immediately looked at Heo Jun-young. However, Heo Jun-young shrugged his shoulders once and then yawned with an indifferent expression.

Although I sighed with relief, I also felt puzzled.

So, the moment I took a step forward with the intention of pursuing it first.


Suddenly, Yoo-jeong jumped in front of me and stopped walking.


“brother Brother! You know~. Our~. Oneul~. Can’t I do paa~ti? huh?”

“… party?”

“huh! look. The atmosphere is really good right now. Since everyone has already eaten, let’s keep it simple… . huh? huh? huh?”

Yujeong pretended to break a glass, then clasped her hands together and gave a bright look. The way she responded to every word she said meant that she wanted to drink her drink.

“What a party… . “Umm.”

At first, I wanted to say that it was evening and what kind of party was this, but when I looked around, I had no choice but to change my mind. All the clan members were looking at each other with earnest eyes. And actually, it wasn’t that late, it was actually the right time to have a party.

In the end, I couldn’t overcome the eyes that were making silent demands, so I reluctantly nodded my head.

“good. Instead, you should do it in moderation. “You can’t drink all night like last time.”

“Ouch! “Oppa, you’re the best!”

Yujeong raised both hands and screamed, followed by loud cheers. I frowned and covered my ears. He said he would go out for a moment to catch some thieves, but he was helplessly drowned out by the shouts that erupted.

“Hahaha! Then everyone rush to the kitchen!”

Yujeong was already excitedly running to the kitchen, so I ended up choosing to quietly walk out.

The garden, bathed in evening light, was dark. Vivien’s traces crossed the garden and led to the annex. It seems that he ran down the hallway and passed out of the main building entrance.

In that case, it would be most likely that he went to his lodgings.

I took a step into the dark garden, thinking that I would just get caught and get a good spanking. … But wait a minute.

Vivien, why on earth did she take the result without saying anything?

And it was that moment.

“… uh.”

Suddenly, an unexpected feeling of discomfort came over my entire body. As I was about to enter the garden, I followed my instinct and stopped. And as I looked at the annex in front of me, I quietly felt a sense of discomfort.

“… … .”


Why do I suddenly feel anxious? Why does a strange energy continue to emanate from that annex?

The feeling I have now is a kind of intuition, and I can see that luck has played a role to some extent. In fact, when it comes to luck, Ansol is so good, but I’m not at all low. 90 points is definitely not a level that can be put down anywhere.

That kind of luck was now sending me constant warnings.

You shouldn’t go into that annex right now. The moment I entered, it would definitely have a negative impact on me.

okay. This feeling is… . Does it feel like I will no longer be myself? I swallowed, feeling as if I was about to lose myself. Cold sweat was already flowing down my back.

The thoughts were long, but the decisions were short. I ultimately decided to trust my intuition. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to turn around. Vivian isn’t going anywhere anyway, and she can be retrieved through another user.

Then, feeling a little relieved, I turned around without delay, leaving behind the annex that was giving off a strange aura.


Just as I was looking at the entrance, I had no choice but to stop again.

A faint pounding noise was still coming from the main building. And as I quietly listened to the sound, a plan to carry out tonight suddenly occurred to me.

The plan was to use Eve’s bloodline to increase physical strength and ultimately achieve Hwajeong’s second awakening.

‘Post it later. ‘In a quiet place where no one will disturb you.’

Hwajeong’s words suddenly came to mind, and I looked around. There was a quiet silence in the garden as dusk fell. There is no one in sight, only the occasional gentle breeze passing by.

I was quietly lost in thought. If we go back to the restaurant now, the party will probably eat up quite a bit of time. Rather than that, I thought it would be better to implement the plan now. Even though I came out, there was no one in the garden at the time. Wouldn’t this be a perfect fit for Hwajeong’s requirements?

Thinking that way, I immediately tried to talk to Hwajeong.


– … … .

‘Hwajeong. Hwajeong? I’m trying to do it now… . are you okay?’

– … … .


– Shut up… !

I kept trying to talk.

But is he sleeping, or is he still sulking? No answer comes back. Well, I think I heard a faint sound for a moment… .

Anyway, I decided that he was sleeping, so I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the floor.

I felt the touch of cold earth. As I looked up at the sky for a moment, I saw that the sky had now completely turned ink. While staring at the sky like that, I gently closed my eyes.

Increase your stamina today and achieve Hwajeong’s second awakening.

Suddenly, my heart starts pounding.

Declaration of the area obtained through the first awakening. So what kind of power can the second awakening gain?

I slowly lowered my gaze. Then, suppressing my chest, which was pounding harder and harder, I took a deep breath with all my might.

Then, he let out all at once and opened his mouth as if spitting out.

“Use Eve’s bloodline.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Where did the two beams of light that went out through the window earlier go?

What would have happened if Soo-hyeon had ignored his instincts and entered the annex?

What are the remaining four achievements used for?

How will the results be used in the future?

What is the process of Hwajeong’s second awakening?

What part are you most curious about? ha ha ha. 😀


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not work with dark mode