MEMORIZE Chapter 483

00483 The Downfall Of The Koran Union. ————————————————– ———————-=

Two years ago. So, back when the Golden Lion Clan ruled the Northern Continent, something like this happened.

When it was confirmed that the Western Continent and the Allied Forces were approaching, the Northern Continent was violently shaken. The situation was especially severe in the western cities, which were the first to welcome the Allied forces.

What eventually happened was that users living in western cities fled to other cities. In some cases, not only the users, but also an entire clan moved beyond the caravan.

So why did that happen?

On the surface, there were many reasons, including the Golden Lion’s lackluster response and the Western representative clans’ immature response, but in fact, the biggest reason was behind the scenes. To be more precise, I would say it was the actions of the East and South.

Southeastern, which usually had a bad relationship with the Golden Lion, thought it was the right time and made an offer under the guise of a gesture of help. And several clans that felt uneasy in the West accepted the offer and chose to move their cities. Rather than taking refuge for a while, they chose to completely change the jurisdiction.

And now, two years have passed.

Although the situation was very different then, something similar was happening. Central, East, West, and North. Even in the southern part of the country, they began to move towards the Koran.

Clans under the Koran Union felt uneasy about the ever-growing incidents, and clans in other cities did not miss this situation. Individual scouts and clan-level offers were made frantically, but secretly, and the affiliated clans that responded were in the process of recording and updating quite a few numbers. In other words, it is still in progress.

Then, in the end, an incident occurred that caused a huge repercussion.

– This is Hyeon-gyu Hyeon, the Lord of the Moss Clan. As of this moment, the Moss Clan declares its withdrawal from the Southern Liberty Alliance, provides an explanation for the current situation, and officially apologizes to the Mercenary Clan… .

One of the eight clans that formed the main axis of the Koran Union moved quickly. They decided that they could not handle the current situation, so they announced their position on their own and, as if that were not enough, they declared their withdrawal from the union.

This was something completely different from the simple departure of an affiliated clan. It was said that all of the affiliated clans under the Moss Clan’s jurisdiction, equivalent to one-eighth of the total, had turned their backs on the alliance.

On the surface, Koo Hyeon-gyu expressed a deep apology and explained that they had nothing to do with it, and announced that he would suspend all activities for the time being as a means of self-reflection. However, any user with even a little bit of intelligence would have noticed this.

Someday, when this situation will subside. Whether they move their city or merge, the Moss Clan will move somewhere other than Coran.

The Moss Clan’s declaration of withdrawal dealt a major blow to the Coran Alliance, which was barely able to get itself together.

Now, more than a week after the incident occurred, the number of withdrawals, which had barely been on a downward curve, has turned into an upward curve. For users who had only been paying attention to one another in the name of family, the Moss Clan’s declaration was a perfect excuse.

The Koranic Union was at a loss. The external situation alone seemed like it would be difficult, but instead of helping me from the inside, it was making it even more difficult. I already wanted to cry, but it was like being slapped in the face.

“after. “I’m dying.”

Taejin Park groaned and sank deep into the chair. Then she stared at her ceiling for a moment and then quietly closed her eyes. These days, my head hurts a lot and my body feels weak, and I thought I might get sick.

As I was sitting still without thinking about anything, I suddenly felt that my stiff shoulders were feeling refreshed. Someone starts gently massaging my shoulder. As she glanced sideways, the young man whose eyes met hers grinned. Park Tae-jin chuckled as she confirmed that the young man was Park Hwan-hee.

“It’s cool. “Massage my neck a little more.”

Then Park Hwan-hee started massaging his neck without saying anything.

In fact, Taejin Park had a deep crush on this young man. No, it wasn’t that he liked him, he was almost considering him as his successor.

He was so friendly and polite that, at least among Su Clan members, there was no user who disliked Park Hwan-hee. She looks good, her user information is good, and above all, she is talented and resourceful. It was not for nothing that Park Hwan-hee said that she was the second-in-command of the Su Clan.

Park Hwan-hee, perhaps aware of Park Tae-jin’s expectations, showed himself to be even more sincere. Her appearance was as if she was seeing herself when she first entered Hall Plain. Park Tae-jin always took Park Hwan-hee with her and loved her. She was so angry that she became jealous that a clan member was getting married.

‘I’m good at seeing people.’

Currently, a significant number of affiliated clans have turned around, and many clan members have withdrawn. But Park Hwan-hee still remained. Just by looking at this, Park Tae-jin smiled softly, thinking that she was not mistaken.

After a while, Park Hwan-hee cautiously opened his mouth.

“Brother, you are truly amazing. I can’t believe I can smile even in this situation… .”

“huh? ah… . then. If I’m sagging, who will believe and follow the alliance? So you should smile. Pretend it’s not hard even when it’s hard, pretend to smile even if you want to cry… .”

“It’s easy. But in reality, it’s difficult to do that.”

“That’s right. But where I sit now is where it should be. No matter how difficult it is, you must find a way to get through it, and you must not lose hope no matter what adverse conditions you face. So, there is a saying about the power of positivity, right? “You too, remember these words.”

Was this something unexpected? Park Hwan-hee, with her eyes wide open, stopped her hand for a moment. Then Taejin Park raised her hand to signal her to stop and let out a long sigh.

Then Park Hwan-hee smiled softly and opened his mouth.

“I’m still worried. There are a lot of people who only trust you now. But these days, I can clearly see that you are tired. “It feels like I’m going to collapse at any moment.”

“don’t worry. “I don’t fall down that easily.”

“Aren’t you saying this because you’re worried? And no matter how much we call them users, the fundamentals are people. I can’t just keep running. “Brother, you need rest now.”

“I get it. okay. You bastard, what are you saying? Anyone who sees you will think you are my wife. ha ha ha.”

Still, Taejin Park seemed to feel better after hearing the words of concern, and burst into laughter. And she calmly raised her body and stretched as hard as she could.

However, as if he still had something to say, Park Hwan-hee stared ahead, wiggling his hands. Soon, when Park Tae-jin lowered her hand with a short moan, Park Hwan-hee quietly opened her mouth.

“older brother. “Now that we’ve come out of it, I hope you’ll really change your mind sometime soon.”

“Oh, I understood. Jeong: Then, can you help me… .”

Taejin Park, who was nodding his head, suddenly stopped talking. This is because Park Hwan-hee suddenly presented one of her records. She took it without a second thought and glanced through the records, and for an instant, a look crossed Taejin Park’s eyes. Then she raised her head and closed her eyes.

“This… . “It’s a historical record, right?”

“yes. “It was given to me by the Mercenary Lord.”

“what? Mercenary Road? you… . Did you know each other?”

“I came here as an instructor during the user academy days. I learned a little about it then. “We are not that close.”

Park Hwan-hee awkwardly smiled and explained. Taejin Park tilted her head.

“okay? Anyway, if that guy gave it to you, it would be a different story. There is a high possibility that it really exists. But why all of a sudden?”

“that is… . “I’m sorry.”


“I had no idea the situation would get this big. “It appears that there were some problems with the mercantile and central management bodies as well.”

Taejin Park snorted loudly. This is because he knew that this would happen from the moment he first stepped forward in the central management organization. But you actually went through the trouble and now you’re sorry. Tsk, tsk, Taejin Park clicked his tongue and stared at his records with an expression of disapproval.

“Anyway, it’s good, it’s good. so. “Do you want to go now?”

“Isn’t it good? “I go out of the city, get some fresh air, and relieve stress by cutting for the first time in a while.”

“Hey man. How do I go now? You already say it’s a long day, but say you’re going to explore here. “It’s going to be crazy.”

“Of course, I have to make excuses to the outside world. “An excuse that everyone can understand.”

Taejin Park looked at him with a puzzled face. Then, Park Hwan-hee looked around her and calmly continued speaking.

“Anyway, you didn’t reveal your position right away, but you said you would reveal it after investigating the truth.”


“These ruins are on the way to the mountain range where the dragon sleeps. So, on the surface, we can say that we are going to the mountain range where the dragon sleeps to investigate the truth, and pretend that we discovered the ruins by chance.”

“Hwanhee. Even though… .”

“Even if it continues like this, the situation is a mess. Those who are going to leave will leave anyway, and those who are going to criticize will continue to criticize. Rather than just staying like this, wouldn’t it be better to make a quick visit to investigate the exact truth? You can show action, pass the time, and change your mood. Also, the fact that the ruins were accidentally discovered will bring new vitality to the stagnant union.”

“Uhm… .”

Taejin Park slowly caressed his chin. He thought it was nonsense at first, but after listening to it, he found it appealing. He was lost in his thoughts for a while, then placed his records on the desk and nodded his head.

“i get it. Anyway, I’ll think about it for a bit, so let’s take a look at the current situation first. “If there are no signs of improvement, it might be better to do as you say.”

It didn’t mean I was going, but it was almost like a half-acceptance. Perhaps satisfied with this, Park Hwan-hee smiled slightly and nodded her head.

“yes. “Then I will prepare slowly.”


The visiting room was strangely cold. The moment they were alone, Shinhyuk’s body visibly trembled. Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes when he looks at Shin Hyuk like that are extremely cold. The jet-black eyes showed a subtle murderous spirit, and the surrounding air had suddenly calmed down.

Shinhyuk quietly rolled his eyes. And he opened his mouth in a trembling voice, trying to remain as calm as possible.

“Yeah, yeah… . Mercenary Lord, what’s going on here? Since you don’t admit it, are you here to recreate the famous Baek Seo-yeon incident?”

It was a voice full of sarcasm. However, rather than getting angry, Kim Soo-hyun actually burst out laughing. Then he responded by tapping the table.

“There’s nothing I can’t do for you. Still, Baek Seo-yeon endured quite a bit. I wonder how long you can endure it? Still, since he is the lord of a clan in name, shouldn’t he be able to hold out for three or four days? ha ha ha.”

“Who, I knew someone would be scared…” .”

“Now that I think about it, there is a proverb that says this. The thief’s feet go numb. And even if you say it in that trembling voice, it doesn’t sound very convincing.”


Shinhyuk, who was about to shout, had no choice but to suddenly stop. This is because Kim Soo-hyun, who was mocking in a mocking voice, reached into his arms and took out something.

Suddenly, a sense of causeless despair came over me. Shinhyuk, who thought to himself, “I’m coming,” and was worried about what would happen if it was true, soon felt a strange feeling as he looked at the beads placed by Kim Soo-hyun through the window. The small, blue-colored bead was the Crystal of Truth.

“This… . Crystal of truth?”

“oh. As expected, I know it well. Ho Ho… . ah.”

“… There’s no way you wouldn’t know. But, why was this suddenly brought out?”

“Hmm. Even so, he is quite a gentleman. I don’t force you to go out from the beginning. So, should I say I’m giving you a chance?”

A soft, low-pitched voice that seems to gently soothe. However, there was a sharpness within it that could not be hidden. Shinhyuk’s neck moved with a grunt. Nevertheless, because his throat was burning, Shinhyuk had to just stare at his revision of the truth for a while.

“Kim Soohyun… . “What do you want from me?”

“What do you want? truth. All the truth you know. If you’re that confident, put your hand on it. And prove it.”

“Tsk… ! I know the situation because I heard it! Then this is enough! How far are you going to go! this… . “He has no blood or tears!”

“Why is your tongue so long? Why don’t you shut up and just put your hand up when you’re saying something nice? “By doing this now, you are ultimately admitting your actions.”

“refusal… .”

“Reject it. once.”

Shinhyuk jumped up and shouted. No he was going to shout.

However, because Kim Soo-hyun immediately interrupted the conversation, he stopped with his mouth open in a daze. The words stuck in his throat before he could even get them out.

Kim Soo-hyun took out the tobacco with a calm expression. And she slowly lit the fire and calmly opened her mouth.

“I tell you in advance, whether you put your hand on the truth crystal or not, the result is the same. The authority to interrogate has already been granted by the central management organization, and the matter will end once you are taken over. Actually, I prefer it if you keep denying it. There is no need to ask headache-inducing questions, you can save on correcting the truth, and above all, there is no surer method than mental contamination… . And let me tell you one more thing.”

Kim Soo-hyun paused for a moment, then opened his eyes wide and continued speaking.

“I promise you right here. From the moment you rejected it, you will never be able to live comfortably until the day you die. No matter what you imagine, I plan to show you more than that. “This is really something to look forward to.”

The moment the words ended, Shinhyuk’s eyes visibly wavered. He twitched his mouth without realizing it. When he noticed the corners of his mouth drawing a soft line, he got goosebumps all over his body.

Shinhyuk couldn’t say anything. No, I couldn’t do it. Because he felt that Kim Soo-hyun’s words were not bluff, and that he had no options.

This guy really wants what I refuse. No, it doesn’t matter what happens. In the end, the only difference is the method of reaching it, but the conclusion is the same.

Shinhyuk, who thought so, was soon faced with a cold gaze coming from below, and he reflexively collapsed back down.

There was silence for a while.

However, Kim Soo-hyun must have disliked this endless silence, so he flicked the cigar and opened his mouth.

“It would be a waste of time to talk any more. Shinhyuk? It’s your last chance. Lay your hands on the Crystal of Truth within 3 seconds. If you don’t put it on, it will be considered a refusal and I will take over for you. Then one.”

“Now, just a moment! Kim Soo-hyun, wait a minute! No, Mercenary Lord!”


“I’ll put it on! Put it on! “Before that, please answer just one question!”

Shinhyuk begged to the point of seeming obsequious and quickly placed his hands on her. Kim Soo-hyun’s voice stopped as he was just about to count to three. And soon he regained his appetite, looking quite regretful that he had finally laid his hands on the crystal of truth. After seeing the reaction, Shinhyuk felt cold sweat running down his back.

“hmm. Please. They say it even grants the wishes of dead people. okay. “What are you curious about?”

“Just tell me who did it. Record the meeting and just tell us which user informed you. “I want to know that this happened anyway, and at least who did it.”

“hmm? iced coffee… . Hmm. well. “I was personally asked to keep it confidential.”

“It doesn’t matter because it’s all over now anyway! Who is it? Taejin Park? No, is it Baekdu Mountain? Or Park Hwan-hee?”

Kim Soo-hyun’s face was subtle. He was smiling knowingly, as if he was debating whether to tell me or not. However, the moment her name, Park Hwan-hee, came out, the smooth eyebrows narrowed slightly.

“Park Hwanhee? Who is he… . ah. iced coffee! right. Come to think of it, I met her at the User Academy. But why did his name suddenly become…? . Was Park Hwan-hee part of the Koran Coalition? “Not him anyway.”

This time it was Shinhyuk’s turn to distort his face. Although he was almost talking to himself, he gave off the nuance that he did not know Park Hwan-hee. Also, as he had recently heard that Park Hwan-hee had met Mercenary Lord, it was an incomprehensible reaction to Shin-hyuk.

“that is… . What do you mean? “Are you saying you don’t know Park Hwan-hee?”

“no no. She just couldn’t remember for a moment, but she knows who it is. I once met an instructor at a user academy as a chick. By then she was a little familiar. And two years ago, after the war ended, I helped out a little. Our clan had ties to that guy… . Anyway, I lost contact with him after that, but I had no idea he was in the Koran Alliance. But, why are you asking that?”

Instead, Shinhyuk just looked at Kim Soo-hyun, who was asking him a puzzled question. Then he thought for a moment. It was certainly a similar story to what he knew, but it was the first time that contact had been lost.

‘for a moment. Come to think of it… . Park Hwan-hee is not a spy. ‘Then what happened?’

The fact that Park Hwan-hee is not a spy has been proven by correction of the truth.

And Park Hwan-hee said that he met Mercenary Lord at that time.

But now, Mercenary Lord revealed that he had almost forgotten about Park Hwan-hee.

A feeling of dizziness spread across my forehead. Shinhyuk grabbed his sore hair, shook it off vigorously, and shouted.

“How far do you have to toy with me to be satisfied! “Didn’t you meet Park Hwan-hee at Koran not long ago?”

“huh? Are you joking? This is actually… .”

“Don’t act like a fool! Because I know everything! The streets at night, in Changgwan! Didn’t you have a private chat with Park Hwan-hee? and… .”

“No, just a moment, just a moment. What kind of nonsense is that? I have never met Park Hwan-hee since then. And she never went to Changgwan. “Aren’t you confused with someone else?”

Shinhyuk’s eyes grew as big as a flower lantern.

“Do not lie! No wait… . Oh, isn’t it? That can’t be possible? What, what is it? “What the hell happened!”

“… I am indeed. “I don’t understand.”

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, Shinhyuk stuttered awkwardly. Then he suddenly starts yelling and screaming like the crazy person he is.

Because it was an enclosed space, there was a lot of noise, and Kim Soo-hyun frowned slightly. And with a look on his face that said he had no idea why you were doing that, he held out his hand, removed his first hand, and placed his own hand on it. And after a while, a small light rose from the Crystal of Truth along with a bright light.

“W-what are you trying to do?!”

“Wash your ears and listen carefully. I have never met a user named Park Hwan-hee in the past two years. I have never contacted Park Hwan-hee through any means. “I have not recently been to the Changgwan you are talking about, nor have I met Park Hwan-hee at the Changgwan.”

“… omg?!”

“how is it. “I guess this proves that what I said is true, right?”

Shinhyuk reflexively looked at the correction of truth. And the moment he confirmed that the color of the light was the same, he let out a strange groan. At the same time, he felt a dull impact on the left side of his head. He suddenly lost all strength in his body and fell to one side.

“hey! Shinhyuk? hey!”

“Now, wait! “Shut your mouth!”


“please! It’s good even if it’s just for a little while! No, I mean! Mouth, no! please please!”

It’s gibberish that even you don’t know what you’re talking about. However, Shinhyeok quickly got up and put his hand through a round hole and took away the crystal of truth. And when I said anything, I could see the light changing and then returning to its original color countless times. In other words, it was a genuine product and not a counterfeit product.

“This… . what… .”

Shinhyuk’s complexion lost its luster in an instant. His mind turned white. As of now, I couldn’t think of anything else.

only one. How on earth did this happen? Only this one question remained, pricking Shinhyuk’s entire body like a needle.


“Clan Lord. for a moment… .”

It was then. The sound of someone coming in from the front, the sound of Kim Soo-hyun getting up, and the sound of someone telling me to cool off while I’m going out for a while came in succession.

But right now, Shinhyuk had no time to care at all. The sense of disparity that arose from the two memories and the crystals of the two truths was ruthlessly assaulting Shinhyeok’s whole body.

Soon, I heard the door close with a bang. Shinhyuk, who was left alone, inhaled as hard as he could and exhaled powerfully. After taking such unreasonable breaths more than ten times, he was able, with difficulty, to regain control of his mind, which he had lost for a moment.

Shin Hyuk was unable to directly see the scene where Park Hwan-hee and Mercenary Road met at that time. I just thought that would be the case, and Park Hwan-hee also acknowledged that. However, Mercenary Road now says he has never met Park Hwan-hee.

Shinhyuk grabbed the Crystal of Truth as if it were going to be crushed. Then he gently closed his eyes and desperately organized his thoughts.

Soon, the situations at that time began to reminisce one by one in Shinhyuk’s mind.

‘… Yes, we met. yes. I admit that.’

The moment he remembered his first memory, Shinhyuk bit his lip. At this time, Park Hwan-hee had not used the Crystal of Truth. What she meant was that she lied.

So why? Why did you lie?

Putting aside the rising doubts, Shinhyuk tried his best to remain calm. And the recollection continued under the assumption that Park Hwan-hee had not met Mercenary Lord. From here on he used the modification of truth.

‘Yes, user Park Hwan-hee… . ‘I told a story.’

okay. I definitely talked to someone. But there is no subject as to who I was talking to.

‘no! I didn’t reveal your plan at Changgwan! I have never revealed my plans to the Mercenary Lord before, let alone today! It’s unfair!’

Shin Hyuk did not reveal his plan. However, depending on the situation, you may not confess. If the other party already knew Shinhyuk’s plan, there was no need to tell him.

Moreover, since there is a condition that the plan is limited, the story could have been different. So the important thing is with someone other than the Mercenary Lord.

‘wait for a sec. Anyone who knew my plan… ? Could it be that I participated in the meeting at that time… ?’

And finally.

‘older brother! I am not a spy for the Mercenary Clan. I have never received a spy order from the Mercenary Clan. Also, I never revealed my plans to the Mercenary Lord, I was simply doing him a favor!’

The most important thing was this part. Park Hwan-hee is not a spy for the Union. So why did she lie and say she met the Mercenary Lord?

And it was to grant a favor, which is also ambiguous. The words are not subtly connected. At the time, she talked about meeting the Mercenary Lord, but looking back now, she didn’t say exactly who she was meeting and receiving the favor from. In other words, this also has no subject.

“why… . What happened… .”

Shinhyuk muttered in a voice that was almost crying. I don’t know why Park Hwan-hee lied, and I don’t know who she was dating at that time. No, maybe the user Park Hwan-hee met at that time was the culprit. No, isn’t it? Was it just disguise?


It was then. While many thoughts were going back and forth, I heard the door quietly opening.

Shinhyuk felt that the crystal of truth he had been holding tightly was shattering. But following his instincts, he stopped his thoughts and stared at the door. Then, Kim Soo-hyun, who had been out for a while, was seen coming back into the visiting room.

Shin Hyuk kept a close eye on Kim Soo Hyun.

Because all the answers were in that man.


When I entered the visiting room again and sat down, Shinhyuk’s face was truly spectacular. His initial bravado and subsequent screaming like a madman are nowhere to be seen. With his mouth shut, he was just looking at me with burning eyes.

I barely suppressed my laughter and put my hand into my chest.

Personally, I really like users like Shinhyuk. You think you’re smart, but you’re not smart. They think they are special, but far from being special, they are just narrow-minded users living in a world they have created.

As such, it is easy to handle it as you wish. This is because if you give them a few plausible facts, they will interpret it however they want and conclude that it is the truth.


It gave me enough time to think. Of course, it was also time for the Crystal of Truth to run out.

Anyway, since I’m a guy who thinks a lot, my mind is so complicated right now that I’m on the verge of going crazy. Now, all you have to do is show us the food that will tie it all together.

“how is it. “Have you cooled off?”

“… “Who are you?”

“… Well, I guess it doesn’t matter if you tell me now.”

“… … .”

I tilted my head and opened my mouth as if there was nothing I could do. And when I took out the recording crystal ball from my pocket, Shinhyuk’s stinging gaze fell on me. They were looking at me like I was wondering if it was crystal ball again. I shrugged my shoulders and continued speaking casually.

“It’s better to see something once than to hear it a hundred times. Especially a suspicious person like you.”

I rolled the crystal ball into the round hole below the center of the window. Shinhyuk received the crystal ball more calmly than expected. Soon he quietly placed his hand, and soon light began to flow and images began to flow.

The video started with Cho Seung-woo sweeping the right side of his hair.

(I see. Thank you very much. And I sincerely apologize for my slightly rude words and actions earlier. Actually, I was so angry when I first heard this…)

(Ah. No. I was fully aware of the situation. As Lord Su said earlier, the fault lies entirely with Lord Nambeol. Moreover, he has shown the pride and distribution of the Coran Alliance to this extent… This is enough for our clan Lord. You will think that it is. As I said before, we will do our best to avoid any damage to the alliance, excluding the Southern Expeditions.)

The video didn’t play for that long. Less than a minute later, the light in the crystal ball went out as Jo Seung-woo flicked his left hair. And I looked at Shinhyuk’s face, who was still holding the crystal ball.

“… … .”

Unexpectedly, Shinhyuk’s externally visible face did not show any significant changes.

His eyes were still wide open and his lips were tightly closed.

But that was only for a moment.

Changes slowly began to appear.

First, the eyebrows rose slightly. The eyes that seemed confused became deeply sunken. The tightly closed lips are slowly being chewed. The hand holding the crystal ball was shaking so much that tiny cracks appeared on its surface.

Soon, Shinhyuk’s head, who was looking at the crystal ball, began to slowly, very slowly, raise his head, and soon he made eye contact with me.

And, it was that moment.


Shinhyuk’s fist hit the window dividing the boundary with me with all his might.

Then, I raised my head high and looked at the ceiling.


I could see Shinhyuk’s eyes half rolling over.

“Hehe! Hehehehe! Hehehehehehehehehehe!”

And then he burst out laughing like a crazy person. He laughs excitedly, almost like a half-lost user.

Shinhyuk, who had been laughing like a crazy person for a while, suddenly stopped laughing. Then, his face was distorted like a vicious beast, and he cried out someone’s name as if screaming.


I stared at Shinhyuk going back and forth.

And with a secret smile of conversion, I thought to myself.

Maybe the residents are out there right now… .

No, not a resident.

I wonder if dragons, who are probably outside right now, wearing the masks of residents, are laughing together.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Umm. I think I finally understand why I can’t build up my reserves. ha ha ha. My sin is great. I respect the writers who cut back on what they initially planned with less than half of this amount. 🙂

ah. And I have one thing to tell you in today’s review. I think all revenge will probably be completed around the next episode. However, the content is a little… . Anyway, because of this, readers who are sensitive may frown. I’m giving you a warning in advance, so if you feel like you can’t watch it, don’t hesitate and skip it. thank you _(__)_


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not work with dark mode