Memorize Chapter 48

00048 Dungeon Of Alchemist ———————————————– ————————–=

“Oppa. What are you doing?”

Yujeong popped her head in to see that I was there and quickly came in. Her voice was quiet, as if she was dissatisfied with something. She looked at me with a sullen expression, which seemed to me to be a sign that she was going to bother me again. After letting go of the record I was holding in my left hand, I sighed and opened my mouth.

“Why again?”

When Yujeong opened her mouth in a blunt tone, her face immediately became sullen. However, even though she was pouting her lips, she finally opened her mouth.

“You keep bragging that you gave permission for your brother to do other training. He throws a coin and receives it by himself… It’s not like he’s bragging.”

“What is there to show off? And Sol will be proud of that.”

“Oh really. I keep throwing coins and getting them….”

“Practicing binding spells. That’s what I told you to do.”

As Yoo-jeong inadvertently interrupted what she was saying, the expression of disappointment was clearly visible on her face. Just as I was about to ignore it and listen to the road record, Yujeong’s grumbling voice reached my ears again.

“Oppa, that’s too much. I told Hyun and I to only do detection training.”

“I’m telling you to do it because it’s necessary. For melee classes, just training in detection in the beginning is enough.”

“But still.”

Even though Yu-jeong clearly hit the nail on the head in the past, he complained in a strained voice. I felt like my already complicated head was becoming even more tangled.

“But that doesn’t matter. Sol’s basic magical ability is higher than yours in the first place. That’s enough for the auxiliary classes. And coin training won’t be of much help to you.”

Now, four days later, Ansol is the holder of the title(?) for the longest time in detecting a baby’s belly. After I guided Sol, he was making full use of his vast magical power. He was not doing well no matter how much the instructor taught him, but when I taught him, his skills improved in just one day. Sol looked at me as if I were some kind of god.

I achieved the level of sword master with 48 magic points in the first play. Therefore, I am more confident than anyone else about the efficiency of mana management. And he taught Sol-i some of that know-how. As I know the efficiency of that management technique well, there was something to be said about Sol’s favoritism in some way.

Yujeong seemed quite upset about being overtaken by Sol. After that, when I returned to the inn, he often came to me and begged me to give him private lessons. I could somehow calm it down once or twice, but it was quite tiring as it kept happening over and over again.

“I just showed you a little bit about how to control your magic power. Anyway, go and practice your senses more. Look at Sol. Once you make up your mind, you practice hard.”

“Si. Sol is always pretty. And I’m going to get some rest too.”

Yujeong sighed with a worried look on his face, then quickly walked over and snuggled up next to me. I shrugged and turned my attention back to the map. Yujeong stared at my face intently and picked up a piece of paper that was lying around.

“Ancient…alchemy…revival and…apocalypse? Brother, what is this about?”

“It didn’t have much content. Just put it in a corner.”

While reading a record of an ancient alchemy document, I picked up a pen and drew a circle on a part of the map. Yujeong looked at the map with many circles drawn on it and continued speaking in a low voice.

“What is this? And what are the circles on the map?”

“Records. Map analysis.”

“Ah, I’m curious about what my brother is doing these days.”

Yujeong seemed frustrated with my short answer and begged me in a fussy voice. I continued speaking without taking my eyes off the map.

“I’m researching the records. It’s not efficient to just kill monsters around the city. I’m looking at records of Mule City in the distant past to get clues about the location.”

“I see… But can you get a clue by looking at something like this?”

“It might be better to go to the sky and get a star.”

Although I actually had a bad appetite, Yujeong giggled comfortably. Since all the records related to the alchemist and the laboratory had been collected, the amount of records piled up on the table was quite large.

When you have a certain amount of information, there are times when you look at the records to gauge more detailed information. But it was foolish to look into the records to find clues. Because the amount of records is so large and vast. I can’t be sure if it actually happened or not, but it would be a foolish decision to follow it just by looking at the records.

And I was actually making that foolish decision right now. That’s why I didn’t pay any attention to other records. If I wasn’t doing this because I was certain that the lab and the alchemist dungeon were in Mule, I would have just gone straight to the Screaming Cavern.

I continued speaking in a tired voice.

“If it were easy to discover it like this, everything would have already been discovered. All we can do is try everything we can.”

I could see Yujeong’s eyes becoming animated, as if she was interested in what I was saying. Yu-jeong said she would help, and I obediently accepted her favor. This was because she could clearly see what would happen in five minutes anyway.

As expected, after 5 minutes, Yujeong started to look at me. Then, after bringing up Anhyeon and Ansol, she ran away, using training as an excuse. There was no way Yujeong’s character and knowledge could endure this tedious process.

After smiling brightly at that sight, I turned my head back to the map and records.


How many more days have passed? During the analysis, the map, which had been clean, was suddenly filled with circles. At first glance, it appears to be a central heating system, but there were a few places where circles were particularly crowded. Of course, I didn’t know before I went there, but there were some things I could roughly guess.

Anyway, I thought it was over for now, so I sat down in my chair. When I looked out the window, a dark night had already fallen. Suddenly, I thought of the kids, and when I woke up, I heard even breathing from the next room. It looks like the kids are sleeping after finishing training. When I thought about the achievements they had shown so far, a smile came out.

The kids showed passion and went up to the standards I asked for in just one week. Sometimes he seemed to want to leave the city quickly, but fortunately he followed my advice to prioritize training.

There is only one reason why the kids follow what I say now. It wasn’t that I didn’t think about them because they were kids. As a joke, “If I listen to my brother’s words, I will have rice cakes in my sleep.” They believed that my decisions were always right. Rites of passage. User Academy. And until now, you have never lost anything by listening to me.

Although this training was a bit harsh, there were clear results. Obviously, I only trained in perception, but not only my magic power but also other abilities increased evenly. When I saw Hyun excitedly saying that his magic power had increased by 2 points after training for only 8 days, I felt a little envious.

I originally entered the academy after seeing the mission reward of 4 points. However, although he worked really hard on his physical strength, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed when I saw that he didn’t improve even a single point.

Anyway, the question of my ability level was something I couldn’t answer right away, so I gave up thinking about it right away. Changing the subject again, I thought it would be okay to leave the city now. However, there were still some final issues to worry about.

It was a matter of whether the caravan was composed or not.

Slaying monsters around the city is fine no matter what configuration the user uses. However, as long as the goal was exploration or strategy, configuring the caravan to match the balance was basic common sense in Hol Plain. There are plenty of melee classes, but archers (rangers) and priests are essential for the composition of a caravan.

But is it really necessary now? It was also true that I thought this. A priest is absolutely necessary, but Sol already exists. Even if there was a wizard, it was enough without him, and I just had to lead the kids as an archer who acted as a guide. Since I have a third eye and have memories of working in Mule, I could see that the possibility of getting lost was 0%.

However, if the current configuration becomes a habit for children, it will become a troublesome problem. In the future, you will definitely have the opportunity to go on a highly difficult expedition or expedition. Even if I could cover a lot of things now, I couldn’t take care of the kids forever. As this was my first expedition, I would have learned a lot and learned a lot, but it would have been difficult to generally accept the current structure.

Knock knock.

I was in the middle of organizing my thoughts about the caravan. I heard a quiet knock on the door, opened my eyes, and saw a woman outside the door. I raised my head and opened my mouth quietly.

“Yes. Who are you?”

“It’s me. Everyone knows it’s me anyway.”


The woman opened the door and came in without my permission yet. Of course, knowing the woman’s identity, it was difficult to view her as a mere innkeeper. To be honest, I couldn’t understand why a user with this level of skill was on Mule right now.

The woman who had been absent from Mule for a while suddenly disappeared and Holyeon reappeared. And when she reappeared in Hall Plain, she had become an enemy of my clan.

I still remember what the woman in front of me said a while ago.

Judging from what he said back then, there was a strong possibility that no clan followed him yet.

Suddenly, the thought of Ragnarok siege and annihilation flashed through my mind. She ended up being literally executed by her ally, the Princess of Execution. However, the terrifying power she displayed as a woman at that time was still clearly imprinted in my mind.

The woman had a polite, languid smile on her face. She was a woman who exuded decadent charm, with slightly droopy eyes and tear spots under her eyes. The woman spoke to me in a friendly tone.

“Hello. Can I come in for a moment?”

You’ve already come in and you’re talking nonsense. I lowered my head with a shocked face.

“…It’s late at night. What brings you here?”

The woman didn’t answer. But she was slowly shortening the distance between herself and me. The woman in front of me right now was someone who could take my life in a near miss if I let my guard down. Since she couldn’t just sit back and relax, I also slowly increased her magical power.

The woman’s face still had a languid smile on it. And for a moment. She could see that her eyes were turning gray. I, who had been on high alert from the beginning, also reflexively activated my third eye.

『Unique ability. Confirm the activation of Lure Eyed.』

『The third eye has been activated. 』See through Lure Eyed.

What the hell.

“Oh my…do you have to separate time when you’re trying to seduce a guy you like?”

“…There are kids in the next room….”

playing Anyway, I was sick of these types of attacks while working in the shadows. So, even though I knew all the response manuals, I deliberately blurted out my eyes and answered with a blush on my face. I decided to wait and see what he would do for now.

“It’s okay…don’t worry about that. By the way, today is the end of the rental period. What are you going to do?”

I don’t come to you at night to ask this. It was clear that there was probably another purpose. The reason I brought this up just now is probably as a question to check whether I was under a spell. I quietly opened my mouth. Of course, he added a hesitant attitude as seasoning.

“I’m thinking of leaving the city tomorrow morning….”


When I said I was leaving, the woman glanced around my table. Soon, I could see the woman’s expression change strangely. I didn’t know much from just looking at it for a moment, but it seemed like he had a rough idea of ​​what I was going to do by looking at the map.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

“Uh, how did you say my name….”

The woman mentioned my name and shortened the distance by one step. Now the woman and I were within arm’s reach of each other.

“New user just arrived. Super rookie of the user academy.”

The woman took another step without stopping. We faced each other, with me sitting on a chair and the woman standing in front of me. Before I knew it, the woman was staring at me with gray colored eyes.

“No matter what… Anyway, you’re a new user who’s only been here for less than four months.”

The woman’s hand reached out and gently cupped my face. I felt a woman’s soft touch on my left cheek. I was breathing heavily on purpose and panting little by little.

“That day. I was really surprised. Why…no matter how weak I used the magic power. I had no idea that a chick who had just graduated from the academy could use Breaking Hands.”


“So, I’ve tried to find out and watched in my own way, but… I don’t know. I really can’t figure it out. This is the first time something like this has happened, so I’m very confused. But the more I look at you, the more my premonition rings an alarm… There’s something different. There’s something you’re hiding.”

Oh, that’s right.

The woman’s movements seemed to be becoming more and more unrestrained, as if she felt completely enchanted. Her hand had been caressing her entire face for a while, and just as she was about to let go, I hurriedly grabbed the woman’s hand. And when she saw me like that, the smile on the woman’s lips became even brighter.

“My hunch has never been wrong.”

I deliberately crawled into the woman’s arms. Like a baby being held in its mother’s arms. To be honest, during the first session, I also had an intention to get hugged by the woman in front of me. The woman may or may not have known my dark insides, but she hugged my head with a satisfied look on her face. I pressed her face against her chest as much as I wanted.

“Ho Ho.”

Savor the woman’s soft, supple breasts and the fragrant scent of her flesh. Looking at me like that, the woman smiled comfortably. Her hand, which had been stroking her hair for a while, soon stopped, and then I heard a woman’s soft voice in my ear.

“Are you hiding something? From the kids or something….”

“little bit.”

“Then why don’t you just tell me what you’re hiding…?”


The moment I showed a slight rejection, the woman hugged me tightly again. And then he spoke again in a soothing voice.

“It’s okay…just tell me.”

I gently opened my eyes to the sound of a woman’s fussing voice. Finally, after pretending to think about it for a while, I quietly opened my mouth, pretending not to be able to win.

“Actually, I….”

“Yes, yes. You?”

Seeing the woman looking at me with excitement, I calmly opened my mouth.

“I like shadows.”


I glanced at the woman’s shadow reflected in the room. The shadow of a woman reflected on the floor entered my eyes. I smiled slightly and answered the woman’s question.

“The shadow is really pretty.”

After speaking, I looked back and saw the woman’s face frozen to the point of being scary.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ha ha ha. The weather seems to have cleared up a lot.

The kids can finally go out of town. Now the main character’s unstoppable journey is about to begin. and… Haven’t you all wondered who the woman at the inn is? If you are quick-witted, you may have noticed this in this episode. Detailed information will be provided in the next episode, so please pay close attention. 🙂


1. Ailelia: Congratulations on first place. Did you lose your second game in a row again today? You seem really fast. 🙂

2. Human life: No. There will definitely come a day when you will regain first place. Until the day when we can regain our past glory!

3. GradeRown: Huhuhu.(?) 🙂

4. Like Yuun: Hahaha. Thank you. To be honest, I want to do everything, but then it would really be half a post and half a review(….)

5. Popular passerby: That’s right. If you make it that easy, the balance will probably be… ㅇㅅㅇ.

6. Demon Temple: We will always try to accept comments honestly. thank you

7. Simsimhaeng: Yes. I have read the comments carefully. Thank you for asking the question first. I guess you must have had a hard time writing it, considering it was very long. 🙂 Memorize. And since you pointed out the core problem of the hole plane, you have to listen to a lot of parts to get into the explanation.

Why did the angels send users to the Hole Plane?

What does zero code mean?

How did Holplane start?

Aside from the length of the content, I need to explain the three main points, the guild’s purpose and how to achieve it. return. Continental War. To solve these questions, we need to unravel much more settings and stories.

The First Coalition War, which will occur in the near future, is also somewhat related to what I have talked about so far. Then, naturally, it will be a spoiler for what will unfold in the future. And if that happens, even if you watch what unfolds in the future, you won’t feel even half of the fun you feel now.

So for now, the only answer I can give is to ask you to wait and see what happens next. However, if I were to give you one answer, you can think of it in relation to . Returning is important for users in the hole plane, but returning is only possible while surviving.

If you are curious, please send me a message. I would like to copy and paste the settings as is, but there is a high possibility that you will not understand it, so I will organize it and send you a message as soon as possible (if you wish).

8. POWERED: Yes. Academy graduation is classified as a mission reward. Achievements within the hole plane must be sufficient to have an impact on the main stream.

9. Timothy, who is white: I’m glad you’re feeling better again. 🙂 To answer your question. Achievements basically refer to events that have a degree of impact on the mainstream. Simply put, the more achievements you accumulate, the more you can prove that you are a capable user. There are rewards accordingly. There are also other parts that can be used further (only applicable to users who have completed certain achievements…)

10. Blamy: A priest can serve a total of two gods. It can be divided into combat priests and support priests. It also serves as a connection to angels. 🙂

comment. comment. comment! I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer! (Please leave a lot of comments! And recommendations…☞☜)

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode