MEMORIZE Chapter 479

00479 Operation name: Clown Play. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was then.

“Why don’t you be quiet. If you don’t want to end up like this bitch… . Park Hwan-hee.”

An infinitely low voice echoed in the dark space. At first glance, it seemed like a soft low tone, but the tone contained clear hostility.

As if the warning had worked, the man’s, or rather Park Hwanhee’s, screams, which had been growing louder, stopped. Next, her voice leaked out from her robe as she was shaking and unable to hide her embarrassment.

“Who are you? “Who on earth are you to treat me like this?”


It was a question that was scary at first, but was filled with sadness at the end. But the answer came back not with the same words but with the cold sound of a sword. As the cold sword light flashed in the air, Park Hwan-hee’s neck moved with a grunt.

The blue blade was aimed diagonally at the floor. Park Hwan-hee’s body trembled as if she felt a sharp touch near her neck. Then the monster held her chin with the tip of his sword and forced her to raise her head.

Eventually, the moment his eyes turned into space, Park Hwan-hee was able to see. She was the one who brought her to this place. She saw the face of a monster staring down at her.

The identity of the monster was none other than Shin Hyuk. The moment he realized that fact, Park Hwan-hee’s eyes grew as big as a flower lantern.

“Tongue, Hyuk hyung… .”

“Hwanhee. “I am.”

It was a very intentional interruption.

Soon, Shinhyuk smiled softly.

“I hate traitors the most in this world.”

“Tongue, brother. What is that… .”

“And the second thing I hate is lying. For example, does a traitor deny that he is a traitor even if he dies?”

“misunderstanding… . omg!”

Park Hwan-hee was unable to continue speaking and lowered his head. She had no choice but to do so. This is because she felt strength coming into the tip of the knife that was stabbing her in the neck. She probably would have had a hole in her neck if she had stayed still. Park Hwan-hee, who thought so, shook her head frantically as if it wasn’t her, as if it was definitely not her.

“Sorry sorry. I gained strength without even realizing it. Oh, does it matter? “I’m going to kill them anyway.”

However, compared to Park Hwan-hee, Shin Hyuk’s attitude is quite calm. Shinhyuk immediately turned his head halfway and clapped his hands lightly a couple of times. Then, with the sound of something exploding, a bright light illuminated the previously dark space, and his head and body, which had been hanging on a rope, fell to the floor.

purr… . purr… .

purr… . purr… .

And after a while, things that had been hiding in the dark began to creep out. The cry of an animal, not a human. And with its red, bloodshot eyes and four paws, it was definitely a wolf or a dog.

What happened here, what happened. Park Hwan-hee couldn’t even guess. He just stares endlessly at the furry beasts in front of him, trembling from the approaching fear.


The animals did not approach Park Hwan-hee, perhaps because their purpose was different from the beginning. Rather, she was ambled towards her dead body on the floor. But that didn’t mean she was happy about it. Because soon, other animals opened their mouths wide and buried their heads in her corpse.

Wudduk, wudduk! Tsk tsk… .

Wudduk, wudduk! Tsk tsk… .

Soon, I saw a grotesque scene of broken bones, chewing flesh, and blood pouring out of the body.

Around the time I was staring blankly ahead. The sword that went up for a moment to clap came back down and stroked my dirt-covered cheek.

“That bitch, she was such a harsh bitch. Don’t talk, don’t talk. I tried everything I could, but he still kept his mouth shut. “Who trained you, it’s amazing.”

“… … .”

“Still, it was a fun time. As strong as it is, it also has a tantalizing taste. Sometimes I wondered how a person would react if they had s*x with a dog, and I was able to find out through this opportunity. “Hehe.”

“… … .”

Although he was speaking in a friendly way, the person listening was not. Not only was there a tragedy unfolding in front of me, but the feel of the blue blade that kept rubbing against my face created infinite tension.

As the beasts devoured the woman’s corpse, Park Hwan-hee felt a cold hand on the top of her head. Before I knew it, Shinhyuk was crouching down and looking down at Park Hwanhee from a slightly closer distance.

“Hwanhee probably knows my personality. The only thing that’s annoying is that I hate it. yes?”

“Tongue, brother.”

“So, let’s go together happily. huh? From now on, I’m going to ask three or four questions. And depending on your answer, you may just die painlessly. Or will she suffer all kinds of pain like that bitch and even end up becoming dog food? This is completely up to you. got it?”

“Tsk… .”

They said that although the process is different, the death in the end is the same. In the end, Park Hwan-hee, unable to bear it, closed her eyes tightly. Did she think of it as giving up, or did she think of it as resignation? Shinhyuk slowly stroked Park Hwanhee’s head. And then softly she opened her mouth.

“Actually, I’ve been eyeing you from the beginning. Ever since you joined our union. Do you know why? The guy who got screwed in the war in the west. Even though he had no connections, he suddenly rose to prominence and gained influence, and applied for a merger with the union on his own? Who wouldn’t think this is strange? So, I thought there must be someone behind it.”

At that moment, Park Hwan-hee’s body trembled. Not missing that reaction, Shinhyuk raised his voice even louder and continued.

“Still, he seemed to be working hard, so I decided to wait and see… . In the end, it ended up like this. “It was a very nice stab in the back.”

“Brother Hyuk! “I think I know now what you’re thinking!”

“Oh really? That’s smart. “Our joy.”

“But, it’s a misunderstanding. “It’s definitely a misunderstanding.”

“Oh, why are you like that? “I told you I don’t like lies.”

“It’s not a lie, it’s not a lie! “It’s unfair!”

The moment he shouted that it was unfair, something fell in front of Park Hwan-hee. It was a bag. And with someone kicking, the bag violently vomited out its contents. Shiny things start pouring out.

“Hey. Platinum coins and jewels… . Isn’t this a joke? How could they reward a mere spy like this? Is this the mercantile clan that is rumored to be rich? “The container is very big.”

It was then. So, when the word Mercenary Clan came out of Shinhyuk’s mouth. Park Hwan-hee looked up into the air with her stinging face.

“that… . therefore… .”

“why. Was I wrong? Didn’t you meet the Mercenary Lord at Changgwan a little while ago? huh?”

“… Yes, we met. yes. “I admit that.”

“See, I knew that would happen. Anyway, it’s good that you admit it.”

At the same time, Shinhyuk tightly closed his hands and grabbed a handful of the hair he was stroking. Park Hwan-hee’s face was contorted in pain, and because of that, her eyes, which had been closed for the most part, opened without realizing it. In the meantime, Park Hwan-hee had difficulty opening her mouth.

“Tsk… ! Ha, but brother. no. I am definitely not the spy you think I am. So please, please listen to me. “It’s really a misunderstanding!”

“It’s a misunderstanding… . It’s Hwanhee. Let’s think about it from a human perspective. Who would give compensation like this to a member of another clan who is not even a member of their own clan? “And that’s until we met secretly in the wee hours of the morning.”

“therefore… .”

“It’s not just this. You know the situation now, right? In a situation like this, Mercenary’s actions are even more absurd. So how can I accept this situation now? huh?”

“I admit that the situation is ambiguous. Anyone would think that way. But brother. How many times do I have to tell you this? “Really, really no!”

“Then what on earth is this?”

In an instant, the soft voice suddenly changed. Shinhyuk shouted in a rough voice and quickly grabbed the bag and lifted it up forcefully. It looked as if he was trying to catch and throw it. However, because of that, the bag was lifted upside down, and the contents deep inside poured out. It was that moment.

widely! Tap, tap! Deguru… .’

A round object fell from the bag and rolled on the floor. It was a small bead with a faint glow.

Although it was only a fleeting moment, Shinhyuk’s eyes turned to the beads. And an intense look passed through his eyes. Soon, Shinhyuk threw his bag roughly and reached out his own hand to catch his bead. A gloomy smile appeared.

“her. This… . “It’s the crystal of truth, right?”

It was like that. The marble that fell was the Crystal of Truth. Of course, it wasn’t gold coins or jewels, but it wasn’t anything particularly strange to have it in the bag. This is because demand is high and the item itself is rare, so if you try to sell it, you can sell it at a high price.

“I am indeed. This isn’t some kind of trick of fate. Anyway, it’s okay. very good. Hey, Park Hwanhee.”

“Ugh… .”

“You said it was unfair, right? Then, prove it once. “There’s something good here, so show me your sincerity.”

“Now, just a moment!”

Park Hwan-hee twisted his body, but it was not enough as he was tied up.

Soon, Shinhyuk’s sword calmly cut through the air, and the ropes that bound Park Hwanhee’s wrists were cut. However, with no time to do anything, Shin Hyuk activated her truth crystal and at the same time pulled Park Hwan-hee’s hand and forced her to place her hand on her bead.

“If this goes on, I won’t be able to take it out. Now then, please answer. Park Hwan-hee.”

Shin Hyuk mumbled for a moment and then looked at Park Hwan Hee with a very expectant expression. And he continued quietly.

“You admitted it earlier, right? He said he met Mercenary Lord at Changgwan. Then tell me. What did you two do there? Did you invite the flowers of the night and have a friendly relationship? Are you swapping with each other?”

Park Hwan-hee did not answer right away. She just swallowed hard and hesitated. However, as soon as she saw Shinhyuk’s sword slowly rising, she immediately comforted him.

“Yes, user Park Hwan-hee… . “I talked about this.”

It seemed like he was trying to be clear, but his voice was trembling due to nervousness to anyone who heard it.

Shinhyuk smiled softly as if he had gotten the answer he wanted. And he tapped Park Hwan-hee with his toe. Of course, the flame that bloomed within the crystal ball of truth still maintained its original color.

“haha. There is no need to be so strict. Because I know that you are user Park Hwanhee. Anyway, okay. What did we talk about when we met? “Did I confess the incident I had planned?”

“no! “I didn’t reveal your plan at Changguan!”

For a moment, Shinhyuk’s eyes turned round. It was an unexpected answer because the light was the same color. But it was only for a moment. Shinhyuk, who immediately regained his complexion, smiled in despair and shook his head.

“Hey. I heard this guy is also smart. Look at the numbers. In Changgwan? okay. Now that I think about it, we may have just met today to encourage each other. Then say it again. “Then, not today, but in the past, have you ever revealed my plan?”

“no. I have never revealed my plans to the Mercenary Lord before, let alone today! “It’s unfair!”

A desperate cry.

The light was still blooming in the same color. Then, a change finally came to Shinhyuk’s face, which had always shown a calm expression.

Shinhyuk stood up with a stiff expression on his face. As a result, Park Hwan-hee’s body rolled slightly, but she stretched out her hand and grabbed her bead. It was as if this was his life.

Without stopping, Park Hwan-hee shouted in a desperate tone.

“older brother! I am not a spy for the Mercenary Clan. I have never received a spy order from the Mercenary Clan. Also, I never revealed my plans to the Mercenary Lord, I was simply doing him a favor!”

“what… . what? ask?”

Shinhyuk had an expression of disbelief. So I followed my instinct and checked the beads, but the truth correction below proved that Park Hwan-hee’s words were sincere.

“this… . what… .”

Shinhyuk’s mind instantly became confused at the thought that his expectations and intuition were wrong. He tried to ask another question, but he couldn’t think of anything. Because this alone was enough.

Didn’t reveal the plan.

Not a spy.

Because I was suddenly speechless, there was silence for a while. The only sounds coming from the surrounding area were people starting to gather one by one to Shinhyuk’s side. These were the users who brought Park Hwan-hee to this place. They all seemed to have confirmed that the truth had been corrected, as they all opened their mouths in shaky voices.

“older brother… . “Something is a little strange.”

“I didn’t confess my plans, and I’m not a spy… . Hyuk hyung. The crystal light of truth remains the same. “I think I made a mistake.”

Amid the chaotic noise, Shinhyuk was barely able to organize his thoughts.


“yes. Please. “It’s just a simple request.”

Park Hwan-hee looked straight at Shin-hyeok and said, as if there was nothing to be harsh about anymore. Perhaps because he thought the previous proof had worked, his voice became much more confident than before.

Shinhyuk felt embarrassed. His intuition was still giving him persistent doubts, but reality was telling him to put them aside.

“What did the Mercenary Lord ask for?”

“I’ll tell you everything. therefore… . uh… .”

It was then. At that moment, her hand loosened and Park Hwan-hee’s body, which was trying to get up from the floor, momentarily stumbled. Then, the users who had dragged her from the alley reflexively rushed to help her.

“Joy. Sorry. “I think we had a little misunderstanding.”

“I’m really, really sorry. I wasn’t suspicious… .”

Users showed a completely different attitude than before. However, it was inevitable that Park Hwan-hee was officially a member of the Su Clan and was always accompanied by Park Tae-jin, in other words, he was like a second-in-command.

Wouldn’t it be better if he turned out to be a spy? What will happen to them if this fact becomes known even though they are innocent? Shinhyuk’s position aside, the users who participated in this place today will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Eventually, Park Hwan-hee stood up with the support of the users and showed a polite and kind smile. She then checked Shinhyuk, who was still staring at her, so she bent down again and held out her hand as a crystal of her truth.

But this time, users stopped them.

“no. It’s Hwanhee. It’s okay now. I’ve heard your truth thoroughly. Hyuk will know now too. You are definitely part of our family.”

“no. Please still give it to me. “It’s better to be sure about this.”

“Hwanhee… . Ah Hyuk hyung. Please say something. “Aren’t you sorry?”

“Oh, it’s okay. Oh my, I completely understand Hyuk’s position. As you said, if the situation is like this, I have done something that would be suspicious. So even if it’s true, it’s cheap. ha ha ha.”

Users quietly lowered their heads. Even though she said she was okay now, she was at a loss for words when she saw Park Hwan-hee trying to catch the crystal of truth. And when she recalled the memory of her screaming earlier that she was truly unfair, she felt even more sorry for her.

“ah. “Can you give me the beads and that bag too?”

Soon, Park Hwan-hee pointed to the floor. Users raced to fill the contents, pick up the bag, and catch the marbles. No, it was just a moment to catch it.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!


With a faint noise, the light that had been burning so far went out and the Crystal of Truth split apart. There was a bit of a long silence and the users were shaking as the usage time came to an end.

The man who was about to pick up the marble paused for a moment. But she shrugged her shoulders, pointing at the crystal that had quickly turned into a handful of ash.

“It doesn’t matter now anyway. Isn’t that right, brother?”

“… “Umm.”

Shinhyuk nodded his head sheepishly.

“I guess… . I guess I had some unnecessary doubts. I have nothing to say. It’s clearly my mistake. sorry… . do.”

“no. As I said before, I made mistakes, and in life, my son may get hit a few times.”

“… Thank you for saying that. “I sincerely apologize once again.”

“Oh, it’s okay. If you keep doing that, won’t I be embarrassed…? . Oh, come to think of it, you said you were curious about a favor, right? I think it would be better to clarify this and conclude… . Please wait a moment. “I have something to show you.”

Park Hwan-hee answered eloquently. She then smiled brightly and put her hand into her bag.

And Shinhyuk still stared at Park Hwanhee with reluctant eyes. She quietly licked her mouth to see if her mouth was sour.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

If you remember today’s story well, it will be of great help in understanding the future meeting where you write down the final answer. 🙂 I wanted to write about the setting for the Correction of Truth as an aside, but if you are a person with a keen sense of reasoning, spoilers are possible, so I will refrain from saying anything. ha ha ha.

P.S. As of 06:21 on February 26, 2014, 479 partial revisions have been completed. I woke up in the morning and read through the content, but a very serious error was discovered in the subsequent story development. Therefore, pages 7 to 8 have been partially modified, and Page 11 has also been partially modified. We apologize for any confusion caused to our readers and ask for your understanding. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode