MEMORIZE Chapter 471

00471 Give in words and receive in words. ————————————————– ———————-=

Night comes to any city.

And there are streets at night in every city.

street at night. In fact, it is called by many other names, such as red light district or slave market, but most users refer to the market that opens at night in the city as night street.

The streets at night are so vast that it is impossible to pinpoint anything, but if we point out common characteristics, we can summarize them in one word.

Just desire.

As I said before, at first there are brothels and gambling houses, then as you go a little further, there are black markets and contract killings, and from there, there are arenas and slave markets, and so on. In other words, the dark desires of users that cannot be revealed during the day are actually realized at night, and it is a street where they come and go.

In fact, no city can be said to have no streets at night, but there are still differences in degree. Could it be said to be the difference between allowing and not allowing? Some cities allow nighttime streets, while others do not.

However, from the user’s point of view, it is nothing more than a sanction of little importance. Since there is a warp gate that connects each city like a spider’s web, you can move to even one city that is allowed.

From this perspective.

Currently, the city with the most thriving nightlife in the northern continent is Koran, a small city in the south. For example, if Monica was a city that completely rejected the streets at night, Koran was the first city to tolerate them.

Coran, which responded to the occasional criticism from non-permitting cities by saying, ‘It’s our city’s business, don’t do this or that’, currently has the most active night street in the North Continent.

Southern small city Koran.

Several buildings were showing off as if they were competing on a street filled with red light and a strange vibe. It may attract users with its extravagant appearance, or it may directly seduce users with obscene postures or movements. Of course, there are quite a few users who enter on their own.

“Is this kid okay? She looks younger and her skin is smooth. Do you like it. How much is it?”

“yes? But this guy is still undereducated… . “He has been out of the User Academy for less than three months.”

“Oh uncle! Come on. It’s not like you do business with me once or twice. I like this kid. look. It’s just embarrassing. It still has a fresh, modern scent. Ho ho ho.”

“no way… . Tsk! Then 100 gold coins, no, 200! “It should never go any lower than that.”

A fat man clicked his tongue and made a V shape with his hand. There is an unspoken determination that it should never be used for less than 200 gold coins.

But the man soon had no choice but to open his eyes wide. She thought she would give up the bargain at this point, but she said, “Huh? The woman muttered, “It’s a bit expensive, isn’t it?” and readily held out her two platinum coins.

The fat man looked dazed as he saw the gold coins being forcefully placed in his hands and the young man being dragged towards the woman.

“Heh~. It looks really lovely up close. I’ll have fun today and spend the day well, so don’t worry too much. Then let’s go? Ho-ho, ho-ho-ho!”

The woman burst into laughter and grabbed his hand. She was young and seemed to dislike the man, but she was drawn to him with a secretly expectant look on her face. This is because the woman who first bought her was very beautiful.

However, the fat man’s feelings as he sees the two walking away are extremely mixed. Because the woman who had just bought her young man was a regular, and she knew very well what his hobbies were.

The woman had a very strange tendency to enjoy sodomy. What she meant was that the young man from just a moment ago was likely to play some kind of defensive role.

“Damn it. It’s a shame to have a good year when you’re not even going to do it! Oh, how bad luck is… .”

I’ll probably stop by one more place on the way and look for one more rugged guy to act as an attacker. When you get home, he’ll force you to do sodomy and he’ll literally have fun watching. He’ll probably come crawling by tomorrow morning. Thinking like that, the fat man spat, turned and entered the building. It seemed like he was taking out his anger on the way he hit the cheek of a woman who was shyly soliciting customers at the entrance.

And after a while.

Another man who had been quietly watching the scene from a while ago on one side started walking without hesitation when the fat man entered the building. Her face was hard to see because she was deeply covered with faded robes, but she looked quite tall.

It was an outfit that any user would consider strange, but it was an exception on the streets at night.

no. In fact, in these red light districts, users wearing this type of clothing are also not very welcome.

It might be better if it was black market or contract murder. Anyone who sees it gives off the scent of ‘I am a suspicious person’, and there is no telling what kind of trouble it might cause on the streets where prostitution is their main business. So, if possible, we do not solicit customers from users who are dressed suspiciously.

However, there was one exception to this: those who entered on their own. In such cases, prostitution establishments do not refuse unless it is quite common. It’s not like there aren’t users who want to hide their identity.

Eventually, as I followed the fat man into the building, strange music and loud noises rang through the entrance.

The man looked around for a moment, then quietly opened the door to the side.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

“You’re good~!”

“Hey~! Shake your ass more!”

There was a large space inside. There was a stage in the center illuminated with a soft red light, and three or four women, almost naked, were dancing vulgarly. And around, countless users were cheering and throwing things here and there.

The man who complained for a moment immediately closed the door. And without hesitation, I turned and walked to the counter in front.

Then, as expected, there was a woman wearing a s*xy outfit at the counter, and she smiled brightly as she saw the man walking towards the counter. It was a business smile.

“Welcome brother! Thank you for visiting our Eve! “Is this your first time on Eve?”

“… This is my first time. But since I’ve heard some things, the explanation is okay.”

“I see~. Okay, brother. So do you want to go on stage? Or do you want a room where you can have a good time?”

“Let’s take the room.”

When the man answered simply, the woman nodded her head sharply.

“Okay. Go to your room… . The basic price of the room is 50 gold coins, and there is an additional amount for each condition. ah. “Is there a style you like?”

“Uhm. “It would be nice to have a s*xy face, and a slightly thin body with big breasts.”

“… There are so many styles like that~. “It’s good for the choice if you tell us in more detail!”

“Hmm~. So, once you see it, will you choose a sticky woman that you will never forget again? “She thinks about it at night, so much so that she consoles herself.”

“… … .”

At first glance, the man’s words were quite maniacal.


For a moment, a strange thought passed through the eyes of the woman who was smiling at the man. Her face was still smiling, but she took a quick look at her man. Even though it was only for a split second, she could tell that her man was watching her as well.

Eventually, the woman, who quickly recovered her original face, took out a small crystal from her bosom. Her man accepted her correction without comment.

After a while, the woman opened her mouth as if whispering.

“Second floor. It’s the third room from the end on the left. Please wait.”

“thank you. then. Ah, it’s pretty there.”

After confirming that the woman was snorting, the man quickly climbed the stairs. She had good soundproofing, so the stairs she was going up were quiet, but there was an unexpected hot wind blowing in the hallway she was standing in.

The man quietly looked left and right and then moved to the place the woman pointed out. She then stood in front of the third room from the left, and she took a deep breath and attached her crystal ball to her doorknob.

Finally, with the sound of the door opening, the man took a step inside.

It was that moment.


There was no sound.

However, someone’s soft hand covered the man’s mouth and pulled his chest. Her man felt like his heart was about to stop, and she barely managed to turn her gaze to her side.

Where the man turned his gaze, a black shadow was moving like a haze.


“Have you met Park Hwan-hee?”

“yes. Because it’s easier that way. joy.”

As I quietly opened my mouth, Ko Yeonju’s unique, languid voice flowed right in. However, the nasal tone at the end of her words was quite annoying, and it seemed like she was very upset because she asked how things were going as soon as she saw her.

But I didn’t feel like it right now. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel sorry, but I tried to ignore Go Yeon-ju’s sad look and turned my attention to the desk.

(That’s right. He’s very smart. And of course everyone knew, right? That’s right. I led the Mercenary incident. But you also knew that, right? But not saying anything means I just turned a blind eye…)

There were two crystal balls on the desk. And both of them were playing some kind of video with light flowing.

The video was of a meeting of the Southern Liberty Alliance.

I played it once while listening to what Go Yeonju found out earlier, and this was my second time playing it. Of course, every time I turned, words that went against my will were flowing out.

“… “They are crazy people.”

Eventually, unable to bear the words that followed, Go Yeon-joo, after tasting his mouth a few times, continued.

“As I said earlier, when I found out about the relationship between Kim Soo-jung and Song Hee-seon, I naturally became suspicious of the Southern Liberty Alliance. So I was wondering what to do~? There must also be a guy that Soo-hyeon has just hooked up with. “He contacted me.”

“… “Would that guy help you without saying anything?”

“Shall I pick it up? What’s with that way of speaking that makes you sound like you’re over 40 years old? Anyway, there was a lot of talk about this and that, but in the end, I did as I was told. But what can I do? If it weren’t for Su-hyeon, I would have been wandering around by now. “Isn’t that right?”


“Anyway, Soohyun is really amazing. In fact, when I first pushed him, I didn’t understand why he was helping me. Did he know that something like this would happen and prepare for it in advance?”

“… well.”

I answered intentionally vaguely. Ko Yeon-ju’s question was not only related to the first round, but it was also part of insurance.

Actually, I know what kind of guys the Southern Liberty Union guys are. In fact, didn’t they greatly contribute to the coming of the Spring and Autumn Warring States period?

So, I thought I should prepare just in case, and the user that caught my eye at that time was Hwanhee Park.

After the war with the Allied Forces, Park Hwan-hee lost both his colleagues and his foundation, and was in a so-called ruined state. After recalling her attitude and tendencies from her user academy, I decided to push Hwanhee Park after going through her Django. Not through our Klan, of course, but through the Southern Liberty Union.

Certainly, as Ko Yeon-ju said, the insurance called Park Hwan-hee that was prepared for the first round paid off. Now, just this crystal ball can be solid evidence. However, I still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was lacking, so I tilted my head. Does it feel like you have the answer right in front of you, but you don’t understand the answer?

‘There is a reason for every attack.’

Remembering Salmun’s words, I started tapping on the desk.

Although the Mercenaries and the Southern Liberty Union had not been very friendly, their relationship was not particularly bad either.

Should I say that since the cities were different, they didn’t pay attention to each other’s business in the first place? Moreover, although there are many users who dislike our actions, considering the power of the alliance, there is actually nothing to regret.

“… … .”

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t know. The only point of contact is the matter related to the selection of the representative clan that will soon take place in the western city, which was confirmed in the crystal ball a while ago.

But even so, it’s strange. This is because they have officially announced that they are not very interested in Halo because they plan to focus on the magical city of Magia. So, if these guys aren’t deaf… .


“why? “Do you have any clues?”

It was then.

A passing thought made me stop tapping on the desk. And I bit my lip while listening to Go Yeon-ju’s curious voice.

No way, these guys… . Is that why you are doing this?

The moment my thoughts went crazy, I suddenly burst out laughing for no reason.

“ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

For the first time in a long time, I was able to laugh happily.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I’ve recently made a pretty important decision, so I’m not feeling very comfortable these days. Am I not able to decide for myself whether I am following my path well? I think I need a process to get my mind together. ha ha ha.


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not work with dark mode