MEMORIZE Chapter 465

00465 Another war has already begun. ————————————————– ———————-=

The night was deep.

The sky was painted in dark colors, but the full moon was shining brightly around the campsite.

Sting. Sting.

Crack! Crack, crackle!

You can hear the low sound of insects crying and sparks from a bonfire. While I was quietly listening to the sounds, I took out the tobacco I was holding and flicked it toward the bonfire. I heard the sound of something dying on fire.

I was still looking at the sky. I wasn’t specifically trying to enjoy the serenity of the desert. Not only did the countless stars that decorated the night sky look very beautiful, but I felt like my mind was becoming calmer as I continued to look at it like this.

After looking at the sky for a while, I slowly looked to the side. I could feel the touch of a precious record. When I picked it up in front of me, I saw a record with a drawing on one side, reddened by the light of the campfire. It was a map. I quickly scanned the map.

There are several paths to the mountains where the dragon sleeps. Among them, we chose the route through the red desert, magnetic wilderness, and muddy swamps into the mountains.

The way back was also the same.

The place where we are currently camping was in an area equivalent to the red desert. After a week, I was able to leave the mountain range where the dragon sleeps, and after three weeks, I was able to reach this red desert. In other words, there wasn’t much left of the city.

“brother? “Aren’t you sleeping?”

It was then. While I was lying down in the desert and looking at a map, I suddenly heard Hanbyul’s voice. As I had just finished estimating the remaining distance, I calmly folded the map and put it in my pocket. Then, in front of me, I saw the face of a star blocking part of the sky.

“okay. “I need to sleep.”

I immediately raised my upper body. Then, just as I was about to fully stand up, I frowned at a thought that passed by.

Eventually, I turned my gaze and saw Hanbyul flinching and taking a few steps back.

“But aren’t you sleeping? Today’s first meeting will be Vivien and Cha So-rim.”

“… “I decided to switch with Sorim.”

“also? You agreed to stand with me today. “Then why did you change it again?”

“just… . yo. this… .”

Hanbyeol answered in a hushed voice. Talking about it this way, it seems like something is stinging. But I didn’t feel like continuing to argue, so I just sighed and got up.

Actually, Hanbyeol didn’t do anything wrong. Hanbyeol used her precious opportunity to relieve some of my physical strength problems. For me, this is something I am infinitely thankful for.

So I wanted to have a conversation with the two of us. I really wanted to express my gratitude and ask why he made such a wish. okay. I just want to do that.

But Hanbyeol doesn’t seem to want to do that. She usually treated me the same way, but as soon as I brought up the topic of her wishes, she always seemed to try to avoid me.

I was worried that other clan members might overhear, so I changed the night watch to two people per group and assigned them to the same group as me, giving them an opportunity to talk just the two of them.

However, Hanbyeol avoided being with me by secretly changing his watch time. Not once or twice, but all the way from the mountain range to now.

Of course, that didn’t mean we couldn’t talk very much. There was a time when I couldn’t bear it anymore and forced myself to talk about my wishes.

However, that one conversation ended without much benefit.

First of all, I think I said everything I wanted to say.

Thanks to this, a new option arose in Eve’s lineage. That option is much safer and more efficient than other uncertain options. Therefore, there is room to increase the stamina of user information, and I am very grateful, etc.

However, Hanbyeol’s reaction was truly ambiguous. I think she just said thank you, but she didn’t say anything about what she had discussed with Ganesha.

Anyway, when the situation got to this point, I had given up to some extent. Since Hanbyeol kept exercising his right to remain silent, there was nothing he could do. Plus, I had said in the first place that I wouldn’t ask about my wishes, so I couldn’t force myself to ask.

Nevertheless, the reason I tried to arrange a meeting today was because I thought it would be the last time.

As soon as you enter the city, things will get busier. There were more than one or two major tasks that needed my hands, no need to list them in detail.

As such, I wanted to check Hanbyeol’s sincerity one last time, but it seems that our relationship hasn’t developed enough for her to open up to me yet.

I suddenly felt dizzy and stretched as hard as I could. Then she suddenly laughed bitterly. She thought that she was quick to understand women, but at times like this, she realized that she really didn’t know how women felt.

After lowering my arms that were raised as high as they could, I quietly opened my mouth.

“really… . “It’s hard to talk to you even once.”

“Oh, brother. It’s not like that… .”

“are you okay. I’ll just assume there are circumstances I can’t talk about. Anyway, I’ll leave now… . “Let’s talk about it later when I’ve sorted out my thoughts.”

“… yes.”

After hearing Hanbyeol’s small voice for the last time, I turned and walked calmly.

By the time we slowly left the camp. I saw Vivien walking out, yawning, as if she was getting ready to stand for the first time. Vivian popped his mouth open and as soon as he turned to face me, his eyes widened.

“uh? Is it raining? Uh oh… . Mmmmmnya. “Is this your first shift today too?”

“… no. I am Malvern. “I’m going to sleep now.”

“aha… . But why do you come this way? “The sleeping bag is over there.”

“I want to do some business before I go to bed.”

Vivien, who was pointing to the right, yawned widely and nodded her head. When he said that he was going to run errands, he seemed to understand that he was probably resolving a physiological problem.

But no. It wasn’t like I was going there to solve a menstrual problem, I was really saying I was going there to run errands.

After giving him a stern warning not to fall asleep, I left the bivouac and left the ranting Vivien.

From the mountains where the dragon sleeps to the red desert, I think I did everything I could to understand the situation.

However, the best that could be done right now was to have a three-way meeting between Hangyeol and the awakened clients. And the result wasn’t much different from what I first thought.

Still, it wasn’t that there wasn’t much progress. One new fact was discovered: the identity of the user who paid the request fee to Sujeong Kim.

Her name is Song Hee-seon. In modern times, a user who used to be an actor came to Hall Plain two years ago. Her appearance is equally good, but her abilities are very mediocre. But after Song Hee-sun completed her User Academy, she received an offer from a clan affiliated with the Southern Liberty Alliance. She said that the clan lord of that clan knew Song Hee-seon, and she played the same role in Hyundai.

“I think this is enough.”

Before we knew it, we were some distance away from the campsite. As I looked at the place where the bulletin board light was shining from afar, I put my hand into my arms. Soon, I touched something round the size of a small piece, so I gathered my thoughts and took out the marble I had caught.

The identity of the bead taken out was a crystal ball for communication. However, unlike other crystal balls with shiny light flowing through them, the crystal ball in front of me had a dull glow.

After staring at the crystal ball, I looked up at the sky. Although it was late at night, the people who would now receive the communication were those who could receive the message at any time of the day or night. In other words, should we say that they are those who operate in the shadows of the Hole Plain?

In fact, he gave instructions to Go Yeon-ju before entering the mountain range where the dragon sleeps. But that doesn’t mean we can rely solely on Ko Yeon-ju. I also plan to take action in my own way when I enter the city soon, so I could see this as the first step toward taking action in my own way.

Thinking like that, I poured magical power into the crystal ball without hesitation.

Tsutsu! Tsutsutsu!

The crystal ball heated up brightly and began to make an annoying sound. And as expected, not long after, the noise gradually died down and someone suddenly appeared.

However, the crystal ball is still black. In other words, the user who appeared now was also wearing black all over his body.

“long time no see.”

(…I didn’t expect the Mercenary Lord to contact me.)

The voice was low, but the tone was very rough. It was a voice that sounded like scraping metal.

Anyway, I could confirm that I had definitely received the communication, so I continued calmly.

“why? “Is there a law that says you shouldn’t contact me if it’s me?”

(That’s not to say that we don’t need to contact each other anymore. Wasn’t our relationship with the Mercenary Lord settled by letting go of the Shadow Queen?)

It was concluded that the Shadow Queen was let go. I recalled an incident that happened a year ago. Then she laughed and shook her head.

“No, no. Ko Yeon-ju already came out on her own three years ago. is not it? and… . Don’t you guys owe me your life?”

(A debt for your life?)

“Yes, I owe you my life. In my memory… . I remember at that time, at Go Yeon-ju’s request, he spared some of you instead of exterminating them entirely. So, the communication network was opened like this. Seeing as you still have it… .”

(Ha. Calling that massacre a debt…? And since I think the Mercenary Lord’s debt has already been paid, I have nothing more to say. I will dispose of this crystal ball as of today. So that’s it….)

When the man stopped talking and came in, I suddenly felt a sinking feeling.

Just before the man cut off communication, I quietly opened my mouth.

“If you hang up… .”


“… Die.”


Then, the black man reflected in the crystal ball stopped his actions and fell silent for a moment.

There was quiet silence for a while.

The man did not continue speaking, but the crystal ball was slightly distorted, showing that he was biting his mouth.

I glared at the man and spoke slowly.

“No matter how well you hide, it’s not like I won’t be able to find you. “If you’re that confident, you can quit.”


(…what is your business?)

When I finally heard the man’s words, I was finally able to smile softly.


Deep at night, near the campsite.

“Jewel. So listen to me. I think… .”

“… … .”

“Oops. Anyway, I’m really worried about Anhyun. She still hasn’t woken up… . But she’ll be arriving in the city soon, right? Then, Kim Soo-hyun will also return to public appearances after a very long time… . What do you think Jewelry? “What will happen in the future?”

“… … .”

Hanbyeol felt like covering her ears as she watched Vivien talking on various topics without stopping. My mind was already so complicated that it felt like it was going to explode, but as I kept talking non-stop, it felt like it was going to explode.

“Yohohoho! Right? yes? “You think so too, right?”

“… Huyu.”

Hanbyeol let out a soft sigh. I felt like I wanted to close those pretty lips right now, but it didn’t seem like I would stop. So, I think it’s best to just take it easy and cover your ears.

Hanbyul slowly fell into deep thought, trying as hard as possible to ignore Vivien’s unruly chatter.

It was a thought about the person who had been disturbing his mind and heart recently.

Kim Soohyun.

Mercenary Road.


‘really… . It’s hard to even talk to you.’

‘I’ll just think there are circumstances that I can’t talk about.’

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun’s hints came to mind, and Hanbyeol buried his head in a sullen state.

Know. Hanbyul was aware of why Kim Soo-hyun was acting like that and that his own actions were not right.

Then why do I keep avoiding it like this?

That was the question Hanbyeol asked herself and the thought she continued to ponder throughout the trip. It was also a difficult problem for which he had not yet found an answer.

In fact, the reason why Hanbyul avoided Kim Soo-hyun was very simple.

Firstly, it was an inexplicable feeling that he did not want the exact details of his wish to be revealed, and secondly, he had not yet been able to define his feelings towards Kim Soo-hyun.

Hanbyeol made two wishes to Ganesha. In case his first wish was not accepted, he wanted Ganesha to make his feelings known through his second wish. And that wish was a wish she shared with the thought that only she would know.

But things took a strange turn.

Both the first and second wishes were accepted.

However, it was not fully accepted, only half of it.

Ganesha informed Suhyeon that Hanbyeol had made a wish for Suhyeon. Although she could not define Hanbyul’s feelings, she created a way for Hanbyul to find the answer himself.

So now Hanbyeol was in a complicated situation.

Even though I didn’t want my true feelings to be revealed, I wanted to find an answer to what this unknown feeling felt like.

Anyway, it’s such a contradictory situation. To make matters worse, Kim Soo-hyun keeps asking what kind of wishes he had, so it can’t help but be complicated.

And, it wasn’t just this.

I was curious about how Kim Soo-hyun would react if he spoke, and Hanbyeol was quite quick-witted. How do the women in the Mercantile Clan view and think of Kim Soo-hyun? To some extent, she had noticed her.

And it’s not just one or two people. Of course, the world called Whole Plain is a world where user information is given priority. It is not unheard of for a talented man to have multiple women, or for a woman to have multiple men.

In some ways, it can be seen as an idea that does not fit this world, but Hanbyeol was also a woman who lived in modern times. In that case, it was unclear whether she would be able to understand Kim Soo-hyun, who was not only directed at her but also at other women.

No, before that, she wasn’t sure what Kim Soo-hyun would think of her, and she wasn’t even sure if she was qualified to get involved with other women. You wouldn’t know it if she was a starting runner, but since she is a late runner, it’s impossible not to notice her.

okay. Everything was unknown.

“ha… . I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know! mole! la! You idiot! “You idiot!”

In the end, unable to overcome the endless frustration, Hanbyeol screamed and stretched out her hand to grab the water bottle next to her. His chest was boiling and he felt as if it would burn to a pitch black color if he didn’t cool it down somehow.

Hanbyul tilted his head back and took a gulp of water. And the moment she got off again, she made eye contact with Vivien, who had suddenly become quiet.

Vivien blinked several times and quietly sucked her finger, looking anxious as if she had offended Hanbyul.

Hanbyeol felt a sense of regret and said, wiping the water from the corner of her mouth.

“sorry. “I didn’t mean it to Vivien.”

“Hey… . okay? thank god. “She almost got hurt.”

“… “Would you like some water?”

“It’s good. “I was talking so much that I was thirsty.”

When Hanbyeol handed over the water bottle, Vivien smiled happily and turned the stopper.

As soon as he saw Vivien drinking water, Hanbyeol suddenly felt envious. She always seemed to have no worries or worries in the world, as she always had a bright smile on her face.

While he was watching silently, a thought suddenly crossed his mind and Hanbyeol opened his mouth quietly.

“Vivien… . “I have a question.”

“gulp… . gulp… .”

Vivien didn’t answer. No, I couldn’t. Because he was still drinking water. However, as if he had clearly heard what he said, he glanced sideways at Hanbyeol and nodded, gesturing for him to speak.

After a while, Hanbyul started drawing letters on the floor, repeating the words that came to mind. She first wrote in the direction she was looking at, then immediately erased it and wrote in the opposite direction. This is because Vivian can see it more comfortably.

“A, m, o, r. And N, u, n, t, i, o, s… .”

“Puh-ha. Cool. What? “What are you curious about?”

Vivien asked again, holding out the water bottle. His voice was slightly flushed, and he seemed excited that Hanbyul had asked a question.

“This is it.”

Hanbyul, who had written down all the letters, was handed a water bottle and pointed to the floor.

Amor Nuntios.

Through Hanbyeol’s wish, the conditions of Eve’s bloodline flowing in Kim Soo-hyun’s body were renewed. This was written at the bottom of the updated conditions, and was the word that Kim Soo-hyun came out while explaining the details.

At the time, we both just shook our heads because we didn’t know the word, but it felt a bit strange so we remembered it. However, I thought that Vivien might know, so I suddenly asked.

“Uhm… . I can’t see very well. for a moment.”

Is it because the surroundings were dark? Vivien tilted his head, tilted his body as much as possible and placed his hands on the ground. And he began to look closely at the letters drawn in the sand.

Hanbyul waited quietly and lightly shook the water bottle in her hand. I felt like there was some water left in the bottom because I could feel it sloshing around. The thirst in her heart had not yet been quenched, and Hanbyeol tilted the water bottle towards her mouth to empty the remaining water. There was only one sip of water left.

When I was filling my mouth with water, Vivien, who had turned her gaze to the end, suddenly raised her head.

“aha. Amor Nuntios. This is it. Mmmmm. That’s it. It’s a word that has its own origins… . So, in a nutshell.”

Vivien paused for a moment and then smiled triumphantly. Hanbyeol tilted his head without even thinking about passing the water.


“Love message. Or, if you look at it as a transmitter of love… .”

And at that moment, water spurted out from Hanbyeol’s mouth.


“Okay… ? “Aaaah!”

“Cough! I’m sorry… ! Cough, Cough!”


Vivien screamed. He pushed her face as hard as he could to see the letters, and suddenly got hit with water from the front. He felt bad when he was sprayed with water from a water bottle, but he couldn’t help but feel even worse when he was sprayed with water from someone else’s mouth.

“however… . Cough! if… . Cough! this… . Cough! To my brother… . Cough, Cough!”

“what! what! What is this to you? Oh really!”

It was then.

Even while Hanbyeol was in trouble, she was worried that Kim Soo-hyun might know about it, and Vivian, who was drenched in water, was furious.

“eww… .”

Someone’s thirsty moans came from one side of the camp.

The sound was a moan coming from a user who had not yet woken up.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Reader: What is your wish?

Ro Yu-jin: If you ask me what my wish is, it would be to update the next episode on a regular basis.

Reader: Then what is your next wish?

Ro Yu-jin: If you ask what my next wish is, it would be to update Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Yu-hyun user information in the next episode.

Reader: Then what is your next wish?

Ro Yu-jin: If you ask me what my next wish is, it would be to complete the character’s lines and vote for the next episode.


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not work with dark mode