MEMORIZE Chapter 464

00464 Another war has already begun. ————————————————– ———————-=

Creak, creak!

“Ah… .”

As the bed rocked in large waves, a woman’s excited moans also shook.

It was almost as if she had been thrown away, but not a single trace of discomfort could be found on the woman’s face. Rather, she took off her breast cover herself, exposing her breasts, which were flowing with light, and slowly rubbing them and looking up at someone.

Before she knew it, the woman’s eyes became infinitely sticky, almost like the eyes of a pr****ute who longed for what a man had.

“omg… . omg… .”

Soon, a man breathing heavily climbed onto the bed, tearing open the curtains that covered the inside. The gaze of her man looking down at her woman is also quite formidable. She was red and her bloodshot eyes were burning brightly, like a beast in heat.

A moment later, the moment the woman’s red tongue slightly wetted his lips, the man’s intertwined reasoning was suddenly cut off. Her man’s body collapses and covers her woman’s body, and at the same time, her woman’s hand gently wraps around her man’s back.

Finally, just as the woman’s hand was grazing her strong back, a ray of fire flowed from the man’s mouth as he sucked in her white and beautiful neck. And from that moment on, the fire started burning in an instant, heating up the bed hot and fiercely.

The man and the woman, melting in the hot fire, clung to each other and lusted after each other without hesitation.

Was he on drugs, drunk, or intoxicated?

The man was attacking her aggressively without any consideration, but the woman had a look of joy on her face. She hugged her man’s body like crazy and burst out laughing, and her man responded by making an animal howl.

It wasn’t long before the woman’s smile changed into a sharp tone. And again, as time passed, Gyo-sung changed into a sobbing moan.

Soon, the man and the woman were crying together and singing in chorus. At one point, her man’s body suddenly stopped and began to tremble. Then, the sound of her woman breathing came out, and the stormy love affair gradually subsided.

Through the white mesh curtain surrounding the bed, a panting man and a woman shaking and breathing heavily were seen.

When I first started, the sun was in the middle of the sky, but before I knew it, a pale sunset had settled on the window sill.

As the man looked out the window with blank eyes, the woman smiled and put something to the corner of the man’s mouth. It was the beginning of the year. She even lit the fire herself, causing the man to laugh and take a sip of her tobacco.

“after… . Hee-seon. I guess I should just smoke this and go. “I stayed longer than I thought.”

At first glance, a look of disappointment appeared on the face of the smiling woman, or rather, Hee-seon, at the man’s indifferent words.

“Are you going already?”

“Already. How much time has passed… . “Nothing good will come of being away from each other for a long time.”

“I told my sister I couldn’t come in today and left… .”

“You’re just a little cute clan member. I’m not. “There are a lot of things I have to go back and take care of right now, a lot.”

At first glance, the man’s words had a disparaging tone to them, but Heesun didn’t seem to care much, perhaps because it was that tone in the first place. Still, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed and muttered with a sullen face.

“still… . You said you would have some free time once this job was over… .”

“Hehe. “I guess I’m doing this because I have some free time.”

The man answered calmly, then flicked the tobacco lightly and stood up. As she was putting on her clothes, she suddenly rubbed her neat forehead and looked back at Hee-seon.

“ah. Come to think of it… . “How many days has it been since the mercantile bastards entered the mountains?”

“Hmm~. One month and two weeks? Three weeks? It must have been that long. It’ll be two months in a little while, so it’s almost like I’m missing, right? “There has been no contact so far.”

“It’s been almost two months… . “Is there no action on Monica’s part?”

“It’s quiet. “I don’t know what orders I received, but these days, I’m mostly living as if I’m not there.”

The man must have liked Heeseon’s words, and for an instant, a sneer appeared on the man’s lips. Hee-seon quietly opened her mouth as she watched the man calmly trimming his neck.

“But Hyuk oppa. we… . Is it really okay?”

“huh? Are you okay? “What does that mean?”

“That’s right. Mercantile is not a very easy clan. In particular, I heard that the Shadow Queen’s information gathering ability is unrivaled.”

“Aha, the Shadow Queen. Definitely a scary user. I honestly still can’t believe it. Just 5 or 6 years ago, she was a bitch who killed people like she was eating, so it’s really surprising that she has changed so much. Well, it’s a story that only those in the know know. ha ha ha.”

The man called Hyuk smiled leisurely. However, Heesun seemed to not like Hyuk’s attitude and continued speaking in a slightly higher voice than before.

“brother. I’m not saying to laugh right now. “What are you going to do if they come back from the mountains?”

“Oh, why are you like that? The Mercenary and the Shadow Queen are still in the mountains. She also made sure to go inside. And even if I come back. What are they going to do? “You’ve destroyed all the evidence and prepared to cut off the tail, right?”

“is it so. That’s right. But it’s because I’m anxious, because I’m anxious. It’s not just this. It is said that the movement on the Su Clan side is unusual right now. The internal struggle is too much right now… .”

“Who says it’s too much?”

For a moment, Heeseon flinched at Hyuk’s sharp retort. His eyes were trembling and he was clutching the blanket tightly, as if he was frightened.

There was silence for a while.

Hyuk’s gaze, which had been glaring at Hee-seon, gradually softened. Then he calmly walked over and slowly stroked Hee-seon’s hair.

“Heeseon. This is what happened. huh? After the selection meeting next week, the representative clans currently temporarily in the west will withdraw in a month. Do you know what I mean? “Right now, what to do next is more important than worrying.”

“… … .”

“And you don’t have to worry about anything. No, don’t do it. lets think. It took two months just to go back and forth to the mountains. And then give an internal meeting and vote. But, at best, you get work. “Do you think something special will happen?”

“… still.”

“Whatever that is. Or you. Are you feeling guilty at all?”

“That’s not it.”

Heesun shook her head and answered immediately. Hyuk smiled quietly, perhaps feeling a little better now, and took his hand away. Heesun glanced up at Hyuk, then lowered her gaze again.

Hyuk said.

“This is the kind of world it used to be… . And keep in mind. The one who started the fight first was not us, but the Mercenary Clan. But we couldn’t say anything because there was no evidence. This incident is partly due to the western city, but they are also hitting back in kind. Do you understand?”

“yes. all right… . By the way, how is he doing now?”

“That guy? iced coffee. It’s already in my hands. He’s probably doing well with the Su Clan by now. Well, for now, I pretended not to notice because it was helpful to me… . But you are really strange today. “It’s already been a year, so why are you suddenly bringing it up now?”

“unrest… . Just be careful. hemp cloth.”

Heeseon continued speaking seriously, then suddenly smiled widely and stuck out her tongue. Hyuk looked at her with one corner of his mouth raised, then turned around and walked towards her door.

And just as he was about to open the door, Hyuk suddenly turned to Hee-seon and gently lifted his left hand and squeezed it.

“Try not to worry. The Mercenary Clan or the Su Clan you’re so worried about. It’s all in my hands now. So, you mind your own clan business. “Please speak kindly to that bitch.”

With those last words, Hyuk opened the door and walked out without delay.


Soon, with the sound of the door slamming shut, Hee-seon was left alone in the room where the craze of lovemaking and the scent of tobacco still vaguely lingered.

Soon, the smile on Heesun’s face slowly faded. And after a while, she started to see a look of worry on Hee-seon’s face, just like when she first spoke to her.

Would you say it’s a woman’s intuition? Even though she heard Hyuk’s rant, she looked very anxious about something.

Heesun stared at the door for a long time and then let out a long sigh.


The sky is dyed red. The sun, which had risen in the sky, was now slowly preparing to set, and the twilight of the evening glow was slowly seeping into the leaves that had been bathed in bright sunlight.

As I slowed down a bit and looked around, I still saw thick bushes and lush trees.

However, the scene was not as gloomy as when I came in. The thick fog has disappeared and there is no sign of the dead. Only a gentle breeze blows, causing the twilight trees to sway gently.

As we left, the scenery of the mountain range where the dragon sleeps was so beautiful that it could almost be considered fantastic.

“shit. “You damn naked bastard.”

When I suddenly turned my gaze to the grumbling I heard, I saw Heo Jun-young frowning arrogantly. On Heo Jun-young’s back was Ahn Hyeon, who had not yet woken up and was still asleep. Heo Jun-young had been carrying Ahn Hyeon ever since he left the fortress. Perhaps the muttering a moment ago was more a result of not liking Anhyeon in the first place than a feeling of physical exhaustion.

“Hey, Kim Soo-hyun.”


“After leaving the ruins, I heard that quite a few of the users we rescued woke up.”

“But Anhyeon hasn’t woken up yet.”

“okay. yes. Aren’t you curious then? Is this guy not waking up now, or is he not able to? “I just don’t understand why the person who came in most recently is the last to wake up.”

“… So, you want to say that you are pretending to sleep?”

I laughed bitterly at Heo Jun-young’s words. This is because there was no possibility of that happening. If Ahn Hyun was really pretending to be asleep, not only me but also Heo Jun-young would have caught it a long time ago.

I was a little worried that I hadn’t woken up yet, but that didn’t mean that all the other users except Anhyeon had woken up. Also, when I checked with my third eye, there was no major problem, so I was at ease to some extent.

Before I knew it, the dense bushes around me had disappeared a little and wide open spaces began to appear. Perhaps soon the sun will completely set and darkness will come. I thought to myself that it was a good place and that I should now prepare for camping, so I slowly turned around.

Clan members following me and awakened users following the clan members. Of course, the user who had not yet woken up was being carried on his back by some clan members.

Vivien and Helena were constantly talking about what they were talking about so hard, and Da-eun and Hanna were whispering and giggling to each other.

If it had been before, I would have said no without hesitation, but I didn’t say anything. Even though several days had passed since leaving the ruins, the deceased had not appeared even once, leading to a tentative conclusion that it had already been cleaned up, and even while they were talking to each other, they occasionally looked around.

Then did he feel my gaze?

Suddenly, Lee Chae flashed across Da-eun’s eyes as she looked back at me. Then, she blinks rapidly and places her white jade-like index finger on her beautiful lips and begins to gently rub them. Da-eun immediately stuck her index finger into her mouth, moved her neck, and looked at me with captivating eyes.

I laughed bitterly. Da-eun’s behavior can be seen as a kind of signal. He was saying that he was really hungry(?) right now, so he wanted to hang out with him tonight.

I tried to ignore Da-eun, who kept giving me earnest looks. And after looking around the surrounding area one more time, he immediately stopped walking and shouted loudly.

“Everyone stop! The march will end here. “We plan to camp at this location today, so everyone please get ready right away.”

The clan members also seemed to think that it was time to camp out, so they started moving around busily as soon as they gave the order. Soon, the clan members who were carrying each user put them aside with a slightly tired look on their faces.


“You damn thunderbolt.”

Heo Jun-young put Ahn Hyeon down roughly and kicked her with an angry look on his face. She didn’t kick hard, she just tapped. Then she spun around, looked me in the eye, and flinched.

I calmly opened my mouth.

“It’s okay to kick, but kick so that you don’t get caught.”

“… “Let me listen carefully.”

Just like that, Heo Jun-young’s shocked face was quite amusing and he was laughing quietly.

“Clan Lord!”

Suddenly, I heard a voice calling me from behind. When I looked back, Shin Jae-ryong was approaching me at a fast pace.

“Clan Lord. We are currently laying out camping stones and preparing meals. In the meantime, I would like to make an announcement, but what would you like to do on watch today? Are you going to do the same as yesterday?”

I was about to nod my head, but a thought suddenly occurred to me and I immediately shook my head.

“no. Monsters don’t seem to appear in this area anymore, so I think it’s okay to loosen things up a bit. Let’s change it from a group of 4 to a group of 2. “I will tell you about the group members and their order after the meal.”

“All right. Oh, and… .”

After slowly looking around, Shin Jae-ryong took a step closer and spoke in a whisper.

“I told the clients separately.”

“hmm? “What do you mean?”

“The clients who went with Anhyeon and Hangyeol… . “Shouldn’t we now slowly begin to understand the situation?”

“To understand the situation… .”

Understand the situation.

I slowly closed my eyes and fell into thought.

In fact, the situation was already understood to some extent. Of course, the clients woke up, but I don’t think they knew any more than Kim Soo-jeong or Hangyeol. This is because after hearing the circumstances from Hangyeol, I became convinced that this was not a simple accident.

It’s impossible to be happy about the fact that you’ve completed the strategy. If you look at the big picture, it’s just a matter of obtaining a relic.

So now is the time to turn our attention.

Of course, as a result, the mountain range where the dragon sleeps was completely conquered. The rewards are enormous, users have been rescued, and great progress has been made in solving chronic physical fitness problems.

In other words, everything could be said to have improved.


Even so, I had no intention of letting things go like this.

In fact, I still don’t know which bastard is doing this to our clan and for what reason.

But when we go back to the city and catch each other by our tails, the moment we reach the end… .

Shadow war.

The moment it occurred to me, I couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s clear that I don’t know anything yet, but I just keep laughing. It seems like I’m already laughing at the thought of screwing the other person in.

Or, I remembered myself living in the shadows during the first round.

“K-Clan Lord? “Gwae, are you okay?”

When I opened my eyes to the sound of stuttering, I saw Shin Jae-ryong retreating for some reason. His mouth is slightly open and his throat is moving slowly. I quickly smoothed my face.

“haha. it’s nothing. Thinking for a moment… . Anyway, I understand. “I will talk to those users separately, so I don’t think you need to worry too much about user Shin Jae-ryong.”

“… … .”

“Then go now. ah… . “Please tell Hanbyeol to prepare for the first ceremony with me today.”

“… All right.”

Shin Jae-ryong, who bowed his head, soon calmly turned around and started heading back in the direction he came from.

Since you are a very intelligent user, you probably just figured out what I meant. Shin Jae-ryong was an unsuitable user for the stage that was about to begin.

While watching the back of the person slowly walking away, I took out a piece of tobacco from my pocket and put it in my mouth. Then, lighting the fire, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

Into the deep red glow of the sunset, a wisp of hazy smoke slowly rose.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

A new character appears. Once you’ve completed this part and are somewhat settled, you should head into the Iron Mountains. And when the demons appear, clash, and complete the Iron Mountains… . From then on, I think the completion will gradually become visible. ha ha ha.

There will be some confusing parts in the beginning of this part as well. Who is this? What are you talking about? You may feel this way. The Mountain Range Where the Dragon Sleeps had a similar reaction in the beginning. And as I got to the latter half, I solved each question with answers.

The Shadow War section is similar. The parts that are confusing now can be viewed as foreshadowing used in this part, and will be mentioned a few times later and all will be explained.

The scale is bigger than you think. I think simply catching a few criminals would be over quickly and wouldn’t be fun. ha ha ha.

P.S. Please help me come up with dialogue to use when voting for characters. Han So-young and Hanna are blocked. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode