Memorize Chapter 46

00046 Preparation for emergency ——————————————— —————————=



“In the future, if an unavoidable situation similar to the one before comes… um, what are you going to do?”

“…I do not know.”

Yujeong answered with a wrinkled face. You will also be very frustrated. Even if such a situation were to arise in the future, he knew nothing and there was nothing he could do. If she were to answer, she would have no choice but to just accept it. I was thinking of saying something that would be a blessing in disguise for those kids.

“How much does everyone know about ?”

Now that I had pushed it to its limit, it was time to calm it down to some extent. The kids seemed to have noticed that my voice had become softer, so I could see them slowly raising their heads to look at me. I couldn’t help but laugh because it looked like a child who was upset by his mother and then raised his head again, so I couldn’t help but laugh.

“The ability that the woman used at the table just now can be considered a part of magical energy release. It is not a special or manifestation of potential ability, but rather a part of a control ability that anyone can use by controlling their own magical power.”

If you think about it, sword skills and sword strength were also abilities included as part of the control ability. That’s why I was able to see Yujeong’s eyes change after hearing the word control ability.

“Control ability…? Brother. So you’re saying we can use it too?”

“Yes. If you practice, you can use it. Furthermore, you can resist and defend in the same situation as before. Depending on how you respond, you can even attack in reverse.”

“Teach me.”

I smiled calmly as I looked at the children’s faces slowly regaining their vitality. Maybe you would be really disappointed if you continued to feel downcast. However, as soon as the escape route was opened, Yujeong’s eyes began to glow little by little as if they had always been like that.

First, we teach the theory thoroughly, show examples, and then begin training. At Yu-jeong’s request, I lowered my head with a willing face and opened my mouth.

“Does anyone know what stages the release of magic power can be divided into?”

“It can be divided into Sensing, Occupy, and Coercion.”

“Oh… Correct.”

Surprisingly, the person who answered my question immediately was Ansol. She was looking at me with burdened eyes full of some kind of desire. I could see Sol’s face brightening as I tilted her head in her gaze. I thought that the reason why Sol’s face looked strange earlier was because she was jealous because he only stroked Hyun’s head and she did not stroke herself.

… I guess that’s not true. Anyway, Sol’s answer was almost correct. Of course, there were Break up and Demolition that were classified as higher levels than intimidation. However, compared to first-level detection, it was a very advanced skill, so it was impossible to learn it yet. That’s why I deliberately kept quiet.

“From now on, I plan to teach you a really powerful technique.”

The introduction is over. Now it’s time to get to the point.

There is a saying that seeing is worth seeing. Hearing something a hundred times is not better than seeing it once. It means that you have to experience it yourself to know for sure. I slowly summoned my magic and turned my body halfway to turn my back on the kids.

I slowly adjusted my magic power and let my magic flow all over the floor of the room. I draw a circle containing my magical power on the floor based on my body. I had already done it tens of thousands of times, so it was beyond familiar and it was almost like a part of my body. When I stayed still, I felt like the kids were giving me blank looks. I closed my eyes and slowly opened my mouth.

“Hyun, Sol, Yujeong. Don’t say anything from now on. And move anywhere in the room without making any footsteps.”

As soon as they heard me, I could feel the children who had hesitated a little moving quietly one by one. Even if they were moving quietly, they were within the palm of Buddha’s palm as long as they decided to do so. Eventually, I heard a creaking sound and was able to confirm that everyone had completed the move. I turned around and opened my mouth.

“Ahn Hyeon. Direction 38 degrees southeast relative to my left foot. In front of the closet. Ansol. Direction 26 degrees southwest relative to my right foot. Behind the center table. Lee Yu-jeong. Direction 90 degrees relative to my body. On the bed.”

The moment I finished speaking, I could hear the kids gasping for breath. It would be difficult to be surprised this much already. I smiled brightly and continued.

“This is called sensing, which is the first step in releasing magic power. It is often called the invisible eye, but in reality, it can be seen as a connection between visible objects and one’s magic circuit. In other words, it is a connection that one can accept. “The accident radius is arbitrarily expanded using magical power. You guys. Were you all surprised when that woman suddenly appeared?”

“Come to think of it….”

“Yes…yes. That’s right. Then, brother, does that mean that if you learn to sense, you will be able to know when that woman is coming?”

I turned around and nodded when I heard Ahn Hyun’s voice seem to have gotten some sense.

“Generally. But detection cannot be said to be omnipotent. There is no way to penetrate detection.”


This time, I created magic powerful enough for the kids to clearly feel it. After spewing out intangible energy with fierce force, he spread magical power into the air this time. Like a hot haze, my magical power instantly took over the entire room. Seeing the kids looking around with their heads in wonder, I made a different request this time.

“This time, everyone, try expressing the numbers with your fingers.”

After giving the kids some time to see and feel and to act as I asked, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Ahn Hyeon. Two fingers. The pinned fingers are the index and middle fingers. Ansol, one finger. The pinned fingers are the index finger. Lee Yu-jeong. Four fingers. The pinned fingers are the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and small finger… two, four, one, five, four, five. “This guy.”

Although Yujeong quickly changed his fingers in the middle of the question, I was able to answer them all without difficulty. Then, I felt Yujeong weakly lowering his arm as if he was shocked.



“Wow, that’s amazing…!”

After hearing the children’s exclamations, I finally turned around and faced them again. Everyone had their mouths open as if they had seen some kind of ghost. I continued speaking while still maintaining the magic that occupied the room.

“There are many ways to break through the detection. There are ways to use speed that the opponent cannot react even if they know it, or there are ways to come in through the air. There are also ways to secretly mix one’s own magic power with the opponent’s magic power. So, it is more reliable. “The stage where detection is developed to respond is called occupancy.”

“Brother. So you’re saying that the ability that woman used earlier was this possession?”

I shook my head at Yujeong’s question. Possession was an ability that could be classified into two stages. And the ability that the woman demonstrated was intimidating, equivalent to level 3.

“No. The ability that woman used was Coercion. She used coercion. It is an ability that corresponds to the third level of magical energy release. It is a skill that can be seen as a higher level in its own way by going one step further than simply expanding the thinking circuit and incorporating one’s will into magical energy. You can say that. Of course, the power varies depending on the user… but once you learn how to use it, it is possible to completely defend against such intimidation or at least resist it to some extent.”

“Well, then I want to learn to be intimidated. I want to learn to be intimidated.”

Seeing Yu-jeong speaking hastily, I smiled slightly and approached her. Then she flicked her fingers and hit her forehead. Seeing Yujeong pouting her mouth and rubbing her forehead, I opened my mouth in a begging voice.

“Why are you already trying to fly when you can’t even walk, let alone run? Even if you’re a genius, coercion is not something you can easily learn overnight. No matter how fast you go, you need to train consistently for three months. I plan on mastering my senses first and then moving up step by step. Do it. Don’t be too hasty.”


at that time. I heard Ahn Hyun’s voice calling me as she was looking at my face. When I turned my head to Hyun with a questioning expression, he immediately spoke to me.

“I feel intimidated too….”

“They really are. It’s still too early.”

Hyun shook his head at my words and continued speaking again.

“No, that’s not it. I just want to know more about coercion.”

“Brother. Me too. It’s my first time experiencing this, so I’m so embarrassed that I can’t think of anything, but… I want to at least clearly see what the pressure is like. Huh?”

I kept my mouth shut for a moment as I watched Yu-jeong help An Hyun. The basis of magical power release is how precisely and effectively one can control magical power. You may be able to learn sensing quickly, but you don’t seem to know yet how difficult it is to spread it externally and apply your will to it.

But in Hyeon and Yu-jeong’s eyes, I could see a passion that I had never seen before. At that moment, I remembered the time when I first worked at Hall Plain. A time when I struggled to learn anything. I remembered the days when I had to grit my teeth and somehow learn on my own without receiving any decent instruction.

When I remembered that sad time, I slowly opened my mouth as if I was possessed by something.

“The three stages of magic release are on a different level from the first and second stages. In addition to efficient mana management and detail, there must be no mistake in deploying it based on a circuit. But the most important and difficult thing is to control your own intimidation. “It’s about putting your will into mana.”

“Speaking of will….”

“How effectively can the body convey emotions? There is no need to speak in this process. Mana, which literally contains one’s will, tells everything. Remember before. Yujeong, what emotions did you feel at that time? ?”

Yujeong frowned at my question, thought for a moment, and answered.

“It was hard on my body… I thought it was dangerous. I might die….”

“In technical terms, it is called killing energy. That woman said that Yu-jeong wanted to kill you. She conveyed her intention to you with emotion without saying anything.”


Yujeong didn’t say anything to what I said. However, her face suddenly became gray and goosebumps appeared all over her body. Ahn Hyeon still tilted his head, looking like he didn’t understand. I sighed softly. Since they are still in possession, I thought it would be better to give them a quick taste to satisfy their curiosity.

I made up my mind and called Ahn Hyeon.



“From now on I’m going to want to kill you.”

“Huh? What is that….”

Ahn Hyeon, who was questioning the unexpected sound, soon closed his mouth. It seemed like she thought she was going to demonstrate something, like when she showed detection and possession. Her mouth was tightly shut and her face was also stiff, as if she was preparing in her own way. Of course, in my opinion, it was completely useless.

I closed my eyes and started mind training. From now on, I will set and remember Ahn Hyeon as my enemy who will fight between my life and death. After calming down to some extent, I opened my eyes and suddenly had an explosion of magical energy. and… .

“Ugh! Argh!”

The reaction was visible right away.

At first, my energy, which was like a floating cloud, suddenly changed into an energy full of life. The room was filled with a crushing feeling of flesh that felt as if it could rip apart any being. A feeling of death rises from deep inside. And I am the only one who feels that way. They poured everything into Ahn Hyeon.

It was only 5 seconds. I felt like if I kept it up a little longer, I would be tainted by my old feelings, so I suppressed it at an appropriate point. As I quickly took away the energy I had spread and stored it inside, I saw Ahn Hyeon sitting on the ground, shaking, as if his legs had given out. Yujeong and Sol also seemed to have been indirectly influenced by the way their lips quivered while looking at me.

I slowly approached Hyeon. As soon as I got close to Anhyeon, he pulled his body back without realizing it. Then, he suddenly realized something and looked at me blankly. I held out my hand towards him with the intention of causing a stir.

“No matter how hard you are, it is useless to coerce using magical power. It is literally showing the instinctive human emotions without any filtering. Anyway, you had a hard time.”

Ahn Hyun shook his head vigorously, feeling dizzy. And soon he came to his senses and hesitantly took my hand. It was quite difficult to get up, so it looks like the shock hasn’t completely gone.

However, the moment we fully stood up and exchanged glances, I was able to discover one interesting fact. It was only for a moment, but it seemed like a feeling of victory passed through Ahn Hyeon’s eyes. Perhaps it was because Anhyun was a man, but he had a special aggressiveness that was different from Yujeong or Sol-i.

After raising the strings, I continued talking while looking at the three users who still had not taken their eyes off me.

“Anyway, coercion is still a long way from you, so let’s keep it as if you know what it’s like. For now, detection is the priority. If you can’t do this much, going outside will be a breeze, right? So, if you can’t maintain detection for at least an hour, don’t even dream of going outside. “Don’t dream.”

When I told her that I would keep the detection for more than an hour, Yujeong looked at me and quickly asked.

“But brother. When on earth did you learn these skills? We all took the same classes, right?”

Yujeong’s question made me feel uncomfortable, but I kept a calm face on the outside. Since I couldn’t just say the truth about what I learned before returning, I needed to respond appropriately. I raised my hand and extended my index finger to show them.

“I made use of my personal maintenance time outside of training. I also received a lot of help from instructors. For reference, it took me a day to learn detection. It took me about two weeks to learn possession. I was able to learn intimidation almost last.”

“Ah. So the thing your brother always did before going to bed, sitting in a strange position, was all sense training?”

At just the right moment, Ahn Hyeon intervened and was able to increase the credibility of my words. As I just smiled, Ahn Hyeon said, “I thought you were just meditating.” He tilted his head. I continued speaking, regardless of the kids’ reactions.

“Anyway, it took me that long. If you can jump somewhere, jump over it. I’m a little excited to see who will learn it first.”

It was a slightly provocative remark, but the effect was clear. I meant to tell them to go beyond me, but as soon as I finished speaking, Hyeon, Sol, and Yujeong looked at each other’s faces and suddenly started to burn with enthusiasm.

“Well, I think I’ll be the first to succeed. Just wait and see, bro.”

“Hohoho. I hear your magic power is higher than mine?”

“Oh, no…kids….”

I couldn’t help but shed a sweat as I looked at the two of them looking at each other intensely. I couldn’t shake the feeling that siblings were gathered together and competing to see who had the best grades in front of their mother. Somehow, as I went on, I felt like I was becoming a mother to my children.

The theory is over. The demonstration is over. All that was left was the real start of training.

No matter what the circumstances were, it was undeniable that there was a change in the children’s attitude. As soon as I made up my mind, I started training right then and there. After some time passed, I added a detailed explanation as I watched the children quietly adjusting their magic power with their eyes closed and in an unmoving position.

“The basic operation of magic begins with an image. The basic principle of detection comes from ripples and waves. Think of a calm sea, and a drop of water falling on the surface. And the round ripples of water that arise. Or on dry paper. “You can think of it as dropping a drop of water. You create an image that you can imagine as comfortably and familiarly as possible, and then move the magic power along the circuit just like that feeling.”

To be honest, the operation of detection itself can be considered simple. Unlike advanced application techniques required for intimidation, destruction, and destruction, it is a control ability that operates on a relatively simple principle.

The key was how cleanly the detection could be done and how long it could last. You must be able to efficiently distribute your magical power and always maintain a constant flow.

Hyun and Yu-jeong, who were currently working hard to detect, were slowly showing their disapproval. At first, he was successful in drawing out his magic power and drawing a circle under his feet. However, the condition I set for staying for more than 1 hour will be answered just by looking at the face. Little by little, as time passed, the shape of the circle became distorted. As time went on, the circle became more uneven and the flow of magic power became more irregular.

At first, he had a confident face and a proud smile, but as time went on, sweat began to bead on his face. I smiled slowly as I watched him slowly purse his lips.

There was a good reason why I taught detection to my children first. This is because it is not for nothing that people say that a user’s capabilities can be measured with just one detection. And it was also because it was an ability that I would use in the future.

The advantages of detection are endless. In terms of training, the advantage is that you can practice anytime, anywhere. In addition to an increase in magical power, it also had the effect of pushing one’s body to its limit internally, so an increase in other abilities could also be expected.

Moreover, although this is just my prediction, I believe that one of my potential abilities, the mind’s eye, has been greatly influenced by sensing. I always looked at myself and my surroundings and went into battle while maintaining my level of composure. And I always tried to predict the opponent’s attack path in advance and always conduct optimal battles accordingly. In other words, there was a possibility that it could help develop one’s own potential abilities.

Not only that, but you can also develop the habit of maintaining a constant flow of magical power at all times. Then, you will be able to prevent unnecessary waste of magical power when using control ability skills. Therefore, magical power detection training was a training that could kill three birds with one stone.

Before I knew it, more than 10 minutes had passed since the detection began. The sight of Anhyun and Yujeong was literally a sight to behold. Where had their initial energetic attitude gone? Everyone was sweating profusely and breathing heavily, looking as if they were going to collapse at any moment.

As I was watching these kids, I activated my third eye for a moment. I wanted to check the rate of increase in abilities so far.

『User Information (Player Status)』

Name: Ahn Hyeon


[Strength 59] [Durability 57] [Dexterity 74] [Stamina 61] [Magic Power 49] [Luck 61]


『User Information (Player Status)』

Name: Ansol


[Strength 16] [Durability 21] [Dexterity 24] [Stamina 29] [Magic Power 84] [Luck 100]


『User Information (Player Status)』

Name: Yujeong Lee


[Strength 48] [Durability 52] [Dexterity 64] [Stamina 50] [Magic Power 68] [Luck 56]


Ahn Hyun’s strengths include balanced physical abilities and high agility. All abilities except magic and luck were showing an even increase. In particular, high agility is quite advantageous to spearmen, so if they show growth in the future, they have the potential to become strong enough.

Of course, it takes a little bit of magic power, but there are still points left and you will be able to make up for it depending on what kind of training you receive in the future.

Yujeong’s overall physical abilities can be considered to be above average or just average. It would be a lie if I said that I was not disappointed with my strength, durability, and stamina, but I was good at agility and magic. Above all, it was a melee type, and the fact that its horsepower was already 68 was a great advantage and blessing.

If we had to compare An Hyun and Yu-jeong, we could coldly raise Ahn Hyun’s hand at the moment. However, since I chose mercenary, a job with a wide range of uses, I was excited to see what possibilities it would show in the future. I wish I had been an assassin, but being a mercenary wasn’t particularly bad.

Sol-i showed the lowest rate of increase in abilities compared to the previous two. However, I was only focusing on magical power, putting aside other abilities. Unless the assistant was a monk, there was no need to focus on strength, durability, stamina, and agility as the assistant chose the master priest. Therefore, Sol’s high magical power and extreme luck can be said to be abilities that are perfect for a priest.

I felt satisfied seeing my initial ability score of 84 points, which was an increase of 9 points from 75 points. Of course, the rate of increase is incomparable compared to Hanbyeol, but it must also be taken into account that the rate of increase in abilities decreases significantly once you enter your mid-80s. I just came out to the hole plane, but I was curious about how far the limit could go if I had already recorded an ability score of 84.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Suhyun is finally starting to show off her skills in earnest. In addition, preparations for preparation are almost complete. The magic power detection featured in this episode is a topic that will appear quite often in the future.

and… I was really upset that I complained to you all yesterday. So I filled it up today. ha ha ha. Still, today is not as frustrating as yesterday. As expected, if there are days like that, there are other days as well.

Thank you very much to all the readers who supported us. Thanks to you all, I was able to gain even more strength. Memorize will continue to work harder in the future. thank you!


1. Ailelia: Congratulations on first place. You took the championship again. 🙂

2. hohokoya1: The competition is particularly fierce. ha ha ha.

3. AR0000: Thank you. As I crossed the hill, a feeling of joy was waiting for me. 🙂

4. Human Life: Someday! I’m sure you can do it. I’ll guarantee it. Go for it!

5. Reincarnation: Thank you for the coupon. We will repay you with better content in the future.

6. Gwanghwang: Thank you for the question! First of all, the answer is that the food situation in Hol Plain varies depending on the region. However, the Northern Continent can be viewed as below average to average. It’s not roomy, but it’s not too tight either. As such, the clan does not control food unless it is a special situation (war, etc.).

Since Hall Plain is also a world, there are naturally people who make a living. However, almost 99.9% of such people are made up of Hall Plain residents. Describing the residents would be quite lengthy. I’m planning to describe the relationship between users and residents in detail in the next episode or the next episode, so I would appreciate it if you could wait a little longer. (If you don’t mind spoilers, please send me a message!)

7. Sealed Tolstoy: Hahaha. no. I believe that controlling my condition is entirely my responsibility. If I fail to control it, it’s my fault. We will try harder in the future. thank you

8. Blamy: Questions are always welcome. This means that they are interested in the work. 🙂 They come from a prestigious user family. ha ha ha. It’s definitely an ingenious material. There are definitely some similar settings. However, since there are no users in the whole plane who have survived for more than 10 years except Soohyun, there are some difficulties in adding the family as a setting. A similar setting is the clan mentioned at the beginning (a gathering of top users).

9. Silver sunset: Ah. I wrote it with a lot of thought. Which part was difficult to access? I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know. (__)

10. Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusk: As things progress, things are bound to become clear. However, Su-hyeon thinks to herself that now is not the time. It’s still just a preparation process for an emergency. 🙂

I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode