MEMORIZE Chapter 457

00457 Rescue Ahn Hyeon. ————————————————– ———————-=

The first thing I saw was empty space with quiet air flowing through it. When I quietly looked down, I saw an empty space with a circular perimeter about 30 meters down.

So does that mean that this is the place where the heroes of mythology met their end?

I quietly stared at the clearing.

The vacant lot was clearly large enough to accommodate thousands of people, the size of three or four high school playgrounds combined.

But it’s strange. It felt like I was looking at a desolate desert, and there was a vaguely rough and lonely energy in the air.

It was said to be an empty lot, but that didn’t mean it was empty. In what appears to be the central part, a particularly black mud-like substance is scattered in all directions. It was a landscape that looked as if black paint had been splattered on ocher-colored drawing paper, and if the center had been hollow, one would have believed it to be a swamp.

And on top of the mud, round, thin things were floating. As I strained my eyes and looked closely, I immediately realized that those pale things were human faces. The body is buried in a mud-like substance, with only the face and feet floating.

– … … .

The woman remained quietly silent. However, her eyes are slightly narrowed as she looks down at the vacant lot, and there is a sad light in her eyes.

After staring at the woman for a while, he walked closer and tapped her shoulder. The woman lifted her shoulders and looked back at me cautiously. Before she knew it, her round eyes and slightly pursed reddish lips looked somehow cute.

“I know where the missing people are. “I think I need to pull it out of the mud I see over there. Are there any traps or magic formations I need to watch out for on the way down?”

The woman tilted her head. I realized I made a mistake. You probably didn’t understand the word mud.

However, seeing as he calmly shook his head, it seems that the overall meaning was conveyed correctly.

I looked down again. The distance to the ground is approximately 30 meters. At this level, I can land safely enough with my abilities.

So, I was about to tell the others to go down first and the rest to come down slowly.


I suddenly felt my body start to float. Her feet were slightly lifted off the ground, not only by me but also by other clan members.

The culprit was a woman. A sphere emitting soft light surrounded the woman’s slender hand, and it seemed as if she had used some kind of levitation magic.

“Aaaah! Kim Soo-hyun, I’m falling! I’m falling! “Aaaah!”

“Oh, brother. “There is something I really want to say to you before I die.”

– … Kick!

‘… … .’

The woman, who must have heard Vivien and Yujeong’s fuss, burst into laughter for a moment.

I quietly held my face. When I looked through the gap between my gently open hands, I could see that one hand was covering my mouth, and my small shoulders were trembling slightly.

As I went downstairs, I could still hear the woman laughing under her breath, and I had to try to cool my flushed face.

Anyway, there was a bit of a chaotic commotion, but it soon died down the moment it landed stably on the ground. Even though the woman had come down, she still had her head down. I thought she was still smiling because she had her back turned to me.

After sighing lightly, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Some of you may have already seen it, but it looks like users are probably sleeping in that swampy place. First, search for Anhyeon, but if you see a live user, drag him out immediately… . ah. Priests are an exception.”

Shin Jae-ryong and An Sol, who were just lifting their bottoms, nodded their heads and took a few steps back.

I calmly looked around. Even though it was only part of the center, the empty space was so large that there were easily over a hundred faces that could be seen right away. They all had to be checked anyway, but since the arm was bent inward, rescuing Ahn Hyun took priority.

“Then let’s go inside.”

As soon as I activated my third eye, I took a step into what looked like a swampy area. Then, a feeling that could hardly be considered a liquid, like soft jelly soaked in water, submerged down to the ankles.

At that moment, I felt a little weak, but it was very slight. I don’t know if it’s still locked. I figured it wouldn’t matter for a few hours, so I walked inside through the swamp.

『User Kim Hyeon (deceased).』

『User Shin Ji-seok (deceased).』

『User Baek Hye-yeon (deceased).』

『User Han Yun-sang (deceased).』

As I looked around, the names and statuses of several users appeared in the air. The status of most users indicated death. Perhaps he had been asleep ever since he entered this place, and his life force was sucked into this unknown swamp, leading to his death.

Then, suddenly, a familiar name caught my eye. I tilted my head and walked towards the place where the name came to mind.

When I looked down, there was a body lying there whose shape was unknown.

It’s like looking at a mummy. The face was so dry that it was beyond recognition. As I lifted her feet and rolled her body around, I could clearly tell that it was a woman’s body by the shape of her breasts and waist.

『User Seong Yu-bin (deceased).』

Seong Yubin. A user who was an executive of the former Golden Lion Clan.

She was once a successful user, but fell into the abyss with the fall of the Golden Lion. She was released from custody as a prisoner of war, but the publicity surrounding the Golden Lion was so bad that her subsequent life must have been quite difficult.

I don’t know why Seong Yu-bin is in this place. She just lived a difficult life moving from place to place, and I guess she came to the mountain range where the dragon sleeps as a stepping stone to turning things around. Although she felt a little sorry that things had turned out this way, it was something that could not be helped.

Because Hall Plain was originally a world like this.

Suddenly, a clan member came to mind. When he calmly looked to the side, he was able to see Hanbyul dragging him by his feet, as if he had found the user who was still breathing.

Should I say it or not?

I was worried for a moment. But I thought there was no need to say anything, so I lifted my foot and turned around.

After a while, I walked inward, then immediately changed my mind and headed toward the outskirts. Ahn Hyeon would have been the most recent person to enter this location. The calculation was that if the dead people hadn’t thrown it into a central heating system, it was more likely to be outside than inside.

Soon, I walked along the perimeter, checking the names of countless users that came to mind one by one. And when I walked about halfway through the vacant lot, I was finally able to find the name I was aiming for.

『User Ahn Hyeon (slander).』

I immediately shouted.

“I found Anhyeon! User Ansol! User Shin Jae-ryong! Come this way!”

When I rushed to check as if I was flying, I was able to see Ahn Hyun with his eyes comfortably closed with only his face floating. Before the clan members reached this place, I hit Anhyun on the head. Then they immediately pulled it up from the swamp and took it outside.

Ahn Hyun did not look like a mummy like Seong Yu-bin. However, her former healthy appearance was nowhere to be seen, and her skin and bones were touching so much that the bones were visible.

I slightly regretted hitting him just now, and carefully laid Anhyun down on the floor. And when I touched her nose, I felt a thin, feeble breath. Only then could I feel relieved. As I can see with my third eye, I am still alive.

When I lifted my waist, all the clan members who had entered showed a movement to come out. I immediately raised my hand and pointed towards the swamp. Anhyeon meant to look at it later and focus on rescuing other users for now.

After waiting for a while, the souls of Shin Jae-ryong, An Sol, and the woman arrived one after another. Their reactions to Anhyeon were quite diverse. Shin Jae-ryong let out an intense groan, and An Sol raised his eyebrows. She had a face I couldn’t tell whether she was surprised or angry.

“live… . “Is it there?”

As Shin Jae-ryong stuttered and asked, the woman quietly raised one hand and took a step forward. And she was a woman, just like she did with me. She placed her hand on Ahn Hyeon’s chest and recited her magic to reverse time.

– Tempus Auxilium… .

Soon, Ahn Hyeon’s cheeks, which had been plump, began to gain weight little by little. The loose equipment was now filled with bulging flesh and muscles.

Is that the magic entity that restored my body?

I stared at Anhyeon with interest.

After a while. It took more time than expected, but Anhyeon’s pitiful appearance had completely disappeared. He has good complexion and even breathing. Her third eye was no longer judging the injury as good, but as good.

Although he was still sleeping with his eyes closed, he had regained his previous healthy appearance.

Soon after finishing the treatment, the soul of the woman looked back at me and nodded her head.

I slightly bowed my head and expressed my gratitude.


After rescuing Anhyun first, we started looking for the surviving users again. Personally, I don’t mind leaving it like this, but at least I had to find the users who accompanied Anhyeon and Hangyeol.

It didn’t take as long as expected to complete the entire rescue operation. The number of users locked in that unknown area was close to hundreds, but most of them died.

There are a total of 17 living users. It was really just a partial number. Anyway, taking comfort in the fact that I had found my clients, I requested treatment for all the surviving users. The woman’s soul healed all the users with time reversal magic without showing any signs of difficulty.

According to Hwajeong, originally, such magic requires the caster to pay the same price according to the principle of equivalent exchange, but since the woman is in a spiritual state, there is no such big burden. Literally, it was just a case of luck.

The moment I was silently looking at Anhyun, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. She calmly turned her gaze and I could see the woman tilting her head as she looked at me.

Still, the woman’s soul, who had completed all treatment, seemed to have become considerably fainter than at the beginning, as if there had been no effect of the time reversal. She could still recognize her form, but she was worried that this might lead to her disappearing forever.

I opened my mouth right away.

“Thank you for your hard work. I would have loved to go back with my colleagues… . “I’m sorry for holding you back for so long.”

The woman shook her head.

I slowly looked around the vacant lot. After completing the rescue work, all clan members gathered in one place and looked at the woman. Those looks are a mixture of pity and kindness. It looks like he’s probably trying to see the end.

“Thank you for your help. Now that we’ve rescued everyone alive, I think you can go back. Now, I hope you go where you need to go and where you want to go.”

It was then.


At that moment, I could see the woman smiling slightly, with her soul shining brightly.

The woman’s soul did not immediately ascend to heaven. Instead, it approached me step by step and stopped right in front of me.

It was a moment when I lowered my gaze and suddenly wondered why this was happening.

The woman’s height was a bit short. But she must have lifted her hair, and suddenly she saw her woman coming up with her face tilted at an angle.

And the moment I noticed a soft line drawn on my reddish lips.


As I felt a cool touch on my lips, I unconsciously opened my eyes wide.

what… ? Are you kissing me now?

“Ki, Kim Soo-hyun? hey! hey! Yaaaa!”

“Well, well… ? Now What… ? Oh no… . what… ?”

Looking at Vivien screaming and Ansol with a confused face, it seemed like that was the case.

I wonder if he sensed the presence of Yu-jeong, who quickly took out a dagger with a twinkle in his eye. The woman smiled brightly at me, then gently waved both her hands and parted her rosy lips.

– hi… . Let’s meet again next time.

A beautiful voice that sounds like jade beads rolling around.

Eventually, while I was unable to respond, the woman quickly penetrated Ansol’s waist with a ray of light.

And only then did I come to my senses, and I dazedly touched my lips.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

This concludes Ahn Hyun’s rescue part. But there’s still a bit of a complicated story left to solve in the next part, so it’s not over yet! I think it’s too early to shout. ha ha ha.

In the previous episode, there was a story about a man and a woman talking about their souls being lost, right? The man was whispering something, and the woman was laughing and punching her man in the side. yes. That’s right. She noticed the man right away. Hehehe. I believe that readers have roughly guessed what kind of conversation took place.

ah. What Marie Antoinette said was something I misunderstood. As one reader said, I referred to Enha Wiki, and it is said to be a rumor maliciously spread by people who hated Marie Antoinette.

Now that I think about it, I remember one of my teachers in middle school telling me that she was a smart woman and that she couldn’t have said something like that, but I guess what she said was true. 😀

P.S. Ain Hyun-seok!

I read the note carefully. I pressed reply, but it says I’m currently blocked from receiving messages! First of all, the question you asked is at the beginning of episode 131. For now, it’s just there, but I plan to delete it in the future when the progress of editing the e-book is reached. 🙂


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not work with dark mode