MEMORIZE Chapter 455

00455 Forgotten Heroes. ————————————————– ———————-=

I had to look everywhere and feel awkward. The sight of thousands of souls kneeling all at once was truly spectacular, but he was causing an unreasonable burden. I felt Ansol holding my hand tightly, probably because he felt the same way as me.

Fortunately, the awkward time didn’t last long. As soon as the man in the direction facing me slowly got up, I saw other souls also getting up at the same time.

It was around this time that I stared at the man who was smiling brightly again. Suddenly, a wizard approached and quietly began to recite a spell.

The chanting time was very short. I thought he just mumbled two or three words, then looked at me with a bright smile. She was the woman with golden hair who treated my body earlier.

– Can you hear me now? Our savior.

It was then. The moment I lost my attention to the woman for a moment, I heard a fluent voice that I could clearly hear, unlike before.

I was shocked for a moment, but I was able to understand the situation right away. That the spell the woman had just memorized was a type of translation magic.

As he calmly nodded his head, the man continued speaking with a bright face.

– thank you. Savior. we are… .

“There seems to be some misunderstanding. “We are not the saviors you think of.”

Even though he intentionally interrupted the conversation, there was not the slightest sign of displeasure from the man. She smiled even wider and shook her head from side to side.

– No, that’s right. He purified us from the darkness and liberated our souls that had wandered aimlessly for thousands of years. He guided us who had been abandoned to the path of light. Therefore, He is our sure Savior.

Ansol must have been so embarrassed by those words that he secretly hid behind my back.

I remembered the man’s words and looked down at Ansol with a new feeling. This is because Ansol’s true name was the one who guides the light.

Eventually, the man who was looking at me with infinite warmth quietly closed his eyes.

– How on earth should I repay this favor… .

I stared at the equipment worn by the spirits from afar. All of the equipment that appears to be out of the ordinary has been restored to its neat appearance.

I wanted to say that since I was going to ascend to heaven, could I just leave some of the equipment I was wearing?

But behind my back, “You don’t have to pay back…” .” A hushed voice came out, and I just lost my appetite.

“Then, I have one question. “Can you please answer?”

– of course. I swear in the name of God that no matter what you ask, I will do my best to answer.

no. I know you appreciate it, but please stop. When you say it like that, it feels like you have to ask something amazing and relevant.

Actually, I was going to ask a trivial question, so I opened my mouth and grumbled strongly inside.

“The reason we came into these mountains was to find people. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people disappearing without cause in these mountains, and some of them are people we know. Eventually, I came to this fortress… . “Do you know where those people are or what happened to them?”

The moment I spoke, Lee Chae passed by Ho’s cold eyes. The man, who soon showed a serious expression, opened his mouth in a gentle voice.

– Oh, if that’s the case… . I know. I think it was probably done by old colleagues who had escaped from the fortress.

“Old colleagues… ?”

– Thousands of years have passed since we were imprisoned in this fortress. No matter how noble your personality may have been during life, you cannot endure forever in the face of passing time. We knew it, but we just watched. I don’t know how to apologize.

“then… .”

The man smiled bitterly for a moment, then opened his mouth in a polite, clear voice.

– First of all, what I can tell you for sure is that some of them are sleeping underground in this fortress, and some of them are still alive. Also, how to save them.

Although the word “partially” bothered me a little, I could tell that Ahn Hyeon’s chances of survival had increased. Since we entered the mountains immediately after Anhyeon went missing, Anhyeon must have entered the fortress relatively recently.

I opened my mouth right away.

“okay. “Then, can you tell us how to get to the basement of the fortress and how to save us?”

– of course. However, before that… .

Suddenly the man closed his mouth. Then he looked at me cautiously and then spoke in a quiet voice.

– It won’t take long. So, for a moment, my… . No, could you please listen to our story?


The man’s next words were a story, but in a way, they could also be seen as an explanation.

Of course, I was curious about the story after Magna Carta fell, so I found it very interesting to listen to.

The curse of Magna Carta. It wasn’t one curse, it was two curses.

One curse, as expected, was a curse that fell on the mountain range area.

Simply put. It is said that a cursed soul was placed under a kind of ban that prevented it from escaping this mountain range, and perhaps it mixed with the soul’s resentment to create a field effect.

And the remaining curse was unexpectedly a curse of prophecy.

It is said that Magna Carta, the dragon of the apocalypse, left a prophecy to the great hero just before he died.

‘Now I am defeated and disappearing, but I and this prophecy will never disappear. I will use my power to leave behind my wishes without any of the humans here, not even myself, knowing. okay. For now, you can do whatever you want. But one day, the moment when someone appears, even among your descendants, who can inherit my strength and wishes. The moment when the seeds of the apocalypse sprout! Then the world will fall into chaos again. So, until then, feel free to struggle as much as you can. Hahahahahahaha!’

A curse that never goes away, but is almost like a prophecy that will definitely come true someday.

The humans who barely finished the battle had to face a new situation. Even though the battle was over, the mountain range was stained with a curse and they were stranded.

still. Even though the ending was wrong, humans did not give up hope. It is said that they thought there must be a way, so they stayed in the fortress and thought hard about how to lift the curse.

Then one day, the great hero who led the battle in the mountains announced a message. The humans, who thought they had finally found a way to lift the curse, gathered in one place and waited for the great hero.

And finally, the great hero appeared. The humans, who thought they would soon be able to return, stared at their commander with great anticipation.

However, the first word that came out of the hero’s mouth was an apology.

– everyone. sorry.

People couldn’t help but be very confused by the sudden apology. And to the confused people, the great hero revealed his entire story in detail.

The point is that in the end, we found the contents of the prophecy left behind by Magna Carta and a way to prevent the curse.

In other words, we don’t know which human being will inherit the power and wind of Magna Carta. Therefore, if we leave the mountain range like this, it could cause chaos in the world in the future, so we should not go outside.

In other words, the way to prevent the curse was the unconditional sacrifice of the humans who participated and survived the Battle of the Mountains.

– By the time she finished speaking, everything was already ready. After she finished speaking and apologized to us once again, she didn’t give us any time to spare and immediately used that method. That means our death and eternal bondage.

“That method… .”

– The wish of a great hero. This was the method using the wish stone.

“A monument of longing?”

– yes. A monument of hope. This is a method of borrowing the power of Ganesha, the goddess of language and wisdom, by constructing a magic circle with seven tombstones containing fragments of the gods. The human who invokes it can fulfill any wish, if the wish is deemed worthy.

“… Does that make sense? In that case, there would have been a way to remove the curse using that power. Or you could handle it by asking them to tell you the person the prophecy resides in… .”

Now I feel like I’m starting to understand a little bit, but at the same time, my head is tilted.

The great hero tried to stop the curse of Magna Carta.

But the only way to think about it is to take everyone’s lives because we don’t know who the human with the dragon’s power and wind is? And out of concern that the souls imbued with the prophecy might escape, they accepted the dragon’s curse and prevented the souls from leaving this mountain range?

I don’t know what the Monument of Wishes is, but I really don’t understand how they could have thought that much about it with such incredible power.

Anyway, according to this statement, humans were playing a trick of Magna Carta. It made humans suffer no matter what method they chose.

The only difference is whether the target is the humans who participated in the Battle of the Mountains and survived or their later descendants. In the end, Magna Carta succeeded in taking revenge on humans in some way.

The man seemed to have noticed my expression and smiled and opened his mouth.

– That’s right. That’s the right idea. However, as far as I know, there are some conditions before a wish can come true. And she doesn’t even think she would have thought of it. I think she probably had a good reason for not putting that idea into practice… . ah. Of course, that doesn’t mean we understand her. Although she was prepared to die when she entered the mountains, she at least wanted to return to the homeland in her heart when she died. Some wanted to return to their families, while others wanted to return to the gods they worshiped. She never wanted to live as a miserable ghost until she died.

The man finally finished his long speech. She then sighed lightly and looked up at her sky. For the first time, she felt her emptiness and sadness coming out of her man’s face and voice.

– Thousands of years. It was a difficult time. It was truly terrible. We tried our best to lift the curse even after death, but in the end, there was nothing we could do on our own. The only thing I could do was write down the complaints I had in my heart or rely on the strength of other people who might come here. But no one came. ha ha ha.

I guess they couldn’t come in because a curse had been placed on them.

I felt like I could understand the feelings of the souls a little bit. In a situation where there are no dreams or hopes. No, if we ended up like them in a situation where we experienced despair right before experiencing hope, our country would not be able to maintain its sanity.

Eventually, the man lowered his gaze again and smiled helplessly. Then she glanced at the wall she was standing on. The once white wall was now slightly scorched.

– I’m sorry. I told you it wouldn’t take long, but it took longer than I thought.

“no. it’s okay. After listening to you, I completely understand your situation. Personally… . “I almost want to show my respect.”

The man’s eyes widened, albeit briefly. Then she smiled shyly and said.

– haha. This is my first time hearing this from someone else… . I have a strange feeling. It feels like I’m receiving some sort of reward.

“I think it’s well deserved.”

– no. Still, I am grateful that you said that. Ah, now let me answer what you said earlier. First of all, without exception, all of the people you mentioned are sleeping in the basement of this fortress. It’s right there where we last faced the great hero.

“It seems like what happened back then was quite unfair.”

When I spoke lightly, the man scratched his head in embarrassment.

– I guess… . At that time, normal thinking was impossible. While there were some colleagues like us who gave up and were quietly buried, there were also others who now wandered the mountains out of habit. Still, it’s a blessing in disguise. I know that sometimes the souls of severely corrupted colleagues attempt to steal the bodies of living humans, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone like that here.

Suddenly, the sound of Hangyeol faintly clearing his throat was heard. Thinking that it was not a matter that needed to be brought up, I turned to the next topic.

“okay. “Then can you tell me how to go underground and how to revive it?”

– Uhm. Originally, it was an unsuitable place for living humans to go, but a good way has now emerged. I don’t know why, but Magna Carta suddenly came back to life and broke through the ground. The location is located on the first basement level of this fortress. Magna Carta is sealed on the second basement level, so you will be able to get in quite easily if you go through the hole. and… .

The man paused for a moment, then pulled the woman with golden hair next to him and showed her to me.

– It’s simple to revert. As long as they are alive, this friend’s abilities can save everyone.

The woman was the one who cast the time reversal spell on me earlier. I immediately understood how to save her life, so I immediately nodded her head.

“All right. We heard everything we wanted to say. “It’s okay if you don’t pay any more attention to me now, so why don’t you just put your burdens down for now?”

In other words, he was telling me to stop ascending to heaven.

As soon as he heard the words, the man smiled brightly.

It was then.

– Please wait a moment.

– I have something I want to say for a moment.

Just when I was thinking that it was all over, two new souls appeared behind the man. Both souls had the appearance of beautiful women, one wearing shining silver Valkyrie armor and the other wearing a neat shaman outfit.

Suddenly, the sight of the two seemed not unfamiliar.

– Excuse me while I’m speaking, but could I talk to that person for a moment?

– I also want to talk to that person for a moment.

The man looked back and forth between the two for once, then quickly turned his head to look at me. I also tilted my head for a moment, but reflexively nodded my head and gave her permission. Because she didn’t seem like she was going to cause any harm.

As I looked at the two women passing me with happy faces, I soon saw them stop at Cha So-rim and Hanna, who were standing quietly.

– Then let me ask you a question. Are you not the sister of Arcus who serves Flavius?

– Are you, by any chance, a successor to the shaman’s footsteps?

And the moment I heard those two words, a sudden thought passed through my head.

Come to think of it, Cha So-rim’s class was Arcus Valkyrie, and Hanna’s class was Twilight Shaman.

I thought to myself as I looked at the two clan members blinking blankly.

‘… ‘I got it.’

– aha… . okay. I never thought I’d meet the rest of my colleagues here… . Yes. It’s tempting to want to ascend to heaven like this, but that wouldn’t be polite to the One who saved us. ha ha ha.

Then, a clearer voice was heard again. As I looked forward, I could see a spirit slowly approaching me and Ansol.

The man bowed his head towards me, then walked in front of Ansol and calmly got down on one knee.

“Well, you don’t have to… . Because I don’t need anything… . just… . Rest now… .”

Ansol muttered in a voice as loud as a mosquito, but the man responded by shaking his head.

– That’s not possible. Surely, thanks to the Savior, all the curses that bound us have been lifted, but in the end, we also owe it to ourselves.

Ansol mumbled again.

“It’s okay…” .”

– haha. no. This is for us too. We had so many thoughts and regrets while we were in these mountains. There was a time when I hated all humans, including great heroes. If we ascend to heaven like this and forget the grace of salvation, we will eventually become no different from him. We also want to get our faith back.

Did they think they could no longer communicate? Sol An gently raised her head and gave her a look, asking for her help. But I just shrugged my shoulders. It meant do whatever you want.

Slurp, chang!

Soon, a sword appeared in the man’s hand with a clear black sound. He held the sword politely, as if he were being ordained a knight, and slowly raised it in front of Ansol.

And after a while, the man quietly opened his mouth.

– So, just like you saved us… .

“Oh, no… .”

Ansol waved his hands with a very embarrassed face.

But regardless, the man raised his head with a soft smile.

– Please give us one chance to save you and your loved ones?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Dear readers, have you all had a good time? First of all, applause to the fathers who worked hard while driving! A round of applause to the mothers who worked hard to prepare Lunar New Year’s food (I’m not sure if they are there, hahaha.)!

I had a good time. I also received the good news that her older cousin had given birth safely on schedule at dawn, and I went to my mother’s house and met my relatives for the first time in a while. I think I ate a lot of delicious food and got a lot of sleep. 😀

Now the Lunar New Year has passed and February has begun. Personally, I’ve made important plans for this year, so I’m already feeling excited. Hehehe.

ah. I have one question for our readers. If you, the reader, become one of the Mercenary clan members in the novel. If you had a wish monument in front of you, what wish would you say? I hope some interesting opinions come out. 😀

P.S. In terms of number of rewards, not even half of them have been released yet.(?)


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not work with dark mode