MEMORIZE Chapter 454

00454 Forgotten Heroes. ————————————————– ———————-=

After a while.


There was the sound of something falling and hitting the ground hard, but there was no time to turn around.

‘ah… .’

My vision is blurry. The dizziness that had been predicted was encroaching on her entire body.

Feeling as if my mind was falling into the abyss, I tried my best to hold on to my sanity. This is because we have not confirmed the dragon’s end yet, and we do not know how the souls will come out in the future.

However, my body was already gradually tilting against my will. I keep trying to close my eyelids, as if there’s a heavy weight on them.

It was then. Soon darkness came into my head and my vision turned completely white.

– Tempus Auxilium… .

The moment I thought I was finally losing my mind again, a small whisper entered my ear.

At the same time, a yellow light moving around appeared before my eyes. For a moment, I thought they were going to give me an elixir, but that wasn’t the case. The yellow brilliance flowing with soft light continued to gently sway before my eyes.

Soon, I felt a warm touch on the left side of my chest. And the feeling began to slowly move to the right as if caressing her breasts.

At that moment, a pulling sensation near my belly button took over my entire body. And the sensation that followed was a strange sensation that cannot be described in words.

What on earth should I say about this? Do you feel like your body is being forcibly pulled to one side? Does it feel like you are forcing a clock to rewind?

no. It’s unfamiliar, but I’ve definitely experienced a similar sensation.

okay. Time backwards.

It was a similar feeling to when I activated the zero code at the end of the first round.

When my thoughts reached that point, I suddenly heard Hwajeong’s voice from inside.

– Yeah, that’s right. Tempus Auxilium. There is a time reversal spell on your body right now.

‘Tem… . what?’

– Tempus Auxilium. City, city, station, line. It is a magic that forcibly turns back time, limited to your body. In other words, looking at the current situation, the body returns to the situation just before using Hwajeong. Still don’t understand?

I was lost in thought for a moment, then immediately returned to work. This is because I was able to understand Hwajeong’s meaning.

Now that I think about it, although it was at a very slow pace, the dizziness was subsiding and my vision was gradually recovering. My physical condition is clearly improving. However, it did not feel like recovery, but as Hwajeong said, it seemed like the body was returning to the state it was in just before using the power.

‘that is… . ‘Is it possible magic?’

– Although it was lost during the mythology era and has not been handed down, it is theoretically possible magic. However, even during the mythological period, it was extremely rarely used. It is a magic of an incredibly high level, and there are very few wizards who actually use it… . Instead of reversing the target’s condition, the magician who activated it must pay an equivalent price. Well, it might not mean much since I’m in a state of soul right now.

Hwajeong’s words contained many meanings. No, the fact that Hwajeong said it was a high-level magic already showed the extent of it.

I was finally able to figure out the identity of the yellow glow. It seemed like one of the saved souls had seen me fall and had cast a spell from the mythical era on me.

I thought I would just pass out like this, but my body recovered in an unexpected way. Also, the fact that the spirit used this kind of magic was proof that it at least did not think of us as its enemy. I could barely feel relief.

‘Thank goodness.’

– What’s so lucky?

‘… ‘Why are you angry?’

– you… . Now is not the time to be comfortable. You almost died a little while ago. Do you know that fact?

… I almost died.

Honestly, I didn’t even think I was going to die. But she was feeling it a little bit. At first, I vaguely thought I could stop it, but when I first encountered it, I was almost overwhelmed by its terrifying power.

– Not only were you overwhelmed, but your vessel itself was on the verge of breaking. uh?


– Yes, you stupid bastard! Originally, your physical strength was barely enough to maintain the declared area! But it doesn’t stop there, it erodes the power and returns it? it’s crazy? That was definitely beyond your limits! What would have happened if I hadn’t forced myself to widen the bowl in the past?

‘The bowl… . Are you forcing it to expand?’

I had to feel dumbfounded by Hwajeong’s continued, unintelligible words.

There was silence for a moment.

– after… . Hey you. Listen carefully now.

Perhaps feeling a little sorry for shouting out loud, Hwajeong immediately spoke in a slightly broken voice. It was a little annoying that she kept saying you, but I closed my eyes to show that I would listen.

– … Hehehe. Yes, master. I’ll remember when I accepted Sura’s power at your request. Because of what happened at that time, my stamina, which was set at 92, was expanded to 101. But, it literally just widened. The strength of the bowl itself has not changed at all.

I understood it right away.

In a word, a vessel was a metaphor for limitations. The power of Hwajeong currently allowed to me was equivalent to about 90 stamina. However, this time, the force was used to the extent of exceeding the limit.

Fortunately, he was able to endure to some extent by accepting Sura’s power in the past, but the vessel itself was said to be almost on the verge of breaking.

‘… is it. Did I really almost die?’

Maybe, if something went wrong just a little bit.

Perhaps he would have been eaten as is, or perhaps he would never have been able to open his eyes again. Because once a broken dish was broken, it was a long task to restore it again. Thinking like that, I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body.

– Of course, I understand that it was an unavoidable situation. And as you said, it is nothing short of luck that there is a soul that can use Tempus Auxilium right now. But from now on, don’t think a miracle like this will happen again. Whether it’s a miracle or something, it’s a ridiculous ability, elixir, etc. No matter how thoroughly you prepare, if the same situation arises next time and you try to use all your strength… . I will never lend my strength. Because this is risking your life.

Hwajeong, who finished speaking at length for the last time, did not speak any more, as if she had said all she had to say. He tried talking to me several times, but there was still no answer.

I quietly raised my hand and stroked his face calmly.

Hwajeong is right. Something that risked her life. There was nothing I could really say to refute because it was correct in every detail. I was just planning to use Hwajeong’s power to make the battle a little easier, but it was a wrong plan from the start.

“Clan Lord!”

“Brother! Brother!”

I suddenly heard voices calling me.

Feeling that my physical condition was quite stable, I calmly opened my eyes. Then, right in front of me, I could see a soul looking at me.

She was a woman with a gentle soul and a gentle light flowing through her entire body. Her hair was a bright yellow golden color, and it seemed like the yellow brilliance that had been swaying earlier was probably this hair.

The woman smiled sweetly at me and slowly stood up. And as she watched the woman walk away, she realized that I was lying on the floor.

The surroundings were quiet. Except for the clan members screaming into their ears, they can no longer hear the roar of the dragon that trembled in the air or the sound of the blazing fire. The only warm sunlight illuminating the fortress was coloring my face.

I calmly felt my hand on the ground.

“The dragon… ?”

As I quietly opened my mouth and raised my upper body, I could feel many hands supporting me.

“do not worry. “The dragon is dead.”

Heo Jun-young’s calm voice. I raised my hand and waved it excitedly. It meant that there was no need to support him. Because my physical condition was definitely fine.

“Because it’s okay… . Please be quiet. “My head is pounding.”

As soon as I stood up with all my might and looked around, the first thing I noticed was a clan member giving me a worried look. Meanwhile, I was relieved to see Shin Jae-ryong holding an elixir. He wondered what would happen if he had used it, but luckily it was covered with a stopper.

‘Even in this situation… . ‘I’m quite a bitch too.’

Even in this situation, when I see myself thinking about the elixir, bitterness comes to me.

I smiled bitterly and opened my mouth.

“He died… ? “What happened?”

“Your attack was decisive. The dragon, whose entire body was on fire, stumbled several times in the air and eventually fell down. And together, we and those souls were able to easily dispose of the fallen dragon. In fact, it was a one-sided attack. “It’s no different from what you did.”

I turned my gaze to the direction Heo Jun-young was pointing at. And I was able to see the Bone Dragon stalking the sky, emitting white steam from its entire body.

Although it was large in size, its unique ferocity still remained in its appearance. However, the third eye told of the dragon’s certain death.

At first glance, the horns on the skull caught my eye.

“Brother… . Are you really okay?”

Suddenly, Ansol opened his eyes and sobbed. Her voice was tearful, as if she was about to shed tears at any moment.

Without saying anything, I placed my hand on Ansol’s head.

Eventually, after confirming the dragon’s death once again, this time I slowly looked in all directions. Then, I could tell from my son-in-law, where Ansol, I, and my clan members were standing in the central square, that all the spirits were watching us.

The souls no longer had the appearance of disgusting skeletons. It was neat and clean, having regained its original appearance, and the dim and hazy light flowing through its exterior made it feel sacred. The looks they gave us were all filled with awe and kindness.

I stroked Ansol’s head for a while and then quietly opened my mouth.


“Huh, yes.”

“Now I need to hear an explanation.”

“Seo, explanation?”

“okay. Who are these people? What on earth happened? Why are they standing here now? And why did you do that? “Would you like to tell me what you know?”

“ah… . Well, so… .”

It was then.

Perhaps because he asked too many things at once, Ansol stuttered with an embarrassed look on his face.

Just as I was blinking with that blank expression on my face, a small sense of confusion suddenly arose among the souls. The moment I looked at the place where the commotion was coming from, I felt strength coming into my eyes.

The souls that were tightly gathered were divided into left and right. And through the crack, a soul was calmly walking.

After a while, the soul that stopped in front of me was a man with good-natured features and neatly arranged light brown hair.

As I stared at him blankly, the man politely lowered his head.

– Lorem ipsum dolor… . Nos Salvator… .


– Lorem ipsum dolor… . Nos Salvator… .

“… hmm. “What do you mean?”

I heard the same words one after another, but I had no idea what they were saying. I looked away to see if Vivien could understand, but Vivien also shook her head.

I tilted my head. And when she made a gesture that meant she couldn’t understand, the man smiled softly and nodded his head quietly.

Eventually, the man calmly turned around and stared at the souls.

Then, he suddenly raised one hand and shouted in a powerful voice.

– Drrrr… . Ea – Yaal!

Before we knew it, the fog that had filled the fortress had cleared.

The man’s voice was no longer the low, unpleasant voice it had been at first. A voice as clear and clear as an impression resonated through the air, spreading like a lingering sound along the long sunlight that hung on the floor.

And, it was that moment.

Thousands of souls who were watching us just a moment ago.

– Lorem ipsum dolor… . Nos Salvator… .

They all knelt down in unison, forming a magnificent chorus.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


Ah, the long-awaited time has come! Oh, this is driving me crazy. Since there is so much to gain, organizing it is also a task. lol. I can guarantee that readers will be surprised. No, no. I just won’t bet. There are so many people with eagle eyes… . Some people might just be surprised. -_-a

And Lunar New Year has arrived! Some men must be going through a lot of trouble. Traffic is congested, and driving is difficult. ㅜ.ㅠ As I mentioned in my last review, I went to my cousin’s wedding and have already been to the big house. So, I just have to go to my grandparents’ house tomorrow. ㅇㅅㅇ So I think it will be possible to continue serializing it. 😀

Happy New Year to all readers! Since it’s Lunar New Year, eat lots of delicious food!

P.S. ah. We plan to update the user information for brothers Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Yu-hyun soon, and then we will organize all the characters and update them in the settings. So please wait a moment. 😀

P.S. Broken fan! Thank you for the fan art! Kim Soo-hyun was really great, but Ko Yeon-joo… . really… . Oh, if you really do this, thank you so much.(?) You placed the broken fan in my yard yourself, so come take a look!


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not work with dark mode