MEMORIZE Chapter 448

00448 The Last Fortress. ————————————————– ———————-=

The morning dawned.

“hi! Good morning everyone!”

The clan members who woke up all looked confused as they saw Yu-jeong greeting them brightly and energetically. That’s because, recently, the person who had always been giving off a gloomy aura with a gloomy face changed his attitude 180 degrees in just one day.

“Hey, Mr. Jaeryong. “You look really nice today.”

“… Yes, yes? Okay, thank you.”

“Hi-Hi. Then what about me? “Am I pretty today?”

“ah… . Yu, Yujeong, you are always beautiful. “Hehehe.”

Shin Jae-ryong lied well. Then, suddenly, he gazed at the smiling Yoo-jeong with his eyebrows tightened and opened his mouth in a voice full of worry.

“I… . Miss Yoo? Are you feeling well? My eyes are puffy and my face looks redder than usual… .”

“huh? Oh~. It’s okay~. “It’s because I couldn’t sleep this morning.”

Yu-jeong waved his hand as if it was nothing and spoke, but Shin Jae-ryong opened his eyes wide and shouted.

“yes? “You couldn’t sleep?”

“huh. “You couldn’t sleep at all?”

“No, why… .”

“oh. Then how do you sleep? “I thought I was going to die of excitement.”

“yes… ?”

“now. Put aside the trivial matters and take a look around. see! “The world is so beautiful!”

Yu-jeong pointed to a forest with a gloomy aura, then spread his arms wide and spun around.

Shin Jae-ryong opened his mouth wide. He stood blankly with a very confused face, then quickly turned his head and looked at me. I quickly looked away. If you look closely, you will see that this guy is quite perceptive.

But I immediately regretted looking to the right.

When I turned my gaze, I saw Da-eun and Hanna holding each other tightly and looking at me. And the moment they made eye contact with me, they started tapping each other’s arms.

“I did it~.”

“I did it~”

“Wow~! “What should I do? What should I do?”

“Woo~! What should I do~. What should I do?”


For a moment, I couldn’t say anything and just closed my eyes. But suddenly, for no reason, her angry heart rose and she opened her mouth in a panic.

“Two, why are you two making such a fuss?”

The two suddenly stopped moving. Then, he put one hand to his mouth to catch the ladies chatting, nodded, and spoke.


“I am Kongtteokkongtteok.”

“Then it’s perfect.”

“Hehe. “Sirutteoksirutteok.”

‘… … .’

What, what?

I’m so shocked I can’t speak. It was so bad that in front of my eyes I could see a ghost packing up and running away from home.

They must have seen my condition and stopped talking again. And with a stern look on his face, he naturally started whispering.

“ah. When I talk about rice cake, I suddenly want to eat rice cake. “Is it Hannah?”

“huh. Now that I think about it, I want to eat rice cake too.”

When Da-eun speaks, Hanna adds a hint. Da-eun took one look at me, smiled brightly, and continued speaking.

“yes? “Then shall we have some rice cake when we get back?”

“huh? how? “There is no cake here.”

“If you don’t have it, just hit it and make it.”

“Made it by hitting it?”

“Okay~. Originally, rice cakes were made by pounding and pounding in a mortar. When we get back, let’s take turns eating rice cake with each other.”

“Hit the rice cake… ?”

Hannah seemed lost in thought for a moment. But it seems she soon grasped the meaning of the rice cake as her eyes widened. Hannah clapped her hands together enough to make a loud noise and smiled sweetly.

“Hehe. good. Instead, I put myself first. “I’ve been hungry lately, but I’ll be full when I get back.”

“Ahaha. I’ll concede that much. Because I am a patient woman. Be careful though. “If you eat it wrong, you could end up full all year long.”

… I finally found out. The fact that two people laughing is not laughing. The corners of the mouth were drawn into an arc, but the eyes were wide open and shining brightly. It was as if he was looking at rice cake, or rather food.

“… Clan Lord. “We are ready to depart.”

At that time, I heard a voice saving me from next to me. As I quickly looked to the side, I saw Seon Yu-un startled and taking a step back. No, why on earth are you backing down?

I calmly took a deep breath. And after calming his pounding heart, he opened his mouth to the clan members surrounding me on all sides.

“Everyone back to their places! “We will leave immediately.”

“Yes brother~. “I’ll go right away~.”

This voice is definitely Yu-jeong’s tone. However, it was not a polite, high-pitched voice, but rather a sweet yet somewhat shy tone, like that of a girl in love.

I felt the gaze around me becoming more intense and the murmur getting louder. I quietly held my face.

stop. please.


There was a minor incident in the morning, but we… . No, I was able to depart safely.

What I suddenly noticed during the march was that the energy among the clan members was completely different from yesterday.

I was very nervous from the beginning, that is, it was a false start. In addition, there was a series of battles against the gloomy mountains. And as I went through the land of hatred, I almost exploded (actually, it exploded a little), but it all died down overnight.

I no longer see dark or irritated faces. Everyone is smiling warmly and happily… . Damn it, let’s stop. Anyway, it was very stable compared to yesterday.

After reaching the top of the hill, I calmly looked around. Surrounding me, I saw terrain that was slightly different from the mountainous areas I had passed so far, but not that unfamiliar. The characteristic dingy scenery and lush greenery still remain, but the land slopes very steeply. There are more than a dozen hills that are immediately visible. In short, it was a hilly terrain made up of hills and hills.

Go down the hill and climb up another hill that appears again.

‘We’re almost there.’

Tracing my memories from the first round, I had a hunch that we were almost to the place where the ruins were. Even back then, I remembered going over and over these hills and discovering the ruins only after climbing the last hill.

“How is Hangyeol’s condition?”

“it’s okay. It may seem like I’m overdoing it a bit, but my face is bright today… . but… .”


“The first thing you say when you wake up this morning is, this isn’t a dream, is it? He said this. “I don’t think I have completely shaken off the memories of that time yet.”

Shin Jae-ryong clicked his tongue with a pitiful look on his face.

It’s not a dream, by the way.

As Shin Jae-ryong said, Han-gyeol’s complexion looked bright, but that does not mean complete treatment. He was driven to the brink of having his body taken away by the deceased, so the shock will not go away easily. As such, after returning to the clan house, you will need to stabilize your mind and body and receive high-level mental treatment.

As I was climbing the hill, chatting loudly, I felt a figure coming towards me through the thick fog. As soon as I turned my gaze, I could see Heo Jun-young, who always had a dull face.

“Kim Soohyun. I have something to say.”

When Shin Jae-ryong said he had something to say, he looked at me and Heo Jun-young in turns. And after a while, he bowed his head and walked away. He seemed to have retreated on his own to avoid the situation or to return to his original position.

Soon, when there were only two people left in the lead, I looked at Heo Jun-young carefully. It meant to say it quickly. Uncharacteristically for Heo Jun-young, he cleared his throat once or twice and opened his mouth in a low voice.


“… uh?”

Literally, it was an out-of-nowhere apology. As I looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he was apologizing for, Heo Jun-young continued speaking softly.

“I just misunderstood you a little. Because of what happened three days ago… . “I didn’t show it outwardly, but it still bothered me.”


If it happened three days ago, it would be referring to an incident in which he treated Yu-jeong carelessly.

The reason why I think Heo Jun-young is okay as a person is because I know that he doesn’t lie. Whether she speaks immediately or at a later opportunity, she doesn’t hesitate to say anything she thinks is inappropriate.

I shrugged to show that it was okay. Heo Jun-young looked at me quietly and then shook his head.

“As a user, I would have understood, but as a clan lord, I was a little disappointed. But today I realized I was wrong.”

“hmm. There is no need to apologize. If that’s the case, it’s my fault. “It was a clear, undeniable mistake.”

“no. Now that I think about it, before you are a user or a clan lord, you are also a man. “That point was overlooked.”

“… “What does that mean?”

Because he keeps saying random things, I can’t figure out what Heo Jun-young wants to say. Heo Jun-young must have sensed my expression and turned his head halfway and looked to one side.

It seemed like he was telling me to take a look, so I turned my gaze, and although I don’t know why, I could see Hanbyul with a sullen expression on his face.

At the same time, I caught sight of Yoo-jeong, who was startled and turned his head. He must have been looking at the back and was startled when I turned around.

‘… … .’

And Yujeong’s subsequent actions were very cute. He glances at me, then averts his gaze. He glances again, then averts his gaze again. And now, as if it was so good, he even smiled brightly while looking at the distant mountains alone.

And now I was finally able to understand Heo Jun-young’s intentions. As I slowly turned my gaze, the first thing I noticed was the slightly raised corners of my mouth. I let out a long sigh.

“I have no idea what you’re looking at?”

“is it? “To my eyes, I see a pink air current that flows so much that it fills the air.”

“… hey.”

“I never thought I could capture a woman’s heart like that… . Just kidding, kidding. “I want to try this too, so stop looking at me like that.”

Heo Jun-young smiled quietly and denied it. For a moment, I wanted to ask if you were a person who could tell jokes, but I just shook my head instead.

“Do it in moderation, do it in moderation. “It’s starting to get annoying now.”

“Hmm. sorry. Anyway, actually, there was something else I really wanted to ask.”

“… “If you talk nonsense again this time, I won’t leave you alone.”

“hmm… . “I have a question about Anhyeon and the destination we are going to now.”

By now, most of the hills had been overcome.

I opened my eyes and immediately opened them. Anhyeon and destination. When I thought about it, I only gave a simple explanation, but I never gave a detailed explanation about the route we are currently taking. Some people probably just vaguely know that they are rescuing people.

When he nodded his head to tell him to speak, Heo Jun-young raised his head and looked at the steep hill he was currently climbing.

“Do you think Ahn Hyeon is alive?”

“So, you’re in these mountains now. “Of course, I’m not sure.”

“Let’s change the question. Do you really think that Anhyeon is in the ruins we are looking for?”

“maybe. “I think it’s the most likely.”

“It’s a possibility.”

“okay. Possibility.”

Heo Jun-young looked back at me with eyes demanding further explanation.

I calmly opened my mouth.

“It’s already been several months since the mountains where the dragon sleeps became known. And it remains unexplored, leaving users with many questions.”

“That’s right.”

“Then, one of the most emerging questions right now is the disappearance of users. If he died during the expedition, his body should be visible somewhere, but he just suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing behind. So, there are two hypotheses that have come out now. “The users were either absorbed into the deceased, or were taken somewhere.”

“I think the former is correct. “Isn’t that true just by looking at the situation of user Baek Han-gyeol?”

At first glance, it made sense, but I shook my head firmly.

“different. It’s definitely different. Although Hangyeol’s case is certainly unique, it actually proves that the former hypothesis is wrong. Hangyeol was clearly being destroyed, but instead of being absorbed, his body was almost taken away. From that perspective, even if the soul is dead, the body must remain. “But it’s not right?”

“hmm. It’s pretty complicated. “So you think the latter hypothesis is the most likely?”

“okay. To be precise, it would be fair to say that this is the best and only way left. “Because we can’t wander all these mountains looking for Anhyeon.”

“but… . First of all, the main goal is to rescue Ahn Hyeon, but you can also explore the ruins at the same time. But we have a miracle… .”

“Also, we have to resolve additional referral issues. And, if discovered, the condition must also be kept in mind. … “You can think of the ruins attack as the part that covers the most parts that can solve all these problems.”

“Are you saying that ruins serve as an intersection? Anyway, I think I know what you mean. then… .”

Heo Jun-young paused for a moment. Then he glanced at me furtively and spoke in a somewhat cautious tone.

“This was a question before I changed it… . “How do you view the possibility of Ahn Hyeon’s life or death?”

“… “I gave the answer earlier.”

I intentionally did not answer clearly like I did before. Heo Jun-young also didn’t seem to be urging him to ask any more questions.

“Then, as you said, the most urgent task is to find the ruins.”

It was then.


Once, a cool wind blew. And Heo Jun-young’s purple hair fluttered lightly in the wind. Then it scattered in the air and returned to its original position, shaking gently.

Suddenly, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu. Should we call it a kind of déjà vu phenomenon? It must have been Heo Jun-young’s first time coming here, and someone’s image overlapped with his flowing hair a moment ago.

At the same time, I felt my feet suddenly become flat. I quickly looked down and realized that I had climbed all the way up the hill and stood at the top.

It feels somehow familiar. The feeling of déjà vu still enveloped me.

I calmly gazed down the hill. The place that caught my eye was a flat area surrounded by mountains high above sea level.

But it doesn’t look good. The basin was covered with a hazy fog, and only gloomy and gloomy energy flowed out, holding me back as I looked down.

“Clan Lord?”

When I heard a voice calling me from behind, I quickly walked away to make space for my clan members.

And now I know.

The place where I am standing now is the place where Han So-young was standing and looking down at the ruins.

“Clan Lord. Why did you suddenly stop walking?”

In response to one question after another, I pointed my index finger down the hill.

After a while.


A ray of wind blew again and the fog dispersed, briefly revealing a huge defense facility that looked like a fortress.

“That… .”


We finally arrived at the ‘Last Fortress’, the ruins of the mountain range where the dragon sleeps.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

We finally arrived at the ruins. Please don’t expect too much from the dragon. ㅜ.ㅠ He is such a pitiful child. Ugh. You know. There always seems to be something about their appearance… . huh?! lol. I can’t wait to write the next episode. 😀


< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Han So-young (7 years)

2. Class: Secret, Maestro Of BattleField Master, Master

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Istantel Row (Clan Rank: AA – Double A)

5. True Name • Nationality: Queen of Blood and Iron • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (30)

7. Height • Weight: 174.8cm • 55.8kg

8. Alignment: Belief • Blood And Iron

[Strength 80(+2)] [Durability 85] [Dexterity 94(+2)] [Stamina 87] [Magic Power 98(+2)] [Luck 90(+2)]

< Achievements (3) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Charisma (Rank: A Plus)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. c*cked Pistol: Queen’s Army (Rank: S Plus)

< Potential (4/4) >

1. Extrasensory (Rank: EX)

2. Battlefield Command (Rank: EX)

3. Great Magic (Rank: S Zero)

4. Anti-horsepower (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus)

(Before change) [Strength 78] [Durability 84] [Dexterity 94 (+2)] [Stamina 86] [Magic Power 98 (+2)] [Luck 88]

(After changes) [Strength 80(+2)] [Durability 85] [Dexterity 94(+2)] [Stamina 87] [Magic Power 98(+2)] [Luck 90(+2)]

『Power: Destruction Charge』

* Han So-young’s unique abilities are innate abilities, and the total number of abilities is 6.


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not work with dark mode