MEMORIZE Chapter 429

00429 Part 2 Prologue: Meeting of Demons. ————————————————– ———————-=

The Devil, and Asmodians.

The devil is a being that represents evil and is a being that goes against God and seeks to corrupt humans.

Demons are creatures of devils and refer to beings who follow the devil’s orders and carry out their will.

The hierarchy of demons is as complex as a spider’s web, but the most important thing is ‘power’.

Diet of the fittest, survival of the fittest, winning and losing. A fierce competition for survival where the weak are eaten by the strong and only those who adapt to the environment survive.

Those who are better win and those who are not better lose. Losers have no choice. Whether it be death, destruction, or service, all power of the loser goes to the victor.

Those are the laws that govern the demon world.

If we divide the ranks based on ‘strength’, demons can be classified into low-class, middle-class, high-class, and top-class.

The beings who rule over these creatures are, of course, demons. There are a total of 14 demons who rule over the demons, and they are called the ’14 Demon Lords.’

Additionally, there are overlord-level demons that control the ’14 Demon Lords’. They divide the Demon World into seven divisions and are each called the ‘Seven Great Demons’, and their names and titles are as follows.

‘King of all devils’, ‘antagonist’ Satan.

Baal, ‘the cruel destroyer’, ‘the king of the east’.

‘Lust’ Asmodeus.

‘Fallen angel’ Lucifer.

Astaroth, the ‘demon of wrath’.

‘Queen of the Night’, ‘Great pr****ute’ Lilith.

‘Gluttony’, ‘King of Greed’ Beelzebub.

As demons are creatures of the devil, they have blind loyalty to their creator. “Die” before my eyes. If ordered to do so, he would sacrifice his life without a moment of hesitation.

The role of creating demons was originally the role of the ‘Demon 14 Lords’, but if you look closely, this is not necessarily the case. The ’14 Demon Lords’ are under the influence of the ‘7 Great Devils’, and depending on the strength of each force, there are cases where it is not possible to have the ’14 Devil Lords’.

For example, Lilith, the ‘Queen of the Night’ and ‘Great pr****ute’, who is the weakest, does not have a single monarch-level demon below her, so she creates her own demons. On the contrary, the most powerful Satan, the ‘king of all demons’ and the ‘antagonist’, has four monarch-level demons below.

Demon world.

A jungle-like natural world governed by the unchanging law of the fittest. A world where vitality and vitality cannot be found even with open eyes, and only a dull and ominous atmosphere exists.

The sky is colored dark blue and purple, and the cracked ground looks like a devastated wilderness. Of course, not all regions are like this, but everywhere there is at least one thing in common.

That is, there is no ‘light’. The trees and grass had a bluish tint, and the water flowing in the river was also pitch black.

The same was true for buildings built on barren land that were occasionally seen. Although it wasn’t enough to be called a wasteland, it was a place with weeds growing everywhere and a complexity that made it impossible to tell where one was.

The only thing barely visible is an old castle that appears to be on the verge of collapse. If there was one thing to see among them, it was the scale of the old castle. The height of the old castle, which was built so high that it seemed to pierce the sky, was so overwhelming that it could be seen at a glance even from a distance.

“No matter when I see this place, I never get tired of it.”

The young man walking down the dark passage of the castle smiled. No, judging from his appearance, wouldn’t it be difficult to see him as a perfect young man? From his face to his toes, he looks no different from any other young man, but there is just one difference.

A dark red horn sprouted sharply from the top of the young man’s head. It was not a young man, but a devil in the form of a young man.

The devil leisurely passed through the passage and walked towards the wide open door in front. The door was open, but the inside was filled with darkness and nothing could be seen.

Eventually, the moment the demon reached the door, the two demons guarding the left and right politely bowed. Their appearance and the prayers they exuded showed that they were top-class demons.

“welcome. “Astaroth.”

“okay. “Has everyone already arrived?”

“Everyone is inside except the Queen of the Night.”

“What is the Queen of the Night? Just call me a wh*re, wh*re. Even though she is the official pr****ute of the Demon World, the title of queen is too much, isn’t it? “I wouldn’t know if it was a pr****ute.”

The two demons stood still and gaped at Astaroth’s outspoken remarks. Actually, it wasn’t wrong, but devils and demons were completely different beings. Moreover, if the target is one of the ‘Seven Great Demons’ that stand at the top, you have no choice but to be even more cautious.

“Anyway, Lucifer’s people are boring. “I don’t feel like being treated like Asmodeus or Beelzebub’s descendants.”

“… sorry.”

Astaroth clicked his tongue as he watched the demon bow his head politely again.

“There is no need to apologize. Anyway, let’s go in.”

“Glory of corruption to the wrathful devil.”

Astaroth trembled.

Lucifer was originally an angel, but he fell and became a devil. Just because he was an angel in the past doesn’t mean he specifically rejects it, but there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate. That was the habit Lucifer had when he was an angel.

Whenever he called someone, he always added the phrase “Glory of Fall,” and no matter how cool Astaroth was, this formality was difficult to endure.

“The glory is shit.”

Astaroth quietly thought and entered the door.

Inside was a darkness that could not be seen with the naked eye. It is already a space without light, so could this be considered particularly severe? There was no color except pitch black, so it seemed like a space where only darkness existed.

But Astaroth was at ease. I must have been there many times before, so I walked leisurely like I did when I passed through the passageway earlier.

As I was walking aimlessly for five minutes, a quiet voice suddenly rang out in the darkness.

“You’re late. Astaroth.”

“This voice… . Lucifer?”

Astaroth stopped walking. And he stared straight ahead.

“It’s because there is a distance. It’s a meeting called unexpectedly again, right? So, just a few minutes late… .”

“The meeting must have been notified six days in advance. “Have you not heard from me?”

“Oh, you’re so annoying. You really… !”

“Keep your voice low, Astaroth. You are a demon of anger, but I am the owner of this space. Only I am worthy to raise my voice. So, when and where to vent your anger… .”


Astaroth immediately apologized. And he shook his head excitedly. That’s because I thought it would be better to apologize neatly than to talk to that inflexible, single-minded person.

“I accept the apology. “I salute you for admitting your mistakes despite being an overlord.”

Astaroth’s whole body trembled. “Please shut up.” The words rose all the way up his throat, but he could barely hold them back.

Soon, the ‘Devil of Anger’ sat down in his seat with a completely withdrawn body. It was a space where nothing could be seen, but that did not mean there was nothing. Suddenly, there was an invisible chair behind Astaroth.

Astaroth sighed and felt energy flowing in from all directions. Hostility, destruction, corruption, lust, greed. I felt the interesting gaze of a total of 5 different energies. He didn’t like that gaze, but anyway, there were 6 people including himself.

Astaroth sank into the chair and crossed his legs.

“ruler. “Then, shall we take our time and listen to what the meeting was held for?”

“yet. one person. Lilith.”

At that time, Astaroth’s words were answered by a young woman’s cold yet toneless tone. The ‘Devil of Anger’, who was taking out a tobacco candle, glanced to his left. And she slowly aroused her demonic energy.

Soon, my eyes caught the eye of a small girl sitting on a large chair, hugging a teddy bear. Her large eyes were also watching Astaroth.

Her platinum-colored hair was cut short and neatly organized with a headband. A small, round face and plump cheeks. His sunken blue eyes were a flaw, but if you look at his appearance alone, he had a small body that made you want to pick him up and place him on your shoulder.

Astaroth smiled. Then he lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

“Baal. “You’re much cuter than when I saw you before.”

“joke. fun.”

“haha. “It’s not a joke, you’re serious?”

“Sincerity. “Blow away.”

At one point, destructive magical energy surged from the girl, or rather, Baal, the ‘King of the East’. Astaroth raised his hands with a confused look on his face.

“Actually, it was a joke. “It was fun, right?”

The demonic energy that was soaring destructively subsided in an instant. Astaroth muttered his tongue and shook his head.

“After a while. Anyway, it’s too late to talk about this topic, but let’s get started.”

“That can’t be possible. Moreover, Lilith is a lady of darkness. “It’s a gentleman’s job to wait for a grooming lady.”

A quiet voice flowed in once again, but Astaroth responded with a snort.

“Ladies are shit. Could it be that an official pr****ute comes to groom herself? I’m sure he’ll forget about the meeting and have fun somewhere. While begging for magic in an unsightly manner. Astaroth~. Sorry~. Please forgive this lowly wh*re just once~. “I thought she was dying of laughter at the time.”

Astaroth imitated someone’s voice with a high tone. When he twisted his body, the two demons who had been quiet until now burst into laughter.


“Krukkruk!” “Krukkruk!”

It was a laugh full of ugly lust and dirty greed.

It was then.

– Boom!

The sound of ugly laughter suddenly stopped, accompanied by a burst of alcohol that I don’t know where it came from. It was clearly a huge explosion, but the demons were calm.

As Astaroth sucks in the tobacco with all his might, the tobacco quickly turns to ash and flows down. Eventually, the ‘Devil of Anger’ naturally opened his mouth with a calm and vulnerable face.

“oh my. Our great prodigal daughter has arrived. “Why is she so late this time?”

Without a doubt, it was the appearance of Lilith, the ‘Queen of the Night’. Soon, the sound of walking echoed through the space and we got closer to the place where the six demons were gathered.

Astaroth finally opened his mouth softly, letting smoke flow out of his nose.

“You’ve arrived just in time. I was telling you a story about a time when you lost the war against me. “As someone who experienced it firsthand, how about you tell the story yourself?”

“Kelkel, kelkelkelkel! I want to hear it! “I want to hear it!”

A lustful voice cries out.

Lilith didn’t say anything. However, she moved to a certain place and quietly sat down in her seat.

Astaroth stared at the black silhouette flicking his hair. And he laughed evilly again.

“Hey. I guess I was really late because I was doing my grooming. What does that look like? Not fitting in. Now is she thinking of giving up her title as official wh*re?”

“Astaroth. Don’t talk nonsense. “I didn’t come here to take your fight.”

Lilith finally opened her mouth. It was a strange and s*xy voice. However, the constant pitch of the intonation also gave him a sour tone of speech. Astaroth’s eyes narrowed.

“Oh~. Are you going to get angry now? Do you think I caught a good devil somewhere? Who are you? “The seven great devils piled up in the width of Lilith’s skirt?”

Astaroth raised both hands and waved them exaggeratedly, and the laughter that had stopped continued again.

Lilith still didn’t say anything. She just quietly waited for her laughter to stop and then she started giggling and she said.

“With those pathetic little bastards. “Maybe now isn’t the time?”

“Ohh. “What does that mean?”

“I heard the news. “Isn’t it all because of you that this meeting was held in the first place?”

“… moore?”

For a moment, Lilith’s eyes quickly scanned the three demons. The demons who had been laughing excitedly a moment ago quietly closed their mouths.

“One guy destroyed the Western Continent that everyone had worked so hard on.”

‘King of Greed’, Beelzebub was shocked.

“Also, we lost a lot of seeds while focusing our efforts on the Northern Continent, which wasn’t even possible. ah! Not long ago he said he lost one of the 14 demon lords? That too for users on the Northern Continent. oh my god. “I only felt sorry for Mammon.”

‘Lust’ Asmodeus lowered his head.

“And the last one, although it was a little while ago… . He was once a lord of hell, and entered the hell of Hall Plain with great vigor, but came back shattered. Is that it? Likewise, you also dedicated Mephistopheles, the 14th demon lord, right?”

‘Demon of Anger’ Astaroth clenched his fist.


Lilith still sneered in a cold voice, but then suddenly opened her mouth with a straight face.

“Stupid bastards.”

“this… !”

Astaroth was furious and was about to jump up. At that moment, sharp energies simultaneously fell around the chair.

“… “Of the words of humans.”

Beyond the darkness, that is, on the other side of Astaroth.

“They say time is money.”

From the depths of the abyss, a low voice that seemed to have crawled up rang through the pitch-black space.

Astaroth swallowed without realizing it. On the other side, there was a man sitting with his ten fingers interlaced and leaning against his forehead. At first glance, he seemed ordinary, but the prayers and voices around him contained a darkness that could not be ignored.

“It’s nice to see them sticking to the rules, but… . The situation we’re in right now doesn’t seem that good to think it’s all good. “What does everyone think?”

“I’m sorry. Satan.”

“You’re apologizing extraordinarily profusely today. Astaroth.”

“… “Umm.”

Astaroth sighed.

A giggling sound was heard from one side, but the ‘Devil of Anger’ felt it instinctively. Now is the time to stay still.

“Well, now that everyone is here, let’s start talking. Lucifer?”

“It’s okay Satan. “I am the owner of the space, but you are fully qualified to lead the story.”

A polite voice, quite different from when dealing with Astaroth, responded.

Chik, chik.

A light came on briefly in the darkness and then disappeared. Soon, the pale colored smoke flowing from somewhere melted into the space.

“after. Whether it’s the western continent, the northern continent, and… . Anyway, Lilith gave me a rough explanation of the situation, so I’ll skip it.”

“… … .”

“The reason for convening this meeting… . As everyone knows, not long ago, the 14 demon lords under Asmodeus… . “This is because news of Mammon’s disappearance has been delivered.”

“Kell, Kel, Kel, Kel… .”

Asmodeus lowered his face even more when his name was mentioned. He was shaking his head with both hands, an attitude that did not seem like one of the ‘Seven Great Devils’.

“Before reaching that result, the process or mistakes are covered.”


Satan paused for a moment and lightly snapped his fingers.

Then, on the empty floor, a dark blue magic circle was drawn and began to glow.

“First of all, I think it would be better to look at it and talk about it.”

Then, the moment Satan finished speaking, a large magic circle rose up and began to project an image.

– Wow!

The light emitted by the magic circle faded. Instead, only an image illuminating a scene and a terrible scream replaced the missing light.

It was a burning town. In a burning village deep in the mountains, only raging flames and pitch-black smoke filled the scene.

– Ugh, huh, huh!

“Ma, mamon!”

Perhaps because the voice was familiar, Asmodeus stretched out his hand.

And, it was that moment.

– shut up.

– Ahhhhh!

A terrible scream rang out once again, accompanied by a cold blast.

Eventually, the fire and smoke slowly began to subside. In the sight that began to emerge little by little, a bloated demon had collapsed, covered in blood.

And one user looking down at the devil with cold eyes. He was a sturdy man with a sword with only the handle visible and clear flames surrounding it.

– Bye! Grumble!

Soon, when the flame burned brightly, the demons swallowed their saliva at the same time.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

This is the beginning of part 2.

While Part 1 focused on exploration, building power, and building relationships with users, Part 2 tells a slightly different story. In summary, would you say it is a story about trying to return home? haha.

ah. I guess I made it difficult to explain Eve’s lineage. For a detailed understanding, let me borrow a moment from the review.

1. Stats raised with equipment remain the same even when the equipment is removed. You can consider it as vesting only for the increased abilities.

2. Above and below include boundary values, and above and below do not include boundary values.

And Kim Soo-hyun’s current abilities are as follows.

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 92(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

To summarize the third option of Eve’s bloodline, it is as follows.

One of the user’s six abilities is selected at random and lowered by 2 points.

→ I’m sure you understand.

Then, multiply the deducted points by 2 to get 4 points back.

→ I’m sure you understand.

The returned ability points can be freely raised.

→ I’m sure you understand.

However, if the stat exceeds the stat corresponding to the tenth place of the lowered stat, no effect will be seen.

→ The stat refers to the stat that the user wants to increase. There was a bit of a problem with this condition, which was a drop in ability level. It is written in the conditions below, but more accurately, it refers to the original ability points before decline. So it is currently in a modified state.

However, the standard value is set at the ability level before the decline. Additionally, the tens place follows the decreased ability value, but the ones place is calculated as 0.

→ This is exactly the condition. When there is a number ab, let us assume that a is the tens digit and b is the ones digit. If the conditions here are followed, a is taken as is and b is unconditionally calculated as 0. In other words, the standard value for taking Eve’s bloodline is calculated as a0.

Let’s apply this to all of Kim Soo-hyun’s abilities. The standard value is set at ‘ability before decline’. In other words, the standard values ​​to see the effect based on the ability level before decline are 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, so if it exceeds 90, you will not be able to see the effect. This means that if the ability you want to increase is above 91, it cannot be raised.

If Kim Soo-hyun’s strength, agility, and magic power drop, the standard value is set to 90. I have nothing but luck to post it. However, when durability, stamina, and luck drop, even if they are the same standard values, they drop to 90, 90, and 88 points, respectively. In other words, since it does not exceed 91, there is room to use 4 points.

I hope this is a sufficient answer. 🙂

P.S. User information will be posted in reviews for each character starting from the next episode. I’ve thought about it in many ways, and I think that’s probably the easiest way for readers to see it.


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not work with dark mode