MEMORIZE Chapter 415

00415 8. The user I wanted the most (3/3). ————————————————– ———————-=

The vampires of the Hole Plain are a race famous for their tenacious vitality.

In that sense, the intruder ‘Sasha Felix’ clearly showed aspects of racial characteristics. The guy who looked like he was going to die at any moment suddenly came back to life when he cut his arm and gave him blood. Of course, it’s not completely revived, just enough to keep it alive.

“From now on, I will ask two questions. vampire.”

A conference room on the 3rd floor with deep silence. There is a kneeling vampire on the center floor, and Park Hyeon-woo and Nam Da-eun watching him on either side. The weapon pointed at his neck might have been chilling, but the guy just kept his head down and didn’t move a muscle.

I quietly opened my mouth.

“First, why did you try to steal the elixir? Second, how did you know there was an elixir? “If you answer these two questions correctly, I will consider you some mercy.”

“I will consider mercy” was true. Of course, at first, instead of showing mercy, they planned to interrogate and then kill him. However, if my memory is correct, the vampires and their owners in front of me now are the ones who will be active under the ‘Holy Queen’ Yoo Hyeon-ah in the future.

Currently, we don’t know why they are in Monica. However, if we can guess one thing, it is that the future has changed with Yoo Hyeon-ah’s death. So, it means that the users who were supposed to go under her ended up floating into the air in the second round.

They were already hungry for talent. If you manage this situation well, you will be able to attract quite good talent.

Eventually, the vampire slowly raised his head. Then he wrinkles his nose three or four times and glances up at me.

“I didn’t know there was an elixir.”

“… “What does that mean?”

“I didn’t come here knowing that there was an elixir in this place, but I found out about it after I came in.”

I frowned softly. Because I understood it, but I wasn’t convinced.

The vampire must have sensed my presence and let out a long breath.

“After a while. I can’t help it. I have no choice… . I will believe you when you say you will consider mercy. human.”

Then, with a dark look on his face, he spoke sullenly.

“First, let me reveal the identity of this body. Jim… .”

And what followed was a surprisingly deep story.

As I saw with my third eye, the vampire was bound to a kind of contract. In other words, a contract between users and residents was drawn up in the temple. The relationship is said to be master and slave, like me and Vivian.

It’s a huge blow.

It is said that the vampire’s owner is currently in a life-threatening situation. The reason was because of Lich.

The two worked for a while based in the northern city of Mule. Then, he learned that the ruins of the ‘Scream Cave’ in the Blue Mountains were open to the public, and when he had time, he decided to take on the role of a ‘cleaner’. (The cleaner is the third person to enter the ruins after the first discoverer and the investigation team. Refers to users. The goal is to go looking for treasures that others before them may not have found, and sometimes, they actually find results.)

“It was only a moment. “The moment I made a mistake, everything happened in an instant.”

The vampire frowned and gritted his teeth. When I think back to that time, it seems like my anger is boiling over.

The caravan in which the two participated faced and battled the Lich Legion roaming the Blue Mountains. Their power level was equal and both suffered great damage, but they managed to secure a victory. However, the ending was awkward. It is said that the last remaining lich clung to its owner and committed suicide.

“The owner is somewhat skilled, so I think he responded quickly despite the urgency of the situation. So I guess I could have saved my life from that huge explosion. But I don’t know why, but after the explosion… .”

“Some part of your body is paralyzed.”

“The right arm… . “Uh, huh?”

“And as time goes by, the number of parts losing their function must have increased. slowly.”

“Huh, how do you know that?”

The vampire shouted with a shocked face. Instead of answering, I reached into my pocket and took out a cigar. First of all, I understand why you need elixir. But there was still one question left.

At that time, Hayeon, who had been quietly observing the situation, opened her mouth in a soft voice.

“The Lich is a monster whose body is in the Hall Plane, but whose soul is in a world we don’t know. If there was a suicide attack… . He probably prepared for the extinction of souls in other worlds.”

“W-what does that mean?”

“In other words, your master’s wounds now are not of the body, but of the soul. “Now I understand that my life is in danger.”

It sounds like she’s the daughter of a certain family. I nodded my head in agreement and stared at the still confused vampire.

“That’s why I needed an elixir… . If it’s an elixir that can recover from all status ailments, it’s definitely possible to heal. “They say it’s a wound to the soul, but it’s just a setup.”

“for a moment! What does that mean? “A setting?”

“We are users. As a resident, this is not something you can understand. There’s no need for that. therefore… .”

As I lit the candle I had taken out, I spoke softly.

“after. How did you get the idea to come to this place? “I haven’t heard an answer to this yet.”

“Didn’t I tell you? “I didn’t come in knowing it, but I found out after I came in.”

“Tell me exactly.”

“… To put it exactly as you want, this is the eighth time. Oh, is it the ninth?”

“Eighth and ninth?”

“Elixir is not something that can be easily obtained.”

The vampire answered calmly.

After returning from the Blue Mountains, the two tried in various ways to heal their bodies. However, there were no notable results. No matter how much money was poured, the only thing that could be done was to temporarily regain sense or slow down the progress. After wandering around looking for a solution, he was told that only elixir could heal the wounds left by the lich.

“At first, I didn’t know it was such a valuable item. “When I asked if the store had elixir, I was treated like a crazy person. When I checked into a large building, I was treated like a crazy person again.”

That’s natural. Elixir is a treasure among treasures called extra lives in the Hole Plain. It’s something that can’t be bought even with a hundred million dollars, and even if it exists, it has to be hidden. Who would hand that over as a favor?

“Then it occurred to me that it was a little strange. So, after thinking about it for a while, I was able to come to one conclusion. The elixir definitely exists somewhere. However, it is a very precious thing that cannot be given to others.”

“yes. “You’re smart.”

“haha. thanks. Oh no. Anyway, as time passed, the owner became more and more tired, and I craved the elixir even more… . And at some point, I came to a decision.”

“I don’t think I can save it, so I’ll steal it. Until we find the place where the elixir is.”

Finally, a conclusion has been reached. The vampire glanced at him furtively and nodded his head warily.

When I finally heard the reason, a feeling of admiration rather than anger arose. So, it means that vampires have been infiltrating various buildings so far. What kind of ability did he have that allowed him to go in and out of his house like that?

‘Maybe it has unique abilities. I’ll have to take a closer look later.’

Thinking that this was a very desirable ability, I calmly stood up.

“good. I heard the story well. vampire.”

“Hey, you’ll keep your promise, right?”


The vampire asked, shaking his head. It seems like they thought they were going to dispose of it now. I slowly shortened the distance between me and him.

“Instead, I must meet the person who is your master.”


“Why are you so surprised?”

“This is a different promise! I told the whole story without lying! Then I will definitely consider mercy… . “Kwaaak!”

The vampire’s shouting suddenly stopped. This is because Nam Da-eun showed an uncomfortable look for a moment and grabbed the guy’s hair and violently pushed him down.

“You seem to misunderstand something.”

As I lightly place my hand on the back of her tightly clenched hand, a blush blooms on her face. Soon, I felt a woman’s hand gently grazing my hand. And underneath, I could see the back of her head trembling.

I took out the elixir I had stored in my pocket and shook it a few times. The golden liquid shimmers with a dazzling light. Chellang-challang.

“No matter what your situation is, this elixir belongs to the mercenary. We admire your determination to save your master, but from our perspective, you are nothing more than an intruder who almost stole the treasure. And you are in a position where you have nothing to say even if you are summarily disposed of right now. “Am I wrong?”

“Ugh… !”

“However, the reason I am calling your master is because I want to find a peaceful solution as much as possible. I think this is enough mercy and consideration… .”

“If there is no solution, I guess I will hold her responsible as well… !”

‘Ohh. ‘He’s sharp?’

I grinned. The vampire’s words pierced my heart exactly.

This wasn’t the only thing. To be honest, I thought she would be easy to coax because she has a loose personality, but I threw that thought away during our conversation earlier. He was telling the truth, but he was leaving out the part that he really needed to hide, that is, the part that I wanted to know. Although he was almost certain from the moment he said it was her.

“That’s natural. Originally, the master was also held responsible to a certain extent for the slave’s mistakes. anyway. So you don’t have the heart to talk?”

“Do you think I would say anything? “Better kill me!”

“I can’t help it.”

It was deep dawn. Not wanting to waste any more time, I hit his bowed head with all my might.


And before he completely fell over, he hit his stomach hard with a kick. I slowly raised my head as I saw the vampire who immediately closed his eyes. All clan members except Go Yeon-ju were gathered in the conference room.

“Vivien. Drag him away and kill him to some extent. “Don’t let them run away.”

“huh? Ah Okay.”

Vivien tapped the vampire and opened her mouth, but Vivien nodded her head hesitantly. I next turned my attention to Hayeon.

“In the morning, send a messenger to Istantel Row. “All you have to do is ask to borrow the square for the day.”

Hayeon tilted her head, but then nodded as if she understood.

I was lost in thought for a moment and then looked around at the remaining clan members. Nam Da-eun, Lee Yu-jeong, Im Hanna, Ahn Hyeon, Seon Yu-un, Baek Han-gyeol… . This should be enough.

I continued, pointing to the six people I had just thought of.

“I plan to hang this guy in the square tomorrow morning and play with him. So, the six people I just nominated should form groups of two right now. Then, a total of 3 groups will be created, so you can rotate at appropriate intervals. “If there are any users who ask questions, please respond appropriately.”

The six people looked at each other blankly and then turned to me. It looks like he still hasn’t figured out what’s going to happen.

‘I miss Go Yeon-ju.’

If it were Ko Yeon-joo, by now he would have shouted, “Soo-hyeon!” I know what you mean. “I’ll take care of the rest,” he said with a big smile.

Smiling bitterly, I looked back at the two priests one last time.

“Users Shin Jae-ryong and An Sol. The two of you, please go to the temple as soon as you receive permission from Istantel Row. Then, you can tell them the situation and say that you will use the bulletin board in the plaza.”

“ah. All right.”

As if they had finally realized it, the complexions of several clan members, including Shin Jae-ryong, brightened.

“It’s late at night. Thank you all for your hard work. “Let’s just disperse.”

When he nodded to indicate that they should start at the same time, Vivien lightly approached and shouted.

“Who can help me move it to the basement?!”

Soon, I complained as I saw the clan members moving around busily.

‘This is how I meet her. ‘You never know.’

In some ways, it can be seen as a trip to Busan to meet one user, but the owner who will show up tomorrow was a user worth it. Of course, it’s unclear whether it will appear, but if it’s her personality that I remember, it will definitely appear.

I stretched out loud and quietly left the conference room. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight due to my sudden excitement.

Anyway, now all we have to do is wait for the owner of this vampire, ‘Flashlight,’ to appear.


The morning dawned. A big event took place last night, but this morning it was as quiet as always.

After breakfast, we looked around the entire clan house and found that it was much quieter than usual. It seems that most of the clan members have gone out to take care of the work I ordered yesterday.

After taking a walk around the hotel, I stayed in the warehouse on the third floor for a while. And went straight to the office. The clan lord cannot sit idle while the clan members work hard.

The problem that had to be faced now was the warehouse security issue. Although the intruder is a ‘vampire’, there is no excuse for this. Even though I wrote that I was paying a lot of attention, it was true and reality that the security was breached in the end.

‘If we keep an on-watch watch, the burden on clan members may increase… . Should I just move my accommodation to the 3rd floor? It’s the main building anyway.’

With the record of the reinforcement plan written in front of me, I turned the quill in my hand aimlessly. Just pouring money does not improve security. First, you need to figure out how to protect the items in the warehouse. And the right answer would be to think of ways to connect in that direction as efficiently as possible.

‘Moving the accommodation to the 3rd floor is on hold. It goes without saying that security must be strengthened for access to the warehouse… . Notifications are already installed. Should we try setting up a combination of traps and obstruction magic? ah. Will you be able to get help from Ordo of the Order of Vivien?’


How much time has passed? I could feel the clan members who had gone out coming back one by one. Records that started out as blank are now filled with writing. I glanced at the window and saw the sun slowly approaching the sky. It seems to be noon soon.

It was a moment when I was getting up to have lunch.


“Clan Lord. This is Seon Yu-un. “Can I come in for a moment?”

“yes. Come on in.”

As I sat down again, I heard the door click open.

The person who eventually emerged through the open door was Seon Yu-un, with neatly combed hair. Did you say clothes are wings? He once took me to a warehouse and asked me to choose equipment for archers, and I remember being surprised at how different it looked from what I saw in Barbara.

Seon Yuun bowed his head politely and opened his mouth in a blunt tone.

“The intruder’s owner has appeared.”

“… yes?”

“The intruder’s owner has appeared.”

Seon Yu-un repeats words like a parrot. I looked at him blankly and then laughed lightly.

‘This is so cool.’

I was the one dealing with the kids who were always talking loudly and the gooey(?) Go Yeon-ju. However, when she received Seonyuun’s report, she had a strong feeling that it was somehow unfamiliar.

“haha. is it so. “Where is the owner now?”

“I brought him to the front door. “I am currently wishing to meet with the Clan Lord.”

Seon Yu-un tilts his head and continues talking, as if he doesn’t know why I’m smiling.

I smiled happily and agreed.

“All right. “Ask them to come in.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I found someone who would draw Ansol Illustrator. You are the illustrator who worked on Seraph and Go Yeonju last time. ha ha ha. 🙂

hmm… . Looking at the comments in the last episode, surprisingly, there were people who wanted Yoo Hyeon-ah to live. I thought it was a bit surprising. -_-a I was once again curious about what readers felt about the character called ‘Holy Queen’. 😀


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not work with dark mode