MEMORIZE Chapter 410

00410 6. 101(4/4) ————————– ——————————-=

The first thing I felt when I came to the User Academy was that it was very different from the atmosphere I felt before.

The academy under the jurisdiction of the Golden Lion was extremely rigid, reminiscent of the military. There was a tendency to loosen things up as the graduation ceremony approached, but I remember it being quite forceful until the mid to late stages.

But it’s definitely different now. You can tell just by looking at the attitude of the trainees who were singing the high performance earlier. In other words, it feels like things have become much more open compared to before.

Personally, I think these changes are not bad. However, it is still only in the early stages of change, so we cannot make hasty conclusions. For now, I just wanted to watch the changes that will continue in the future.

“Su-hyun. We’re almost there. If you go around this hallway, there’s a door on the left, right? “That’s the room where Hyoeul Lee lives.”

It looks like we arrived before we knew it. I woke up from my thoughts to the languid voice flowing in my ears and looked around.

“It’s a simpler place than I thought.”

“Because I have to act like an ordinary person as much as possible. Anyway, I’ll wait here.”

Hearing that I would wait here, I slowly looked back at Go Yeon-ju.

“It’s okay if we go in together.”

“I would have done so normally, but the guardian’s invitation cannot be taken lightly. “I am an uninvited user.”

Go Yeon-ju answered clearly. Unlike me, she seemed to consider the existence of a guardian quite important. Anyway, I thought it made sense, so she replied that she would be out soon and immediately turned down the hallway.

Lee Hyo-eul, Guardian of the North Continent. When I think of her, I am reminded of her new, intrusive yet intelligent appearance.

‘If only you hadn’t tried to pass it on to Ansol.’

Strictly speaking, my relationship with Lee Hyo-eul could not be considered good. no. Is it right to think that it is one-sidedly annoying on my part?

However, if you leave these emotions alone, I think that saving Lee Hyo-eul was a good choice. I think the position on the North Continent and the way things have been handled so far are still quite good. So I decided to ease her feelings for me a little.

Hyo-eul Lee was still a useful user, and since the incident, she has constantly offered me a hand of reconciliation. This is true even if you just look at the request made to Park Hyun-woo. So, rather than continuing to push through fleeting emotions, it would be much better to be moderately cautious and get help.

Thinking like that, I stopped in front of the door in front of me. And after taking a deep breath, I quietly knocked on the door.


“… I was waiting. “Please come in.”


I paused for a moment at the strange tone of voice. But I immediately pushed open the door. And that was when I calmly went inside.

“Cluck, click, click…” .”


And the moment I came face to face with Lee Hyo-eul, I let out a sigh without even realizing it.

Sunken eyes and swarthy eye area. At the same time, the sound of phlegm-boiling, gloomy laughter is heard. Where had his clean-cut and intelligent appearance gone before? Now all he could see was a patient on the verge of collapse.

So, without realizing it, I ended up asking how he was doing.

“Are you okay?”

Then she crumpled the record in her hand and opened her mouth in a low voice.

“Ohhohoho… . Welcome, Mercenary Lord. “She’s really happy to see you after such a long time, isn’t she?”

“… “Are you crazy?”

“oh. Are you personally worried about the girl now? Oh ho ho. Girl, I’m so happy that I can’t help but… .”

“That’s completely crazy.”

With those words, Lee Hyo-eul said that there were a lot of people around her… . No, I buried my face in the pile of records that were forming layers upon layers. Then he weakly lifts his hand and pinches his index finger. It seemed like he meant to sit anywhere.

After a moment of silence, Lee Hyo-eul lifted her head with difficulty and kissed her lips.

“Ki, Kim Soo-hyun… . It was you… . okay. Thank you for coming. lol… .”

“I’m not here to help you organize the records, so there’s no need to thank me.”

“… Can’t I just say I’ll help, even if it’s just empty words? I will definitely refuse. So please say something. please.”

The speaking voice was so pitiful that I decided to speak at least once.

“… “I will help you.”

“thank you! Then, starting with this… !”

Then she raised her head and held out the crumpled record with joy.

“go away.”

In response to the rejection that immediately followed, I lowered my head again to the point where I heard a thud. It seems like it came at a bad time.

‘This huge amount of records ruined a normal person.’

Because I know very well how difficult, frustrating, boring, and driving people are to organize records, I could fully understand her feelings.

“It looks difficult.”

Hyoeul Lee covers her face with both hands and nods her head. Eventually, he let out a long sigh and a weak tone flowed in.

“sorry. “I lost my mind for a moment.”

“I don’t think there’s any need to go through the trouble of buying it. “Aren’t you a guardian?”

The records piled up on the desk still radiated a tremendous presence. Each of those records probably contains information announcing changes in the User Academy.

Anyway, there are many records, but there is only one person. In other words, why are you here now?

“I need. And it’s best for me to take charge of it. Ha~um. Da, daeuu oh oh oh~. (I can’t trust the other guys~).”

Then he yawned and continued talking, then slapped his cheek hard enough to make a loud noise. Then, as she slowly lowered her hand, she must have come to her senses, and her eyes became slightly brighter over the foot print marks on her cheek.

“Hmm… . Anyway, welcome back. “Would you like a cup of tea?”


“Then you’d better say what you have to say quickly. I heard a rumor. “I heard you discovered the ruins of the Hamill Clan and the Tower of Valhalla this time?”

“why. Did the angels tell you to figure out how to excavate ruins so well?”

“no. “That doesn’t really matter anymore, so please don’t talk so crookedly.”

‘That doesn’t matter?’

Suddenly, I felt something new and I stared at her quietly. To say it doesn’t matter… . Does this mean that a successor has been found?

Chiik, chiik.


While lost in her imagination, Lee Hyo-eul took out a cigarette and lit it. Then, he lightly took a sip and continued speaking in a much improved tone.

“Anyway, I’m sure you heard about it from Soyoung… . After that, the northern continent became abuzz with the success of the expedition. “Then can I consider it as consent?”


“Lecture 10.”

I understood right away. Then, after thinking for a moment, he quietly opened his mouth. A decision had already been made on this matter.

“… “Slow down a little.”

“call. “I wasn’t going to announce it all at once anyway, but I was planning on posting it to a few people over a period of time.”

Lee Hyo-eul gave the OK sign with a more relieved face, as if a burden had been lifted. At that moment, a thought suddenly occurred to me, and I opened my mouth once more.

“But why did you choose me? “If you look for it, it probably isn’t there.”

“It’s not that it’s not there, it’s that it’s not there. really.”

“… … .”

“And I thought you would get to the top 10 someday anyway. It just delays the timing a little bit. Well, even if I say this, I also have something I’m aiming for… . Anyway, being top 10 wouldn’t be a bad thing. Especially if it is a clan that is just starting out. “Eudadada~!”

When she got up from the chair, several of the records were scattered. Soon, Lee Hyo-eul stretched out as much as she could and looked back at me with a sad look on her face.

“ah. Come to think of it, you said you wanted to take Hyunwoo with you, right? “He’s going to go to the mercenary?”

“Go Yeon-ju has already finished talking. “I guess we’ll have to meet at least once before then.”

“Right… . good.”

Lee Hyo-eul nodded three or four times and then lightly placed her hand on the crystal ball placed in one corner.

“Hyunwoo is now in the dungeon with the prisoners.”


“It’s a newly renovated prison. The location is the basement of the former Golden Lion Clan. “I’ll put in your contact information now, so you can go right away.”

“i get it.”

I liked the way the conversation was carried out in a cool manner without any hesitation, so I got up with pleasure. And the moment I turned to leave, her voice grabbed me by the collar.

“Oh, wait a minute! Kim Soohyun!”


“Now that we’re going to jail, do you need anything else?”

“Something else?”

“For example, Seong Yu-bin. Or prisoners from the Western Continent, etc.”


There was nothing to think about Seong Yu-bin, so I slowly shook my head.

“Seong Yu-bin has no business, is there anyone who can use the captive?”

“Useful means user information, right?”


“The buyers who came earlier wanted sturdy or pretty captives. What did they say? “White horse?”

At that moment, I was able to confirm a rumor that had been secretly floating around. I heard that some of the prisoners on the western continent were sold as slaves for money, which seemed to be true. Slave probably refers to a state in which the magic circuit has been destroyed.

“Anyway, aren’t you interested? “If you’re willing to buy it, I’ll give it to you at a low price.”

“… “Let’s just take Park Hyeon-woo.”

Lee Hyo-eul looked at me with the same expression on her face.

“Hmm. Ok. good choice. then… .”


Then he spoke with a slightly brightened complexion.

“Would you like to wait at the dorm for a moment?”


After breaking up with Lee Hyo-eul, I moved to her dorm with Ko Yeon-ju.

The second request mentioned earlier was to persuade Park Hyeon-woo, who survived, to join Mercenary.

Originally, I was going to go to the dungeon myself, but now there is no need to do so. Since you have no intention of purchasing a slave, there is no need to go and choose one yourself. In that case, it would be more convenient and efficient to bring in Park Hyeon-woo, who is currently detained underground.

‘Park Hyeon-woo.’


It was then. How much time has passed? As Go Yeon-ju was lying down on the bed she had been using, there was suddenly a knock on the door.

“Su-hyun. I brought it. “I’m going in.”

“Come on in.”

I immediately got up and at the same time I heard the door open. Next, she could see a man standing behind her with Go Yeon-ju.

A user I haven’t seen in a long time. It was Park Hyeon-woo, a former executive of the Golden Lion Clan. I activated my third eye.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Hyunwoo Park (5 years)

2. Class: Normal, Sword, Master

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True Name • Nationality: One who leaves a mark on the sword • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (27)

7. Height • Weight: 179.2cm • 67.8kg

8. Tendency: Neutral • True • Neutral

[Strength 90] [Durability 81] [Dexterity 73] [Stamina 87] [Magic Power 89] [Luck 60]

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 564/ 600~

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 92(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

2. Park Hyeon-woo: 480/ 600~

[Strength 90] [Durability 81] [Dexterity 73] [Stamina 87] [Magic Power 89] [Luck 60]

‘There has been some progress.’

The abilities remain unchanged, but the inspection proficiency has increased to Master. In fact, Park Hyun-woo’s user information was not sufficient to necessarily recruit him.

However, since this is somewhat in line with the Mercenary’s goal of being a ‘small elite’, I decided to recruit him. If Park Hyun-woo is added to Nam Da-eun, Woo Jung-min, and Seon Yu-un, Mercenary’s squad will become even more interesting to watch.

I was told that the conversation was almost over, and now only the final interview remained. Since I couldn’t stop here, I opened my mouth as gently as I could.

“User Hyunwoo Park.”

“Long time no see. Mercenary Road.”

Where had the clean-cut appearance from before gone? His haggard face and dark beard caught my eye.

At first glance, Park Hyeon-woo looks at me, and a soft smile is immediately engraved on his lips. I noticed it but didn’t bother to show it. Perhaps, comparing the past position with the current position seems to be causing bitterness.

Eventually, after sitting down with Park Hyeon-woo, I quietly opened my mouth.

“I heard you’ve been through a lot.”

“yes… . Things have gotten better recently though. “The Shadow Queen has provided convenience in many ways.”

Go Yeon-joo makes a V shape with her fingers at that moment.

The currently surviving members of the Golden Lion Clan. Among them, I heard that executives in particular were treated almost like prisoners. The justification was that they had surrendered to the Allied Forces, but it was obvious even without looking at their intentions. The emotional battle that had been brewing even before I came in does not disappear just because the war is over.

“User Hyunwoo Park… . When I first came to the academy as an instructor, you helped me a lot. “I’m glad I can help you in this way.”

Park Hyeon-woo blinked for a moment. Then, perhaps because he remembered Hanbyeol, he lowered his head and spoke.

“About that… . sorry. “I have nothing to say.”

“I don’t think you were in control. And it’s not like I’m bringing up the past now.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him. Then, his lowered head slowly lifted, and his tired eyes met me.

Without further ado, I decided to get straight to the point.

“I heard from Go Yeon-ju that the conversation is over. but… . “I heard you wanted to meet me before that?”

“ah. that… .”

Park Hyeon-woo trailed off for a moment. And he seemed to think for a while, and then he calmly cleared his throat.

“Honestly, life in prison was very difficult. It was unfair in its own way, and I was resentful of being treated like a prisoner of war. But since the guilt was clear, those who remained had no choice but to endure it… . “When I was captured by the Allied Forces and when I was captured by users from the same continent, it was so difficult that I wanted to die.”

“… … .”

“I thought there was no hope. I thought I would either suffer in prison for the rest of my life, or be put on trial and die. While I was so frustrated, I was very grateful for the Mercenary Lord’s message from the Shadow Queen. From my point of view, it is a line that I must hold on to, but… . Cough! Cough, Cough!”

Is it because I spoke for a long time? Or maybe my throat was so dry that it cracked? Park Hyeon-woo coughed violently from time to time, and I quickly winked at Ko Yeon-ju and brought him a drink.

After quenching his thirst once (it was quite a large drink, it was a bit surprising to empty it all at once), Park Hyeon-woo continued speaking.

“Whew. thank you anyway… . “It was a copper rope, but that didn’t allow me to shake the rope.”


Park Hyun-woo smiled bitterly in response to my question.

“Just because I leave here doesn’t mean my position will change. If that happens, it’s not just me that’s the problem, but the Mercenary Clan itself could also become a target.”

It was only then that I was able to recognize Park Hyun-woo’s inner thoughts. he said “The sin is clear.” Park Hyun-woo acknowledged the Golden Lion Clan’s mistakes, and he was afraid of what would happen after he left prison.

Park Hyeon-woo looked at me for a moment and then opened his mouth in a more cautious tone.

“so… . “You might think it’s a little shameless, but I wanted to ask the Mercenary Lord.”

“Do you mean that the Mercantile Clan has the power to protect you?”

Park Hyeon-woo looked blank for a moment and then slowly nodded.

“That’s right.”

So I fell into deep thought. The time to think wasn’t very long. Actually, I have thought about the problem that Park Hyun-woo talks about, but I ignored it.

The Mercenaries live in the North Continent, but are not a main clan, and officially claim to be neutral. Moreover, it has a close relationship with Istantel Row in the south and with Clan Hamill in the east. At the same time, we had built up close relationships with the eastern clans in many ways.

If you manage it well in the future, at least in the eastern and southern parts of the country, you will get a decent amount of attention.

Eventually, after organizing my thoughts, I opened my mouth with more strength in my voice.

“I will answer that question like this. yes. “The Mercenary Clan has the power to protect user Park Hyeon-woo.”

“… … .”

“I am confident that we will not only protect them, but also enable them to function proudly again. Of course, this will take some time.”

Go Yeon-ju must have already heard enough about the current mercenary situation. Here, a single word full of confidence will be more effective than bragging and repeating phrases.

Some time passed. As time passed, Park Hyeon-woo stared at me.

“User Kim Soo-hyun… . No, Mercenary Road.”

Then, he slowly raises his body and then bows politely. Finally, the words that left his mouth were “Thank you.”

“From now on, I will take you to Clan Road. From now on, I will become a mercenary for Mercenary and will not hesitate to take on Gyeonmajiro.”

The words of someone I heard on Mule came to mind at that moment.

‘thank you! In the future, I will not hesitate to work hard to achieve the goals of Soo-hyeon and her group.’

I stood up as if possessed by something and slowly stretched out my hand.

“Welcome to the Mercantile Clan. User God… . Park Hyeon-woo.”

“Thank you for your welcome. Clan Lord.”

It was the moment when we were about to shake hands.

pop! Boom!


At once, a huge explosion was heard from outside, shaking the room, followed by a second round of tearing screams.

After a while. Me, Ko Yeon-ju, and Park Hyeon-woo. We suddenly stopped moving and looked at each other blankly.

It was then.

“Yes, someone died!”

“Oh, no! I’m not!”

An urgent scream flowed through the open door.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Woo Jung-min, Seon Yu-un, Park Hyun-woo… . Warm-hearted children are joining the mercenary. ha ha ha.

ah. I’m glad it’s not too late today. I feel like my pace is coming back faster than I expected. I will not let down my guard and will continue to work hard. For a midnight update that will happen someday!


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not work with dark mode