MEMORIZE Chapter 401

00401 3. Second Request – Rescue: Frozen Forest (5/5) ——————————— —————————————=

… Thus, the wizard achieved his life’s wish.

But he wasn’t happy at all. No, instead of being happy, he actually fell into deep despair.

Finally, I was left alone in the tower with the princess I loved so much… . Because she eventually returned to her cold corpse.

The beautiful flowers that once thrilled the entire continent have now grown cold.

One day, the wizard, struggling in despair, made an important decision.

yes. That was ‘resurrection’. He was a famous wizard, but he was also an excellent alchemist. So he decides to use all his abilities to revive the princess, and ends up entering a forbidden area.

What happened since then?

No one knows that. Because after that day, the wizard placed an ‘eternal spell’ on the forest, and as a result, news naturally stopped. In other words, this is all that is recorded in the tale.

However, sometimes I hear something from the forest… .

– Excerpt from ‘The Return of the Ice Forest’, Central Library of Barbara, a large city on the North Continent.


It was just as Song Seung-gyu said.

Despite its name and appearance as a ruin, there was nothing inside the tower. All that can be seen is ice emitting a cool light and an eerie sight.

Anyway, it wasn’t a bad thing, and we were able to climb the stairs smoothly without any interruption.

The higher I climbed, the more I felt the inside of the tower getting darker.

There is no problem with vision. However, as I climbed the stairs from the first floor, I could not find a single window. As a result, the sunlight could not shine through, so it felt dark even though it was broad daylight.

How many dark towers did we climb?

Huh… . Whoa… .

Suddenly, a cold wind blows from the top of the stairs.

Just because I entered the tower didn’t mean the cold went away. Naturally, there was ice inside, and the occasional wind seemed to make the cold even more intense.

It was a time when my whole body was shaking from the cold that kept stabbing me.

“We will soon arrive at the 8th floor.”

Suddenly, a horrifying sound of metal flowed through the passing wind.

The icy stairs are twisted in a spiral like a conch shell, and are slippery enough to make you trip if you make a mistake. After carefully maintaining my balance, I quietly raised my head and looked ahead.

“If you go through that door, you’ll come right into the ice maze. That’s where the caravan started having problems, so you’ll have to be more careful from now on.”

Song Seung-gyu. It was still an uncomfortable tone to listen to, but the tone itself was quite relaxed. They probably think they’ve already caught all the fish since they came up here without any suspicion.

“Then, if you cross the maze, you will find the dark room in question.”

“That’s right.”

“Then the maze is the key… . “Do you remember the route?”

It was a probing question rather than a specific intention.

Song Seung-gyu did not answer right away. He just stood still, then started walking with a slight nod.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Trudging, plodding.

Jump, jump, jump.

The sound of footsteps echoing in the quiet tower.

Song Seung-gyu has been acting without hesitation ever since he entered the tower. But I and the clan members didn’t say anything. I was just following him quietly, watching his every move closely.

After a while, we arrived in front of the door leading to the 8th floor and quietly observed Song Seung-gyu’s actions.

He walked to the side, felt around the wall, and soon found something resembling a handle and held it in his hand. And when I push it down, croak! I could hear the sound of something scraping and I could see the ice door rising.

I tilted my head.

‘Are you still not planning on revealing it? .’

Eventually, the ice door, which had risen about 4/5 of the way, revealed the dark interior with an explosive burst of chill.

“I remember the road to some extent. “Then come in.”

Soon, Song Seung-gyu quietly uttered a word and suddenly hid himself inside the entrance.


A long time had passed since I went up to the 8th floor and entered the maze.

As Song Seung-gyu said, the 8th floor was chaotically divided, giving it a very complicated appearance at first glance.

But you don’t feel like you’re lost. no… . Should I say, more accurately, that the maze does not feel like a maze?


“It would have been to the left of here.”

On a road this complicated, you might hesitate at least once or twice, but Song Seung-gyu chose the path without hesitation even at the 11th crossroads. Then he started walking without hesitation, looking very familiar for someone who was only the second person to come.

Soon, Hayeon quietly came to the side and asked if she had seen Song Seung-gyu moving forward in the distance.

“Su-hyun. What do you plan to do in the future? “I’m still confused.”

“There is no doubt.”

“then… .”

“Let’s follow it first. It’s probably one of the two anyway. “You can either go into the tiger’s den like this, or you can take some action before you go in.”

According to the story, the abnormal signs originated from the maze. That’s why I can’t let down my guard, but I somehow got the feeling that they wanted to take us to the 9th floor.

“Let’s go for now.”

Trudging, plodding.

Jump, jump, jump.

After passing that crossroads, how much time has passed?

Song Seung-gyu also warned before entering the maze, but nothing special happened in the maze.

Was this quiet march quite boring?

“Kim Soohyun! Does this look like the road we passed by earlier? “Aren’t we going in circles now?”

Suddenly, Vivien walked towards me and whispered in a low voice. And his eyes twinkled as if he was seeking an answer, but I shook my head and walked in silence. She mumbled, but she didn’t fuss anymore, and she went back to her seat and kept her silence.

I had already told the clan members about Song Seung-gyu before departure. Maybe that’s why everyone was nervous, but Vivian was the only one who said, “Ah. The attitude was, “I see.” She had a personality a little similar to mine, except that she was a little rambunctious every now and then, so I could understand why she was bored.

‘It’s definitely not the path we took… . I think I should reconsider the fact that it’s spinning.’

It feels much wider now than when I checked the size of the tower from the outside. Of course, I turned around a few times along the way, but even though quite a bit of time had passed since I entered the maze, I still couldn’t see the door.

It was then.

Eventually, as I went around the long ice wall and entered a new path, I noticed a huge wall blocking my left and right sides. At first glance, it was just a simple wall of ice, but it felt strangely uncomfortable to ignore. So, when I raised my eyesight and looked, I was able to immediately see the identity of the discomfort.

It was a blurry blood stain on the wall. Although the mark itself was faint… . Looking at the color, it was clearly blood that had been recently spilled.

I stopped walking and opened my mouth.

“There’s blood on it.”

When I spoke softly, everyone stopped walking for a moment. Eventually, as everyone’s eyes were focused on me, I calmly pointed to the wall on the right. (At the same time, I gave the clan members a warning in advance so that they would not act carelessly.)

Song Seung-gyu tilted his head for a moment, then walked up to the wall and looked closely. Then he quietly opened his mouth.

“… “I see something vague.”

“yes. If you look at the color, it looks like blood that was recently sprayed. If you’re wondering… ?”

The visible back of the head shakes unnaturally.

“no. I do not know. And it doesn’t seem that important.”

“It could be a colleague’s.”

“I guess so. However, since we cannot completely determine it now, I think the priority is to get out of the maze.”

… I didn’t mean it that way.

Soon, Song Seung-gyu took a couple of steps back from the wall and pointed to the open road ahead.

“We are almost there now. If you walk down this road, you will see a staircase that turns to the right and goes up. Just go up the stairs and you will find a door. “That is the 9th floor where my colleagues and I suffered.”

I stared in the direction he pointed and blurted out a word.

“You remember it in great detail.”

Song Seung-gyu did not answer again.

It was just when I turned to the side of the road and looked like I was going to walk again.

Vivien rubbed her hands as if she was quite cold and muttered in a grumpy tone.

“phew. It’s finally arrived. thank god. “I hope you quickly kill whatever ghost or spirit is inside and return.”

It was that moment.


Song Seung-gyu, who was just about to take a step, suddenly stopped.

He was still with his back turned, and he spoke in that state.

“… I beg your pardon?”


“What did you just say?”

I looked back at Vivien. She blinked at first, but then quickly realized the situation and made a sad face.

I let out a short sigh inwardly, but decided to just think positively. The 9th floor was just around the corner, and there were actually no problems at this point.

Anyway, that guy was just a parasite, and killing him wouldn’t mean much. To be honest, I didn’t mind dealing with it from the moment I entered the tower, but for now, I wanted to see how far it would take me.

I raised my right hand and quietly opened my mouth.

“You should know better.”

“I know very well…” .”

Soon, a gloomy, slightly high-pitched voice flowed in.

“Kikik, do you know who I am?”

“well. But at least I know that you don’t own the body.”

“When did you know? “Did they tell you?”

By those guys, you’re probably talking about ghosts.

I answered slowly while polishing my sword.

“From the first time I saw it. “I could tell that the body you were in was dead.”

To be precise, I could tell with my third eye.

The message shown at that time included information about ‘death’ and ‘possession’.

Soon, Song Seung-gyu, or rather Wonhon, spoke.

“… “How did you know?”

“Of course it wasn’t just that. “Just like you said, the ghosts also told me.”

“How did you know?”

“I found out when I entered the tower again. Strangely, your behavior seemed subtly unnatural. “Then I became convinced when I saw that my feet couldn’t reach when I was going up the stairs.”

Then Song Seung-gyu’s head bowed. Are you trying to look at your feet?

No, no. It wasn’t just the head. His entire body was limp, like a doll whose strings had been cut.

Tuk, Degururu.

Then something white and round fell and rolled on the floor. However, without any time to confirm her identity, the head that had been looking only in front of the long spear begins to look back.

“How did you know?”

“… … .”

Fortunately, I couldn’t turn it completely.

His face, only half of which was revealed, was quite grotesque. Black, dead, sunken eyes. And the hideous lips that were torn all the way to the ears. The head, which was barely halfway turned, was visibly trembling and seemed to be trying to turn back somehow.

“uh… . How… . crab… . not… . thing… . hey… ?”

And, it was that moment.


At one point, Song Seung-gyu’s neck was sharply bent to the left. The bent angle was well over 90 degrees, so much so that anyone could see it as deformed.

The sound of someone groaning deeply is heard from behind.

But it didn’t just happen once.


This time, the head was bent in the opposite direction, but soon began to shake and move freely.

In that state, 3 seconds passed. 1 second feels like 1 minute.

At that time, the shaking neck suddenly twisted its neck and stared at us. And only then did I fully see the blue, dead face. At the same time, I was able to identify the white thing that had fallen to the ground earlier.

Judging by the fact that the pupil cannot be seen between the sunken eyes, it appears that the eyeball has fallen off.


Her lips were torn below her ears, and her exposed teeth clinked together like a nutcracker.

“how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know? how did you know?”

Then, immediately, his whole body trembled and he jumped into the air.

His hair was pulled straight upward.

As if bitten by someone.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. As expected at the beginning, one more episode is needed. Therefore, the fun Jwibulnori will be held next time… . lol.

Aftereffects. I have a personal presentation at 10 in the morning, and I’m only halfway through it.

I’m feeling sleepy… . I’m in big trouble. T^T


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not work with dark mode