MEMORIZE Chapter 397

00397 2. Confession (2/2) —————————————— ——————————-=

I could feel a faint ray of light between the windows. Is it because of the rising alcohol? The sun was still high in the sky, but it was already blinding. As I blinked once or twice to catch the flickering vision, the sight of the messy room caught my eye as my vision became slightly clearer.

Empty bottles are lying around the place, and snacks that were placed in dishes are unsightly and disorganized in all directions. The cloth on the floor was wet and sticky from the alcohol that flowed from the mouth of the bottle. Literally a mess itself. My brother and I are both exceptionally tidy personalities, so it was a scene we would never normally sit by.

‘Jinha will faint when she sees it.’

Even when Jinha brought me snacks, Jinha would smile sweetly and say, “Young master, young master,” without your brother knowing. Would she really say something like that after seeing this plan? ah. Are you still trying to smile to look good? ha ha ha.

After laughing for a moment at a meaningless thought that suddenly came to mind, I let out a long breath. And when I opened my mouth in a daze, I felt the exhaled breath seep into my open mouth and spread a sweet scent.

“I’m tired?”

Did I mistake it for yawning? After taking a bite once or twice, I look to the side and see my brother still with a fresh face. His brother was sitting comfortably on the bed facing me, holding an almost empty bottle of liquor in one hand.

When I think about it, I remember that my brother was probably a lot harder to drink than me. Both in modern times and in hole planes.

“If you’re tired, you can take a nap. “This is an empty room anyway.”

My brother spoke once more in a very kind voice, and I slowly shook my head from side to side.

“I’m not drunk.”

“know. “That’s why I didn’t ask you if you were drunk, but if you were tired.”


My brother laughed quietly. When he saw that, he thought something was stopping him. So I turned my head forward again, stretched out my arm to one side and picked up a new, uncorked bottle of liquor. Bong! Then, when I slowly removed the stopper, I suddenly felt a warm touch on my bare back.

“What? But why did you ask me to come here? Even if it’s alcohol… . “Is this the only place you wanted to come?”

“just. “It’s a place that reminds me a lot of the old days.”

“Thinking about the old days?”

“… “Do you remember when you were in modern times?”

I changed the subject for no reason. And my clever brother immediately understood my intention.

“hyundai? “What kind of memory?”

“There was a time when my brother and I were really into an American drama. “I remember decorating my room to resemble a movie theater so I could watch dramas.”

“ah. I remember. Was it the Big Bang Theory? haha. “It wasn’t really a big deal back then.”

“I had fun. I got a popcorn container and filled it with snacks, or I dragged it in front of the monitor and tilted it as much as possible to watch it while lying down… .”

“Then the monitor fell and cracked.”

Since their backs were facing each other, their faces could not be seen. However, I could tell that my brother was laughing from the slight tremor coming from his shoulders. So, I let out a light laugh and then picked up the bottle and took a sip. Then he wiped his mouth and opened it quietly.

“Did you watch up to season 4? How much has it come out now? .”

“There must have been more. If I go back, I can see as much as I want… . by the way. Is that why?”

“huh? what?”

“You chose this room as the place you wanted to come. “Because you want to feel the nostalgia you experienced in modern times?”

My brother paused for a moment as if looking around the room, then continued speaking in a low tone.

“I don’t think it’s very similar.”

It was then.

“… no. That’s not right.”

Suddenly, really suddenly, my mind became completely empty. Then, while looking at the wall, he continued speaking, feeling as if he was possessed by something.

“here is… .”


“It was the lodgings I used before when I was a member of the Hamill Clan.”

“… huh?”

“It’s been almost a year now… . “It’s already been 9 years since I joined the Hamill Clan.”


The back of my neck is tingling. Now it seems that my brother also realized something was strange.

“What is that… .”


But I immediately cut off my brother. And when I finally turned my head and looked back, I saw my brother looking right at me with puzzled eyes. The distance was so close that we could see each other’s faces reflected in our eyes.

“I know you think it’s strange. “Still, don’t interrupt, just listen to me for a moment.”

“you… .”

“Please. please.”

“… … .”

My brother didn’t give any answer.

I couldn’t bear to face that gaze any longer, so I turned my head again and stared at the wall in front of me.

“… … .”

“… … .”

And the uncomfortable silence that follows. As I was quietly savoring that silence, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Even though I thought I should say it, I thought maybe I was hesitating until now.

“Then let me begin.”

okay. There is no need to wait for your brother’s answer here.

As soon as I made up my mind, I spoke quietly but calmly.

“There was a young man. “The young man had just finished reporting for military service, and he fell asleep on the train back.”

A story from 11 years ago, just before I entered Hall Plain.

“When the young man woke up and opened his eyes, he realized that he was in a strange place. And before he had time to properly understand the situation, he had to take a test called a rite of passage, and had to desperately run away from monsters he had never seen before. After barely spending 7 days like that, the young man who has obtained some kind of qualification enters a place called Hall Plain. Regardless of his own will.”

Our backs, which had been separated for a moment, were now connected again. I felt an unexpected sense of peace from the warmth coming from behind, and I made up my mind.

Let’s conclude right now. Just in case, I couldn’t stand it in the middle and said, “Actually, it was a joke.” Let’s draw a line in advance so that we can’t go back with this one word.

“And then 10 years later, young man… . No, the man was able to climb to the top of Hall Plain after countless twists and turns. The man eventually reached the end and was finally able to obtain the qualifications to return to Earth.”

“… … .”

“But the man didn’t return to Earth. no. Rather than return to Earth, he chose to turn back time and return to when he first entered the Hall Plane? Why? … Because men had one purpose.”

“… … .”

“That man is me.”

I continued talking without stopping, wondering if I would change my mind.

And it was only after finishing the conclusion that I realized that my heart was beating vigorously. Soon, I brought my knees together and slowly wrapped them in my arms. At the same time, a sudden sign of surprise was also conveyed through the back, causing the body to flinch.

Eventually, I calmly turned my head and looked back.

My brother’s face was expressionless. He just didn’t know what he was thinking when he looked at me.

After making eye contact for a while, I felt the eyes I was meeting with slightly fluttering. At the same time, his brother’s lips were also slowly separated.


“My brother… . “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

The moment I heard those words, I closed my eyes tightly.

Of course, even when I think about it objectively, I think it’s nonsense, but… . Why do I feel so empty?

It was then.

“therefore… .”

When I realized that my brother wasn’t finished speaking yet, I swallowed my saliva without realizing it.

“A little more. “No, I would like you to tell me in much more detail than what I said just a moment ago.”

I blinked once or twice as the words continued.

okay. As expected, it was as expected. My brother didn’t respond by saying what nonsense it was, but showed an attitude that he would listen to what I said first. That was proof that they did not take my words lightly. Of course, I don’t completely believe it, but this attitude alone was something I was thankful for.

I kept blinking. Then, chewing his slightly trembling lips, he slowly nodded.

Eventually, I opened my mouth softly.


“… So I decided. I would rather start over from the beginning than go back to Earth alone like this. “I will change the past, save everyone, and return with everyone.”

After I finally finished speaking, I lifted my gaze from staring at the ground and stared at the window.

When I first arrived, it was shining brightly, but it seems the sun has risen. I let out a long sigh as I looked at the pale twilight glow on the floor.

It was just one word. It was really just one word.

The request to tell me in detail gave me some courage, and I told the story of what I had experienced from beginning to end.

Of course, that didn’t mean everything was said. I thoroughly deleted parts that were embarrassing to talk about, such as murder, robbery, and rape, and told the story focusing only on the main story.

That alone was a lot to talk about, and it was enough to make my brother’s head spin. No, on the contrary, it was so summarized that it felt like there were places where the explanation was not sufficient.

But it was unavoidable. It was really difficult to fully capture 10 years of ups and downs in less than a day.

Even though we talked non-stop for hours, my brother listened to me carefully. Of course, there were a few interruptions, but most of them were about things that hurt me.

For example, the moment I told him that I fainted after being stabbed in the stomach by Belphegor, my brother said, “What?” He was so angry that he stopped talking.


Still, I think I did my best to tell the story to the best of my ability.

And after the whole story was over, my brother opened his mouth for the first time.

“… Right. “That’s the story.”

Soon, my brother started tapping the floor with his index finger with one hand. It was something my brother and I both did when we were both confused.

His brother’s face was calmer than I thought. But does the overall stiffness seem like an effort to act calm? It’s probably too late for me to just ignore it, but the various facts I guessed along the way are probably making things complicated on the inside.

After looking at my brother for a while, I blurted out one word.

“It’s okay, just say anything.”

“… I do not know. If you suddenly say something like this… . “It’s too big of a statement to bear right away, so I can’t really understand it.”

My brother answered honestly.

“under… .”

Then he let out a deep sigh and stopped moving his index finger for a moment.

“Suhyun. I can’t believe it so much as just taking your words at face value. But before you came in… . So, if I know a lot of facts that I didn’t tell you, or if I think about your actions after you came in… . “Under the circumstances, it seems to be correct.”

“Because of the circumstances… .”

“I’m not saying I don’t believe you.”

My brother answered clearly.

“step… . ji… .”

However, he did not continue speaking right away, as if there was some hesitation.

Suddenly feeling my throat burning, I picked up the bottle of liquor burning in the twilight light and brought it to my mouth. The liquid that entered my mouth moistened my dry throat, but my thirst did not go away. Rather, it felt like it was cracking like a rice field in a drought.

I opened my mouth with difficulty as I looked at the bottle that was soon empty.


My brother was looking down at the floor with his unique lonely eyes. My face was very red in the setting sun.

After some time passed, my brother’s lips finally opened.

“I don’t know. Ever since I heard that you came back, I have been anxious and my heart sank. The reason is… . I do not know either. Why am I suddenly feeling so frustrated?”

While listening to my brother, I nodded once or twice. As a result, my brother was now in doubt. I literally have to admit it under the circumstances, but it was a very difficult situation to feel and accept for a moment.

And I was able to understand my brother’s position. Even if you change your perspective, how would you react if Ansol suddenly said, “I turned back time from the future!” No matter how right you say it, it will still feel like it is not for a long time.

After a while. I let out a short sigh and put my hand into my arms. He then took out the ‘Crystal of Truth’ and held it out for his brother to see. To be honest, I didn’t want to use it if possible, but… .

“brother. “You know what this is, right?”

“that… . “It is a modification of truth.”

“that’s right.”

And as I placed my hand on the crystal, I poured magical energy into it. Soon, a small, light flame bloomed inside the crystal ball, and the ‘Crystal of Truth’ was simply activated.

Looking at the quietly swaying blue flame, I raised my head and slowly opened my mouth.

“What I said is true.”

“… you.”

The older brother frowned for a moment, then immediately looked down and checked the crystal ball. It seems that the eyes soon grew to the size of a flower lantern, confirming that the color had not changed.

I opened my mouth for confirmation once more.

“I’ll do it one more time. Everything I said to you after I came into this room is true. “I am a user who saw the end of the Hole Plane, and I turned back time and came back to this place with the purpose of changing the past.”

The blue flame still burning the same.

And only now did my brother’s attitude change.

My brother’s attitude has been the same from the beginning. From the time I met him outside the building until now, he has shown no change. The voice was the same and the behavior was the same.

But now, his complexion has clearly changed. Even though something was very cold and stiff, it seemed as if his veins had relaxed.

How much time has passed?

“after… .”

Soon my brother covered his face with both hands. The friction sound of his breath escapes through the slightly open space of his hands. Without taking his hands off his face, my brother spoke for the first time in a weak voice.

“okay. “It was real.”


“huh? under. haha… . It was real, it was real. you. “You have already cleared this world.”

“that’s right.”

Soon, the duration of the ‘revision of truth’ would end.

“And for some strange reason, I passed up the opportunity to go back.”

“huh… . huh?”

At that time, my brother slowly raised his head. Then he lowered his hands and started looking at me blankly. When I met those intense eyes, I somehow got the feeling that my brother had sorted something out.

“Now I know why I was anxious. Kim Soohyun. Even if you said that. I’ll be happy to hear you’re back… .”

My brother, who was about to say something, momentarily closed his mouth. He was lost in thought for a moment, then opened his mouth again.

“no… . no. after. okay. Now, let me ask one more question about activating the ‘Crystal of Truth’. “Keep his hand on it.”

“… … .”

Maybe it was because I was mulling over what my brother said a little while ago. After a while, I realized that my brother was waiting for me to speak, and I hurriedly spoke.


“You did that. I died trying to save you. “Tell me that part again, in detail.”

“Uh, something.”

Even as I spoke, I had to feel my insides tingling. Because I didn’t lie about this part, but there were some parts I intentionally left out.

However, my brother continued his next words mercilessly, as if he would not leave any room for it.

“Suhyun. Did I by any chance ask you to save me when I died? Or did you ask me to somehow find a way to save me and return with you?”

“… … .”

“Answer me.”

“no. “I didn’t.”

Although I answered calmly, my heart sank. She felt thirsty again and looked for a bottle, but most of the conversation had already ended.


“I told you not to save me. And he told me to somehow survive and see the end.”

Good luck! Grumble!

At that moment, with my brother’s final question, the duration of ‘Revision of Truth’ ended.

I slowly, very slowly pulled my hand away, thinking it was really over. And when I slightly raised my head, I could see my brother standing upright and approaching me.

I was just about to take a closer look at my brother’s face.



“this… .”

What happened now?

When I lower my head in a daze, I see the ‘Crystal of Truth’ broken into pieces. For a moment, I was completely confused as I couldn’t understand the situation, but the moment I finally saw my brother’s face, I held my breath without realizing it.

And, it was the same for my brother.

My brother looked like he was about to say something, but as soon as he saw my face, he seemed to force himself to keep his mouth shut. The expression looked truly complex and contained emotions that were difficult to describe.

Then my brother said.

“Why why… .”

“why… . okay?”

I reflexively touched my face. What kind of expression am I making right now? What kind of face is it that makes my brother react like that?

“profit… !”

My brother kept trying to say something, but as if he was holding it back, he let out a groan with difficulty. And then he suddenly sat down and made similar eye contact with me.

“this… . You idiot… !”

A voice that sounds like it was barely squeezed out. I could instinctively feel it in the trembling tone. There are a lot of things my brother really wanted to say, but he put it all in one word a moment ago.

Then, I immediately felt my brother’s warm hand gently resting on the top of my head.

And, it was that moment.

“… “It’s been a difficult time, right?”

I quickly gritted my teeth. At the same time, my brother’s appearance suddenly began to stir. So I reflexively closed my eyes.

I can’t explain in detail what it feels like. However, it felt like all the pain I had experienced and had to go through for the past 10 years was compensated for all at once with just one word from my brother.

I finally felt like I could understand, at least a little, how my brother was feeling a moment ago. Of course, I wouldn’t have felt the exact same way. no. In fact, I would have felt the exact opposite.

Like my older brother, I held back everything I wanted to say and barely managed to get a word out.

“no. are you okay.”

Soon, I feel the texture of my hair being gently brushed. I opened my eyes slightly, then closed them again as the shimmering still alive.

For a while, I felt my brother’s eyes scanning everywhere, and I hoped that this moment would pass quickly, but at the same time, I hoped that it would last a little longer.

In the midst of such conflicting emotions, I quietly thought.

Confessing wasn’t a very bad choice.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. I felt fine when I woke up after a short sleep, but as I was writing, my condition worsened again. I lay down and wrote, and then I lay down and wrote, and then I fell asleep. Please understand that the update has been delayed due to poor health. _(__)_

P.S. When I clicked register, it suddenly said that the connection was not smooth due to the large number of users, but after clicking four times, it worked. And then I saw that four episodes were uploaded at once, so I quickly deleted three of them.


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not work with dark mode