MEMORIZE Chapter 395

00395 1. Angels’ Worries (1/1) ————————————— ——————=

Early moning.

The sky, which had been colored with a dull light, was gradually becoming brighter starting from the eastern sky as the sun finally rose. As I noticed the cool wind blowing through the open window, it seemed like there were still traces of dawn.

The fresh air in the wind refreshed my mind, and I slowly sat down and stretched out my right hand. I touched a hot teacup in my hand. A high-yielding herbal tea that paid for a kiss after breakfast today.

When I think of her constantly threatening me to pay if I want to drink tea from now on, a smile comes to my face.

After savoring the fragrant scent of tea for a while, I took a quick sip. Soon, I quietly opened my mouth, feeling the pleasant heat spreading into my body along with a gentle kiss on my throat.

So loud that someone standing outside the door could hear it.

“come in.”

I must have heard clearly because I could sense a startling presence outside the door. After that, he showed signs of hesitation, and then the sound of him quickly running down the hallway followed. Now it was my turn to be shocked.

“… … ?”

I thought about running away for a moment, but decided to just leave it alone and sat back down from my half-raised body.

The identity of the presence can be roughly guessed. It must be one of Anhyeon and Vivien who kept glancing at me during meal times. Perhaps, after hearing that Shin Sang-yong would be brought back to life with a wish, I had something to see in some way.

When I thought of that problem for a moment, I couldn’t help but think about it.

‘Once a user dies, he or she can never return to Earth.’

This is a fact that I was only able to find out right before I went back in time, and I was very cautious about telling the kids.

From what I heard, Ahn Hyeon felt a deep sense of responsibility for Shin Sang-yong’s death, and now he was back on his feet with the goal of using his wish. However, if I found out that fact, I might have to live with guilt for the rest of my life.

This wasn’t the only thing. Since that fact was closely related to the zero code, it was doubtful whether the angels would obediently talk about it.

I don’t know exactly why the angels didn’t tell me that in the first episode.

I didn’t ask because I thought of course I could go back, and the angels didn’t tell me what they thought.

In this situation, how will the kids react if I say, “I can’t go back?”

It’s true that I’ve behaved in a way that’s not befitting a person in my 0th year at Hall Plain, but I was still able to make at least an excuse. Since he was once seen frequenting the library, most of the information is written in ‘records’.

However, it is nowhere written that a user who has been revived by a wish cannot return.

In fact, the direct keyword for ‘return’ is revealed when attacking ‘Terra’, so if children ask me about the source of the fact, my current position will be quite difficult.

To be honest, I have no intention of bringing back Shin Sang-yong. I thought that was right and it will not change in the future.

I only gave permission for Ahn Hyeon to use the wish, and I was planning to watch from a position of help to the extent possible.

Anyway, putting that aside, I think it’s better to tell me in advance if you can. If Ahn Hyun truly cares about Shin Sang-yong, I don’t want him to go through the same pain I went through.

‘In the end, the answer lies with Seraph.’

In the first round, I didn’t ask because I thought I would definitely be able to go back. And Seraph said that she didn’t say it for me.

Of course, I don’t completely believe what Seraph said, but I felt the need to visit the temple sometime soon. Because she can decide whether or not she can tell her children based on her answers.

‘Should we just go right now?’

A thought suddenly occurred to me and I looked up at the sky for no reason.

Was I thinking too deeply? Some time had passed, and the cloudy sky had suddenly taken on vivid colors. After taking a gulp of slightly cooled tea, I slowly stood up.


“Once a user dies, he or she can no longer be revived as a user. To that extent, it is safe to say that they will be created as new residents.”

“… Then one more question. Are there any cases where residents go to Earth?”

“doesn’t exist. The Earth and the Hole Plane have a one-way relationship, not a two-way relationship. Earthlings can go back because there is a passage they entered once, but residents cannot move in the first place.”

Hall Plain, Summoning Room.

In a space filled with slight darkness, there is an angel waving his white wings on the altar, and a man is sitting down right in front of him. It was Seraph and Kim Soo-hyun.

“then… .”

After one conversation.

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun looked at him with a slight pause, and Seraph nodded heavily.

“Users brought back by a wish are residents. “It’s no different.”

In response to Seraph’s answer, a look flashed across Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes.

“… is it.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who quickly answered calmly, let out a short sigh and calmly stood up. It wasn’t a face of great shock, but if you looked closely, you could see that it had quite a complex expression.

“Then the fact is…” . why… .”

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth for a moment, but then trailed off again, as if he was thinking about something.

“… … .”

While Kim Soo-hyun was thinking like that, Seraph stared into his eyes and also thought.

His tone and attitude toward himself were still cold, but at least he didn’t seem to be alive. And more than anything, the icy eyes seem to have become slightly more sensitive.

Even though the gaze was not directed at her, she felt relieved and unexpectedly satisfied.

“Tsk. no. “Anyway, I’ll stick to the facts I told you.”

“I would appreciate it if you could do so.”

It seemed like there was still something he wanted to ask, but Kim Soo-hyun quickly turned around and walked toward the blue portal. And seeing him burying himself without delay, Seraph sighed softly.

“… after.”

Eventually, in the space where she was left alone again, Seraph gently closed her eyes. It seemed to have calmed down a bit now, and the fluttering of his wings had already returned to their original state.

It was then.


For a moment, a bright light burst from the side of the altar, and then an angel walked out among the dazzling group of lights that seemed to color the air.


Since there was no warning whatsoever, the startled Seraph opened his closed eyes and turned his head. And the moment he checked the summoned angel, he frowned slightly.

“… What is going on here? Uriel.”

“It looks like you are not very happy about my arrival. “Seraph.”

“… … .”

“Don’t you think it’s quite arrogant for a high-ranking angel?”

Despite the blatant criticism of the angel with slightly wavy hair, Seraph remained silent. Uriel, who was glaring at her as hard as he could, brushed aside her jet-black hair along with her shallow breath.

“Well, okay. That aside… . “That user came a little while ago, right?”

“If you are referring to Kim Soo-hyun, the user I am in charge of, then that is correct.”

“I’m not hiding it… . good. Then why did you tell me that? It would be best to keep the facts about the hole plane secret if possible. If that fact spreads around the Northern Continent, users’ trust in angels will hit rock bottom. “Could it be that you don’t know?”

“I only disclosed information that could be disclosed, and users were left to draw their own conclusions. Of course, I partly agree with what Uriel said. So, users were promised not to spread information about this matter.”

“What about the oath?”

“… “I didn’t even take the pledge.”

Seraph answered consistently without being at all intimidated, and Uriel’s face, which had calmed down at first glance, slightly distorted again.

“Seraph. I’m sure I’ve been telling you this over and over again since your user came in. “That person is suspicious and dangerous.”

“… So, last time you asked me to withdraw my Tanay level privilege?”

“okay. We can’t touch that privilege, but after reviewing it, we were thinking of finding it unfair and requesting it be revoked upwards. Of course, it’s just a simple request that isn’t certain, but… . Still, if you want to at least try that, you can’t help it, right? And you, the angel in charge, are the only ones qualified to propose it.”

“That’s right. “And you think I’ll agree?”

When Seraph answered quietly, Uriel could no longer hold back.

“It looks like they won’t listen if you say it in words.”

Uriel let out a soft word and then lightly waved his hand once.

What happened after that, I couldn’t feel any sound or flow. However, Seraph’s body, which was sitting on the altar, was forcibly lifted up for a moment, and then rose into the air, appearing as if it were hanging.

As if some unknown force was pressing around her neck, she let out a violent cough.

“Tsk! Cough, Cough!”

“Seraph. “I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

“W-what! Cough!”

“I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with protecting that user. huh? Starting with giving Hwajeong in the first place. He refused to change the person in charge, and even though I told him not to increase his stamina, he actually said the opposite. And now even useless information? “What have you been hearing from me all this time?”

Seraph was unable to respond as the pressure became increasingly tight, and only coughed helplessly. But even in the midst of such pain, she did not give up. Instead, she raised her eyes and glared at Uriel, biting her lip gently. Her appearance seemed to be an expression of her will that she had absolutely no intention of following her words.

Uriel was about to throw up his hand once more, perhaps even angrier at such an attitude.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

At that moment, three groups of lights exploded in succession, turning the summoning room white, and soon three angels appeared at the same time.

Uriel, who was about to wave his hand, quickly turned his head and stopped moving with a puzzled look on his face as soon as he saw the angels walking out as well.

“Gabriel… ? Michael, Raphael.”

“Woohuhu. What are you doing now? “Uriel.”

Just before the light faded, a leisurely voice echoed through the space.

Soon, the long hair touched the floor first, followed by the spotless white feet. Also, seeing as there were as many as 12 pairs of wings on its back, it seemed that the first angel to come down was Gabriel.

“What’s going on here… .”

“What are you doing now?”

“This, this.”

Uriel bit his lip with a puzzled look on his face and then slowly withdrew his hand. Then the Seraph that had been hanging in the air fell onto her altar again, and she coughed weakly, stroking her neck with her exhausted face.

“Seraph. “Are you okay?”

“yes. it’s okay. “There were just a few minor arguments.”

Even as they spoke, Seraph and Uriel’s faces looked quite awkward. Gabrielle looked at the two faces in turn and giggled.

“It’s a petty quarrel. Do not lie. “Considering Uriel’s behavior so far, it’s not a trivial argument.”

“… “I won’t deny it.”

“It’s nice because it’s cool. “Then, along with some punishment, I’ll have to swear that I won’t do this again, right?”

Gabriel tilted his head slightly, still with a smile on his face.

“I will endure the punishment. “But you can’t make oaths.”

However, Uriel answers bluntly. In some ways, it was a direct challenge to the authority of Archangel Gabriel, but she showed no reaction. However, the smile on her lips became even deeper.

“Are you saying you won’t follow me even if I do something wrong?”

“I don’t think it was a wrong move.”

“why? why?”

“Haven’t I already told you this many times? The user named Kim Soo-hyun is very dangerous and suspicious. So he must take more power than is given to him, and he must limit information as much as possible.”

With an honest attitude that still did not break his will, Gabriel calmly placed his butt on the altar where Seraph was sitting. Immediately, he grabbed Seraph’s wings as he tried to raise his body and opened his beautiful lips.

“Uriel, Uriel. “I don’t know why you’re so worried.”

“… Tanay level privilege granted from the beginning. Hwajeong’s possession. And the activity on Hall Plain as if it knew something. “Do you still have no idea?”

“I’m curious. But right now, there is nothing bad in the end, right? He killed Belphegor before, and he killed Nergal again. no. Overall, the devil’s plan was successfully thwarted. “What on earth is so bad about this?”

“Certainly, as of now, that is the case. “But Gabriel.”

Uriel tried to open his mouth once more in a pleading tone, but she closed her mouth for a moment. Before she knew it, she had been pushed in, because a spear emitting hot heat was pointed at her slender neck.

“I advise you not to open your mouth any more. “Uriel.”

Uriel alternately looked at Michael, who was silently looking at him, and Raphael, who was squatting on one side and smiling. Then he gritted his teeth in anger.

“I was in the middle of talking. “Michael.”

“Okay, okay. I was talking. Michael? “Remove your spear.”

When Gabriel held out his hand as if it was okay, Michael calmly stared at Uriel and quickly took a step back.

Eventually, Uriel stroked his neck once and glared at Seraph fiercely. Then, Gabriel leisurely wrapped his arms around Seraph and spoke in a calm tone.

“Uriel. “Did the user in charge die recently?”

“If you are talking about the awakened queen-to-be, she was recently murdered by Kim Soo-hyun.”

“There is no need to emphasize the name Kim Soo-hyun. Anyway, I will bury this matter at my own discretion, so I am staying on guard until a new user comes in.”

“All right. “But I would like to say one last thing.”

“If you say the same thing, I won’t allow it.”

Gabriel answered clearly. Perhaps sensing that this was the Maginot Line and his will to endure until this point, Uriel’s neck moved significantly once. However, as some time passed, Uriel finally opened his mouth.

“Hwajeong is a terrifying force.”

At that moment, the three angels who appeared simultaneously stopped breathing. Gabriel also seemed to be surprised by these words, so he gently raised his eyes.

Uriel, encouraged by this, continued speaking in a slightly calmer tone.

“And he achieved Hwajeong’s first awakening not long ago.”

“Uriel. “What do you want to say?”

“If this continues, the probability that he will hold the zero code is quite high. So, we took this action to prevent the unfortunate event of him getting a zero code.”

“What is that… ? No wait. “Miyeon’s misfortune?”

At first glance, it seemed like nonsense from the angel’s point of view. But Gabriel did not get angry right away. He looked like he was thinking deeply as he chewed over his words, and then he opened his mouth softly.

“So what you’re saying is…” . “Is there a chance he’s collaborating with the devil?”

“It would be unlikely. They are in a position where they have to use zero code, and users are also in a position where they have to use zero code. Therefore, since there is only one zero code, it seems unlikely that they will join hands as their purposes are in conflict.”



Uriel answered immediately, paused slightly, and then continued speaking in a deep voice.

“He surrounded the world called Hol Plain…” . So, us and the devil. And how would you react if you found out the secrets of Earth?”

“Secret and reaction.”

Gabriel seemed to have realized Uriel’s inner thoughts only then, nodding his head once or twice. Then he suddenly shook his head from side to side and answered in a much calmer voice than before.

“The activation of the zero code is always done through us. So I don’t think he’ll make a stupid decision. In other words, your worries are premature and unfounded.”

“well. Of course, it could be unlucky. But he is against the angels. “As the issue of replacing the assistant in charge was once discussed, everyone knows what his attitude is.”

“… “Umm.”

“Everyone is feeling very comfortable. Think more deeply. When her stamina is raised to 100, Hwajeong’s 2nd awakening begins, and when her health is raised to 101, her 3rd and final awakening begins. And just in case… . If you raise it more than that. It is highly likely that Hwajeong will escape the setting on her own and regain her original power according to her own will.”

“… … .”

As if he had finally said everything he wanted to say, Uriel slowly took a step back. Then, he looked around at the angels inside the space one by one and opened his mouth.

“It is literally the power to edit this ‘world.’”

Soon, her whole body slowly began to be engulfed in bright light.

“If he found out all the secrets. “I just pray that the point of his sword filled with anger doesn’t turn towards us.”


After a while.

The words left by Uriel, who disappeared along with a group of brilliant lights, soon lingered like a lingering sound along with the falling light powder.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

If you have any questions after reading today’s content, you may get some insight by watching the ‘After’ part of episode 121. In the end, just before returning, Seraph lied to Kim Soo-hyun once again. 😀


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not work with dark mode