Memorize Chapter 39

00039 Make an Offer ———————————————– ————————–=

* Today’s review is very long. Riripple will take a day off for episode 39 only. However, there are important contents, so please read them at least once. (Please do not get caught in page fishing.) I plan to conclude today’s review by clearly organizing my position on reviews and Riripple. We ask for your understanding, readers.

“Humans living in this Hole Plain can be roughly divided into two categories: residents who originally lived in the Hole Plain, and users who came in through angels. However, it would be a mistake to think that all users are the same.”

“Not the same user?”

Hyunwoo nodded to Hanbyeol’s question.

“There are users who strive to return to Earth, and there are also users who just settle down and live in the Hole Plain. In other words, they are people who have converted to become residents of the Hole Plain. Hmm… it’s a little strange to say that they have converted. To put it simply, “You can think of them as people who refuse to return to Earth.”

He seemed to be thirsty, so he swallowed once and continued speaking. I started to get more and more excited about what he would say.

“The same goes for the Golden Lion Clan members, and you all have the same desire to return to Earth. We are still working hard and gathering clues for our return. However, the users who have settled in the Hole Plane are different. They want to live in the Hole Plane forever. “I’m doing it.”

“Then wouldn’t it be okay to leave those people alone and unite the users who want to return?”

It was a straightforward theory, but unfortunately, the reality is not so easy. In response to Hanbyeol’s question, Hyunwoo shook his head.

“Reality cannot be divided so simply. Holeplane is not a game. It is one reality, the world. Many interests are complexly intertwined and conflicting. They are trying to find a way for us to return to Earth. “We are doing our best to thwart our plans at all costs to prevent them from being found.”

Are you talking about vagabonds? For example, there is a clan called Murder Brigade. Although it is not a clan that has been created yet, it is one of the representative clans where the users mentioned by Hyunwoo gather. It was a gathering of about ten people, all psychos who felt pleasure in killing people one by one, even if they had nothing special. I remembered that the time of its creation was probably after the First Coalition War, which would occur soon.

As a side note, their end was quite violent. Even when the Northern Continent crossed the Iron Mountains and entered Atlanta (it may not be right to call it entry), they continued their activities and accidentally touched one of the users of the Red Fang Clan, which owned the large city. And under the enraged Woo Jung-min and Seon Yu-un, they were subjugated without a single person left.

“They do not hesitate to kill fellow users for their own purposes. Of course, there are many users who just calmly settle down in the hole plane, but there are also such dangerous types.”

A heavy silence fell on the square. Most of them thought of humans as being on the same side, but they never seemed to think about the possibility that they could become enemies. Of course, there may be users like Park Dong-geol who have a sad face. Either they have already committed murder, or they committed murder for some reason as a rite of passage… .

“Now they are operating in the shadows so as not to be revealed to the public. However, their power is still at a level that cannot be ignored. They are watching for any opportunity to catch any opportunity and attack the world immediately if they have the chance. The user who asked the question now is Academy. “You asked about its true purpose, right? Here’s our answer.”

He stared intensely at Hanbyeol for a moment and then continued speaking.

“New users who have just arrived are bound to become their targets. They can either make them allies or satisfy their own needs. The User Academy protects and teaches new users from their demons. Join forces with us. “It is a building that serves as a cornerstone for nurturing talent who can fight against them. That is why we, as well as angels, recommend going there in the beginning. From the perspective of new users, there is nothing to lose.”

The point of Hyunwoo’s words was ultimately to help each other. Existing users protect early new users from risks and help them adapt to the hole plane. And new users grow based on those things and become users who can do their part. Then, it was said that users who had grown that much would become valuable power for that city and continent.

Hanbyeol sat down with a satisfied expression. Seeing that everyone around me agreed, it seemed like they all agreed with Hyunwoo’s words. Just one person. Except me. Of course, everything he said was true and there was no explanation that was incorrect. And going into the academy in the beginning was something I wanted to do in the first place, so I had no complaints at all. But he didn’t tell the whole truth.

If you are looking for the reason why the First Coalition War broke out in the first place, what he said was missing the most important part. It was very annoying to hear a member of the Golden Lion Clan, who was the cause that started the war, say something like that.

He was talking harshly while criticizing the vagabonds who were operating in the shadows. Vagrants are not vagabonds for nothing. Those who are serious can see each Toshima as a duck egg from the Nakdong River, with a wanted poster hanging on it and not being welcomed anywhere they go. At least within this northern continent.

Then I wanted to ask again. Aren’t you all ultimately the same? Of course, I wasn’t siding with the vagabonds. However, I believe that existing users are no different in their actions to protect and take away existing vested rights.

In fact, in the first hole plane, there was a time when I went through a deadly situation, crossed the Steel Mountains, and took over Atlanta. However, with the support of other continents and the alliance of other clans that took advantage of the gap, they suffered a setback in losing Atlanta, which they had occupied at best. (Afterwards, they became desperate and fought to recapture Atlanta, which is considered one of the worst battles of all time, along with the Ragnarok siege and annihilation battle. I got it back.)

There is a famous saying in Hall Plain: Users with similar interests come together to form a clan. Clans with a common enemy come together to form an alliance. In other words, whether it’s a clan or a group of vagrants, they are all idiots who take up swords whenever necessary. But seeing him package his words so cleverly made me feel hot inside. No matter how much you say there is no need or reason to say such things to new users, from what I heard from first-hand experience, it was an unreasonable statement.

Just as I was barely able to calm my stomach and compose myself, I could see Hanbyul sitting down again. It seemed like there was some affirmation of what he said. It was something that could not be helped. Hyunwoo’s words were valid as long as he had not experienced what direction the hole plane would take in the future. When he turned his head back to the center stage, he was heaving a sigh of relief, as if he had never thought he would be asked this question.

“I didn’t expect that three or four questions would take this long. From what I see, I often see people who are tired… I think it would be better to end here today. First of all, I recommend you get a good night’s sleep today. Training starts tomorrow. Then right now. “We will go to the accommodation according to the guides’ instructions.”

He said, “Yubin. Cancel voice amplification magic,” and then gave instructions to the users waiting around. Soon, Hyunwoo walked off the stage as the users who had received his instructions walked towards us.

And just before he went down the stairs, he turned his head and his eyes turned to the users gathered on the stairs. The gaze was only for a moment, but I could see Hyunwoo looking at Hanbyeol. Her deep interest in him seemed to be reflected in his eyes. She quickly looked towards Hanbyul and saw that she was also exchanging her gaze with him. I felt uncomfortable for a moment.

In the case of large clans that have grown to a certain degree, there are many users who want to join, but there are cases where they merge with smaller clans or take advantage of new users who show some potential. It was one of the privileges of the clan representing the big city, so it was difficult to touch.

I thought that Hyunwoo’s interest in Hanbyeol may have stemmed from that aspect. And I am. I don’t know why, but I had a strong feeling that Hanbyul would receive an offer from the Golden Lion Clan.


When we arrived at the accommodation inside the academy, it was already dark and could be considered night. According to the initial classification of accommodation, 8 people were put into one room. Ahn Hyun, who is quick-witted, slightly left the group and joined me next to him, so Hyun and I could share the same dorm.

As for sleeping, there was nothing special with just a mattress and two blankets. In some ways, it was so shabby that it could be said to be quite poor. People who saw it for the first time grumbled, but users who appeared to be reserve forces went inside without saying anything and went to sleep. To that extent, the user academy had facilities similar to the military.

The training instructor smiled darkly and said that he would guarantee a certain amount of freedom today. (As soon as I heard that, I asked for the beginning of the year. Without saying anything, he brought out some of the values ​​he had.) Despite what he said, everyone All the users except me fell asleep immediately, probably because they were tired.

Ahn Hyun fell asleep next to me, and honestly, I felt a little burdened about doing this. As I was looking at his face, I saw him lick his mouth as if he was dreaming. Is he even dreaming of eating? I thought it was really comfortable and just laughed.

The Northern Continent’s User Academy is famous for its notorious training even across the entire continent. There are many more training options than you can imagine. There will be a total of 13 weeks of training, and as the training goes beyond common sense, I was worried about whether the kids would be able to endure it.


My heart feels tight. She had been sighing deeply for a while now. As I thought carefully about why that was, I was able to discover a single thought that filled his head. In my head, I kept recalling the scene where Hyunwoo and Hanbyeol were looking at each other.

The more I tried to shake it off and sleep, the more my head seemed to become more complicated. After tossing and turning for a while, I finally got up. After roughly putting on the slippers that were scattered on the floor below, I opened the tightly closed door of my dorm. As I entered the dark hallway, I felt a cold chill cooling my body. After savoring the cold air for a moment, I reached into my pocket, took out a piece of tobacco I had gotten from the instructor, and put it in my mouth.

After sensing the surroundings, I confirmed that no one was there. I created a weak magical power and slowly sent it to my fingertips. Hwareuk. The spark that ignited with a flickering sound burned the end of the tobacco and disappeared. I immediately took a deep sip.


The accommodations for male and female users are in separate buildings. Surprisingly, she was classified as a person with magic power, which was understandable since her magic level was the highest anyway. The clan lord I served before was a combat type. Without realizing it, I felt regretful.

At first, he just treated Ahn Hyeon and his group as a means and purpose. And even now, the ultimate goal has not changed. There is just a change in thinking. I admit that there is something special about Hanbyul that makes him different from regular users, but honestly, I couldn’t have expected him to be this shaken.

Could it be that he had developed an affection for her all this time? Or romantic feelings? I immediately shook my head at the ridiculous thought. Accordingly, glowing ashes scatter in the air.

The only person who knows myself well is myself. I know myself well. Given my dry personality, the thought of becoming intimate with someone I had only known for a week was nonsense and not worth even thinking about. At that moment, I realized one thing. Why was she disappointed when she was classified as a magical talent?

From our first meeting and every time I saw her during our rites of passage, I thought of this woman. The woman was one of the users I followed wholeheartedly in the first round. I thought maybe I was seeing Han So-young in Kim Han-byeol all this time. As I thought about that, a bitter feeling filled my heart. Because it was funny to see myself worrying about something that didn’t matter.

I dropped the tobacco, rubbed it out, and turned around. There was a lot to do and a lot to think about. I wanted to refrain from dwelling on unproductive worries.

I still couldn’t sleep. But I tried to force myself to sleep. I was willing to knock myself out if necessary. I quietly opened the door and entered the room.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The reason why Soo-hyeon does that is because she still can’t forget Han So-young’s nostalgia. During her rite of passage, there were quite a few moments where Hanbyeol reminded me of her.

As previously promised, the User Academy will be completed within two episodes. As such, there are many parts that are skipped.

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Sunday has passed. It’s Monday. yes. It’s Monday. ha… . ㅜ.ㅠ

Yesterday, I uploaded 9K in pure capacity, but I heard a lot of people saying that the amount was small.

So. That’s it. Ugh. sorry.

When posting for the first time, it must be uploaded at 8K or higher, excluding the prologue. I said that, but then I received a message saying that 10K is the maximum, so I should raise it to around 10K. I thought so, so I raised the number to 9K, but I guess the readers didn’t like it. ㅜ.ㅠ

We hope for the readers’ generosity and understanding.

And the review… . yes. I think some people may find the review uncomfortable. But to tell you my honest feelings, I don’t want to stop writing reviews or re-ripples. When I write a review, I start writing about 20 to 30 minutes before I post it.

These days, I can’t participate in the training. sorry.

Development is slow. Sorry. (Slow down the necessary parts. Skip the fast parts.)

Some people tell me to write more when I have time to write a review… I post one video a day, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. I think it’s so sad that I can’t devote that much time to myself.

As I said before, I really enjoy writing reviews. What kind of comments will there be if I upload this episode? Would you say it was fun? What part is lacking? Which part are you curious about?

When I first decided to re-serialize Memorize, I wanted to communicate freely with readers. So, I chose Ripple and Reviews. There is absolutely no grand reason. Really I’m talking to you. That’s just one reason.

I will try to set the capacity to 10K or more as much as possible. So, I would like to ask for the understanding of those who are bothered by reviews and reripple taking up their pages. It seems like the story is quite long. If any readers are offended by today’s review, I would like to sincerely apologize.

From episode 40 onwards, we will resume reviews and reviews. I have read all of your comments without fail. Thank you. (I will do a review of episodes 38 and 39 together with the review of episode 40. Sorry.)


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not work with dark mode