MEMORIZE Chapter 388

00388 has changed. It hasn’t changed. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was then. A sudden chill comes over her entire body. As I took a deep breath, I could feel the cold air that made my bones tingle.

‘lonely… .’

Finally, the moment I thought I was lonely, I was so startled that my eyes strained.

Loneliness, solitude, and loneliness… .

In the past, I lived with these feelings all the time, and as such, I got used to them. That was normal.

However, the feeling of loneliness I felt a little while ago was a very unfamiliar feeling to me now.

At the same time, the faces of my brother, Han So-young, Ko Yeon-ju, and Jeong Ha-yeon appeared one after another, but then disappeared.

Right now, for the first time in a long time, I was thinking, ‘I wish someone would be by my side.’

‘… … .’

My body was still tired and was constantly asking for sleep. But I felt like I would become infinitely more emotional if I continued to lie like this.


Finally, I couldn’t bear it any longer and jumped out of bed.

Well done!

A faint metallic sound came from my belt, slightly shaking the silence that had fallen. As I habitually felt my waist, I felt a chill and felt the cold ‘Glory of Victoria’. At the same time, a bloody bed sheet is visible in the moonlight shining through the window.


The moment I checked the stained sheets, I burst out laughing. Not only did he sleep with his sword on, but he also lay down on the bed without even washing himself. Looking at it like this, it is clear that I too was losing my mind one way or another.

I immediately put down my sword to draw the ‘Glory of the Sun’. Originally, I was planning to go down to the underground gym and sweat it out, but I changed my mind.

Once you remove the blood stains from your entire body and soak in hot water, the uncomfortable feeling will go away. Then you might fall asleep.

‘The large bathhouse… . Was it in the basement of the annex?’

Without delay, I left the room and took the stairs. Since it is early morning anyway, you will be able to enjoy a leisurely bath without any disturbance.


My thoughts were shattered as soon as I reached the basement level of the annex. Even though it was dawn with stars shining in the night sky, the lights were brightly turned on in the bathroom.

I stood right in front of the bathroom and scratched my head for a moment, but then slowly began to undress. I didn’t think it would make much of a difference since the bathroom was built as a public facility anyway and was divided into men’s only and women’s only.

Of course, there was some reluctance to show the scars all over the body… .

‘I’ve already seen that once.’

When I was staying at the inn ‘Respectful Lady’, there was an incident where I was forced to take my clothes off in full view of the kids. The culprit was Go Yeon-ju. Was what she said back then, “This is how a man’s clothes are taken off?”

With a wry smile at the thought that suddenly occurred to me, I picked up one of the provided cloths. And I weakly pushed open the steamy door.

As I entered the bathhouse, I saw an interior filled with pale-colored steam and several bathing facilities provided in the vast space. On one side, shower facilities using magic circles were arranged neatly, and from the center to the other side, there were baths and saunas.

When they first built Mercantile House, they said they made it as similar to Hyundai as possible, and it was so similar that it made you nod your head.

Shoot! Shoot!

I could hear the cool sound of water pouring as if someone was already using the shower facility. I had to wash my body before entering the bath, and in order to check who it was, I walked in the hot steam.

Slap, slap! Slap, slap!

The bathhouse was so soaked with water that every time I stepped on it, it made a sound like hitting the shallow water. And through the soft pumpkin light, a vaguely familiar figure began to appear.

‘huh? long straight hair?’

At that moment, I immediately stopped walking due to a strange feeling. Even at first glance, the long straight hair showed that the person in front of me was a woman. At the same time, I was confident. The identity of the woman is definitely not Go Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon.

At first, I was confused as to whether I had mistaken it for a bathroom, but I immediately shook my head. I had clearly confirmed that it was for men only.

For a moment, I wondered if I should go back.

However, my eyes were already watching closely ahead, regardless of my will. The faint, dreamy rising steam did not cause any disturbance. Because I ended up boosting my eye strength without even realizing it.

Then, the figure turned slightly to the side was naked, as white as snow, without a single thread on it.

The shape of the breasts visible from beneath the smooth shoulders is truly very desirable. The breasts, which were fully raised, had the shape of slightly drooping water drops due to their large size. At the top of the hill, pink nipples that stood out like strawberries on a cake were shyly showing themselves.

The S-shaped curve extending from the narrow waist below exposed the firm, bulging buttocks without any filtering. It was shaking back and forth from time to time, as if I was looking at a white moon.

That wasn’t all. Her legs, which extend from elastic thighs as if coated with honey to smooth calves, were showing off a fresh, sensual, and ripe beauty.

It was then. For a moment, the woman’s movements stopped. Then, her wet hair was vigorously splashed and she started moving again, but her subsequent movements felt somewhat unnatural, different from before.

‘Did you notice?’

“Lalala. “Lalalala.”

I thought it took a moment, but soon the woman started humming.

‘… Did I see it wrong?’

I was distracted for a while, but soon came to my senses when I heard the sound of the water turning off. And she slowly closed her eyes as she saw the woman’s face turning around.

The moment I confirmed it was Im Hanna, I internally blamed myself.

I still have a long way to go. He’s a guy with a lack of mental discipline.

‘Go Yeon-ju, Jeong Ha-yeon. I’m sorry.’


I can hear the exclamation that tells me I was surprised. I still closed my eyes and then quickly wrapped the cloth around my lower body. The one good thing is that my penis didn’t swell up without a solution.

“Oh my. Mercenary Road.”

“I’m sorry. User Lim Hanna.”

Im Hanna’s voice that followed was quite gentle and calm, considering she had let out a surprised exclamation. I tilted my head and continued speaking with my eyes still closed.

“It’s a men-only bath… . I didn’t know there was a user named Hannah Lim. I am really sorry.”

Actually, I’ve already seen almost everything there is to see, but I thought I should at least make an excuse.

And I immediately turned around. It’s a shame that we can’t use the hot bath and sauna, but we can’t have mixed bathing like this, right?

It was the moment when I took a quick step forward.

“Now, just a moment. Mercenary Road. “Are you sure you haven’t washed yet?”

At that moment, I felt a soft hand quickly grabbing my hand. Listening to what he said next, it seemed like he was talking about the countless blood stains on his body.

“Didn’t you come to wash up? no. I think you need to wash up. “It was so dry.”

“Yes, but… . “It also has a private bathroom.”

“Still, you came anyway… . Just do it here. “If you’re leaving because of me, it’s okay with me.”


Sararak, Sararak.

“ah. You can open your eyes now. You can do it like this. Hehehe.”

At those words, I suddenly opened my eyes. At the same time, I was able to see Im Hanna smiling sweetly with a cloth wrapped all over her body.

‘if… . ‘Did you know from the moment I came in?’

no way. Probably not.

It was a slightly incomprehensible reaction, but I nodded, thinking it was his personality.

“I don’t know if it won’t be a nuisance. “I’m really fine.”

“Lungs. Rather, I am a lung. “I’m sorry for coming in without permission.”

“Now that I think about it, why… .”

“ah. “Vivien is currently using the women-only space.”

I frowned slightly at the explanation that was difficult to understand. Perhaps sensing my presence, Im Hanna cast her eyes to her side and added her words.

“You said you wanted to be alone.”

And the words that followed were truly shocking.

“… yes?”

“It seems like they are telling me to leave… . And it was burdensome for me to do the same. “You’re so depressed.”

“No, anyway… . I am indeed. “Just leave this guy.”

“Oh, no! I completely understand Vivien’s feelings, and I came here because I like doing things alone, so don’t be too angry. To be honest, I have secretly used it in the early morning a few times before… .”

I felt an absurd feeling as I watched Lim Hanna slightly stick out her tongue. “It’s a habit,” she said. Because she likes to do things alone. And in the women-only area, there tends to be a bit of competition even in the early morning. In contrast, men-only… .” She trailed off and laughed bitterly.

I shook my head.

“This is so… . Anyway, I’ll tell Vivian later. However, I hope user Lim Hanna will also avoid doing this next time. “Because something unexpected could happen like this one.”

“yes. All right. I won’t do that again. And I’m sorry for surprising you.”

I let out a short sigh and thought of Vivien. For now, I was thinking of taking caution this time. If you think about it, she was the person who spent the most time with Shin Sang-yong, and since she was his first official disciple, her attachment was also great.

Before long, I gently stared at Im Hanna. I thought she might leave, but seeing that she just looked sorry, it seemed like she had no intention of leaving her place.

“It will be difficult to simply erase blood stains that have been around for a long time. “It would be better to take a quick wash first and then soak your body in a hot bath.”

“Yes, but… . By the way, were you taking a bath?”

“ah. yes. I was just about to start… .”

“… Then I’ll just wash up as quickly as possible and get out of the way.”

“Oh, no.”

I was finally able to pass by Hannah Im and land in the empty shower booth. Perhaps because it was the place she had used a while ago, a faint scent reached her nose. After tightly tying the cloth covering the lower part, I lightly pressed the magic button. And then I started to wipe my body with the water that started pouring down.

Shoot! Shoot!

‘If you want to completely get rid of it, it’s better to use a bath… .’

I glanced to the side. Meanwhile, Im Hanna was staring at me.

‘… … .’

Those looks really bothered me, but I couldn’t find anything to say because of the sin I had committed. What is there to say since I just raised my eyesight a little while ago?

So, I thought it would be a good idea to just rub it hard with water and get out quickly.

“After a while… .”

It was then. When he was almost finished, a light sigh was heard next to him.

“He’s a really stuffy person… .”

And as I continued to talk to myself, I felt a bit nauseous.

It was then.

Slap, slap. Slap, slap.

With my senses so sensitive, I can hear the sound of stepping on the bottom of the water. When I turned my head to see if she was going out, I could see Im Hanna coming closer to me. And before I could open my mouth, she gently stretched out her arms, and soon I could feel a soft hand on her back.

“There are still some left here.”

The moment I finally felt a soft touch running down my back, I belatedly released my lips.

“User Lim Hanna.”

“Merchionary Road.”

“What are you doing now… .”


At that moment, I opened my eyes wide and stared at Im Hanna. At the same time, even though what she said was second to none, she suddenly put her words to me.

I was embarrassed for a moment, but then I thought it was a mistake. Now that I think about it, in the past… .

‘That’s why I wanted to have a friend.’

‘Then will you be friends with me? It may be difficult in public settings, but in private we can talk freely.’

‘Oh, no! How dare I tell the clan lord… . ‘I never meant it that way.’

‘I’m fine.’

‘I… . Well then, I’ll be speaking louder for a while, so can the clan lord speak less to me?’

‘okay. Then, I’ll try to speak more comfortably in private from now on.’

‘thank you. I’ll talk more comfortably later when I get used to it.’

In an instant, many memories pass by.

There was certainly a time when that was the case.

However, Im Hanna continued to speak kindly to me, and before I knew it, I was treating her with respect again.

Anyway, even so, it was still surprising. I never expected Im Hanna to come out like this.

However, Im Hanna paid no heed to that and continued speaking calmly.

“I have something to tell you.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1) This episode and the next episode are the process of unraveling Im Hanna’s foreshadowing and refining Soo-hyeon’s inner self. (There is no bed scene planned in Im Hanna. Sorry. Nod. _(__)_)

2) There are about 4 to 5 episodes left until completion. After completing Part 1, the direction of the series has almost been decided. Accordingly, we made some changes to the final idea. Once I have made a clear decision, I will notify you in a review.

3) It’s not that I can’t write these days, it’s that I’m very tired. Thank you for your concern. Still, I will run without a puncture until Part 1 is completed.


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not work with dark mode