MEMORIZE Chapter 384

00384 End of War ———————————————- ————————–=


The moment the ‘Area declared’ was shouted, dazzlingly clear fireworks colored the sky. Even though I had increased my eyesight with magic, my vision was so far away that it seemed like it was lost for a moment.

I frowned reflexively. Then, when the light died down a little, I was able to barely check the situation.

Gooooo… .

The sky beneath the sky was already colored with red twilight. It feels like a gentle rhythm, like waves gently undulating at times.

The scene before my eyes was, as I could see, a flow of fire and righteousness.

“this guy! “What kind of trick are you trying to pull again?”

As if he himself felt an unusual energy, he heard Nergal screaming.

However, as if to tell her that it was already too late, Hwajeong immediately began her next move. The brilliant light that was fluttering through the air soon began to spread out and come down to form a film.

At the sight of the red sky seemingly falling, Nergal shouted in an urgent voice.

“Crimson Tempest!”


The fire storm swirling around Nergal’s body becomes even stronger. The vibration of the air became more severe and the rotation speed increased, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

It was then.


The clear light glided down like a wave and hit the ground. Nergal and I raised our heads at the same time. And saw.

The ‘territory declaration’ that was finally completed had a shape similar to a light red glass bowl covered upside down. and… .


Nergal’s panicked voice was heard. When I first glanced at his face, he was completely absurd. Before I knew it, the fire storm had completely stopped its action.

“Crimson Tempest!”

“… … .”

“Crimson Tempest! Crimson Tempest!”

“… … .”

“K-Crimson Tempest!”

The sight of people waving their hands around is now beyond comical and even pitiful. Although I wanted to see a little more, I immediately raised my left hand.

‘Area declaration’ is an ability that places an enormous burden on the body. No matter how much of a ‘miracle’ you receive, you must keep in mind the burden that will come later. The longer I wait, the less advantage there is for me.

‘I said it would follow my will…’ .’

“What a cowardly human being! “Can’t we solve this right now!”

“Crazy guy.”

After answering briefly, he aims at Nergal with his raised left hand. And then he spoke softly.

“Deep in color.”

Good luck! Grumble!

Then, the dark red flame that surrounded Nergal changed color at once as soon as I said those words. The color that changed was the color of Hwajeong, which had a clear light.

And when I confirmed it, I spoke right away.


It was that moment.


The firestorm that had been frozen in place exploded violently.

It was an explosion so large that it filled the field of vision. I frowned at the deafening roar, but this time I didn’t look away. And at the scene that followed, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

He only uttered two words.

However, the clear flame in front of me was soaring high enough to be well over 20 meters.

That wasn’t all. On the ground where Nergal stood, a large crater was visible in the aftermath of the explosion. As a result, dust rose into the air and soon melted without a trace as the flames took over everywhere.

Grumble! Grumble!

Nergal? He can’t even be seen. Let alone a scream, not even a trace of blood is visible.

The explosion was so powerful that Hwajeong still remained in the air even after the explosion. Like a complex tangle of electric wires, it was still showing off its presence, creating a shimmering haze.

Did 5 seconds pass like that?

Just when the sky, which was already stained red, was filled with deep twilight, a faint wisp of black smoke could be seen rising.

Only after seeing that, I exhaled weakly and immediately lifted the ‘territory declaration’. Then the translucent film immediately cleared, and the fire that was burning in front disappeared in an instant.

“… … .”

Before we knew it, there was nothing left where Nergal was standing. Only the thickly melted earth and slowly fading dust were proof of the explosion just moments ago.

Literally, the guy goes “squeak.” It exploded in one second without even making a sound.

Of course, Nergal aimed for the weakest timing. Still, this was a surprising result even for me.

‘Did you say that you can handle Hwajeong if you raise your stamina to 101?’

Thinking that I would have to think seriously about this issue when I got back, I slowly walked forward.

Because the battle is not over yet.

As was the case in the battle with Belphegor, demons basically have two lives. During the first round, it was not uncommon for people to miss the demons they killed once because they were not aware of this fact.

And in that sense, the answer was to revive Nergal once more.

However, when I checked with my third eye to see if Nergal was dead, no information came to mind. This was proof that Hwajeong’s explosion had definitely killed him a little while ago.

There are two ways to reliably kill a demon.

The first is the cumbersome method of killing twice, since you only have two lives.

The second is to use an attack strong enough to blow away the second life at once when taking the first life.

I chose the second method. That is why we went through the process of “dye it in” rather than just “explode it.” My desire to deal with it as quickly as possible, combined with the special nature of Hwajeong, caused Nergal to explode in an instant. As a result, a decision was made that took away his second life in one fell swoop.

Anyway, Nergal is dead. Having confirmed it with my third eye, it was a fact so certain that there was no room for doubt.

At that time, a thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘What if Beelzebub finds out about this?’

I don’t know what Simon has been through so far. He doesn’t know why he became like this, or how he came to receive the ‘devil seed’. However, there may have been a time when he also went through a rite of passage, and he would not have been like this from the beginning.

However, one thing is clear: unlike Belphegor, who was summoned by chance, Nergal is likely to be a process thoroughly planned by them.

I don’t know how long it took, but it was stopped through this war, so I was curious to see how the monarch-level demons would react when they found out about this.

“After a while… .”

I take a long breath and raise my head.

The sky, which had been red a moment ago, was now blue again.

As I looked at the floating clouds in such a dazed mood, a sudden feeling of dizziness struck my head.

Even though I was dizzy, I smiled bitterly. Even if he was at his peak, it seems he couldn’t handle the ‘declaration of territory’.


By planting the ‘Glory of Victoria’ into the ground, it supports the body that is about to collapse. I wanted to just lie down and sleep like this, but I desperately held on to my body that was about to fall. And I tried to look calm and took a deep breath.

Perhaps because I had prepared in advance, I was able to endure it even though it was difficult compared to before when I fainted helplessly. It was a blessing in disguise.

Because, as I said before, the battle is not over yet.


While I was taking a moment to catch my breath and gain some strength, I heard something rustling. I cursed under my breath, but opened my mouth quietly with the intention of hitting the player first.

“Come out.”

– … … .

“… Out.”

Rustle, rustle, rustle!

For a moment, I wondered if this was the right expression. However, I soon heard the sound of stepping on dry leaves, so fortunately, I guess I understood (or maybe I did).

Soon, a woman came striding in front of me. I raised her strength and aimed my sword at her.

But the woman immediately raised both hands high in the sky. And she said.

– wait for a sec. I will surrender. I have no intention of fighting with you now.

I swallowed my saliva for a moment as he continued to speak fluent Korean. But soon I was able to nod my head. It looks like he is a wizard, and he appears to have used a translation spell.


– Yes.

I stared at the woman who nodded slightly for a moment.

Aside from saying she was surrendering, the woman’s attitude was quite confident. At the same time, she was quite a beauty.

She has attractive thin wavy hair that looks like it was made out of melted gold, and her uniquely Western white skin stands out. Her eyes sparkled bright orange as if they caught the sun, and her lips were also red like a ripe cherry.

Although there was blood here and there… . Her feminine beauty was so outstanding that it did not fade her beauty at all.

I took a moment to look at the woman’s face. Because I had to save up the strength to swing the sword properly at least once.

“Since when have you been hiding?”

In fact, when I realized it was when I achieved the ‘territory declaration’. In response to my question, the woman blinked once or twice and answered in a calm voice.

– When we barely broke through the siege, the commander-in-chief was no longer visible. As a result of my own tracking, I found him stuck in a tree.

“So you’ve been seeing it since then?”

– Yes.

“That’s funny. Watching your master suffer. And now that everything is over, let’s surrender.”

At my taunting, the woman shook her head left and right.

– no. I was going to come forward. However, just as he was about to leave, the commander’s appearance suddenly began to change. And I couldn’t help but be surprised by the monster that appeared. What on earth is that? Is this a demon that only appears in mythology?

“then… ?”

The moment I was about to continue what the woman said, I immediately put it back.

‘Because it could have been hidden.’

– and… .

Then the woman took a look at me and then calmly opened her mouth.

– if. you… . Isn’t that the monster back then?


– During the siege… . There was someone who blocked the spirit breath I activated. Judging from what I saw a moment ago, I think it was that monster back then.

“I activated it? Spirit Breath?”

At the meaningless words, I tilted my head for a moment. However, as a thought crossed her mind, she quickly used her third eye to display the woman’s user information.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Marcia Yesica (4th year)

2. Class: Secret, Elemental Shaman Of Fire, Master

3. Nation: Nebula

4. Clan: Tyrant

5. True Name • Nationality: Blessed by the Dragon • America

6. s*x: Female (25)

7. Height • Weight: 171.2cm • 54.7kg

8. Tendency: Neutral • Belief

[Strength 26] [Durability 38] [Dexterity 42] [Stamina 37] [Magic Power 92(+2)] [Luck 87]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

(Currently, he is close to exhaustion due to excessive use of magical energy. If he overdoes it, he may experience aftereffects such as a decline in his abilities. Sufficient recovery is required.)


I exclaimed inwardly. And as soon as I saw the user information, my head started spinning.

Why didn’t I think of Yongyeom (龍炎) when I saw it? Perhaps he had forgotten it for a moment due to Hwajeong’s sudden awakening.

“Even so… . A sudden surrender? “It’s a bit difficult for me.”

– I understand. But when I got out, most of my colleagues had already dispersed. And I also saw an incredible sight… . My mind is very confused right now, and I need time to think. I just thought it would be better to surrender and become a prisoner than to be chased like this.

“… … .”

– You may think it’s shameless to invade first, but I hope you understand it as the magnanimity of a winner. I will endure any punishment that comes with it.

The translation magic wasn’t perfect, so there were some awkward translation sounds here and there, but it didn’t really interfere with understanding.

After a while. After finishing the payment, I stared at the woman again. She was still holding her hands high and staring at me with her beautiful golden eyes.

It was then.

『The user’s health is below 30%. TOPG’s potential power, anger, is activated.』

『Strength, stamina, durability, and agility will be slightly increased for a while!』

As the ability was activated at the right time, I felt an instant of strength in my eyes. So, I slowly lowered the sword I had aimed. Then he slowly put it into the sheath and asked in a soft voice.

“Are there any colleagues similar to you around you? “People who are willing to surrender.”

A bright light flashed across the woman’s face for an instant, probably because she thought my reaction was positive. Meanwhile, I continued to explore her body with my third eye and slowly approached her.

– no. does not exist. There were a few comrades who escaped together, but they scattered or ran away as soon as they saw the monster.

“Right. i get it. “Then you can just put your hands down.”

At my words, the woman lowered her raised hand with a sigh of relief. And as she saw me coming a short distance away, she held out her delicate hand with a faint smile.

– thanks. My name is Masha Yessica. Even though the situation is like this, it’s nice to meet you. And once again, thank you for accepting my surrender.

I stretched out my hand and unleashed magical energy. At the same time, he responded in a soft voice.

“This is Kim Soo-hyun.”

– Right. Honestly, from that day on, I am very curious about who blocked my abilities… !

And the outstretched hand just passed Masha Yesica’s hand and dug into her right breast.


Soon, I felt the touch of my fingertips digging into my soft skin.

– ah… ?

Masha Yesica looks up at me with a puzzled face. I waved her hand once and whispered quietly in her ear.

“surrender? “Am I crazy?”

And then he ripped off the bead in his hand and took it out.


– Argh!

A thin stream of blood came out with a scream. Then there was a fleeting moment when unbelievable eyes turned towards me.

Without delay, I swung my left hand at Masha’s head with all my might.


Perhaps because she exerted all her might, Masha’s head exploded. As a result, blood bursts like a torrent of water, and secretions mixed with her blood and brain fluid flow down her beautiful hair.

Eventually, all that remained was a corpse with more than half of its face blown off. I threw the still hot body on the floor.


In the remaining half, Masha’s eyes were still wide open. I looked away with a deep sigh.

『Crystal of Fire』

Thick blood drips from the bead held in my hand. I stared at the crystal and slowly put it into my arms.

The side income gained from this war is 3 secret classes.

In some ways, war is good. Because there is so much to gain.

It’s also sad. Because there is that much to lose.

‘… … .’

With this, the whole situation came to an end. Of course, I would have to return to the battlefield to know the end of the war, but for me, I had achieved everything I wanted to achieve.

… What this means is that we have to face again a reality that we don’t want to admit.

‘stop… . Let’s go back… .’

Eventually, I began to walk slowly, even though I stumbled, along the path I had run on.

An incongruous bright silhouette was reflected through the blood-splattered forest path.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

late! sorry! Uhehehe! sorry! I’m sorry! Uhehehehe! (Pukpuk!)

oh my. @[email protected]

sorry. I lost my mind for a moment. Hmm.

ruler! The war is over! But the catch is that there are still people left to kill!

Who could it be? Uhuhuhu. 😀

P.S. There is strangely high tension today. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode