MEMORIZE Chapter 382

00382 Demon Nergal ———————————————– ————————–=

As soon as I broke through the thick dust, I was greeted by the dizzying sight of a melee. A melee is a battlefield where melee classes are mainly active. Metallic sounds rang out here and there, and sparks were flying around that were enough to hurt your eyes.

At first glance, the situation was similar.

The Allied forces were trying to push forward somehow using their continued momentum and numerical superiority. However, it was not as easy to break through as it had been through the field just before. This is because, in contrast to the allied forces that rushed at random, eastern users showed a very stable and orderly response.

The reason the battle situation seems level now is probably due to a simple personnel difference. Considering the corpses of Allied soldiers we saw in the places we passed by, I think it might be okay to side with the East.

Anyway, here are my thoughts.

I straightened my dangling sword and focused my gaze in front of me. Before I knew it, the enemies were getting closer. The figures that appeared as dots from afar grew larger as the distance decreased. Among them, one of the enemies seems to have spotted me and his face contorts.

-Where have all the wanderers gone!


As he passed by and decapitated his head, his head flew into the air. A look of confusion flashed across my face for a split second, and I guess they mistook me for a vagabond.

It was then.

– Kyaoooooooo!

A loud roar, as if a monster was crying out, echoed throughout the battlefield. When I turned my head towards the place where I heard the sound, a strange sight caught my eye.

There was a change in the formation of the eastern part, which had been a densely packed formation. And at the center of the change stood a real ‘monster’.

Is he about 5 meters tall? It was covered in scales all over and had a lizard-like appearance and was running wild.

When he indiscriminately attacked the front with his long fingernails, a large hole opened in the tightly closed formation. And the enemies were aggressively digging into the gap with the monster lizard at their head.

The monster ran wild like a mad wild boar, regardless of whether it was injured or not, and as a result, the eastern formation was slowly being split in half.

A mixture of loud explosions and shouting was heard around me. Her hair flutters in the sharp wind.

At that moment, I suddenly turned to a passing thought. And ran with all my might.

“Priests! “Where is the priest!”

“Concentrate fire! “Concentrate fire on the monster!”

The distance from the monster lizard is 40 meters. Around the guy running rampant, I could see a familiar man. The man who was sitting on the floor holding his abdomen was definitely Sung Hyeon-min.

Shoo shoo, shoo shoo!

– Kyaoooo! Kyaoooo!

Arrows flying from all directions pierce the scales of the monster lizard. But arrows couldn’t stop him. Although there was a slight blow, the monster lizard screamed even more and stamped its feet.


In an instant, the soil in the field rose up high. The earth shakes as if there is a weak earthquake. As a result, nearby users lost their balance and collapsed, and the monster lizard quickly stretched out its hand.


A childish scream rang through the air. In the end, a woman who was caught was lifted high into the sky. Finally, she fell to the ground so quickly that I was dizzy.



There was a sound of something completely breaking, and red blood flowed out like a fountain. The scene that followed was gruesome. The head was shattered and scattered, with crushed brain matter hanging in all directions.

Eventually, the monster lizard’s eyes began to look for other prey.

It was then that I arrived.

‘It’s this way.’

I stared at the gap beyond the monster lizard. He then grabbed ‘Victoria’s Glory’ with both hands and lifted it above his head. Then, while fully infusing his magic power, he stamped his feet vigorously and jumped off the ground.


The body rises. As I slowly lowered my head, the sight of the monster lizard became more clearly visible. As soon as I reached the top of my leap and the shiny scales of my head lifted up, I put my hands back as far as I could. And then he started descending and struck his sword with all his might.


The sword, which spreads brilliant light, drew a pure white image along its downward trajectory.

– Kaaaaaa!

At that moment, a look of concern appeared in the eyes of the monster lizard. However, as soon as he made up his mind, he immediately moved his body and showed signs of trying to avoid it.

I quietly closed my eyes. Certainly lizard species are fast. And agile. However, the two letters ‘agility’ were something that should not be discussed in front of me.


Open your eyes again. As soon as I activated the shape-shifting illusion, the scale-covered head quickly came closer to my eyes. And the ‘Glory of Victoria’ that had already been struck was on its way to cleanly splitting the top of the guy’s head.

Pout, tsk, tsk!

The feeling of cutting a piece of iron.

It goes down as if you were in an elevator. Every time I looked down, I saw the sight of the red flesh splitting to the left and right.

When I finally landed on the ground, I could see the monster lizard’s body being neatly divided in half and falling apart.

Slurp, slosh!


The warm liquid that rained down on my entire body was a bonus.

Blink your eyes once or twice. Eventually, a gust of wind blew and the corpse of the monster lizard turned into ashes and scattered around. The huge body that boasted its size was nowhere to be seen, and only the corpse of a person cut in half was lying around.

‘Was it a user who combined beasts and humans…? . I remember hearing it… .’

“stop! Don’t attack! “It’s an ally!”

It was then. When I suddenly raised my head at the sound of a voice, I could see users surrounding me and aiming their weapons. Just as I was about to feel a little dumbfounded, a man staggered in front of me. He was Seong Hyeon-min.

“Merchionary Lord! “Aren’t you a Mercenary Lord?”

Before I could even nod, a soft hand for a man brushed my face. My vision, which had been red, returned to normal a little bit.

“Oh, that’s right. Hehehe. This is truly amazing! The monster I had been struggling with all at once… .”

“One load. “Did Simon escape this way?”


Seong Hyeon-min looked puzzled for a moment, but then opened his mouth with an angry look on his face.

“ah. Simon. If you are talking about the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Continent… . I probably missed it. I was keeping a close eye on it, but there was an unexpected variable… .”

“Did Simon escape this way?”

When I stopped talking and asked again, Seong Hyun-min kept his mouth shut for a moment. And he stared at me intently and immediately nodded his head.

“I’m not sure it’s Simon. However, just before capture, one of the enemies transformed into a monster, and the user, who was escorted by a group of people, took advantage of that opportunity to escape.”

“… All right. then.”

“If you are thinking of pursuing, send reinforcements… . Mmm, Mercenary Lord!”

“No need.”

The melee was still in full swing, and Seong Hyeon-min was injured. I weakly pushed the approaching priest. And without delay, I started running down the road that had split, but was now slowly starting to close.

I confirmed that it was gone.

Then, if we could get out of this way, all that was left was an unhindered chase.

Seong Hyun-min’s voice from behind slowly began to fade away.


Crack, clap, clap! Crack, clap, clap!

A group of users were running through the forest. The number is probably about a hundred people. They were all running with blood all over their bodies, their sharp eyes alert to all directions. But the speed is not that fast. The reason was a young man running under guard in the center.

– gasp, gasp! Sleep, just a moment!

As soon as the young man opened his mouth, the others all stopped moving.

– omg! No more, gasp! I can’t run anymore. Let’s wait here for a moment.

– Waiting?

The young man answered the man’s question with a grin even while panting.

– ah. yes. There might be more friends who made it through. Along with this, I also wanted to recover my stamina.

The man nodded as if he understood. From the beginning, the wizard class was synonymous with lack of physical strength, and if he had colleagues following him, he could increase his power even a little.

– Everyone, rest comfortably. The breakout is not over yet. haha.

When I heard the young man’s gentle voice, I started to sit on the floor, looking at each person one by one. They were all breathing heavily, and their faces showed signs of agony.

At that time, the man from before stood up and approached the young man.

– Simon. What will you do now?

It was like that. The identity of the young man was none other than Simon Grimes, who had barely escaped the siege of conversion achieved by Seong Hyeon-min.

– well. I really didn’t know it would turn out like this. To think of blocking the escape route in this mess… .

Simon trailed off as he licked his lips.

How did this happen?

It was definitely okay when I first broke out of the castle. However, at some point, the situation began to change little by little strangely, and quickly turned around the moment the reinforcements arrived. In fact, they were allied forces who thought they would come in through the place they had passed through and had no idea that their retreat route would be blocked.

Even if they managed to break through, the damage was too great. The Allied forces, which initially numbered 15,000, were soon reduced to just 100.

Of course, not only a hundred people would have survived, and during the melee, each person would have dispersed in search of a way to survive. But how many people will make it back safely to the Western Continent?

A shadow was cast on the faces of Western Continent users, perhaps because they felt negatively about it themselves.

A moment of silence passed. No one opened their mouth.

– ruler. So will it happen soon?

At that time, a relaxed voice suddenly flowed around me. The voice was so relaxed that it sounded as if he was telling me not to worry because he might still have it hidden.

– Can you run again?

As the man stood up with strength, Simon smiled slightly.

– ah. The customer I was waiting for has arrived. Honestly, I’d like to rest a little longer, but I think I’ll get there soon. Let’s see… .

For a moment, Simon’s eyes turned red. The black pupils were dilated vertically as if they were watching something.


– Ugh.

However, Simon immediately lowered his head, gently rubbed his eyes and looked tearful. Before he knew it, his eyeballs had regained their original color.

-Are you the guest we’ve been waiting for? Could it be that my colleagues… .

– no. monster.

The man frowned as if he didn’t understand the answer.

It was then.

Jump and jump. Jump and jump.

Regular footsteps echo through the quiet forest. Everyone seemed to have heard the sound, but their faces, which had relaxed for a moment, were filled with caution.

– boundary!

Eventually, all 100 people got up and at the same time, a black-haired man slowly began to appear. And soft moans came from the mouths of users who confirmed him.

The men were literally blood relatives. It wasn’t just that he was covered in blood; he was drenched in blood from head to toe. It looked as if he had briefly emerged from swimming in a sea of ​​blood.

The man’s steady pace suddenly stopped with a hundred people in front of him.

The users of the West Continent drew their weapons with even more tense faces, seeing an energy that did not seem to be an ally at first glance. And just as he was waiting for the commander’s order, Simon suddenly took a step forward.

– Everyone stop.

– Simone Grimes?

– The man in front of me is a monster. You are no match for them. If you attack it like this, you will die.

Normally, he would have dismissed it as nonsense, but the man nodded automatically.

The man in front of me right now not only had an external appearance, but the aura he was giving off was nothing short of hideous. It’s like the feeling of a mouse facing a cat.

– Well, then how… .

– Well, whatever. Still, he is the commander in name, so I will have to deal with him. It seems like that monster’s purpose is also me.

– Simon? You’re not saying you’re going to deal with it alone, are you?

– Of course. Of course, I would like to receive your help as well. therefore… .

For a moment, Simon’s words stopped. Then he raised his left hand, then grinned and continued speaking.

– Please die.

– yes? What is that… .

– Don’t worry. It is not a death like a moth to a fire, but a death that is a little more valuable.

The man asked a puzzled question at the sudden outburst of words.


However, before Simon could finish speaking, a dark red light began to spread from his left hand. And it quickly hit the surrounding users, including men. The light wrapped around the users’ bodies and gave off colorful colors.

– uh? Uh, huh?

And then, change began.

Ugh! Wooooow!

It happened really quickly. The bodies of the users wrapped in the light seemed to become mushy, and soon their entire bodies began to melt like water.

– Ugh! Ahhh!

An untimely scream rang out in the quiet forest. Eventually, the melted flesh mixed with blood and was absorbed into the dark red light, and the number of users, who numbered over a hundred, disappeared without a trace.

And at that moment, the light that had spread in all directions returned to Simon again and formed one shape. A book made of blood and flesh fell into his left hand.

Now there are only two people left. It was Simon and a man.

– Hey. As expected, it doesn’t die well. I didn’t know if he would resist.

“… … .”

– haha. You know what? Are you really annoying? Won’t it ruin my best-laid plans and chase after me like I’m going to kill myself? And my favorite subordinates… .

“… … .”

The man remained silent. However, the look in his eyes was a bit strange, as if he had just seen a circus.

– What is it? What about that look?

At that time, the man’s eyes blinked once. Simon reflexively shrank his body. Although there was no harm, he felt very dirty for a moment. It’s like he’s revealing everything about himself… .

The man’s identity was none other than Kim Soo-hyun.

In fact, after escaping Seong Hyeon-min’s siege, both Simon and Kim Soo-hyun were out of the battlefield. And such a situation could not help but be advantageous to Kim Soo-hyun. It was no problem for him to catch up with the wizard class as long as there was no interference.

“As expected.”

Jump and jump. Jump and jump.

After spitting out a single word, the man started walking again.

But Simon’s face was relaxed the whole time. Wherever the tiredness from earlier had gone, his whole body was overflowing with confidence after absorbing over a hundred users.

Simon’s blood-red eyes flashed as he looked at Kim Soo-hyun, who had now come within 10 meters.

Clap la la la la la rock!

Even without touching it, the summoned book began to turn on its own. When I see a book that gives off an evil energy, I might stop walking for a moment, but I didn’t stop walking. Simon snorted at that calm face.

And at one point, the page I was turning automatically stopped.


At that moment, a sphere the size of an adult male’s fist appeared around Simon. There were more than a dozen of them, each with a dark blood color.

– Blood Vulcan.

And the moment Simon’s lips parted, the blood-red spheres all rushed towards the man.

Seeing! Seeing! Seeing! Seeing!

The sphere rushed like a cannonball and instantly covered the man. At that moment, Simon smiled coldly, anticipating the feast of binge drinking that would soon follow.

But what Simon expected did not happen.


The sphere fluttered in the air in an instant. It also spread thinly, like blood dipped in water.

– what?

Simon’s eyebrows twitched.

Jump and jump. Jump and jump.

And Kim Soo-hyun was still calmly walking along without any injuries.

– B-Blood Lance!

Simon shouted desperately. Then, this time, thirty long blood-red spears were created, and they rushed towards Kim Soo-hyun again.

Geek! Geek!

This time was different from before. Unlike the sphere that collapsed helplessly, the spears that were fired tightly surrounded the surrounding area like hedgehogs. The tip was shaking and struggling, as if it was somehow trying to break through the magic resistance.

Woojik, woozijik!

Then, eventually, a slight crack began to appear at one point. Simon, who saw Kim Soo-hyun’s steps suddenly stop, let out a twisted laugh.

It was then.


Kim Soo-hyun sighed for a moment and swung the ‘Glory of Victoria’ in his right hand.

Up once.


One turn to the right.


Once to the left.


Accordingly, the spears that had been cut into small pieces were quietly spread out in the air, following the sphere that had entered first.

Kim Soo-hyun walked again as if nothing had happened, and Simon was astonished at the phenomenon that went beyond common sense. When the number he had trusted was blocked by means he could not understand, emotions finally appeared on his calm face.

– No way! Ah, no matter how high your magic resistance is! Bae, a hundred people were sacrificed!

Simon was taking a step back without realizing it. However, Kim Soo-hyun’s steps were faster.

“After a while. “You’re having a hard time too.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who soon approached Simon, slowly stretched out his left hand. And he caught the book floating in the air. Simon reflexively grabbed the book. However, he was soon robbed of the book by a force he could not resist.

Soon Kim Soo-hyun took the book away and looked at it with interest. And then his eyes blinked again, and then his tightly closed lips opened.

“It’s a secret class. “It’s an unexpected harvest.”

Simon had to feel dumbfounded as he watched the book being carefully placed in his arms. The man in front of me had an attitude from the beginning as if he didn’t care. The look in your eyes that says you are not my partner in the first place? Thinking about it, cold anger surged to the very tip of his head.

I was just about to raise my left hand and summon the book again. At that moment, Kim Soo-hyun’s hand moved like lightning.


Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

– Wow!

Simon let out a loud scream as he suddenly felt his left hand being crushed.

– My, my hand! my hand!

Before we knew it, Simon’s left hand was being held in Kim Soo-hyun’s hand. Eventually, he let go of his hand, and only empty space was visible above his wrist. The left hand was burned to no shape.

Kim Soo-hyun’s hand, which left his left hand, soon rested on Simon’s head. As I grabbed it and pulled it up, Simon’s body also rose into the air.

Kim Soo-hyun continued walking and soon stopped in front of a tree in the forest. Then, after placing Simon on his torso, he plunged the knife into his abdomen without hesitation.

– Wow! Cough!

A handful of blood spewed out from Simon’s helpless mouth. Kim Soo-hyun didn’t pay any heed to him and shook off both his hands and let out a soft sigh.

“I definitely checked… . How do I get it out?”

– Cluck, cluck!

“It makes no sense. “Maybe I should have learned some English.”

– this person… !

Meanwhile, Simon, who had barely come to his senses, raised his head. His eyes were red with no white eyes to be found… . He had eyes like the devil.

Kim Soo-hyun grumpily accepted the gaze.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

-Give me the book! I’ll kill you! I’m going to kill you!

“I shudder just looking into the eyes of a demon.”

After Kim Soo-hyun finished speaking, he immediately stretched out his hands. Each of his outstretched hands had a thumbs up.

Soon, the thumb dug into both of Simon’s eyes.

– Ugh! Argh!

Feeling his eyes being roughly pressed down, Simon let out a violent scream again.

When Kim Soo-hyun pulled out his finger, a stream of blood came out. Blood mixed with tears flowed from the crushed eye sockets. Simon’s head hung down.

“I’m nervous about killing him like this… . Do I have to tear it off one by one to get it to come out?”

Kim Soo-hyun tilted his head for a moment and this time grabbed Simon’s arms. Then Simon trembled. Even though I couldn’t see his eyes, I could feel him holding my arm. And he had a vague sense of what would happen now.

– Ha, don’t do it! don’t do it!

Simon shook his head urgently. However, Kim Soo-hyun exerted his strength and pulled the arm he was holding tightly to the left and right.


– Ugh, wow!

Then, as my arm stretched for a moment, it seemed like the flesh was gradually torn and stretched out.


Soon it was torn from the body, exposing the flesh along with the bones.

– Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Simon’s scream echoed through the forest again.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Hehehe. I guessed it just before 1 o’clock.

Please forgive me as it is a lot. (__ )*


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not work with dark mode