MEMORIZE Chapter 380

00380 One step too late ——————————————— —————————=

Suddenly, I felt like my throat was burning.

I just vigorously brushed my hair without any meaning. Then he slowly turned to the enemy who was still standing motionless.

“Noel Yurina.”

When her name was called, Yurina trembled.

– me… ? Do you know me?

Even though I know it.

A look of confusion crosses the enemy’s face. Instead of answering, I raised my sword to the top. Then, with a slight twist of the wrist, the ‘Glory of Victoria’ was turned vertically.

It was mentioned several times during meetings and was also confirmed through third-party information. And above all, she is a woman who was called a ‘bad woman’ in the first episode and served as Simon’s closest aide… . No enemy.

But the fact that I know Yurina is by no means important. Whether you know it or not, it’s just one of many enemies to kill.

In the end, there is no change in the conclusion: ‘Kill.’

As soon as I thought about it, I bent my body like a bow.

-Who are you? How do you know me? Answer me!

And at the same time as it exploded with magic power, it was thrown forward as if it were being thrown by a bullet.

For a moment, a look of disappointment appeared on Yurina’s face.

Question and answer dance. In a split second, the distance was reduced to a mere fraction, and Yurina calmly moved her hand and lifted her whip.



At the critical moment when the ‘Glory of Victoria’ sounded like a sword, the outstretched whip exactly touched the tip of the sword. Then, it burrows quickly, drawing a winding trajectory like a snake crawling. When more than half of the wound was closed in an instant, a glimmer of hope appeared on her face.

At that time, I put down my sword without hesitation.

– what?

The gaze fixed on the sword immediately changed to astonishment. However, before I looked away, I dug inside and stretched out my left hand into the narrow area between the head and torso.

– ah!

And the moment I felt a soft touch on my palm, I pulled down what was in my hand without delay.


Yurina’s upper body is forcibly bent.

And following the trajectory of the head bending, I spurred my left foot as hard as I could and lifted my knee to where my face fell.


I felt a dull impact on my knees. But it’s not over yet.

For the last time, I tightly grasped the hand I was still holding.

Squeak! Pop!

– Okay… !

Along with the sound of flesh being torn, I felt the flesh and bones being held in my hand. On the contrary, the face of the enemy who was thrown out was cracked in the center and dented, and blood was gushing out from his roughly torn throat.


Eventually, the enemy collapsed completely. He flinched once or twice to see if he was still alive, but soon became limp.

I sighed lightly. This means that the people I know… .

Most of them were saved.

But the war is not over yet. And it wasn’t enough. Even though he immediately avenged his enemies, the thirst that plagued his throat would not go away.

I looked at the corpse indifferently and opened my mouth softly.

“High user performance.”

“… … .”

The answer didn’t come right away. One look back at her performance, and I see her staring at the floor with her blank face.

“As the clan lord, I command you. “Right now, we will take the personnel here and leave the battlefield.”


Then, perhaps sensing my gaze, Go Yeonju quickly looked away and nodded.

“Okay, I will follow the clan lord’s orders.”

After nodding once. I saw the body once again. The identity of the corpse is ‘evil woman’ Noel Yurina. The closest aide to Simon, the leader of the Western Continent. The sound of her being here… .

I looked to the left for a moment.

‘Has Simon already passed by?’

And look to the right.

‘Or is it still coming?’

It was then.

“Brother… .”

Just as I was about to start walking, I felt a figure grabbing my collar with a sad voice. When I calmly turn her head, I see Sol An looking up at me with her wide eyes. Her shoulders were shaking slightly, sobbing, and her lips were trembling slightly.

“Are you going?”

“Let go… .”

I was just about to shake off the thought of making a fool of myself in this situation.

Ansol slowly raised his left arm. Her subsequent actions silenced me for a moment.

“here… .”

Eventually, I moved my gaze to the end of Ansol’s arm, and saw that his index finger was pointing in one direction. It was exactly the direction I was going.

“This way… !”

“you… ?”

“Scold me… . “Please scold me.”

Only then was I able to accurately examine Ansol’s condition. The tone was half-voice, half-crying, but the look in his eyes was truly indescribable.

While staring blankly at Ansol, I stroked his head once. Eventually, her arm fell off of its own accord. I also took my hand off her head.

And I started running without looking back.

Crack, clap, clap!

A fishy wind blows from the direction Ansol showed me. I don’t know what will happen or who will be ahead. I just ran aimlessly through a field filled with the smell of blood.

‘Shin Sang-yong.’

A thought suddenly occurred to me about Shin Sang-yong.

From first meeting to memories of war.

Shin Sang-yong was always quiet, as if he was present or not. Although his presence is faint, he is a person who quietly does his job in everything he does.

When treasure was discovered during an expedition to the ‘Russian Research Institute’, Shin Sang-yong volunteered to take on the role of guard.

When the forced march was carried out in the ‘Cave of Screams’, Shin Sang-yong volunteered to take on the role of watchdog.

When he was given a magical elixir as a reward, he ended up not taking it and giving it to Ansol.

okay. From his first meeting, Shin Sang-yong was that kind of person. He was a person who was particularly mindful of the people around him. In his every action, there was a hint that he was trying to avoid harming the people around him. He looked at it and thought he was similar to me in the first round.

‘If only I had come a little sooner… .’

I didn’t see Shin Sang-yong’s death. What was he thinking as he died?

Did you resent it? Did he regret it?

Hundreds of complex thoughts pop into my head in an instant, then subside in an instant.

Meanwhile, I continued to run in a straight line in the direction Ansol showed me.

The wind was still blowing. However, I could feel the faint smell of blood becoming more intense as time went on.

Soon, starting from a certain point, various signs began to appear again.

Has it already been swept away once? A sticky, viscous liquid flows from the feet running across the red-stained field.

“The horsepower limit has been lifted!”

– Wow, what happened all of a sudden! Why did I suddenly become sober?

Soon, the sounds of several people shouting simultaneously came from the front.

I suddenly raised my head.


Enemies slowly began to appear in the distance. As expected, it seems like most people flocked here. The numbers were so dense that they filled my field of vision, and I could see fierce battles taking place here and there.

Apparently, the ‘Priest of Radiance’s’ unique ability ‘Miracle’ must have affected not only me but all of my allies. Rather than a one-sided massacre like before, the eastern users were fighting fiercely while being pushed back.

Weapons clash loudly against each other, and screams fly everywhere. Arrows are sprayed in all directions. The heavy drinking that erupts here and there is probably a remnant of magic.

I had calmed down a little while thinking about Shin Sang-yong a little while ago, but as soon as I saw the battlefield, strong emotions arose. She felt the thirst she had forgotten for a while come back.

Ugh! Wooooow!

Just before entering the road to hell, I took a big swing at ‘Glory of Victoria’. The sword, filled with magical power, soon gave off a brilliant light, illuminating the blood-soaked battlefield.

– It’s a surprise attack!

At that moment, the enemies at the rear turned their backs and rushed at me. I turned my body slightly to avoid the spear that dug into the side, and slashed left and right with my sword.


Immediately, a stream of red blood protruded out, crossing the shape of an X in front of me and staining my eyes.


– Argh!

At that time, a man who jumped from the front screamed and raised his arms high. The moment the blade reflected in the sunlight flashed once, I lightly struck my sword once, as if throwing a jab in the air.

Phew! Break!

The wave that flew into the air immediately hit the head of the man who was about to hit it. Debris scatters in all directions above his body floating in the air.

Then the enemies who were looking at me from a different direction stopped moving for a moment.

‘Anything that gets in my way will be cut down.’

I had already decided to go straight. That is the minimum compromise I offered to the enemy for Shin Sang-yong.

It was then.

“I finally found it. Mercenary Road.”

Along with a voice I heard from somewhere, I caught the sight of someone quickly digging to the side through my magic sense. The speed was very fast. Before I could take a breath and turn my head, the presence was already within range.

Of course, that meant it was also within my range. I grabbed ‘Victoria’s Glory’ for a moment and quickly raised it at an angle and hit it over my right chest.


Red sparks flew out. The identity of the weapon that came in was a spear. The tip of the sword struck the tip of the spear exactly, and soon the spear soared upward. Nevertheless, the enemy did not stop charging towards me.


Soon, I felt a hand on my shoulder and a low voice flowed into my ears again.

“indeed. That’s great. “Baek Seo-yeon deserves it.”

‘Are you a tramp?’

At the same time, the movement of the spear showed abnormal changes. It spun around in the air as if it was expecting to be blocked, and then it spun around and struck down. The spear, which unleashed a terrifying black gust of wind throughout its body, was aimed precisely at my blind spot.

“Let’s make a hole first and talk for a while.”

If it was before.

In my mind, I would have praised him for taking advantage of the time I was distracted to hit him repeatedly, but not now.

‘It’s a distraction.’

I bit my lip, thinking it was just a distraction. And the latent power in his heart exploded to its fullest.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

The energy of fire emanated from my chest. The clear flame engulfed the spear without delay and burned it completely according to my will.

Eventually, the space that was revealed was empty, as if there had never been a window.

From the hand holding my shoulder, I felt a faint but flinching motion.

“Get your hands off me. go away.”

As soon as I opened my mouth, I pushed up the words ‘Victoria’s Glory’.


Along with a single scream, there was a feeling of something burning. I sharply swung my sword forward as if shaking my hand. Then I could see a man falling to the floor with his tongue stuck out.

Did you say strings? He was the guy I talked to on the castle wall before the battle.

I don’t know how he defended himself, but he’s not dead yet. The proof was that while he was rolling around, he stretched out his hand and touched the floor. I ran straight towards him. Then he lowered his sword, pierced his hand on the floor, and kicked him in the stomach with his foot filled with magical power.



The one rolling on the ground again let out a pitiful scream.

I ran again and this time kicked him in the face like I was kicking a ball. Only after seeing the head exploding like a watermelon did the screaming finally stop. After seeing his limp body, I took a deep breath and raised my head.

– … … .

– … … .

Enemies do not attack. There are enemies everywhere, and there are quite a few of them watching me. Even though there were only a limited number of users from the West Continent with a warlike tendency, everyone was just hesitantly looking at me and the surroundings.

In that state, I took a step.

Then the enemies took a step back.

Suddenly, I felt warm liquid flowing down my hair and cheeks. When I recognized that, for some reason, I felt extremely thirsty. The dryness in my throat that had started earlier was getting worse.

And I don’t know why, but I felt like I would feel relieved if I killed everything in front of me. Just for a moment, my burning throat felt refreshed when I killed the evangelical tramp.

okay. If you don’t come, I’ll go.

Piping! Peeping!

The moment I thought that and bent my body, several arrows flew at me. I jumped forward and escaped the arrow that was fired. I heard the sound of hitting the floor behind me.

– shit!

The moment his feet, which had been flying low in the air, touched the floor, several people who were just watching rushed towards him in a horizontal row at the same time.

I raised my sword at an angle to block the first attack, and at the same time, I lowered my body and slid down with the same force as the attack.

Huh! Huh!

As I was passing through the panicked weapon trajectories that cut through the air, I made a large sweep of my sword as if picking it up. Then, I felt like something was being caught, and soon everything came out.

– Argh! Argh!

At the same time, I could see the guys tearing their bodies down.

I got up right away. Then I saw one of the guys standing there blankly looking at me with his mouth wide open.

As I passed by, I was immediately hit on the waist. Even though he was wearing heavy armor, the sword cut through steel without any pressure and cut off his waist.

And the moment it screamed and bent down, I put my head in my hands and jumped up. Then he kicked his back and jumped high into the sky again.

The ground moved away in an instant, and the intense battlefield below seemed to be visible at a glance.

Even those fighting here and there. Even those who groan with their ankles cut off. The guy who stabbed me just now falls over. And some enemies are gathering to capture me.

Soon, the body flew through the air in a parabola. At the landing point, users and enemies in the midst of battle were gathered together. There was no room for him to step.

Just before descending, a man with a familiar face caught my eye. He also raised his head into the air. And the moment he met her eyes, the man distorted her face to the fullest. Then she stretched out her hand towards her landing spot and screamed something with all her might.


Then, the dark red earth shook loudly with an explosion as if a bomb had exploded. Black smoke rises from the ground and attacks the enemies. Enemies hit by the smoke swelled up in an instant and soon melted while screaming horribly.

The moment we started descending, the smoke cleared in an instant. In the space that was revealed, there were melted enemies and a secured space.

I tilted my head for a moment, but it was good anyway. I sent magic energy to the ‘Glory of Victoria’ and held it high in the sky. And then it spun around and fell.

The trace that came out of the sword left an afterimage as it was spun, and at the moment it fell safely into the secured space, a shape similar to a whirlwind was created.


Finally, the moment I landed on the ground, I twisted my sword and cut off the continuing trajectory. And then he punched the air with his free left hand.


Then, the magic power remaining in the afterimage of the trajectory instantly turned into a sharp blade and spread widely in all directions.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak! Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!

Like a wide-spreading whirlwind, the storm of blades mercilessly tears at the surrounding enemies.

Body fragments flew wildly in all directions, accompanied by mournful screams. At the same time, hot blood pours down like rain and wets the body.

I closed my eyes for a moment, then opened them.

I saw numerous users looking at me as the battlefield was briefly cleared. Among them, I saw Kang Tae-wook, the ‘sorcerer’ who had secured my space earlier.

‘Right. I guess that’s why it held on for quite some time.’

He must have suddenly shown his wits when he saw me hitting from behind.

I slowly walked forward. Because there was still one person buried under the rubble, waiting for an opportunity for me to walk.

It was just as I was about to raise my sword.


– die! Kak!

As one person buried in the rubble tried to rise from the corpses, his neck was sharply broken and his body collapsed.

As soon as I turn my head, I see a familiar face.

“Mmm, Mercenary Lord!”

Requiem Assassin. Did you say Lee Chan-hee? He retrieved the thrown dagger and ran straight in front of me.

It was then.

『The devil’s eye, the devil’s eye, is watching you!』

『We respond with the third eye. I saw right through it! Confirm Demon Eye user Simone Grimes. The location is… .』

At that moment, I felt strength coming into my eyes.

“Do you know where the Shadow Queen is?”

I pointed roughly in one direction. Then he pushed him away and started running again.

“Huh, Mercenary Lord! Where… !”

I heard a call, but I ignored it and ran.

Now I’m starting to understand why Ansol told me to go in this direction.

Simone Grimes.

I joined this war to kill him.

Ansol pointed out exactly what I wanted.


“Vivien? There are no enemies in sight anymore. Wouldn’t it be okay to move slowly? “I’m worried about the clan lord.”

“… … .”


In response to Im Hanna’s question, Vivien fixed her blank face and blinked. Then he nodded his head with a sigh.

“Uh, yes. “I see.”

“Are you sick? Maybe you’re exhausted… .”

Vivian shook her head excitedly at Im Hanna’s next words.

“Oh, no. My body feels good. After being hit by the light earlier, my magical power was suddenly charged. Enough to summon one more. however… .”

“That’s good news… ! however… ?”

Vivien tilted her head for a moment and looked in one direction. And he quietly opened his mouth.

“just. It felt a little strange earlier. “Why am I suddenly so sad?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

You can say that the war is almost over.

In the next episode, the support unit will arrive, and the overall flow of the battle will be described in an explanation text, along with a description of the situation in which the battle took a turn.

All that remains is to chase down and catch the leaders of the Western Continent, including Simon Grimes, who is Su-hyeon’s current target. Of course, I will have to use it to find out, but looking at the current plan, it seems that most of it can be completed in the next episode or the next episode.

The completion of Part 1 is approaching. The remaining episodes, including the war part, will probably be around 10.

It’s the beginning of November.

My goal for November was to publish a series every day without missing a beat until Part 1 was completed.

After completing Part 1, I will think carefully about how I will publish the series in the future, and then I will tell you again.

thank you _(__)_


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not work with dark mode