Memorize Chapter 38

00038 To the hole plane! ————————————————– ———————-=

After activating the voice amplification spell again, he raised his head again and looked at the new users. When I turned off voice amplification just now, no one except the person involved would have been able to hear Hyunwoo. He opened his mouth quietly with a dry, lifeless face, quite a contrast to when he met Park Dong-geol.

“I understand that you have heard some information from the angels. Of course, I know that you have many other questions. However, it would not be enough to stay up all day and night for a week to answer all of your questions right here.”

Then of course. I wanted to enter the user academy as quickly as possible, so I strongly agreed. As if he had read my inner thoughts, Park Hyeon-woo kept saying amazing things.

“Also, as you have just gone through the rite of passage, your body must have been very tired. First of all, as we have already obtained your consent, I will briefly tell you about our future plans.”

He cleared his throat for a moment and then immediately opened his mouth.

“There is a building called the User Academy in the big city of Barbara. Have any of the new users received any explanation from the helper angels?”

Emphasize the word helper. The users who heard Hyunwoo’s words looked at each other, and soon began to raise their hands one by one. There was a little murmur, but the number of raised hands was increasing.

At first glance, it seemed like more than half of the people raised their hands. No, except for a few, most of them raised their hands. This means that the angels also highly value the User Academy. Hyunwoo must have judged that many people had raised their hands, so he signaled them to lower their hands and continued speaking.

“Okay. From your point of view, it may be a rebroadcast, but since it is so important and some people may not have heard of it, I will explain it one more time. The User Academy literally helps new users adapt and survive in Holeplane more easily. It is a kind of training institution, and in recognition of its effectiveness, it is one of the first official missions built by users to be granted the authority of reward points.”

I don’t know who made it, but it was definitely worth acknowledging. It is very rare for the user’s arbitrary settings, rather than the angels’ settings, to be recognized.

Hyunwoo began his speech by starting with the history of the User Academy and the purpose of its establishment. He then detailed the benefits of receiving training and graduating from the Academy. If I were to summarize the important points among them… .

The user academy’s training process takes three months. In the beginning, the user’s abilities tend to increase quickly. The user academy has an efficient training course tailored to your abilities and job. Therefore, you can expect a much higher rate of increase in ability levels than if you train in a random way. A weekly salary of 20 silver is paid to all those receiving training. Users who complete the three-month course can receive an ability reward equivalent to 4 points as a reward for completing the mission. I was able to get an outline to that extent.

To be honest, I’m only looking at the 4 reward points, but there were a lot of things that would sound quite attractive to other users. Although it’s quite expensive, we still feed them, put them to sleep, train them, and even give them money. It’s like killing a bird with one stone.

After explaining for a while, Hyunwoo finally mentioned that there is an upper limit to each user’s ability. Raising ability points depends on one’s own efforts, but the level they can go up varies from user to user. And since the points you get as a reward are one of the few ways to increase your abilities that have reached their limit, I ended my explanation of the User Academy by saying that it is better to save them for now.

“Then this is the end of the basic explanation. Originally, I was going to move to the dormitory inside the academy right after the explanation, but… since there seem to be some people whose curiosity has not been satisfied yet, I will only take three or four questions.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a female user quickly raised her hand in a place where long-distance combat users were gathered. The movements with his hands seemed to be quite hurried, which made me very curious about what kind of questions he would ask. Eventually, when Hyunwoo nodded her head, the woman stood up from her seat and opened her mouth in a cautious voice.

“I…can we…can we return alive?”

It was a question that was as disappointing as it was expected. That’s a stupid question. I clicked my tongue at the stupidity of the woman who asked the question and then looked at Hyunwoo’s complexion. As expected, he was looking at the woman who asked the question with something quite disturbing on his face.

Comparing the question she asked, I could see it as a change of what had been thoroughly explained so far. Hyunwoo sighed loudly enough to be visible and answered in a dry voice.

“We clearly stated at the beginning that we are not the ones sending you home. If I knew that, would I be doing this right now? New users should also think about and solve this problem together while working in Hall Plain in the future.”

The woman must have sensed Hyunwoo’s pitiful gaze and slowly sat down with her cheeks turning red. There was silence for a moment, but then a man with magical powers raised his hand. He was a male user with neat sports-cut hair and a smart-looking appearance. When Hyunwoo nodded his head, he also stood up.

“I know that this world is currently called Hall Plain. Ordinary people are also called users. And I think this city is called Barbara Metropolis. Are people like us who are called users living in this city alone?”

Hyunwoo immediately shook his head and answered the man’s question.

“No. As you may have heard from the angels, Hall Plain is divided into a total of 4 continents. And Barbara is the only major city in the northern continent. In addition to this, there are 4 regular cities and 8 small cities in the northern continent. . There are also users like us distributed there. Although the safety of the North Continent has not yet been completely ensured, it is safe to say that the areas around cities are in fact under the jurisdiction of Korean users.”

“You said you were a Korean user, but then there are also users of other nationalities….”

“Yes. There are not only Korean users in Hall Plain. The eastern continent is under the jurisdiction of Japanese users, the western continent is under the jurisdiction of American users, and the southern continent is under the jurisdiction of British users. Of course, there is some level of exchange between each continent. But first, “If you look at it broadly, it can be divided like that.”

This question wasn’t completely useless though. As the male user bowed his head and sat down, he stared at the new users with an indifferent expression. He said he would be asked three or four questions, so there was a high possibility that the current question would be the last.

It seemed like everyone knew that, and no one was rashly thinking of stepping forward. It was then. Hyunwoo pointed to one person, and when he turned his head towards that person, he could see a female user with her hand raised.

Eventually, when the female user got up from her seat and I could see her face, I let out an inward exclamation. The last woman to wake up was Kim Han-byeol. She was staring at Hyunwoo with a calm and cold face. He was well aware of her sharp mind and was intensely curious about what questions she would ask. The boredom she had been feeling seemed to disappear in an instant.

Soon her beautiful lips opened slightly, and a beautiful voice flowed from them.

“I heard that everyone here is going to be training at a place called the User Academy. So what is the real purpose of us training there?”

The moment she finished speaking, the room was agitated for a moment. She seemed to think she was asking a useless question, mostly because she was frowning. And those people were the ones who didn’t understand the intention of her question. The few people who understood the intention behind her words had their eyes shining with expressions on their faces.

I also felt secretly impressed by Hanbyul’s pointed question. Hyunwoo also had a different look on his face than when he heard the first female user’s question about how much of a person he can turn his head to. He seemed quite embarrassed as he kept drooling on his lips.

To that extent, Hanbyeol’s question was highly calculated. Reason and purpose are different things, and purpose and actual purpose can be viewed differently depending on one’s perspective. Her words weren’t just “Why should we train?” It was a key question that asked both the actual purpose of training us there and the purpose of using the user academy beyond that.

Hyunwoo was repeatedly opening and closing his mouth again in a different, hesitant manner. He seemed in sharp contrast to the way he had been giving answers without hesitation until now. The new users seemed to have sensed his strange attitude as well, and the once noisy venue suddenly became quiet. Eventually, he opened his sentence in a slightly uncomfortable tone.

“…The usefulness of the User Academy has already been fully explained. Does the user who asked the question have any complaints about receiving training?”

“I don’t want to complain. And I also sympathize with going into the academy. What I want to hear is not the legitimacy of the academy. Is it really a training space that is simply for the purpose of helping and adapting new users?”

I could see Hyunwoo keep his mouth shut. Suddenly, what she said to me at the Hall Plain cabin came into her head.

He also tried to subtly change the topic, but he seemed to be speechless when Hanbyul asked him outright.

He remained silent for a while, chewing his lips, but soon a wry smile appeared on his face. It was the first live expression of his emotions that I saw after entering Hall Plain. Could it be that Hanbyeol’s question touched his inner self to that extent?

“Anyway… these are things you will naturally learn as time passes. Whether you like it or not.”

Hyunwoo moistened his dry lips with saliva for a moment and continued speaking in a low voice.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin. Did you all have a happy Saturday?

First, those who clicked Select, those who clicked Recommend, those who left comments, and those who sent coupons. Thank you so, so, so much. Today, the editing process for episode 38 was very slow, so I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to upload it at 12 o’clock, but fortunately, I was able to cheer up thanks to your comments. When I get confused while writing, I just read the comments. Then, like a lie, my head feels refreshed. Hahaha. (It’s true.)


1. Human Life: Congratulations on first place! sure. The basic option is to deal with friction between Suhyeon and the clan. There are a few clans that are currently competing. Hehehe.

2. Eindsee: No. There is no nominal limit. However, in the first hole plane, the highest ability points were one person with 101 strength and one person with 101 horsepower. In fact, even if you go over 85, let alone 90, you still need to strain your neck on the hole plane. ha ha ha.

3. POWERED: Me too! I want to quickly write about Soohyun’s process of finding her own place. However, I am trying to avoid hasty developments as much as possible. I want to write calmly, taking things one by one. Of course, fast when necessary, and slow when necessary. Please wait a little longer. 🙂

4. Seol Yeon: It’s true. I didn’t know that this many people would show interest. Even these days, I can’t tell if this is a dream or reality.

5. Nice body: Haha. I’m thinking about it now. To be honest, I was also leaning towards harem. However, even if I were to make it a harem, I was worried about how many people I would have… .

6. Demodex: Thank you! Typo has been corrected!

7. That’s funny: I added an additional explanation about that part. This is the text. 🙂 The main character can check the occupations of all users, including himself. However, other people cannot confirm the main character’s occupation. So, “lying” is also possible when classifying occupations.

8. Neisha: Oh my. The main character’s purpose was kept secret until episode 38. Hehehe. It’s impossible to hide yourself forever. And Su-hyeon also knows that fact well. Until then… .

9. Blamy: To be honest, it’s just half setup. Based on the four continents, we selected the countries most suitable for setting up a hole plane. ㅇㅅㅇ Of course, we are planning such a scene as well. 🙂 (Yeoncham…I’m sorry…hehe.)

10. GradeDown: A huge number of people participated. As you go back in time, the number increases exponentially. If that’s the case, a “question” will arise, and it’s a question that will be answered when Su-hyeon meets his brother. 🙂

11. Kriasen: +ㅁ+ Seraph… Is. uh… therefore… Heroine… Rather than… hmm… ㅜ.ㅠ(Avoid!)

12. Mental arithmetic: No. It doesn’t bother me at all. My stomach is full just looking at the comments. ha ha ha.

13. Aficionado C: Haha, now that I think about it, that’s right. Ah, just looking at the reviews, it’s the size of a book… lol

14. JoWoon: Yes… ? yes? yes; yes… ;; this… If you rush, you’ll be in trouble. (ㅜ.ㅠ LOL)

15. Kia Mojanimka: Sorry for the slow progress. However, this part is necessary, so I’m going a little slowly. I won’t always go slow, but I’ll go fast when I need to, and a little slow when I need to. We will always try to keep the size of the work above 8K. Kia Mojanimka asks for your understanding. (__)

For those who are not on Riripple! I check all comments, so please don’t be disappointed. If you absolutely need to receive a reply, please signal in front. I will do my best to catch it.

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.

Have a happy Sunday!


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not work with dark mode