MEMORIZE Chapter 377

00377 When winter passes, spring comes. ————————————————– ———————-=


The loud sound of chains crashing echoed everywhere. The chains that came out of the magic circle instantly covered the air, and with a vicious force, they burrowed into the tramp.

“Uh, huh?”

Jeonghan was taken aback by the ability that suddenly appeared right in front of him. It was an ability I had never experienced before. He quickly tried to escape from the warning bell his senses gave him, but the moment he was shocked, the chain had already wrapped around his entire body. Soon, the chain, tightly coiled like a cocoon, slowly lifted the tramp into the air.

Shin Sang-yong raised his upper body in a daze as he looked at the tramp lifted in the air. I had no other thoughts. At this moment, I forgot all about the joy of finally summoning the demon beast and the fear of facing death.

Just one. It was filled with the sole thought of saving the children. Following that thought, Shin Sang-yong shouted with all his might.



Perhaps because Shin Sang-yong’s inner self was reflected, Imprison’s reaction was also strong. The chain seemed to be tight for a moment, but then it flowed like water, twisting and tracing the tramp’s entire body.



A terrible scream erupted from inside the chain cocoon. The ink-colored iron chains filled with magical power tore apart the vagabond’s body in one go, and soon completely unraveled, revealing the scene inside.


Soon, a piece of meat that looked like a mop, with blood flowing all over its body, fell to the floor.



Only then did the vagabonds let out a loud scream as if they had noticed the abnormality. Shin Sang-yong suddenly raised his head. My eyes caught the eye of Ahn Hyeon, who was lying down and not moving, and Lee Yu-jeong, who was now completely crushed and being harassed. At that moment, his eyes, which were always calm and peaceful, suddenly gave off an intense light.

Shin Sang-yong once violently shook his hand.

Crrrrrrrrrrrr! Crrrrrrrrrrrr!

Then dozens… . No, countless chains, almost to the point of spirit, split into three directions and surged violently. And the three tramps cheered loudly as they watched the rain of chains pouring in.

The woman sitting on top of Anhyeon quickly turned to try to avoid him, but dodging was the wrong choice. Her chains changed their orbit as if they were alive, adapting to her actions, and soon they spread out and wrapped themselves around her womanly body. She attacked in all directions, leaving no room for escape.


Eventually, as she tightened her grip, the chain became taut, and red began to appear on her face.

The situation of the man who was looking at the equipment next to him was not much different. Since it was standing, it reflexively kicked away the chains coming from the front, but it ended up giving up its side to the chains that came at it while swinging up, down, left and right. The moment he was hit directly on both ribs, he felt the pain of his bones being crushed, and immediately lost his senses.

“W-what on earth is this?!”

Kang, Kakang!

The man who crushed Lee Yu-jeong screamed, swinging his ax like a windmill. He must have been quite skilled, but his hand movements were unusual, but he was becoming more and more dizzy as he removed the chains.

At that moment, Shin Sang-yong tightly grasped his fully open palm. Then, the chain that had been moving in one direction began to show some changes. Some of them simultaneously rushed to the axes and tied themselves to each other, while the remaining chains crossed in a cross shape to form a network.

Eventually, the created chain net was pushed into the man.


Realizing that there was no answer even if he held on, the man let down the ax while swearing. And he immediately tried to pull away, but at that moment his body tilted. He looked down in astonishment. On the floor, Lee Yu-jeong was standing with one arm outstretched, her venomous eyes shining. Her hand was tightly holding the man’s ankle. His eyes grew as big as a flower lantern.

“This crazy… !”

Before he could finish speaking, Lee Yu-jeong pulled his ankle hard, and then the chain net hit the man.



The situation took a turn in an instant.

As the man slipped, Lee Yu-jeong picked up a dagger that had been put away nearby. And he showed off his flexible movements like a cat and immediately jumped onto his boat. Soon, the hand holding the dagger was thrown back wide.

“f*ck you!”

“Save me… . “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”

Before the man finished speaking, Lee Yu-jeong wasted no time in slashing the dagger. His blood foams from the corners of his mouth. But it wasn’t a one-time thing. As if she was trying to get back what had been done to her, she started repeatedly taking pictures of the ‘Sku Lepp’ she was holding in her hand.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

“Cruk, croak!”

Every time a red flash flashed, the man’s body also twitched and trembled.

Did he get stabbed like that a dozen times? Even though his upright feet have become limp, the dagger shows no signs of stopping. Then, when the man’s face became unrecognizable, Lee Yoo-jeong was barely able to come to her senses. A sad scream was heard next to her, along with the sound of chains.

Cry rumble, rumble!

And only then did the eyes of the vagrants who were fighting with the sword turn to the side. And everyone let out a deep sigh. The four tramps who had rushed forward with such vigor were now lying sprawled on the floor with nowhere to be found.

Eventually, all eyes of the vagabonds who confirmed the death of their colleague were focused on Shin Sang-yong. In a way, it was the first time he had received attention.

In fact, if you look at his abilities alone, Shin Sang-yong can never be evaluated as weak. The measure of a wizard’s level was his magic power. When I first met Kim Soo-hyun, it was 85 points, and after that, it grew a little and was now showing mid to high points. In addition, by inheriting rare classes, new abilities were created and evolved.

Even though I saw the effect of a surprise attack, I have now completely summoned the demon beast and taken out the four tramps. Shin Sang-yong was definitely a ‘strong man’. Although it is not enough to encompass and overturn the entire battlefield like Kim Soo-hyun, it is at least enough to have a significant impact on these small-scale battles.

“omg… . omg… .”

Shin Sang-yong continued to breathe heavily, but felt an unfamiliar emotion.

Excited. Excited.

My heart was still pounding and my whole body was shaking, but somehow I felt refreshed. Does it feel like your heart has been ripped open? Although it was merely a summoning of a demonic beast, a slightly different emotion was welling up within Shin Sang-yong than before.

Finally, slowly lower the outstretched hand down. Then, the chains returned as if obeying Shin Sang-yong’s command, and began to hang down and wind around like a lush jungle. And the magical beast towering in the air was staring down at the tramps who had stopped moving as if they were about to extend their chains at any moment.

“That… . “What else?”

Lee Kang-san unconsciously took a step or two back and muttered softly. It was truly shocking and my nose was stuffy. Although he could not say that he had almost captured everything, it was still the moment when the flow of battle was gradually becoming favorable. The chicks on the left weren’t paying any attention, but at some point, one chick grew into a force to be reckoned with.

Of course, it wasn’t completely hopeless… . Lee Kang-san glanced at Geomhu. Even though he was panting from exhaustion, the energy oozing out of him had not lost his spirit. It was obvious that if those two joined forces, the situation would become difficult.


Shin Sang-yong must have been thinking the same thing, and soon the loud iron sound echoed everywhere again.

The vagabonds quickly retreated and stood guard, but the extended chain passed them and rushed towards Geomhu, An Hyeon, and Lee Yu-jeong at the same time. Eventually, the moment their bodies were wrapped in chains, all three bodies rose simultaneously and soared into the air. Lee Kang-san’s eyes opened wide.

“Stop it!”

“───. ───. ───. Ice Lance!”

At that moment, the ice spear ejected by one of the tramps was aimed at Geomhu floating in the air.

It was then.

“───. ───. ───. Hold!”

Just before the ice spear pierced the sword, white light flew out and covered the spear. Eventually, the spear stopped in the air as if it were a lie, and soon fell helplessly to the ground. And the three of them split the air and flew in a round curve.

“No way!”

The tramp who activated the magic let out a sharp yell at the incredible sight that unfolded before his eyes.

The basic principle is that each user has a unique wave of magic power, and that their magic power cannot be mixed. As such, it was a standard situation for each person to explode when their magical powers collided.

Just now, the ice spear should have penetrated the hold to be normal. No, more accurately, it is true that the hold should not have any influence.

However, Shin Sang-yong’s hold magic did not lose its influence. The reason was his special ability, ‘Magic Square of Harmony’. Shin Sang-yong, who activated his ability, harmonized his magic wavelength with that of his opponent, resulting in a ruling that the hold’s influence was maintained.


Shin Sang-yong lowered the cane he had raised and took a deep breath. He was worried that he might be a little late due to the effects of ‘Magic Bullet’, but he was right in preparing in advance.

Lee Kang-san gritted his teeth as he watched the sword finally settle into the chain.

“Screw that bastard first!”

Lee Kang-san immediately gave an order and ran like the wind, thinking that he would try to gain the upper hand for now. In fact, it wasn’t that he didn’t think he would lose, but rather it was an order that came from missing Geomhu right in front of his eyes, whom he thought he could catch.

Soon, Shin Sang-yong activated his potential ability as he saw the vagabonds running towards him with a ferocious force.

“Build a magic fortress!”


Then, a square-shaped light is drawn based on Shin Sang-yong, and four magic circles appear at each corner and begin to shine bright light.

Starting with that, the second battle between users and vagabonds began.

Cry rumble, rumble!

When Shin Sang-yong released his hand again, half of the chains covered the surrounding area while the other half of the chains dug in between the oncoming vagabonds. But this time, the vagabonds were not easily defeated either. As we were thoroughly prepared, each chain was broken and removed, scattering in all directions.

But Shin Sang-yong did not waver. A surprise attack had been effective earlier, but he knew that it couldn’t be done now. So, taking advantage of the moment when the vagabonds stopped, they deliberately dragged Geomhu in. If she creates her own gaps and space, she will definitely be able to thrive.

Shin Sang-yong, who thought so, planned to engage in a support battle to cover Geom-hu this time.

And the battle that followed showed Lee Kang-san’s concerns and Shin Sang-yong’s calculations as reality.

Based on the information provided by ‘Building a Magical Fortress’, Shin Sang-yong swung the chain in all directions to hinder approaching enemies as much as possible. Rather than going in from the front, it aims from behind to block its path, wraps its ankles to throw off its balance, and uses its chains to block magic coming from afar. Then, when a clear opportunity occurred, he wrapped the chain around the tramp’s neck without any hesitation.

Shin Sang-yong was literally operating Imprisone in a trance state. It’s really taking out the strength that I had while breastfeeding. Once the dam was breached, the ‘magic bullet’ was no longer an obstacle. The magic power that had been extracted to its limit was spinning through the circuit without hesitation, and the magic circuit that withstood it was in a heated state.

In the midst of all this, the person who was actually the most excited was Geomhu. At first he rushed in with anger, but later when he was put on the defensive he regretted having lost his temper. However, when he received assistance from the rare class, his breathing cleared up, and he finally began to demonstrate his true skills.

On the other hand, the vagabonds were dying. Each chain wasn’t much of a threat, but with so many chains rushing at me so relentlessly, it was quite annoying. After barely breaking through, there was a swordsman standing there with his eyes sparkling amid the sight of dozens of chains.

Although it is said that he had a slight advantage in the wheel-to-wheel combat, he was not easily suppressed even when he was alone. He couldn’t have put all his effort into dealing with him, and right now he wasn’t in a position to engage in wheel-to-wheel combat, let alone focus his attention.

And it wasn’t just the two of them. While guarding around Shin Sang-yong, he was getting on the nerves of the vagabonds without knowing why he was waiting for every opportunity.


Eventually, when the first scream was heard from somewhere, Lee Kang-san realized. As long as the defense is consistent like this, it will take more time than expected to win the battle.

And maybe, you might lose.

A belated regret came into Lee Kang-san’s inner self. If you had a solid combination instead of rushing in like this… . But that was only for a moment. Once it became clear that it was a wasteful battle, he immediately shouted.

“shit! “Go away now!”

It was at this moment that the vagabonds suddenly felt that the battle had become more difficult. So I immediately stopped circling in the chain and started walking in an instant.

“It’s not easy. “What would you do?”

“Hmm… .”

After increasing some distance. Lee Kang-san responded with a sigh to the tramp’s slightly out of breath words.

There would be no good at all if time was wasted like this. Simon’s actions to use them as a shield had temporarily strained relations with the continent, and even if that were not the case, it was soon time for support troops from the east to arrive. It was very unfortunate that I lost the sword I had been looking for, but if I continued to wait like this, I might get caught.

Lee Kang-san thought so, but he still stared at Geomhu with lingering eyes. She was still standing upright through her chains, staring at her bum.

The tramp whipped around once more.

“I know how you feel, but the situation is a bit urgent.”

“… … .”

Lee Kang-san didn’t say anything. However, silence was no different from silent affirmation.

At that moment, Lee Kang-san suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction. She then twisted her face, and opened her mouth in an urgent voice.

“f*ck! Did you notice? Everyone get out! “Let’s leave the battlefield right now!”

Eventually, the vagabonds began to retreat. Shin Sang-yong was relieved to see them slowly taking a step or two back, then turning their backs and running away.

And Geomhu tilted his head slightly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Let’s go right to the next episode.


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not work with dark mode