MEMORIZE Chapter 375

00375 When winter passes, spring comes. ————————————————– ———————-=

Suddenly, the screams heard around me began to fade away. It was the moment I confirmed the identity of the person holding my shoulder with a trembling heart.

At that moment, Shin Sang-yong, who was trying to struggle hard, stopped moving.


The voice that rang again had a very familiar tone. That familiarity corrected Shin Sang-yong’s messed up mind a little bit. He blinked once or twice. Then, through his slightly calmed vision, the first thing he saw was Ahn Hyun, who was holding his shoulder. And next to him, Lee Yu-jeong stood with a sad look in her eyes.

“Ah, Ahn Hyeon… . Yoo Jeong-yang… . Everyone was alive… .”

“Yes bro! My brother is also alive. I’m so glad. What a relief… .”

Shin Sang-yong’s voice, which barely opened his mouth, contained a faint cry. As soon as I saw the two of them, I felt like the tension that had filled my body just a moment ago ebbed away. Then, a feeling of relief filled the empty space. He let out a thin breath, feeling as if his legs were going to give out at any moment.

“brother! It just worked out well. Something big has happened now. “I really need your help.”

“Yeah, that’s right. It’s a big deal. ah. I shouldn’t do this here and now, but as quickly as possible… .”

Shin Sang-yong, who hastily nodded, had no choice but to stop talking. This was because Ahn Hyun, who was still holding his shoulder, was shaking his head quickly.

“No, bro. “That’s not it.”

“Yes? Well, if not… .”

Shin Sang-yong asked back with a puzzled look at Ahn Hyeon’s urgent denial.

“Sol, I lost Sol. “We have to find her brother.”

And as soon as Ahn Hyeon responded immediately, the sense of relief that was just about to linger over Shin Sang-yong’s body suddenly reversed.

“yes? Oh, you’re looking for Miss Ansol? What is that suddenly… . “What do you mean?”

“Literally. I barely managed to rescue Sol, but I lost track of Sol for a moment as I was swept away by the enemy attacks. I’ve been looking for it for a while… . “I can’t see where it is.”

Although the words were rambling, Shin Sang-yong was able to fully understand Ahn Hyeon’s words. And the moment he heard those words, a feeling of extreme rejection arose within him.

At the same time as an unexpected feeling of anxiety comes over me, my heart, which had barely calmed down, begins to pound again.

In fact, after being hit by a ‘tsunami of purification’. Ahn Hyun, Lee Yu-jeong, and An Sol were able to come together quite dramatically.

Ahn Hyeon and Lee Yu-jeong were fortunate enough to meet each other while a group of users who came to their senses formed a group. Soon, the group moved on, attracting allies they could see along the way, and in the process, Ansol was also able to be rescued.

Up to that point, I definitely thought it was a blessing in disguise.

However, in the end, the group disintegrated when they encountered an enemy that crossed the ship, and Ansol’s whereabouts became unknown while he was running away. Afterwards, Ahn Hyeon asked the people who managed to escape from the attack to help her find her younger brother, but they refused, leaving only the two of them to escape.

However, from the perspective of Shin Sang-yong, who did not know this situation, he felt that Ahn Hyeon’s words were unreasonable. No, even if I had known, my thoughts would not have been different.

In a battlefield where you don’t know when or how you will die, Shin Sang-yong has been running away only to survive. However, Ahn Hyeon does not plan to join forces and escape, but rather suggests that they wander around the inside of the battlefield. It was a request he could not accept, as it was like sticking his head into the jaws of a tiger.

but… .

“brother! help. Will you help me? yes?”

Shin Sang-yong’s eyes were blocking Shin Sang-yong’s mouth through the ‘helmet of bravery’ written on An Hyun’s head. The gaze contained an unfounded trust that he would definitely help. His body trembled without realizing it. He must have said that it was impossible and that he couldn’t do it, but for some reason, his mouth didn’t fall when he met his eyes.

Suddenly, something that happened at the old clan house came to Shin Sang-yong’s mind.

‘lol. Sangyongi hyung. ‘Can you please help me?’

‘Yes, yes? ‘You want help?’

‘yes! There is something that Soohyun hyung ordered me to do. But I’m not sure… . Will you help me?’

‘haha. Well, I see. of course. ‘I’ll help you.’

Then, for no reason, the events of that time overlapped on Ahn Hyeon’s face.

Shin Sang-yong didn’t know what to do for a moment and turned his attention to Yu-jeong Lee. She had been just staring at me without saying anything. His attitude was quite different from usual. Her headband, which she always wore, was gone, and her eyes were taking on a deeper blood color than ever before. Shin Sang-yong eventually lowered his head when he saw Lee Yu-jeong’s life-filled appearance.

“brother? What’s wrong? “Where are you hurt?”

Despite the urgent situation, Ahn Hyun’s worried voice continued. But even that sounded like a urging to Shin Sang-yong to answer quickly.

It was then.

“You’re hurt.”

Lee Yu-jeong finally spoke for the first time. At those words, Ahn Hyun was startled and dropped her hand, and then her gaze followed the finger she pointed to.

“Huh, huh. My thighs… !”

“It’s like this… . “I think it might be a little difficult.”

One word from Lee Yu-jeong: It might be a little difficult. Those words had numerous implications. Perhaps because he sensed this, Anhyeon’s face quickly darkened. On the contrary, Shin Sang-yong raised his head again, thinking that he could see a way.

“brother… . Until now, with these wounds… . “Aren’t you sick?”

“Well, just a little… .”

“under… . What should I do… .”

“… … .”

Anhyun bit her lip with a long sigh. Looking at him like that, Shin Sang-yong swallowed his saliva.

Shin Sang-yong thought.

Now I have a solid excuse. If it’s this much of a hurt, the kids will definitely understand. no. Rather, let’s use this as an excuse to escape together with the kids. If things continue like this, the two of them will definitely die. So, let’s go for now under the pretext of avoiding the place, and find Ansol later… . Because this is a path for both of us.

Only after going through his own rationalization process did Shin Sang-yong finally open his mouth.

“Well, for now… .”

“I can’t do it. “I guess I have to find Ansol by myself.”

However, just as he was about to continue speaking, Ahn Hyeon interrupted Shin Sang-yong with a determined look on his face.

“In my current state, Sang-Yong… . for a moment. what?”

“know. So, Lee Yu-jeong. Please take care of your brother for a while. “I will find Ansol somehow.”

“it’s crazy? “Don’t overdo it.”

“But it can’t continue like this. It’s a situation where you never know when it will be discovered… . And if you look around, you might find a priest… .”

Soon, Shin Sang-yong stared at the two bickering with a blank face. At the same time, a feeling of shame filled my heart. Ahn Hyeon was truly thinking of him, and he felt strangely guilty at the thought that he had betrayed that sincerity.

It was that moment. When time passes inexplicably in a beleaguered situation with no conclusion.

“Oh, brother!”

At the sudden sound of Ansol’s voice, the three were startled and turned their heads at the same time.

In the direction from which the sound was heard, there were a total of four users.

There, Ansol, who was standing as if he was lying, and a woman were slowly reducing the distance between them.



For an instant, a beautiful sword emitting clear light split the air like lightning. The tip of the sword was soon gently inserted into the man’s neck. The speed was so fast that an expression of regret was revealed on his face.

Soon, the man’s gaze slowly turned downward.


And the moment he saw the sword stuck in his neck, he collapsed with that gaze. With that she withdrew her feminine sword, and her long hair once fluttered through the air.


After defeating the last enemy, a quiet silence surrounded the area.

A total of eleven bodies were lying on the floor, including the last man who collapsed. Soon, when the blood flowing from them formed a single stream, the woman’s lips gently opened.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

As soon as the woman spoke, the five people except her and Ansol immediately lowered themselves. Then, each person turns his or her back to one direction and begins to stand guard. The woman stood in the center and cast her sharp gaze in all directions.

“I… .”

“Concentrate. And just look ahead.”

Ahn Hyeon turned his back for a moment and spoke to the woman, but the response he got back was extremely cold. In addition, he subconsciously felt that he did not want to deal with him, so he turned his head in vain.

How on earth did this happen? And she wondered how they had come to where they were, but the woman did not allow her to ask any questions. Maybe she’s right about that. I could hear an explanation of the situation later, and right now it was important to survive somehow.

However, from the perspective of her older brother, she couldn’t do that, so An Hyun secretly stared at An Sol. She was shivering in her middle with a dazed look on her face.

Until a little while ago, Ahn Hyeon was in a rather difficult situation. A sense of duty to find his lost brother. And at the crossroads of not being able to leave the injured Shin Sang-yong alone, luck helped him once again.

However, the joy of reunion was short-lived. Ansol, who burst into tears as soon as he saw them, continued to look shaken afterward. It looked as if he had been extremely shocked by something.

Ahn Hyun thought. It doesn’t seem like he lost his mind. At least he answered, “That sister saved me,” and memorized a simple healing spell for Shin Sang-yong. However, he couldn’t shake off his anxious feelings because it was difficult to think of him as normal.

Anhyeon sighed. As the woman said, the important thing is to survive first.

The ability the woman showed after they started moving together was amazing. She showed the ability to avoid enemies by telling them in advance that there were enemies somewhere, even though they could not be seen with their eyes, or to take out dozens of enemies on her own if she had no choice but to face them.

Thinking that the figure looked similar to Kim Soo-hyun, Ahn Hyun tightened his grip on the spear. After meeting Shin Sang-yong, people around her became as quiet as a lie, so a crushing feeling of anxiety came over her.

How much time has passed?

After a while. A thin sigh came from the woman standing in her center. It was a very faint breath, but it was clearly audible to everyone. At the same time, her heart sank.

Eventually, the woman’s lips opened.

“if… . “Is there anyone who did not directly encounter the enemy on their way here?”

At those words, everyone looks at each other blankly. Since most of the people here have experienced at least one crisis, I assumed that there would be no such person. But then one person secretly raised his hand. That person was Shin Sang-yong.

“I… . “I did not encounter it directly.”

“… “Which direction did you come from?”

“Now, I don’t really remember. Every time it seems like an enemy is coming in front of me, I quickly turn around… .”

After Shin Sang-yong’s words, the woman remained silent again. Before she knew it, her once calm face had a hint of deep sorrow that she couldn’t hide. Then she stared at her Ansol with a curious look on her face.

“The priest there. “Could it be possible for you to give me directions like before?”

His voice was much softer than when he spoke to Anhyeon. But Ansol shook her head, and the woman turned her head with a regretful look on her face.

Finally, one user who couldn’t bear it anymore spoke up.

“Well, after the sword. “You’re not moving again?”

At those words, Geomhu stared blankly and shook his head.

“Because you can’t move. “There are enemies everywhere.”

The face of the user who asked the question about the sword’s answer became earthy.

“But I can’t see the enemy right now…” . “Isn’t it just too much?”

“well. You’re just lucky. No, I don’t know if I should say it’s good… . “I feel like I’m caught in the middle.”


Nam Da-eun must have felt like she didn’t understand at all, so she looked to her right.

“It is true that it is excessive. But why did I just pass by? “I’m not sure what that means.”

Geomhu paused for a moment and then looked to the left. And he spoke again.

“It feels like life is much more dangerous here. “I’m sure the enemy is coming.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, I don’t know everything completely. “You can just think of it as being in the eye of a storm that may disappear at any moment.”

At those words, several quick-thinking users let out an exclamation of “Ah.” It was only when they heard that they were the eye of the storm that they realized the situation they were in.

Although I was lucky to survive the first attack, I didn’t actually survive.

“Okay, then. “Are we surrounded now?”

“It’s not an intentional siege, though.”

“Then, if this continues… .”

“You die.”

Geomhu answered clearly. At that moment, Ansol quietly cried.

“Ugh… .”

“… … .”

“Brother… . Brother Soohyun… . Ugh… .”

Sad sobs continued, but no one thought to stop them. She thought she had barely survived, but she faced a crisis again and lost strength for a moment.

Accordingly, the minds of Mercantile Clan members also became very confused. Now, one user was appearing in their minds at the same time.

If there was a clan lord… .


At that time, Nam Da-eun suddenly turned her head at the sound of a name heard through Ansol’s sobs.

“ah. yes.”

Shin Sang-yong answered from next to him. However, Nam Da-eun did not even look at him, but her eyes were still fixed on Ansol.

“Are you referring to user Kim Soo-hyun?”

“If you mean Mercenary Road, that’s right. “He is our clan lord.”

Only then did Nam Da-eun’s eyes turn round and look back at Shin Sang-yong.

It was then.


Nam Da-eun must have sensed the crowd slowly moving towards them, so she quickly turned her head. She stared straight ahead for a moment and then quietly opened her mouth.

“The enemies are coming this way.”

At those words, Ansol stopped crying. But it was already too late.

“It seems like it can’t be avoided.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

To help readers understand the situation, I will briefly borrow a review. (I tried including it in the content, but it became too much of an explanation, so I deleted it on purpose.)

The current location of An Hyeon, An Sol, Shin Sang-yong, and Yu-jeong Lee is the most dangerous position on the battlefield. It is the furthest away from the defense line and the place where the enemies are the most concentrated. And above all, it is also a place where enemy leaders pass by. Because of this, the vanguard units charged first, clearing a safe path for the enemy leaders in the rear units.

In other words, the vanguard unit has passed by on the right, and the rear unit is slowly approaching on the left.

You can think of enemies being distributed in front and behind. The reason they are distributed is because in response to sporadic outbreaks here and there, the enemies were also divided into several groups and suppressed.

And 7 people were lucky enough to stay in the blind spot for a while.


I will not join Jo Ara until the next episode is completed.


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not work with dark mode