MEMORIZE Chapter 372

00372 Shin Sang-yong ———————————————— ————————=

Even though it was still morning, Barbara’s field was covered in hazy shadows. The sun was still rising in the middle of the sky, but dark clouds had already gathered in, completely blocking the sunlight. It looked like it was about to rain.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew across the field and reached somewhere.

And the wind blowing in the field passes by a group of people.

It was then.

La la la la la… .

La La La… .

la… .


The water spirit, singing of brilliant victory, is caught up in the blowing wind and disappears in one fell swoop. Starting with that, the liquid that formed the shape gradually dispersed, creating sparkling spray in the air.

After such a strange phenomenon occurred, Kim Yu-hyeon slowly raised his head. As he stands blankly, his eyes stare blankly at somewhere on his face. But after taking a short breath, he raised his right hand and began to chant a spell.

After a while. A pattern appeared on the back of my tightly closed hand, and a golden energy radiated. The golden magic instantly spread throughout the body, causing an electric discharge, and soon it surged up and began to color the entire sky. The process of turning black clouds into yellow clouds was so beautiful that it could be called a spectacle.

Before he knew it, Kim Yu-hyeon’s entire body was covered in golden light, and the leaking magical current was dancing as if it were tearing the air apart. The attitude of looking straight ahead in that state is nothing short of calm. However, his eyes, lips, and shoulders, visible through his slightly lowered head, showed a slight tremor.

Suddenly, Kim Yu-hyeon closed his eyes tightly. Soon his face begins to distort. Worry, agony, sadness, sadness, tears… . An emotion that could be collectively expressed with the word ‘sadness’ was evident in his expression.

“… … .”

A little time passed, and Kim Yu-hyun opened his closed hands. And then she quietly parted her lips.



For a moment, a light accompanied by thunder brightened up the world. And finally, Kim Yu-hyeon lifted her slightly bowed head. Before she knew it, a deep yellow glow flowed out of her open eyes like strands of thread.

Soon, Kim Yu-hyeon moved his neck as if he were thirsty. Then, she continues speaking with difficulty, as if someone is spewing out something.

“Thunder… !”

Grow, growl!

And, the world was colored with bright yellow light.

The next moment was the moment when the hem of Kim Yu-hyeon’s robe fluttered significantly.

Pretzel Gwang! Kkwagwagwang!

From the yellow sky, hundreds of rays of light covering the field fell onto the wet ground.


The thunderbolt shining through the clouds brightened up the area. As if they had finally sensed something strange, the enemies who seemed ready to attack at any moment stopped moving. And I immediately looked up at the sky, but it was already too late.

The Thunder God had already activated its power.

Pretzel Gwang!

The moment I heard a thundering sound that was close to an explosion, my hair stood up and my vision turned white.

For a moment, nothing was visible. I immediately used my magic power to strengthen my eyesight. Then, I could see the golden clouds floating in the sky melting and pouring onto the ground.

It was a downpour of lightning.

Boom, boom! Boom, boom! Boom, boom! Boom, boom!


A stinging sensation that pricks the skin. The lightning struck in a straight line and struck the dirt floor violently, creating a large hole. And before the enemy has time to react, it spreads out in all directions along the water flowing through the earth. It felt like I was looking at a river made of electricity.

– Ugh, ugh! Argh!

– Wow!

Soon, following the thundering thunder, a chorus of tearing screams rings out everywhere.

The place immediately began to fill with shouts.

– Ugh! Hahahaha!

– Kkeugerererererereek!

The synergy effect created by electricity and water was truly amazing. The electrocuted enemies were not only trembling, but their entire bodies were burning black. The number of people disappearing helplessly is impossible to count even if you try to count them. The crowds that had been standing there trying to restrict my movement had instead come back as poison.

At least the situation of electrocuted enemies may be better. The unlucky ones who had been hit directly by lightning were nowhere to be seen. Just some remaining fragments of the body showed a terrible outcome.

In this situation, I stood up straight and stared at my surroundings. I was standing in this space right now, so I couldn’t avoid the lightning strike. Accordingly, the golden water stream that had already swallowed dozens of users turned and rushed towards me at the speed of a beam of light.

Partschut! Partz tsk tsk!

Soon, the nearby thunderbolt caused a strong discharge phenomenon that hit like a wave.

Puzzle! Squeeze!

For a moment, it collided with the thrilling magic resistance and caused a thrilling ripple, but fortunately it passed by like a deflection and flowed away leisurely. His brother’s magic control ability shone through.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. However, we cannot rely solely on magic resistance abilities. Therefore, the tension was heightened by being fully prepared so that Hwajeong’s power could be unleashed at any time.

My brother’s unique ability. Thunderer.

There are many abilities of Raijin, including increased vision and the ability to control magic power, but the highlight of them all can be defined as ‘amplification’. Utilizing the power of Raijin, he greatly expands the scope and destructive power of his abilities.

This cannot be compared to simple amplification. As you can see from the name, as long as it contains the word ‘God’, it is safe to say that it is a class similar to my fire righteousness.

– Puh-ha! I’m playing. This is so similar to me?


It was then. I tilted my head to the voice I heard inside. But in an instant, lightning struck again from the sky, and struck again. At the horrifying noise of friction between the wall and the ground, I immediately gave up my doubts and let out a helpless laugh.

Boom! Kkkkkkkwang! Kkkkkkkkwang!

“… … .”

Lightning struck continuously. As if he was getting angry and wondering who dared to push my younger brother around, his older brother continued to pour out thunderbolts without giving him a single chance. Despite my magical eye power, I quietly closed my eyes as my vision was blurry.

There were no screams anymore.

How much time has passed?

As I was concentrating on the presence with my eyes closed, I soon felt the vibrations around me slowly subside.

After keeping my eyes closed for a while longer, I slowly opened them.

Gooooooooooo… .

The lightning that had been striking all along had suddenly stopped. The surroundings were so thick with smoke that it was impossible to see what was ahead. Dust raised by the impact was swirling around the area. And when it gradually subsided, I could finally clearly see the scene around me.

Suddenly, a burning smell filled my nose.

scorched earth.

The ground was cracked as if lava had flowed.

Bodies strewn here and there, charred black and unrecognizable.

It was like that. I couldn’t find a single person other than me standing within at least a 100-meter radius. The enemies who were glaring at me as if they were going to kill me just a moment ago disappeared all at once, as if it were a lie.

Literally a heap of ashes… . The scene unfolding before my eyes was so devastating that even calling it that was not enough.

But the surprise was short-lived. I came to my senses right away. Anyway, I was not surprised to the point of being blown away because I had seen it a few times in the first episode.

no. Putting that aside, we cannot afford to sit still like this. This situation was a precious opportunity that his older brother had created despite putting a strain on his body. If you show a foolish attitude towards a subject you have been told to trust, it will be a betrayal of your brother’s trust.

Therefore, the action that followed was swift.

First, I quickly grabbed ‘Caligo Abraxas’ and ‘Glory of Victoria’, and then immediately looked down and looked at the corpse I had heard earlier. The elementalist’s corpse barely maintained its original shape, but that was all. The arrogant smile he had shown me was now so distorted that I couldn’t even see it.

I quickly searched with my third eye and then slid my hand towards my abdomen. Eventually, I could feel something hard and cold, like a round bead being held in my palm. I took it out right away.

『Water Crystal』

“As expected, there was.”

Although it was slightly scorched, the ‘water crystal’ fortunately preserved its original form. With a sigh of relief, I carefully placed the beads back into my arms.

I bought time. Variables were also removed. In addition, it killed the enemies’ rush and inflicted great damage.

But even so, it cannot correspond to all 15,000 of the enemy’s total troops. It is highly likely that enemies that are not within my range will stop for a moment, hesitate, and then run straight ahead.

Still, Vivian would have built up some defenses by now… .

But I don’t go there. no. You must not go.

‘We must hold out as much as possible until reinforcements arrive.’

Currently, the eastern camp was largely scattered after being hit by the ‘Tsunami of Purification’. Since they are not gathered in one place, you have to rush around. Now all that’s left is to rescue only the people I know and get them into the defense line as quickly as possible.

Putting aside the joy of having gained the means to deal with the armies of demons and demons in the future, I quickly began crossing the field. At the same time, a potential ability was launched into the air.

『Blessing of the Battlefield (Rank: Extra)』

(Explanation: …. A blessing from the goddess that can only be enjoyed as a single soldier, activated only on the battlefield. The user who receives the protection gains a wide field of view that can encompass the entire battlefield, and can immediately identify the location of allies in danger. Yes. Also….)


Shin Sang-yong’s eyebrows twitched slightly, as if he felt the noise pounding his eardrums. Eventually, his eyes slowly opened. He blinks once or twice as if he can’t see clearly, and then habitually looks around. He appeared to be looking for broken glasses on his bedside table.

Shin Sang-yong, who had been looking for glasses for a while without even thinking about strengthening his eyes with magic, suddenly stopped moving. Soon, his narrowed eyes, which had opened briefly, suddenly became as big as a flower lantern.

Shin Sang-yong was still lying on the floor. I had been losing my mind ever since I was swept away by the ‘Tsunami of Purification’.

“uh… . uh… .”

Shin Sang-yong, still unable to think, barely raised his head and his gaze fell on his bent right hand. And the moment she saw the thick blood on his palm, she was so shocked that she immediately raised her upper body.

“Ugh, wow!”

However, Shin Sang-yong was unable to achieve his intention to get up. As soon as he saw the unknown corpse covering his body, he let out a loud scream and immediately laid down again. At the same time, the excruciating pain he felt in his legs came flooding back, violently ravaging his mind.

Just like that, I was just about to struggle with the sudden situation I was faced with.

“Is anyone alive there?”

With the voice of a young woman, the body covering Shin Sang-yong was rolled away.

“Are you okay?”

“ah… . uh… . ah… . uh… .”

Shin Sang-yong, who only moans, seems frustrated. The woman immediately bent down and grabbed his shoulder and shouted. Shin Sang-yong shook his head vigorously.

“Oh my! Don’t stay still! “We haven’t reached here yet, but we still have to run away quickly!”

“Save me… .”

Perhaps strangely, Shin Sang-yong was still moaning, but the eyes of the woman who was quickly scanning him flashed for an instant.

“this… ! You were seriously injured. “Please wait a moment.”

The woman’s strength was quite strong, and soon Shin Sang-yong’s body was supported and lifted up. And only then did he come to his senses a little.

When he barely managed to turn his head to look at the woman who helped him, he was soon able to see a cute-looking woman with plump breasts. She was standing there with her face covered in dirt, constantly looking behind her as if she was being chased by something.

“Okay, thank you… .”

“iced coffee. You’ll get that later. for now… .”

It was then.

ping! Pop!


An arrow flew from somewhere and pierced the face of the woman who was supporting Shin Sang-yong. She let out a single scream and her body collapsed, and Shin Sang-yong had no choice but to throw her barely raised body on the ground again.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

At the same time, the surrounding situations began to come into Shin Sang-yong’s senses one by one.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. There was a lot of controversy about the part about catching the elementalist.

This review will be about answering the most frequently asked questions.

1. Why does the dog suffer alone?

The current situation in the East, especially the West Gate Unit, is very chaotic.

They were hit by ‘magic bullets’, which limited the use of magical power, and are slowly recovering from being hit by ‘purification tidal waves’, but their battle lines are very disorganized because they were so swept away by it. To make matters worse, 15,000 enemies rushed towards the Seomun unit at once, while 5,000 of the Seomun unit were scattered in all directions. Combat power has also plummeted.

Then just for a moment.

This comes up in episode 368.

‘But I can’t do that now.

no. Is it accurate to say that he didn’t do that?

Now my brother and I are not alone. He was the lord of the clans Mercanary and Hamill, and was in a position to lead the users within each fence. The Hamill Clan members who gave up their lives because of me in the first round and the Mercenary Clan members who trusted and followed me in the second round had nothing to do with me anymore.

The great proposition of the hole plane.

It’s a world where you can’t do anything alone.

Under these propositions, I was able to think of several things and decide accordingly. In other words, the meaning has been expanded from the singular ‘hyung’ to the plural ‘they’.

But needless to say, saving them all was next to impossible. Although I understood it better than anyone else, I chose the path that would save as much as possible, even after taking all that into consideration.’

Rather than running away alone or with his brother, Kim Soo-hyun chose to save the people he knew (Hamil, Mercenary Clan members). And for that, ‘time’ was needed. Time is the time to hold out until the support units at the east, south, and north gates arrive.

Currently, the enemies have destroyed the castle themselves to escape.

The main goal was not to sweep the entire northern continent, but to return to the western continent.

Kim Soo-hyun’s plan in response to that is as follows.

1. Kim Soo-hyun buys time by eliminating the giant and water elementalist, and deals as much damage as possible.

2. In the meantime, Vivien summons two legions, and nearby users draw in as many of them as possible to build a defense line to hold out.

3. Kim Soo-hyun returns and makes full use of the ‘Blessing of the Battlefield’ to find scattered acquaintances and take them to the defense line.

In that case, Kim Soo-hyun inevitably has no choice but to move around the battlefield rather than be in the defense line.

If the enemy’s goal was to escape rather than annihilate the northern continent, Kim Soo-hyun calculated that they would flock to places where defenses were not established rather than places where defenses were established. So he had to kill the giant and the elementalist. This is to create a situation where the defense can be built more easily and to eliminate the biggest variable that could possibly threaten the defense. (If a legion of spirits stronger than the demonic beasts attacks the defense, it will be quite an awkward situation.) ‘Water crystals’ are just a bonus or secondary reason.

Of course, there would have been a way to set up defenses and find people who knew without having to go in. Then, you would have met the enemies who came in quickly and without any hindrance, and you would have had to spend some time inside the defensive position. And for the ‘known people’ who could not be saved at that time, there was a strong possibility that it would already be too late.

It may still be considered too late, but Kim Soo-hyun’s hard-earned time has narrowed the gap to some extent.

The situation is still unfavorable. However, from Kim Soo-hyun’s perspective, you can see that he chose the path with the highest efficiency and potential.

P.S. The woman who was hit by an arrow in the latter part of the film is the woman who was on watch with Kim Soo-hyun previously. Her name was mentioned in the content as No Yumi. 😀


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not work with dark mode