MEMORIZE Chapter 371

00371 Shin Sang-yong ———————————————— ————————=

3rd stage flight.

Of course, just because it is used three times does not mean it is a three-stage flight. It was the ability to divide the movement ability I possessed into three and control the magical power used each time I leap to arbitrarily adjust the distance.

The moment the angle came up, I didn’t hesitate at all.

He immediately climbed up the ground and took his first leap using the speed of his Orthros Long Boots.

– Kill it!

And the moment the body rises into the air, an immeasurable number of deadly creatures rush in, as if they were waiting.

But that was something I also expected. Therefore, as soon as I got into the air, I quickly lowered my body, and soon I could feel countless living things passing by in the empty space above.

I dodged it for now, but I have no intention of landing like this. I quickly shook my foot before it completely touched the floor, and soon I felt the sole of my foot touch the shoulder of an unknown person.

And in that state, I once again took a leap using my boots.

Shoo shoo shoo!

This time, the arrow was aimed at me again, but I felt that my life had significantly decreased compared to before. The ‘Glory of Victoria’ is vigorously scanned in the direction where the arrow comes in as much as possible.

The cut things were cut in half and all bounced into the air. However, before I could block it, I felt several arrows coming from a blind spot hitting my body.

When I gently bit my lip and looked down, I noticed a tight battle line with no room to step, let alone a little space. The enemies all had their eyes raised and their long weapons erected upright.

If you continue to descend like this, your body’s balance will definitely collapse. The key to 3-stage flight is to show a flowing action in the section dividing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stages.

Then there is one answer. Just create space like before.

Eventually, as the body begins to fall, magical power is infused into the sword. And then he began to relentlessly strike down his sword energy towards her falling point.

‘Victoria’s Glory’ spits out brief blackness, and each time it does so, it pours a wave reaching 30cm into the middle of the enemies.

pop! pop! pop! pop!

Busy movement and dizzying screams flow through the thick dust raised by the impact. The wave that hit indiscriminately eventually became a baptism of light, creating a small hole in the enemy’s battle lines.

After a while.

I landed on the ground, feeling my hair blowing from side to side in the strong wind. And the moment I finished the first flight and set foot on the ground, I felt a flashing light cover my whole body. At the same time as the sound of cutting through the air, dozens of shiny blades struck from all directions.

It was a moment to click my tongue at the perfect connection.

I quickly raised my head and looked ahead. Amidst the pouring in weapons, a disorganized battle line comes into view. And in the midst of that distortion, I activated my second flight, Lee Heung-hwan-wi, and jumped over it.

As I closed and opened my eyes once, the scene before my eyes changed, and at the same time, a faint cheer rang out behind me. However, it seemed to have confirmed that the afterimage was fading, as it suddenly stopped. But without even having time to look back, I immediately resumed running.

‘The remaining distance is half.’

It was reduced by half in no time. Then 15 meters. Normally, it was a distance that could be shortened in a month.

However, as soon as I saw the Spirit King standing in front of me, a sudden, causeless feeling of frustration overtook my heart. In a way, it could be said to be the last gateway before reaching the status of an elementalist, but it was not an easy opponent.

But what can we do now? In the end, the key is who made the more detailed calculations.

I swallowed once. I knew that if I went up in the air again like this, I would become a target again, but right now the only space open to me was empty space. Will I be able to overcome the Spirit King while avoiding the things that are targeting me?

‘You can’t leave it to chance.’

It is foolish to leave your life to luck. The enemies were currently watching my every move. We must aim for that point. It would probably have been reloaded by now. The more I have to consume the loaded spells and arrows, the more likely I am to break through the Spirit King.

At the same time as I was thinking that, I felt an incoming attack and took action reflexively.

First, before suddenly filling the ground, raise Lee Hyeong-hwanwi’s ability. Then, as it soared into the air, the prepared ability of Lee Hyeong-hwanwi was activated one beat late.

The feet were still attached to the ground.

Soon, the body rose into the air, cutting through the strong wind. However, the feeling of floating that came over my body was short-lived.

It reversed for a moment and was tilted downward.


Soon, I was able to land on the ground again the moment I floated up.

Pubububung! Pubububung!

Shoo shoo shoo! Shoo shoo shoo!

Countless magic and arrows are belatedly striking the air. The enemies immediately targeted me as I floated in the air, but I landed on the ground immediately using the Lee Hyeong-hwanwi ability that was activated as soon as I rose into the air. The gap between them is about 1 second. Due to the Lee Hyeong-hwanwi prepared before jumping into the air, it was determined that jumping and activating the ability were almost simultaneous.

With this, one opportunity arose.

The gate called Spirit King is still holding up, but it is much better than before.

Before the time I had managed to make was up, I started to take action. I grab the collar of the man who is staring blankly in front of me and forcefully pull him down.

Thinking that my current leap would decide the winner, I obediently stepped on his shoulder as his body was collapsing, and this time, I pulled out all the strength I had gained and jumped up in one go.

The distance from the Spirit King is about 5 meters. With this level of jumping power, it was a distance that was more than enough to reach.

Perhaps because he jumped with all his might, his body flew in a curved line and quickly got closer to the water giant.

Soon, the Spirit King seemed to recognize me as well. The guy’s head slowly lowered and he started staring at me.

Then, dozens of water-colored rays erupted from his entire body, and at the same time, his right arm changed. And then, the water-colored rays coming in with fierce force fall, aiming precisely at me, who is going up against me.


I held my breath for a moment in what was almost like concentrated fire, but I responded by extending my sword forward. At the same time, he infuses his magic with all his might and prepares a wave to cut down the Spirit King.

Pung! Pung! Pung! Pung!

There was a part of me that believed. The water-colored ray that touched the body spread in the air, creating a strong spray just like before. Even though I had been repeatedly beaten from before, my magic resistance was still intact and I was able to barely defend against dozens of rays of water light.


At that moment, with great anger, I could see a right arm that was bigger than before being stretched out towards me. The physical power exerted by a swinging blow cannot be ignored. As if I had jumped in with all my might, the fist of water I had swung with all my might was shooting out with such force as if it was trying to knock me down at any moment.

Just before it reached me, I held the sword with both hands and concentrated all my attention.

Finally, the moment came when the fist and the sword were about to meet each other. I turned my sword diagonally and tilted my body half a turn to the right. The experience of fighting one-on-one with Geomhu helped me at this moment.

It happened in an instant.

I felt a tingling sensation in my left elbow as it brushed against me, but the outstretched fist of water soon formed a huge stream and passed right by me. I ride next to it and seep into the body. And then he rushed straight into the spirit king’s body.

For a moment, I had the illusion of seeing the blue sea in front of my eyes. The body, which was 8 meters in diameter, appeared as if it were one giant water barrier. Just as I was about to be buried in the sea, I made a large slash with the wave I had prepared towards the thing blocking my path right in front of me.


Then, for an instant, the sea opened to the left and right as if it were a lie, and the empty space behind it was visible.

In some ways, this could be seen as an opportunity to deal a solid blow to the Spirit King.

But I soon gave up the thought. Although he was called a king, the Spirit King was also a summoned beast. If you kill the subject of summoning, it will naturally disappear.

There is only one goal. Elementalist.

As I chew the cud, water suddenly boils up like a sea splitting into left and right sides and begins to repair the wound. Just before it closed completely, I slipped through the gap in a straight line.

‘I did it…’ !’

After I got out, it was a moment I thought about.



As soon as I separated the Spirit King, I unconsciously lost my breath due to the strong impact of being hit on the back. His speed was already greatly reduced as he entered the water with his sword face, but his body’s balance was disturbed by the blow just now.

Soon, I felt my body leaning even more. But he couldn’t give up. If you continue like this, your dog’s hard work so far will be in vain.


Fortunately, the concentration raised to the limit turned the crisis into an opportunity.

Instead of resisting the force coming into your back, accept it as is. Just like when I rescued Ansol in the rite of passage, when I control the received shock and transform it into a force that accelerates forward, the body that has stopped suddenly springs forward.


The wind passing by my head and the open air. When I saw that, my whole body was filled with joy that I had finally crossed the eight-legged ridge.

The remaining distance is 10 meters. The body is still floating in the air.

After two flights, I looked down and saw the elementalist within arm’s reach.

Finally. Finally, the elementalist entered the gap.

Where did the arrogant smile from earlier go? When I saw her mouth gaping open, I felt that she was close to achieving her goal. As if she was about to be caught, her vague thoughts were now turning into certainty before her eyes.

I filled the circuits around my body with magical power. An uncountable number of users are watching me. I felt like the feeling I had when I held the zero code in the past was coming back.

‘can do.’

Thanks to the strength the Spirit King gave me, I regained some of my speed and began my descent. The leap and magic that exerted all of their strength cut through the air like a slide to achieve their goal this time. The elementalist looking at me bites his lip with an exasperated look on his face, and then makes a venomous expression.

I plunged straight into the woman’s arms and began to increase the magical power flowing through the circuits of my entire body. Now all that was left was one step.


It was then.

With victory one step away, the elementalist’s subsequent actions filled his eyes with strength.

It was just as I was starting my descent.

The elementalist must have realized that I was going to come in like this, so he opened his mouth wide and shouted, and then waved his hand horizontally.


At that time, a dark shadow appeared along with a huge water path to the left of the point where I entered. It was pushing in as if it was pushing a blue carpet, and was racing without hesitation to block the point I was trying to pass through.

Also, on the right, a rough force of unknown origin was rushing in, matching the rushing water. And only then did I understand the situation. Even though it was only a fleeting moment, I was filled with admiration.

They were accurate attacks that even calculated my incoming speed. If I maintain this speed and fly, the deadly force coming from both directions will explode at me like a clap of hands the moment I reach the point.

‘That can’t be possible.’

The leap is not over yet. Accordingly, I curled up as much as I could. The magical energy that had been filled earlier was still circulating without hesitation along the circuits within the body.

Finally, the moment just before the passing point.


Without delay, I opened my body and exploded the magical power of my entire body at once. Then, the body that was falling through the air in a thin curve suddenly bounced like a rubber band and changed into a curve that was close to a straight line.

It was the final leap, the invocation of Gungsin Tanyeong (弓身彈影).

The speed of descent accelerates further. In that state, I literally ‘passed’ the passing point.


I can’t hear anything. After passing the point where the magic entered, I only felt the light and spray rising into the sky.

With the hope that had finally arrived, I gave strength to ‘The Glory of Victoria’ with the thought that it was the last time. And he aimed at the users who were tightly surrounding the elementalist and woman below.

Clap clap clap clap clap clap!

An ability that I have cherished and saved for this moment. Finally, the pure white sword gave out a clear black sound. The sword’s light shoots out, followed by a tearing scream as several users’ bodies collapse.

Among those people was an elementalist. However, he is not dead yet. He stumbles for a moment and then manages to regain his bearings by grabbing his right arm.

Eventually, the elementalist finally got up and glared at me, who had come very close. I don’t know when he picked it up, but in the right hand of the elementalist, he was holding ‘Caligo Abraxas’, which had been transformed.

When I saw that, a thrill of joy filled my whole body.

What I have endured and endured so far was for this very moment. A clear opportunity that was created after overcoming numerous crises.

I leaned my right arm back sharply, thinking that it was really the end.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

As if I was confident of my victory, ‘The Glory of Victoria’ rang out in an unprecedented clear blackness.

– Aaaaaaa!

And, as if trying to make a last effort, the elementalist let out a tearing scream and held up ‘Caligo Abraxas’ with difficulty.

With that, the distance between me and the elementalist became ‘0’.

At the same time, white and black intersected.



Eventually, I cut something and fell straight to the ground. With so much force, the earth axle made a huge roar and dust rose up, filling the surrounding area with smoke.

However, what I felt throughout my body was not solid ground. I felt something like a clean and soft human body.

When I recovered from my shock and raised my head, I discovered a fountain of blood gushing out intermittently and a headless corpse with its entire body crushed and blood oozing out.

“… … .”

Compared to the hard work, the results were achieved in an instant. Still, I took a deep breath thinking that I had finally killed him, but it wasn’t over yet. I picked up the body and immediately stood up.

The son-in-law was quiet. The dust that had risen soon settled, and all I could see were the enemies staring blankly at me and the elementalist.

Soon, I looked up at the sky, holding the corpse in my left hand and ‘The Glory of Victoria’ in my right. Before I knew it, the sky was filled with dark clouds.


Following that, the huge waters that formed the Spirit King gradually dispersed and scattered here and there. It follows the rule that since the summoner is dead, he can no longer exist here.

Wow! Wow!

The enemies must have finally come to their senses due to the raindrops drenching the area, and a vicious murderous intent soon covers the area. Nevertheless, I still looked up at the sky.

The signal should have gone there by now.


And when I saw a ray of lightning shining through the clouds, I felt strength coming into my eyes.

The moment I confirmed it, I unleashed my magic power again and shouted at the top of my lungs.


And that moment.


The world turned into a bright yellow light.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I think it will probably be a slightly longer review tomorrow. 🙂


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not work with dark mode