MEMORIZE Chapter 370

00370 Shin Sang-yong ———————————————— ————————=

At that moment, the energy that occurred in ‘Caligo Abraxas’ reversed. The energy that was burning so ravenously as if it was going to tear everything apart gathered together into a neat shape in the eyes.

Fluffy! Fluffy!

The sound of clear water can be heard from all directions. After clearing away only the things I could see in front of me, I kicked up into the air with a kick filled with magical power. Although it is not possible to create a strong lunge like kicking from the ground, it is possible to at least levitate one’s body. I soon felt the water coming up again, but I paid it no mind and held my position.

As I lowered my head, I saw an elementalist extending his left arm towards me. There was a cold smile on her lips. It felt like an arrogant smile, confident of her victory.

Suddenly, I felt the energy filling the inside of the sword shaking. Thinking of breaking that arrogant smile, I turned Caligo Abraxas upside down and held my right arm back sharply. Then, I roughly estimated it and was able to quickly conclude that it was possible.

Floating in the air was clearly an inevitable choice. However, the story changes once the targeted elementalist is captured. The goal from the beginning was to kill it quickly and escape, and there are ways to kill it even if it doesn’t stick to you. I was able to smile face to face because there was a way for me too.

Eventually, the feeling of descending due to gravity began to appear in my body.

The exchange of attacks between me and the elementalist took place in a split second.

At the same time as the woman tightly grasped her outstretched hand, I also threw ‘Caligo Abraxas’ with all my might.

Fluffy! Fluffy!

As soon as I threw it, dozens of streams of water surrounded me, but soon they spread widely into the air like paint in water. It was natural. Of course, the damage will accumulate, but it cannot be expected that it will immediately break through the magic resistance recognized by Mavolo, who has a magic power of 100.


This time, on the contrary, I was confident of victory. The sword thrown with all its might spread ominous energy and plummeted in a straight line. At the end was an elementalist. The smooth woman’s brows were frowning, as if she had seen her own abilities fading away in vain.


‘Caligo Abraxas’, who soon rushed forward, drew straight silver and gold and was soon on the verge of piercing the elementalist. Suddenly the woman waved her hand lightly and pursed her lips. Then, as a ball of water appeared like a ghost in the air, I immediately memorized the starting word.

“Broken Fragments.”


At that moment, ‘Caligo Abraxas’ exploded violently. As if a grenade had exploded, the finely divided fragments of jet black light spread widely and engulfed the elementalist. At the same time, I felt my body fall, and then a huge explosion of sound flowed into my ears. When I looked back while descending, I could see a hot wind mixed with black and water rising.

Grrrr! Grrrr!


The wind, which was swaying back and forth as if dancing, eventually raised itself up as if stretching. And in that fleeting moment, the pitch black light mixed with the wind was widely scattered around the area like flower petals in full bloom.

It was almost simultaneously that I landed on the ground and began to question the outcome. I quickly raised my head and looked at the location I had identified earlier. Then, I could see the elementalist still standing on his feet, but his entire body was tanned. The woman was still alive.

“… uh.”

Eventually, as soon as I saw the huge being standing in front of the elementalist, I was able to understand the situation. What I saw earlier wasn’t the wind. What rose up was an optical illusion of the process of forming a single being.

And the huge water giant with a diameter of 8 meters in front of me was telling me that the Spirit King had appeared. Just as the Satyr suddenly appeared, the Water Spirit King also suddenly appeared.

– I was just wondering… . It was a good thing I had prepared in advance. This monster.

However, before there was time to take a closer look at its majesty, a quiet voice flowed through the fog that was rushing in and encroaching on the surroundings. Because it was not Korean, I could not understand it completely. But seeing the elementalist smiling at me doesn’t give me a very good feeling.

I sighed and cleared my mind. At first glance, the elementalist’s complexion is pale. It seemed like he had used up all his energy by revealing the Spirit King he had saved. But the important thing is that in the end, the goal was not achieved with the previous blow. At least the ‘broken fragments’ seemed to have caused some damage at first, but water was flowing continuously throughout the woman’s body, healing her injuries.

The following worries became reality as I looked around. Before I knew it, the wizards and archers had reloaded and were all aiming at me. I chewed my lips gently.

– I’ll kill you.

It was then. A murderous voice that did not match his neat appearance and quiet voice rang out all around him. And that became a signal announcing the resumption of ‘concentrated fire’.

Pubububung! Pubububung!

Countless magic rises into the sky and falls towards me. When I saw that, I really regretted leaving the sword behind.

However, as countless magical spears and blades plummeted towards me, I raised the only remaining sword without even thinking about retrieving ‘Caligo Abraxas’. Although I knew it would be difficult, I started turning my sword to aim at things coming in at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!

And the moment the clash began, there was a slight shaking in the body. I was able to block it by swinging at random, but it was a magic that I couldn’t completely block even with the two spells I used earlier. Although there are times when three or four pieces are dropped with each cut, there is no talent for blocking dozens of pieces at once with just a sword.

I used to cut out as much of what I could see as possible, but there were things I missed, knowingly or unknowingly, that were out of sight. As evidence, as time passed, the ripples throughout the body were becoming more and more intense.

Shoo shoo shoo! Shoo shoo shoo!

However, as if they were determined not to allow even the slightest gap, the immeasurable sound of arrows tearing through the air flowed in. Even without looking, you can tell that the next batter is a barrage of arrows. I cursed under my breath, cried, and started eating mustard.

In an instant, the scenery in front of my eyes changed, and at the same time, I could see dozens of water-colored rays hitting straight into the direction I had moved to. It was the ray of light that the water spirits used against Vivian’s demonic army that I had seen before. However, his thickness and strength could not be compared to his, so I placed the ‘Glory of Victoria’ in front of my head and wrapped my whole body in a large ‘blue knight’s coat’.


Soon, a ray of light passed by my shoulder. And starting from that, the rain of rays fell mercilessly into the circular space.

Pung! Pung! Pung! Pung!

Eventually, the reflexive magic resistance and the falling rain collided as if pouring down without hesitation. Numerous ripples occur in all directions, and the scattered water wets the body.

this is… .

Pung! Pung! Pung! Pung!

It felt like I was standing in the middle of a shower. I was constantly feeling dull impacts on my shoulders, thighs, and feet. I even felt something tearing on my back, and then I felt cool water flowing down my back.

After a while.

When all the rainwater ran down and made the ground soggy, loud cheers rang out from the surrounding area. Receiving cheers (of course they weren’t directed at me), I slowly got up. Eventually, the artificially created water fog slowly cleared, and at the same time, the cheers stopped.

For some reason, my back felt empty. But I calmly shook my head off.

The protection of the battlefield, the glory of the sky and the sun, the blue knight’s cloak. The magic resistance created by these three elements blocked the Spirit King’s blow.

I shook my head once more to shake off the remaining moisture and activated my magic again.


The current situation could clearly be seen as a crisis. Even if we manage to hold out since our magic resistance is high now, if this linkage continues, there is no guarantee when it will break. The damage accumulated so far is probably at a level that cannot be ignored.

It was a time when a decision was needed to find a way out.

‘The distance is approximately 60 meters… .’

“───. ───. ───.”

‘You bastards.’

However, I immediately stopped thinking when I heard the chanting of a spell and the sound of arrows being fired. And the magical power created was fully infused into the ‘Glory of Victoria’.

No, to be honest, it’s practically a no-brainer now. The sniping attempt using ‘Caligo Abraxas’ failed. In that case, the only way left now was to rush. Once you can get into the middle of the enemies, you will be somewhat relieved from the ‘concentrated fire’ like before.

I lowered my sword and stopped moving for a moment. And then I started clearing my head except for one thought.

‘The remaining distance is 60 meters… . The remaining distance is 60 meters… .’

Artificially increases concentration. I feel my breathing getting longer. At the same time, the magical ‘Glory of Victoria’ began to emit a mysterious light. And when the energy beyond the sword body began to spread, I wasted no time rushing into the ground.

From now on, you have to use your speed to move as much as possible. As soon as you start charging in an organized battle line, you will be bombarded the moment you stop even for a moment. Thinking that I might die the moment I stop walking, I picked up my sword with unprecedented nervousness.

The distance to the enemies became shorter in an instant. One beat later, he passes by the man holding the shield and quickly plunges the sword into his neck. And when a wave was released with the penetrating tip of the sword, pure white sword energy immediately attacked the enemy’s battle lines.

Next, I swung my sword without stopping, stepping on the enemies who were falling while screaming. Since it was so crowded, enemies were caught just by swinging it.

Squeak! Squeak!

As if running a mower over full grass, several heads suddenly appear in the air, and blood-soaked threads hanging from the tip of the sword embroider the air.

The archer in front of me had his mouth open in a daze, as if he didn’t know I would make such a reckless charge. As I steadily inserted my sword into the gap that had appeared, I suddenly felt the presence of melee units charging from both sides. I twisted the sword once, fired a couple of light waves, and then immediately flew away.

There is no time to check what happened. It was literally the scene of a fight between fathers and daughters. A battle where you just kill and kill whatever comes your way. Every time the sword was swung, blood and flesh continued to splatter in all directions.


It was then. The moment I pulled out my sword and was about to swing it again, I heard a sign of someone striking my back. The pain isn’t that great, but it’s very annoying.

Still can’t do it. It was a luxury to assess the surroundings and respond accordingly. Among the areas where equipment cannot be worn, only the vital points are defended to a minimum. And, leaving the square attack to my senses only, I charged and charged in the direction where the elementalist was.

In this situation, it was the power of Secret Class that helped me not stop walking.

The power of ‘can cut everything’ and ‘gives a positive effect to all actions related to the sword’ was truly amazing. No matter how hard something was, it was cut like a piece of paper. In addition, the combination of ‘Victoria’s Glory’, which had excellent cutting power, and 96 horsepower ability further amplified its power.

Although it was a reckless charge, the effect was certain. The distance between him and the elementalist, which seemed unlikely to narrow, began to narrow. The appearance that was only visible a little while ago was now slowly spreading across the entire body.

However, a charge that ignores these defenses has no choice but to pay a reasonable price. Once the battle lines are in order, it is difficult to cause chaos again. Especially if it’s just me. Although we were able to escape the barrage of magic and arrows, we could not ignore the attacks of the raining down weapons.


As he urgently raised his left arm in response to the blow coming from behind, the spear that came through his side pierced the enemy in front of him. Out of gratitude, I was about to kick the guy in the chest and jump over him.

– Wow!

As if someone had kicked him, the man’s waist bent like a bow for a moment and came back to me. Then, a sword grazed her corpse’s ear.


I was able to avoid it by quickly twisting my head, but the unexpected blow that blocked my vision forced me to stop without realizing it. And the price of stopping for a moment was to return to the reality I had feared.

Shoo shoo shoo! Shoo shoo shoo!

As if they were trying to call it revenge for having only hit the empty air until now, in an instant, countless weapons came aiming for me without any reason.

I immediately twisted my body and somersaulted through the air, but I couldn’t completely avoid their attacks.

It was a relief that the spear passed by my neck. However, I felt a slight impact on my stomach and thighs, and a stinging pain on my back.

And I didn’t know when I got hurt, but I frowned as my left hand started to tingle. A few drops of something warm were flowing. But even for a moment. Immediately, he gritted his teeth and kicked the confrontation once again.

Fortunately, many pieces of equipment could prevent critical hits, but physical defense that relies entirely on equipment has its limits. If the durability had not reached 92, at least one part would have been breached long ago.

I sighed loudly and quickly measured the distance. The distance of the first 60 meters had already been reduced by half, with 30 meters remaining. However, as we went further, the enemy’s line became stronger, and more than anything, the Spirit King was standing in front of the Elementalist.

What choice should I make here?

‘The remaining distance is 30 meters… . The remaining distance is 30 meters… .’

“… … .”

‘… It’s a contest.’

Thinking that it was time to take a chance, I stopped walking. And immediately, with the help of my boots, I climbed up the ground as hard as I could.

It was a jump using Orothros boots, marking the first of the three stages of flight I would undertake from now on.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The third stage flight was inspired by Jarvan.

E + Q – Blink – Demacia!

haha. It’s very late today. really sorry.

Originally, I was planning to finish The Elementalist in this episode, but I can’t adjust the progress as I want.

To be honest, there are exactly 3,977 additional characters (even though it’s still a draft).

… (Spoiler) The sight that came out after cutting, and the sight that came out through the artillery barrage… .

Finally, it started to look like the elementalist could be caught with one hand.

can do.

From the hope that finally began to appear, I… (spoiler).

Like this. But when I tried to upload this, my eyes turned white. ha ha ha.

Anyway, I will try my best to get back to my original pace as quickly as possible. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode