MEMORIZE Chapter 364

00364 One-shot match ———————————————– ————————–=

The atmosphere of the 3rd echelon, which had been gloomy until yesterday, began to regain vitality little by little as the day passed. The reason was the exciting good news coming from the South and North that was announced this morning.

The South and North conducted simultaneous attacks targeting a total of 4 cities, and have now succeeded in retaking 3 small cities. Even though Halo (a normal western city) was engaged in a battle against fierce resistance from its enemies, it was consistently fighting with superiority. It was only a matter of time before it fell.

Accordingly, the main interest of surrounding users is currently Dongbu’s next move. While some users said that they should wait for support from the South and North, others said that they should use this momentum to quickly recapture Barbara.

“… … .”


There was a man who did not participate in the conversation, as if he had no interest in such matters. No, rather than saying I’m not interested, it’s more like I’m focused on something else. His face was blank, his hands were slow as he packed his luggage, and he seemed to be lost in other thoughts.

The man’s identity was none other than Shin Sang-yong. And actually, he was thinking about the conversation he recently had with Kim Soo-hyun.

‘There are many ways to break through limits. I don’t think there is any need to change one’s inclinations.’

‘I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. User Shin Sang-yong… . I think it is more suited to its role as a non-combat user rather than a combat user.’

‘Rare class? It’s worth every penny. Rather, you showed enough talent in that field.’

‘User Lee Man-seong was also brought in for that purpose. I don’t think you need to be too embarrassed.’

“It’s a tendency.”

Shin Sang-yong blurted out a single word and immediately showed a self-mocking smile. How does he know his own tendencies? Could it be that he saw some information? Numerous thoughts passed through his head, but he soon shook his head, probably because he thought it couldn’t be possible.

“Hehe. “There’s nothing left to say.”

“huh? “Why don’t you have anything to say?”

At that time, a loud voice suddenly came from behind me. Shin Sang-yong was startled and turned around to see her. Then he could see a man with a familiar face. He was a user of the same barracks.

“Uh, when… .”

“I’ve been muttering strange things to myself since a while ago… . But Mr. Shin Sang-yong. “What are you doing now?”

“ah. This, this… .”


Shin Sang-yong seemed to have no idea what to say here, so he trailed off. However, when he saw the luggage being put away, the man seemed to have noticed it, and for a moment he showed a mischievous look on his face.


“… “Yes, yes.”

“Where are we going?”

“I heard that there is a team that prepares for variables… .”

In fact, the battle so far has only involved exchanging firepower from a distance, so the ‘group’ created to prepare for the variable was not showing any special performance.

No, just one. Except for ‘Merchantry Road’.

From uncovering the vagabond’s spy last time to stopping Yongyeom this time. So far, the only user who has shown outstanding performance in ‘Joe’ is Kim Soo-hyun. Therefore, the man was able to immediately understand the meaning of Shin Sang-yong packing his luggage.

“Hey. Shin Sang-yong would be nice. “A capable clan lord takes such care.”

“… yes.”

“I’m jealous, I’m jealous. Anyway, congratulations. Then, since it might interfere with packing up, I’ll just leave. Then, try to do well there too.”

“… … .”

“I’m sure you’re looking forward to my performance. “I am indeed.”

The man quickly left the barracks with harsh footsteps after saying one more word. And Shin Sang-yong, who was staring at the entrance where he left, soon started packing his luggage without saying a word. However, his hands in organizing his luggage were still slow and were gradually becoming slower.

And when the movement of his hands completely stopped, Shin Sang-yong lowered his head.

“after… .”

Soon, a deep sigh escaped between Shin Sang-yong’s thin lips.


With the activation of the ‘Guardian Magic Blocking Jin’, new news arrived in the East. This means that Halo’s resistance, which had gradually become passive, has become stronger again. It is said that the number of people guarding the castle walls suddenly increased, and the castle gates were on the verge of falling, but the troops were barely defeated.

What this meant was clear. Reinforcements were sent from Barbara to Halo. And in addition, the magic circle that had begun to take on a light blue color suggested one more fact.

That’s it… .

“It looks like they ultimately decided to run away.”

“You’ve probably heard the news from the whole city by now. “They probably thought it was the best option for them.”

Jo Seong-ho responded to Goryeo Lord’s words in a cold voice. Lord Goryeo nodded once or twice, then turned to Jo Seong-ho.

“Did you say that the clan responsible for conquering Halo was the Blue Wolves? “Is there any additional news from there?”

“there is. “We want to resume attacking Barbara in the east as soon as possible.”

“Hehe. “You seem worried.”

“I guess so. It is said that the battle has been going on continuously, but there are probably not even a thousand casualties on both sides yet. “If all the people currently in Barbara move to Halo, Blue Wolf will face quite a difficult situation.”

Cho Seong-ho’s words were certainly orthodox. I don’t know if the magic blocking force wasn’t activated, but there were clear signs of it being activated.

however. Why do I keep feeling uncomfortable about attacking Barbara like this?

‘Strange… . ‘So easy?’

“Then you should respond.”

But Lord Goryeo’s thoughts seemed to be different, and he stood up resolutely. Perhaps the enemy thought that they were still sending reinforcements.

Soon, Lord Goryeo looked at all the people inside the control room participating in the meeting and spoke in a solemn tone.

“If the magic blocking power is fully activated, it will take that much time. Then, as time passes, the burden on allies attacking Halo will increase. So please immediately inform each unit of the situation, and have the commanders begin maintenance. “We will go on an all-out attack.”

“All right. Then, we will spread it to other units right away.”

“Good. The meeting ends here. “Everyone, please get ready quickly, and I will go out first.”

With those last words, Lord Goryeo began to walk away with great strides. Then, before leaving the control room, he stopped right in front of me. When I raise my head and wonder why, a soft smile appears on his lips.

“Are you feeling okay? Mercenary Road.”

“Oh, yes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your body. brother… . No, because Lord Hamill and Lord Geom sent me good medicine.”

“yes? “After the examination?”

Lord Goryeo seemed to have found my words quite surprising, and turned his head with wide eyes. It was a very quiet conference room, so I think everyone heard my voice. Where he turned, he saw his older brother with his neck stiffly erect, and Geomhu fidgeting with a helpless expression on his face.

‘My brother… . Even so. Why is Geomhu so restless?’

“Hehehe. Well… . “Now is the time to meet a good man.”


“ah! it’s nothing. Anyway, I heard you are feeling better, so please take care of me this time too. “Hehehe!”


Eventually, Lord Goryeo broke up the meeting with only an inexplicable smile on his face and immediately left the control room. And then, a quiet silence began to flow. But that was only for a moment. Soon, one by one, they stand up and leave… . no. Why did I suddenly feel this way?

Anyway, the remaining personnel began to leave the control room one by one. Each of them had a subtle smile on their faces.

‘Why is this happening all of a sudden?’

It was a conference room where cold air flowed just a moment ago, but suddenly I felt something had changed. It feels like something warm and pink is floating around?

At that moment, I suddenly saw the melody sending out a V-shaped signal made with fingers. Her face looked as if she had realized something. Seonyul immediately smiled and passed in front of me.

‘… … .’

Then, Geomhu, who came out last, stopped in front of me. I tilted my head, but still decided to speak first out of courtesy.

“The medicine you sent was well received.”

“yes… . The body… .”

“It’s okay now.”

“okay… .”

After the examination, Nam Da-eun hesitated for a moment as if she had something more to say. But suddenly she lowered her head and ran away, holding Seol-ah in her arms.

‘I just wanted to express my gratitude… .’

I stared at the entrance where Nam Da-eun ran out, then stood up, grumbling loudly. Then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder from behind.

“Suhyun. “You’re really clueless.”

This is my brother’s voice. I looked back, feeling dumbfounded. Who is paying attention to who right now?

I snorted inwardly.


Although there was a minor incident during the meeting, once we started full-scale maintenance, I was able to return to my original thoughts.

From a while ago, there was something that kept bothering me like a thorn, but I don’t know about it at the moment… . To be precise, it was due to the difference from the future I knew, namely, ‘The East is defeated in the first battle.’

And after much deliberation, the conclusion reached was to follow the trend. A lot has changed between the future I knew and the present. Among them, there were quite a few that had a direct impact on this war, so I thought that the future could well change.

Also, putting that aside, it was also true that we couldn’t just watch the enemies move on to Halo like this.

‘But I thought the big trend wasn’t changing… . Let’s trust me for now.’

Eventually, as I heard the commanders of each echelon shouting that maintenance had been completed, I was able to clearly organize my thoughts.


A short but soft voice rings through the air. And immediately thereafter, the orderly advance to the east began.

It’s quiet. Now that the battle has begun, everyone keeps silent as if they had made an appointment and moves forward through the thick fog. There was so much fog that the city visible to the naked eye was hazy, but as long as there was magical power, it wasn’t a problem.

(The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th echelons should begin preparations.)

Eventually, the unit was able to enter the range where the siege could be resumed. From here on, it wouldn’t be surprising at all if someone died, so I felt a more cautious aura around me.

The West Gate unit must have learned a lesson from the previous incident and continued to advance, being cautious of unexpected attacks. And the moment the magic formation, which had a much darker light than before, was seen, the unit immediately stopped its advance. It was then.

Shoo shoo shoo! Shoo shoo shoo!

They must have been waiting for the West Gate unit to enter, and the moment they came within range, the sound of numerous arrows split the air. However, the priests of the 4th echelon who were already on standby quickly deployed defensive magic, and the arrows fired with great vigor bounced off the dozens of layers of protection.

Even though they attacked first, the archers of the second echelon also did not sit still. As soon as the first attack was completely defended, a counter-fire was fired immediately. However, because the enemies also used the same defensive magic, the arrows fired by the West Gate unit did not cause much damage. But it’s okay. The exchange of arrows just now was just a taste of what was going on right before the battle.

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

As if my thoughts were correct, the sound of hundreds of people chanting spells began to break the silence everywhere.

The ensuing situation quickly turned into chaos.

The 2nd echelon was busy shooting arrows, focusing on checking and providing cover for the enemies, while the 4th echelon was desperately maintaining defensive magic in preparation for the pouring attacks. And in the meantime, the wizards of the 3rd echelon were concentrating on spells to deliver a spectacular strike.

‘… Is there something strange?’

Even though I was watching the situation from the relatively safe rear, strange things kept coming to my heightened senses. It was the sound of falling stones from the castle walls. Perhaps it was because of the continued pouring of firepower in the recent battle (or maybe it was the dragon flames from the last time), but Barbara’s castle walls looked bare at first glance. However, under normal circumstances, reinforcement work would have been done, or at least a protective shield would have been installed.

But before I could question it further, I suddenly felt a burning sensation on my face. The wizards slowly began to complete their spells one by one. As if there was some discussion during maintenance time, fireballs spitting out red flames were forming in the air where the 3rd echelon was located.

Like boiling lava, the fireballs were spewing out fierce flames. Sparks fall from the blowing wind and hit the ground. Soon, various fireworks began to slowly and simultaneously rise upward. Now, if the melody casts an amplification spell, countless waves of fire will violently flood the castle walls.

It was then.


In the magic circle where the dark light was swirling, a loud blue magical light suddenly arose along with a loud sound.

“The manifestation of the blocking gene has been confirmed!”

(The magic inside is frozen! Make an all-out attack right now before it is fully activated!)

And, it was that moment.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Station Tour Rise Episode 1.

Mavolo: (While holding a one-man protest for the Hwajeong nerf, he spots Simon on his way to Memorise Studio.) Welcome. Friends.

Simon: Yes? Why am I your friend?

Marvolo: Have you ever made an appearance that seemed very serious?

Simon: Well, I don’t know. Why is that suddenly… .

Marvolo: (Putting his hand on his shoulder.) As expected… . We are friends. This damn writer is a pervert.

Simon: (Tilts his head.) I have to go to war. I’m very busy… . Okay then. (It disappears into the distance.)

Mavolo: (Clicks his tongue and stares helplessly.) Tsk tsk… .


1. Debaran: Congratulations on first place. To win 1st place 4 times in a row is truly amazing. Is this the second 5th consecutive 1st place winner since Miwolya? ha ha ha.

2. ㅇㅡㅅㅜ : No. We are raising the re-ripple as much as possible. 🙂

3. hohokoya1: Black. I also want to participate. I will hit my own finger very hard! Slap slap!

4. Corruption Demon: Huh? There is a saying I often use in times like this. Increased foresight!

5.araoj: Yes. Yoohyeon. That’s correct. As much as possible, I expressed it in the language used by vagabonds.

6. Potato: Oh. You got everything right, but I’m surprised you got the former right. Hehehe. How did you know?

7. Lea: I’ve been thinking about the side story quite a bit since Part 1 ended. Let’s get to the fun stuff. haha. Of course, you should take a break. I’ve been thinking about it for about two weeks. What do you think, Lea?

8. Ancient Dragon Rebellion: Huh? Kkkkkkk! Ah, I want to quickly write about baby unicorns hatching eggs. 🙂

9. Blue Coral Forest: Hehe. The key is timing and speed. I put a lot of thought into this part. And the ‘spirit’ appears for the first time in the hall plane. Of course, it has a concept that is differentiated from the basic concept of spirits. 🙂

10. Hyeonoh: Wow. Hyeonoh, did you have a car? New, new fact! (Puck!) @[email protected]

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode