Memorize Chapter 36

00036 To the hole plane! ————————————————– ———————-=

The transmission was uneventful. I felt like it was just like that because I had already experienced it hundreds of times. After completing the transmission to the , I came out into the second floor hallway and the downstairs seemed to be noisy. Now was the time to wait and wait for guidance from users who had previously entered the hall plane. Before they arrive, everyone is usually quiet because of tension, but this commotion was unexpected.

Once new users who have completed the settings complete all transmissions, the transmission barrier surrounding the inn will be lifted. And as soon as the barrier is lifted, there is a procedure for existing users to open the door and come in to guide new users. In the past, I tended to dislike existing users who served as guides.

Their attitude is quite arrogant. To put it in an analogy, there were many cases where a private who had just become a soldier would look at a new soldier who had just transferred in. Of course, they are also survivors of the previous rite of passage and there was a time when they were like new users. I admit that I worked hard after that and survived.

If you listen to what they (who play the role of guide) say, there is nothing special about it. As I get used to Holplane to a certain extent, I feel proud when I see new users and think, “I did that too.” For reference, I remember the user who told me that died 3 months later.

Anyway, I don’t like it, but there’s nothing I can do right now. After listening to their explanations, I was able to say that the best option for now was to calmly enroll in the user academy.

Now that I’ve talked about it, let me explain a little more: I think the User Academy is a truly groundbreaking method. I don’t know who suggested the establishment, but he must have been a smart person. Unlike in the past, when it was sent in a haphazard manner, since the establishment of the Academy, it has improved to the point where it is rare for new users to lose their lives in the early stages.

Anyway, sharing the experience after meeting the kids means sharing, and I was thinking about what to say. As I walked down the second floor hallway, thinking about other things, I found myself walking toward the end. It was at that moment that it occurred to me that all I had to do was open the door in front of me.


Even if it was a lie, I wanted to clear up any misunderstandings after meeting the kids, so I had no choice but to stop my hand from pushing the door open. Voices that I clearly remembered hearing near the stairs on the first floor outside the door were coming into my ears through the gap in the door. And that too in succession.

“멋대로 짖지마! 이 개새끼야!”

“Do you f*cking care if I tell this bitch? I saw it clearly with my own eyes!”

“Your eyes are so sick! How dare you make a fuss!”

“You crazy bitch. Was it just me? Did you just see it? Borim said he saw it too! Huh? You said you saw the crossbow broken in half!”

When I heard the word Borim, I had a rough idea of ​​the characters with the voices spewing out thick swear words. Trouble maker(?) Park Dong-geol. I never thought I would survive and enter the hall plane. To be honest, after breaking up with them, I almost lost interest in them, and my inner thoughts were not to care if they died or not. Anyway, I decided to think in the most positive way possible. Since I remember it being rough in the beginning, I thought I would have a chance to manipulate it myself when the time comes.

I could immediately tell who the other high-pitched voice was. Whenever and wherever I see Park Dong-geol and Yoo-jeong bumping into each other, I get the feeling that they both have quite an ill-fated relationship. I clicked my tongue and quietly opened the door.

“Shut up…!?”

Soon, the sound of a door creaking open was heard and numerous people were seen. Yujeong was about to tell him to shut up, but when he heard the sound of the door opening, he stopped talking and raised his head up. I looked at her and gave her an awkward smile.

As expected, out of all the users, I seem to be the slowest in sending. The moment I took a step outside, I could see so many eyes focused on me. The inn was overcrowded with survivors, so I counted over 40 people. In the past, there were barely more than 20 people. Even aside from the fact that the user level was high, dealing with the boss monster on the 6th day seemed to have had some influence. Does this mean that more than half of the people here will have died on the last day?

I went down the stairs step by step and said hello lightly.

“Everyone was alive. I’m glad they’re safe.”

Then of course he’s alive. I sent it to the warp gate, saying it was gold or jade(?). Even though I gave a decent greeting, there was no response. Just as I was about to feel embarrassed, Yoo-jeong staggered towards me.



She raised her arm and placed her hands on my face and began to gently touch my cheeks. It was quite surprising to see her eyes and lips trembling, and she seemed to be overcome with emotion. It wasn’t just oil well. The hope she had thought of as a glimmer of hope became reality and appeared before her eyes. Ahn Hyeon’s group and Woo Jung-min, who seemed to have guessed her general situation, were also fixating their eyes on my face with disbelief.

Yujeong continued speaking in a choked voice.

“Oppa… is Suhyun your brother? He’s not someone else, is he?”

“Then do you look like a doppelganger? Oh, it hurts. Don’t pull so hard. It hurts.”

“Congratulations on your return. I never thought you were alive… That’s amazing.”

As I barely took Yujeong’s hand away from her as she continued to play with my cheek, I heard a husky voice next to me. When I turned my head, I saw Woo Jung-min and his group, who had survived as expected. Woo Jung-min seemed to want to say something more, but I shook my head slightly. It seemed like he understood my signal as he closed his mouth again, which was about to open. After that, I briefly made eye contact with Won Hye-su, who looked at me with a surprised face, but she responded by turning her head.

Anhyun was staring at me with a face full of joy, Yujeong was looking at me with a face half happy and half sad, and Sol was staring at me with a tearful face. Ahn Hyeon’s group and I just looked at each other for a while. They kept moving their lips as if they wanted to say something, but nothing seemed to come out as they wanted.

When you try to speak but nothing comes out. That didn’t really matter, but for now, I wanted to quickly avoid being the center of attention. It was already a burden enough, but I felt really embarrassed if Sol burst into tears in a place where so many people gathered.

While comforting Sol, who was on the verge of tears, I deliberately moved to a corner. And in the meantime, Park Dong-geol, who had been completely alienated, saw us sitting at the table, then wheezed and walked to the other side, taking Lee Bo-rim with him.

Eventually, as some time passed and people’s attention decreased significantly, the kids seemed to have calmed down to some extent. The only thing that bothered me was Ansol, and she sat down next to me and was holding onto her collar tightly.

When I sent Ahn Hyeon a look asking for help, he smiled sweetly and opened his mouth.

“Hyung. I still can’t believe it. It’s like seeing an immortal being.”

“Haha. Immortality is a bit harsh. I just got lucky.”

Ahn Hyun shook his head at my words. No, rather, tell me what to do with him. He’s not even a one or two-year-old kid, so why has he been holding on to my collar so tightly? Ansol received my words with a trembling voice, as if he knew how I felt or not.

“No. I feel like I’m seeing a miracle right now. As I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, I kept thinking about what might happen… but every time, my brother….”

As I spoke, the grip on my clothes became stronger. I felt embarrassed seeing Ansol crying again, unable to finish the ending. But I smiled bitterly at the fact that I had to lie from now on.

“Anyway, I’m glad to see everyone alive again.”

“If you had lived, you would have come early! You always make people worry… No, I’m sorry, oppa. It’s not because I want to do that….”

I tilted my head as I looked at Yu-jeong, who was nagging, apologizing, and shedding tears one after another. I had no idea that the kids were thinking of me this much, but at the same time, I felt proud. Yujeong clenched her fist and wiped away the tear stains left around her eyes and continued speaking.

“Brother, tell me. According to that bastard earlier, the crossbow you used was broken in half near the warp gate. I can’t see you. I can’t see that monster either.”

Hmm. Has it come? I felt fortunate that I had burned the boss monster’s body in preparation for this time. However, it was my fault for not being able to properly handle the crossbow. I wanted to gloss over it, but at first glance, I felt a cold gaze. The main character of attention was Kim Han-byeol. I had a feeling that if I continued to ignore her like this, there would be some problem with her later.

Kim Han-byeol hasn’t said a single word since I came to the inn. His face had barely changed either, except when he first saw me. I turned her head and stared into her eyes for a moment. And the moment I read the emotions in her eyes, even though it was just a little, I felt mixed feelings.

The overall feeling was that I was fortunate, but I was able to sense a faint hint of distrust and suspicion mixed in. Hanbyeol was definitely not an ordinary kid. In some ways, he seemed to have a personality quite similar to mine. Always leave room for reason to intervene without being swayed by the circumstances or emotions surrounding you. Perhaps I will never be able to understand her true nature, but what is certain is that she has sprouted doubts about me.

The inn was not as noisy as in the beginning, nor was it completely silent. The whispering voices of a group of survivors could be heard simultaneously. I sighed internally. These days, I feel like I often sigh. In the end, I decided to say that I couldn’t remember as much as possible rather than make up something clumsy.

“Yes. That’s right. I was trying to avoid the monster’s attack…I guess it was aimed at the crossbow in the first place. It split in half right away. It was a very dark time. Haha.”

“Is your left arm okay?”

Hanbyul Kim immediately opened his mouth at my words. Although she seemed concerned on the outside, she sounded to me like, “Wasn’t she wearing a crossbow on her left arm?” I answered right away after eating my appetite.

“It attacked with its tail. I raised my left arm without realizing it, but I think it just barely grazed the crossbow.”

“…Then what did you do next?”

“Well, honestly, I don’t know. Should I say I don’t remember? At the time, I didn’t think anything of it because I thought he really was dead. I think he stamped his feet and I stamped on the ground like crazy, but….”

I started explaining in a quiet voice, drastically modifying the original experience and spinning the words around. In conclusion, everyone shook their heads when they heard that he ran with all his might through the thick dust and rolled towards the lowlands of the forest. Except for Kim Han-byeol, of course. Anyone who has faced a boss monster head-on for more than three minutes will quickly see that what I am saying is full of lies and loopholes.

Kim Han-byeol seemed to be deep in thought and did not ask any more questions. I felt like I kept quiet, partly because I had not experienced that situation at the time and because the atmosphere was mainly about celebrating my return. However, the suspicious look in his eyes still seemed not to have disappeared. I decided to refrain from saying anything at this point. Anyway, the reason I went around talking was to kill time.

Before I knew it, the barrier outside the window had become considerably lighter.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Hanbyeol’s unpredictable attitude is a clue to an incident that is about to happen. ㅇㅅㅇ

Ahhh. There are so many comments and recommendations. Strangely, I couldn’t write today. What’s worse is that I took two showers in between writing… ㅜ.ㅠ. Still, it’s thanks to your comments that I was able to upload today’s episode safely. Hehehe. Wouldn’t today’s dream be swimming in a sea of ​​comments? Readers who left comments! Readers who provided coupons! Readers who selected the selection! Readers who clicked recommend! Thank you all. 🙂


1) Human Life: Congratulations on first place! That’s right. But honestly, I really need to increase my physical strength to some extent. Right now, Suhyeon’s stamina is so weak… .

2) 罰酒: Ahaha. I still don’t want to quit Riripple. I really enjoy using Riripple. It also makes my heart pound.

3) backtheclock: I’m worried. I’m not single-minded, but there are people who want to save me. However, I’m still contemplating whether to go with Harem or Sunflower.

4) Kaihon: I serialized 12 episodes in March 2012 and turned them into studies. If you remember… It’s awesome! lol

5) Demon Spirit Sword: Okay, I’ll give you the next episode! Flat porridge!

6) Game: This is an undeserved compliment that makes my body tremble. thank you I kept laughing while reading Gamemmun’s comment. 🙂

7) Lee Surplus: Thank you for the coupon. Yeoncham… really sorry. I really want to do it… Ugh. ㅜ.ㅠ

8) Songleaf: Calm down! Here’s the next part. So calm down… .

9) Kriasen: Yes. What Soo-hyeon went through was a kind of transformation. However, you can think of it as an abbreviation that is different from the normal category. 🙂

10) CrossDie: I am a bad writer who accepts coupons but cannot do any research. ㅜ.ㅠ

11) Anbin Island: Zero code. ha ha ha… As you will see later, Su-hyeon has absolutely no intention of saving people with a zero code or a wish. No, it’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, but from Soo-hyun’s perspective, it’s more accurate to say that it’s something he shouldn’t do. It is difficult to reveal it now because it is a setting related to the ending. 🙂

12) Toranoanal: Hahaha; Because I am the type of person who pays close attention to reviews. We look forward to seeing you with more content in the future!

13) Katamuneni: Beating Girl is… Hehehe. Huhuhuhu.(?)

14) I have to change: Actually, I thought I had sped up the pace of the story, but from the readers’ perspective, it still seems slow. However, if I advance the development even faster than now, will I be able to convey everything I want to convey? That worries me. ㅜ.ㅠ

15) Ricknux: Wow! The next episode is here. It’s growing so big after seeing this~ hahahaha Oh, you’re so cute! lol

For those who are not on Riripple! I check all comments, so please don’t be disappointed. If you absolutely need to receive a reply, please signal in front. I will do my best to catch it.

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode