MEMORIZE Chapter 359

00359 Trap (1) ——————————————— —————————=

Jeong Ha-yeon’s explanation that followed did not betray everyone’s expectations(?).

In the control room, there were some users with limited knowledge of magic, including the melee series. Perhaps out of consideration for them, her interpretation did not have the difficulty typical of a wizard. Rather, it was a simple and concise explanation without any technical jargon.

However, he only pointed out accurate facts and key points, so when the explanation was over, everyone in the control room could be seen nodding their heads in unison.

Anyway. According to Ha-yeon Jeong, the characteristics of the protective magic blocking Jin can be summarized into four types.

1. Magical power is expressed and maintained according to a unique process drawn on the magic circle, rather than following the body’s circuit.

2. While the Jin is maintained, magic power generated externally cannot have any effect on the inside.

3. While the Jinn is maintained, the magic inside is frozen.

4. The size and scale of the Jin can be arbitrarily adjusted according to the will of the person who cast the spell.

Of course, these conditions only list the unique characteristics of magic, and cannot escape the relativity of magic. For example, if I used the power of Hwajeong, I was confident that it would have a definite impact internally, even if it was an externally generated power.

The heat that had filled the control room gradually subsided, and everyone looked as if they were lost in thought.

The interpretation is over. Now it was time to find out why the magic circle was installed.

“Blue Moon Mage. “I have one question.”

At that time, I could hear a familiar tone softly ringing in the control room. As soon as I turned my gaze, I could see the tarot card magician, Seonyul, raising his hand.

“While the Jin is maintained, the magic inside is frozen. “Can I ask for further explanation on this part?”

“I don’t know the details, but I can answer from what I know. “Which part are you curious about?”

“It completely blocks the magic exerted from the outside. And the magic inside is frozen… . “I’m curious about the exact difference between these two conditions.”

“Now that I think about it, I was curious about that too. “Why did they set up a camp where not only us but also themselves could be restricted?”

Some users seemed to agree with Seonyul’s question as if it seemed reasonable.

“that… . First of all, you can think of it as a difference in preservation. Inside, only the magical power that has already been expressed can be preserved.”

As if there was no easy answer to this question, Ha-yeon Jeong answered with a slightly worried expression. Then, Seonyul’s eyes suddenly became narrow.

“That means… . no way! Are you saying that the magic that was revealed before the blocking jinn was created can be preserved while the jinn is maintained? So the expression “freeze”… ?”

“that’s right. However, that is only within the limits of Jinan, and it cannot escape the relativity of magical power. The protective magic blocking jinn is an ancient magic jinn with more than 80% of its own interpretation. It is different from modern magic in many ways. In other words, magic manifestations that do not match Jin’s wavelength cannot receive the preservation effect.”

“After a while. That’s a good thing. Still, I am anxious as there is room for it… .”

“It may be a modern magic circle, but ancient magic circles are not that common. Moreover, as its official name states, the magic blocking jinn is a magic jinn created solely for the purpose of assistance. “Wouldn’t it be extremely unlikely that a jinn with the opposite tendency, even if it were an ancient magic jinn, would have the same wavelength?”

Finally, Ha-yeon Jeong ended her speech with a question. What this meant was that he was not sure about what he had just mentioned. But there is no one here to criticize it. In fact, just by interpreting it to this extent, it could be seen as enormous.

“Warp Gate.”

It was then. Cho Seong-ho (a diplomatic official of the Goryeo Clan), who had been listening quietly until now, suddenly opened his mouth with an expression on his face that seemed to have reminded him of something.

“If it’s the auxiliary ancient magic jinn inside Barbara, isn’t there a warp gate?”

At that moment, users with quick head turns (more precisely, those with extensive knowledge of magic) let out a small exclamation.

What Jo Seong-ho said definitely made sense. If the magic blocking power is activated while the warp gate is activated, assuming that the two wavelengths match, the function may be preserved. In other words, Jin would use the warp gate as safely as possible while blocking external attacks.

“Even if we left some behind in other cities, wouldn’t there be more than 10,000 people in Barbara right now? “They can’t all use the warp gate at once, so they must have found their own way.”

“Ohh. “Then it means that the enemy doesn’t know about the New World operation!”

Of course, what Cho Seong-ho says is only an assumption. However, Jeong Ha-yeon and Seonyul also seemed to think that this hypothesis was the most likely, as they nodded their heads.

A lively commotion began to creep into the quiet control room again. Thinking that the enemy was thinking of fleeing before the battle, the confidence that had been slightly lacking due to nervousness seemed to have been restored.

Eventually, Lord Goryeo let out a long sigh and stood up resolutely.

“What is the progress in the North and South?”

“We are currently moving quickly with the goal of recapturing the entire city simultaneously. They say they will begin operations as soon as they arrive, so you should be able to hear the progress within four or three days.”

“Four days, or three days… .”

Lord Goryeo stopped in the center. He then took a quick look around and then spoke in a low tone.

“I wonder how they react when the warp gate is cut off.”


The dawn of the Barbara Plain is cold and quiet. I can’t even hear the sound of breathing. The only sound you can hear is the footsteps of thousands of people marching forward, trampling on the grass.

Eventually, Barbara began to come closer. As we both agreed to get some rest tonight, a lot of excitement could be felt from the walls of the castle.

This morning is the day when the first proper clash between the Eastern and Western continents and the vagabonds takes place. First of all, since there is no need to rush in the eastern part, Goryeo Road said that they will stop at exchanging firepower with each other. However, considering that most wars in the Hole Plain are decided by magic, it was obvious that today’s battle would be the yardstick for determining victory or defeat in the future.


A soft word from Goryeo Road. However, perhaps because the surroundings were quiet and the voice amplification magic was in effect, the users stopped walking all at once.

“Building a position.”

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th echelons began to move bustlingly.

1st echelon and melee users defend against arrows on the front lines.

Second echelon, archers prepare arrows for sniping.

3rd echelon, wizards prepare attack magic to unleash firepower.

4th echelon, priests prepare large-scale defensive sacred spells.

5th echelon, assassins on standby.

The formation was formed in an instant, leaving Barbara about two hundred and fifty meters away. And preparations began for each echelon, led by each echelon commander.

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

The most powerful of them all were the 3rd and 4th echelons, which contained wizards and priests.

The number of people in the West Gate unit is approximately 5,000. Each order will be different. The sound of about 1,000 users chanting spells at the same time was so grand and majestic that it could almost be considered solemn.

Eventually, between the castle wall and the plain, a tremendous flow of magical power intersected with each other.

Ugh! Oooooh!

The plains are no longer dark. Each person’s hand or wand was filled with colorful lights, brightening the surroundings.

Perhaps because there were many users who had learned the vag!na chant, it did not take long for the spell for the first attack to be completed.

As if I had also finished ordering, I was able to see Seonyul, who was in charge of the second echelon, raising his arms high in the sky. In her hand was a burning card.

Now, it was the beginning.

Soon, Seonyul let go of the card she was holding while shouting a spell.



Then, a three-dimensional effect seemed to be created for a moment in the card that was rotating as if fluttering in the air, and then a light green curtain spread along the square angle in the air.


And the moment I heard “Fire!”


With a huge roar, the magic contained in the users’ weapons explodes. As hundreds of magic bullets flew into the sky at once, my eardrums rang loudly for an instant. The aftereffects are so intense that they thrillingly pierce the flesh of my entire body.

Suddenly, I felt my lips trembling slightly. Even though it was still the beginning of the battle, I strangely felt my blood boiling.

Soon, the magic drawing a thin curve concentrated on the curtain spread by the melody.

It was then.


The melody shout continues once again.


Then, the magic, which had drawn a gentle curve until before the curtain, changed its trajectory as soon as it passed through the curtain. The magic that had stayed in the tent for a moment began rushing towards the castle wall as if the accelerator had been stepped on for a moment.

It was a perfect right angle.

Hundreds of magic bullets were rushing down the castle wall, drawing a neat, straight trajectory. Like a torrential downpour or a torrential downpour. Countless magical raindrops were falling toward the castle wall like meteors.

Of course, they didn’t stay still either. The flow of magical energy that had been felt from before suddenly stopped. How will they respond to thousands of magic bullets pouring in from all directions? I strengthened my eyes even more and stared at the castle wall.

pop! Pubbung! Bubble bubbling!

And at that moment, their response began. Even from the west gate wall that I was looking at, hundreds of magic fires were fired in a spectacular explosion.

And the target of that magic was not towards us, but straight into the sky.

‘Are we starting by acknowledging the difference in firepower?’

There must be a priest over there as well, but the magic fired was aimed at us, not at us. This could be interpreted to mean that since the priests they had were not confident in stopping it, they would use magic to reduce its firepower.

It was an instant when their magic clashed with each other. Soon, in the empty air, the magic of the two forces clashed. It was finally the beginning of a full-scale firepower competition.


Once again, spectacular fireworks and huge explosions harmonized together. As if there were a grand fireworks display, beams of light from the aftermath of the explosion began to leak out mercilessly in the air in front of me, and aimless sparks rose and fell like a fountain.

And, the result of the first firefight was immediately known.

Whoa… .

Smoke shaped like a large mushroom cluster drawn in the air. And as the smoke spread everywhere, a bundle of magic that was noticeably smaller than before came into view through the smoke.

And, the magic that had not yet lost its power was slammed into the castle wall.

Boom! Slam!

Grow, growl!

Ta-da! Ta-da!

It was then. Along with the sound of the large-scale defensive magic on the castle wall being struck, ten bolts of lightning suddenly appeared and struck without any hindrance.

‘that… . thunderbolt?’

Due to the nature of his brother’s magic, which can use clouds, it seems he was waiting for the fire net to clear. It seems like they didn’t know that they would come in at such a time lag. The thunderbolt that came in later definitely added strength to the magic that went in first.

A little time passed and the thick smoke thinned out. And from the looks of it, the shield they deployed seemed to block all of the magic that was initially fired.

However, what my brother was aiming for was not a shield. My brother’s biggest advantage is that he has incredible abilities, but more than anything, he is able to control his magical power in a precise manner.

simplicity and honesty! Ujijik!

Along with the sound of a crack in the castle wall at one point, black smoke began to rise here and there. The castle wall seemed to hold up for a while, but soon a part of the wall on the right collapsed with a loud noise.


In this split-second, my brother searched for a place that was not affected by the shield and struck the lightning strike exactly there.

“… … .”

Hwioooo. Hwioooo.

The beginning of a full-scale siege.

And the firepower battle on the first day began with the eastern users having the upper hand.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

oh my. It’s too late today. Still, I would like to point out the significance of maintaining the daily serialization. haha. ah. The war part won’t last that long. Maybe. We are planning to omit the details about checks, and plan to immediately engage in a one-shot match. 🙂


1. Deshkar: Congratulations on first place. haha. yes. you’re right. 1st place belongs to Deshkar.(?)

2. Dark theory: Wow. That can’t be possible. Poetry, Shin Sang-yong’s head. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. dbss: No. Hyun is not a tramp captain. You can think of him as one of the leaders. 🙂

4. Natural Natural: Kkeukkeuk. Please look forward to. You’ll have fun. It will not be a one-way flow. It’s a change of idea. Hehehe.

5. Amish: I’m so sorry but I love you. It’s all lies. ㅜ.ㅠ Sorry!

6. I don’t want to join: Yes. Unicorns are divine beasts. Even if you think of dancing, you can think of it as just flailing your feet. ha ha ha!

7. Melis: Modification completed. thank you!

8. Long live the newbie: Yes. It’s in the content. The field effects are now turned off. 😀

9. Gyarurururu: It’s not a death flag. There was no such intention. 🙂

10. Sensitive: ! Huh, huh. That’s why. You are amazing.

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode