MEMORIZE Chapter 357

00357 Barbara ———————————————— ————————=


The deep night passed by in no time, and a hazy early morning fog covered the barracks.

Inside the barracks, filled with pure white fog, a woman was sitting in her seat. Her face, visible through the thick fog, shows a slight look of fatigue. However, she could tell that she was awake and not asleep, as her eyes were still open and her pupils were full of agony.


Suddenly, the woman let out a deep sigh.

The woman’s identity was none other than Seonyul, a tarot card magician. She had been staying there ever since Kim Soo-hyun left last night.

Seonyul’s eyes were tired after staying up all night, so she gently pressed down on her eyelids. Then, he lowered his gaze to the table again.

Nothing has changed during the dawn. There were 15 cards lying on the table, some open, some still face down.

“… … .”

How much time has passed since I quietly looked at the card without saying anything?

“okay. see.”

Is it because these words were spoken out of a mind that had been pondering countless times throughout the night? However, a faint light seemed to pass by Seonyul’s eyes, and she spoke as if she was vomiting something that was stuck in her heart. She stared at her innocent card for a long moment and then slowly stretched out her hand.

Eventually, the hand that reached the destination began to turn over the card without hesitation. One sheet, two sheets, three sheets, four sheets… .

With this, a total of twelve cards were turned over.

Then, the hand that was about to turn over the thirteenth card paused for a moment. It was clear that he was quite worried, as the hand holding the end of the card was shaking. But he soon removed his hand, and it seemed like he hadn’t made a complete decision yet.

As I unfold a new card, the melody of the melody’s neck moves. Soon, her eyes began to wander as she tried to look at the first four cards.

“… … .”

However, this time it seems that there is no clear interpretation. Seonyul immediately frowned.

The first card depicted a king holding a shining sword.

The second card depicted an ugly devil.

The third card depicted a fallen queen with golden hair.

The fourth card depicted a fork in the road.

And the problem was with the second and third cards.

The ugly devil depicted on the second card usually means that danger or crisis is coming to the target. However, the devil whose cards were now on the table looked quite miserable. His entire body was covered in wounds, blood was flowing all over his body, and he appeared to be lying flat on his face begging for his life.

The queen depicted on the third card was even more spectacular. Her entire body was naked and her legs were wide open, exposing her private parts. The picture of her lying dazed and drooling on the floor was a clear difference from the majestic queens she had seen before.

And, the king depicted on the first card was looking at them with a cold smile. Is it really a coincidence that the shining sword in his hand is aimed in the right direction?

“To demons and humans… . Is there an unknown danger approaching? The perpetrator is the king… ? What is this… .”

If the positions of the King and Devil cards had been reversed, I would have understood the melody and moved on. If that happens, the normal meaning of the cards will not change much. However, because she kept getting cards that went beyond common sense, her mind kept falling into confusion.

Seonyul stared at the two cards for a while, then let out a long sigh again. Then he seemed to have given up on fully understanding because he was shaking his head.

In the end, perhaps it was only the fourth and final card that I understood the meaning at all, and the melody left a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Fork in the road… .”

The crossroads depicted on the fourth card metaphorically refers to a situation in which one must choose one side.

But that was it. In the end, it was as if this card could not be interpreted. One meaning is completed by fully understanding the four chapters and connecting them to each other, but the melody was not understood in any way except for one chapter.

A little time passes, and Seonyul’s eyes turn to the three cards that are still closed. She pondered for a moment more, but eventually began to slowly turn over the sheets one by one.

I turned over the thirteenth card. This card depicts a man kneeling with his entire body bound.

Next, turn over the fourteenth card. Once again, a card with a fork in the road appeared.

“… … .”

Now it was the last time. With slightly trembling hands, Seonyul placed her hand on the card at the end. And he began to turn it over, slowly, very slowly.

Eventually, about half of the cards were turned over.


The moment she checked the part of the picture revealed on the card, Seonyul’s eyes, which had always been narrow, suddenly widened to the size of a flower lantern.


Perhaps because it was the time just before the transition from afternoon to evening, the entire plain of Barbara had a faint, dusky glow.

Of course, that’s no problem. To prevent vision from being hindered by dusk, users had a very efficient means called magical power.

‘Why can’t I see anyone?’

However, with my physical eyes, which had been strengthened by magical power, I could not see anyone right now. I looked at Barbara’s wall once more and then tilted my head.

The phrase I heard earlier, 5 minutes before arrival, was a calculation of the distance to the nearby terrain, not Barbara’s gate. From this perspective, it could be seen that the East had already arrived in Barbara.

To be precise, the eastern part had stopped marching, leaving a distance of about 4500 meters from the city. This is because abnormal signs were detected in Barbara’s vicinity.

Originally, the initial plan was for each unit to settle down near the designated castle gate and set up a forward base upon arrival. However, due to an abnormality that has not yet been revealed, it was initially placed in a standby state.

I stood far away in the center of the formation for a while, and then slowly began to move forward.

At the front, the second echelon made up of archer users and the third echelon made up of wizard users were busy moving around. And as we pass them and go further ahead to the front line, we see the commanders of the echelons, including Lord Goryeo. Since the faces looked quite serious, they were probably talking about something unusual.

The sign of abnormality is… .

“How much progress has been made in interpreting the magic circle?”

“First of all, there are archer users with vision abilities running around… . “I think it will take some time.”

It was a huge magic circle drawn around the city. There was no magical response yet, but it was so large that it surrounded the entire city, so it was inevitable that it would take time to interpret.

『Ancient magic circle: Large-scale magic blocking circle for protection』

Of course, I had already seen it with my third eye. As soon as I saw it, I thought about just telling him, but I immediately shook that thought away. The Third Eye was one of my last bastions, and even though it was known, it was an ability that was not at all good.

“Uh, huh? what?”

“why? Do you see something?”

“Uh, uh. “I think it’s coming up now?”

Murmur. Murmur.

At that time, as I was personally inspecting the battlefield as a member of the special team, I felt that the presence of users around me was becoming busier. When I turned my head to see why, I could see everyone raising their heads one by one and looking at the castle wall.

As a thought passed by for a moment, I quickly summoned my magic and looked at the castle wall again. And as I calmly looked from the left, I could see a group of people appearing one after another on the wall. Finally, the Western Continent and its wanderers appeared for the first time.

The number of users who came up next was not as high as the eastern part, but it was still quite large enough to fill up Barbara’s walls to some extent.

“Tell this to each unit. “Stop work immediately and go on alert!”

Goryeo Road’s response to the situation where the West Continent and the vagabonds showed themselves openly was also quick. They were already within range where they could attack each other if they wanted to. Users who entered separately here had a strong possibility of being targeted by arrows or magic that resulted in preemptive shooting.

About 10 minutes passed like that.

Ugh… !

Suddenly, I felt a large flow of magical power in front of me.

“The flow of magical energy has been captured!”

“defense! “Prepare your defensive magic!”

“───. ───. ───.”

“And so that the 2nd echelon can fire immediately after defending the 3rd and 4th echelons!”

Then, the sound of people chanting spells in unison began to flow from the users of the 3rd and 4th echelons. The sound of thousands of users chanting spells at once was so grand that it could truly be described as spectacular.

It was then.

Ugh… . Woe!

(Ah. Ah. Voice amplification test. Translation test. Northern continent users. Can you hear well?)

The large flow of magic power spread widely in an instant. And at the same time, a clear voice echoed across the plain.

(Aha. They say they can clearly hear from the side. Haha. My name is Simon Grimes, a user from the West Continent. It is an honor to meet people from the North Continent like this.)

The voices that were simultaneously chanting the spells coming from the walls were cut off all at once.

“Cho Seong-ho. “Where is the source of voice amplification magic?”

“It’s central. However, it is not clear whether it is mixed in the gap or not… .”

“It’s up to the appearance. Tell each echelon commander to calm down and remain alert. And let us prepare voice amplification magic and translation magic right now.”

“All right.”

The sudden conversation seemed to spread a slightly embarrassed atmosphere, but it was clear that Lord Goryeo was also a formidable person. Although it wasn’t completely satisfactory by my standards (if I were the commander, I would have put off the conversation for now and just fired arrows and magic), I was able to live up to the name of the best clan lord in the Northern Continent.

(Um. There are no answers… but can someone please give me an answer? I have something to formally suggest.)

(Let’s listen.)

Eventually, as if the magic had been activated, Lord Goryeo’s deep voice countered Simon’s words.

(Oh, I heard that clearly. But wait a minute. Before I go on, may I know the name of the person I’m talking to?)

(I don’t know. I just wish you would give me a suggestion quickly.)

(As expected, Koreans are short-tempered. They can’t afford it. They can’t afford it. Hehe.)

And then a faint sound of laughter is heard.

But it doesn’t bother me too much. It was a sound of laughter that sounded too clear and gentle to be considered bad.

(Then, I will give you a suggestion right away as you wish. Oh, it’s no big deal. First of all, people from the Northern Continent have just arrived, so how about just resting today?)

(What does that mean?)

(I thought you did a great job running the long way. It’s late today anyway… so what do you think?)

(That’s bullshit.)

Lord Goryeo simply dismissed Simon’s suggestion. However, as if he was expecting this reaction, a relaxed voice immediately answered.

(Haha. That’s too much. Still, he showed some favor. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter to us. We’ve already made all the preparations, and we did it to Barbara in the first place. Afterwards.)

Bloodless entry. The meaning of these words was great. And suddenly it occurred to me that Simon might have been targeting this very moment. The reason why they brought up unfamiliar language in that part was because I thought it was intended to affect morale.

However, if there was one thing that Simon overlooked, it was that the East knew about it in advance. Just recently, by vagrants who tried to come in disguised as users.

‘Is there no cooperation between Western Continent users and vagabonds?’

Of course, there was something strange here, but it was understandable if the vagabonds had done it on their own.

Soon, Lord Goryeo’s voice flowed into my ears.

(What happened to those who surrendered?)

(Oh? Yes, yes. Well, bye. Guys and girls. You didn’t let us get bored while waiting for you.)

(Hmm. I see.)


Judging from the subtle way he raised his tone, I thought that Simon might be tilting his head at Dongbu’s calm attitude.

Lord Goryeo nodded his head a couple of times, as if to deliberately look at him, and then opened his mouth in a polite, calm voice.

(Okay, I understand. Anyway, I listened to your suggestion.)

(Oh. So you accept it?)

(Okay, I’ll accept it gratefully. Then, let’s get some rest tonight and see you tomorrow morning.)

After saying those words, Lord Goryeo turned his head and opened his mouth to the user who used the magic.

“Turn off the voice amplification spell right now.”

“Oh, I understand. But load. Are you really planning to accept this Simon’s offer?”

“No way. I heard that those on the Western Continent are crazy people, but they are really crazy people. First, resume the interpretation work and inform the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th echelons while doing so. Prepare for a surprise attack tonight.”

‘good. That’s how you become a Goryeo Lord.’

(Oh, wait a minute. The wanderer here says he has something to say. I’ll leave the room for now.)

At that time, I guess I hadn’t turned off the voice amplification magic yet, so I heard Simon’s voice catching us again. The sound made me even more magical and focused my attention. This is because I did not know if I could catch any signs of important people moving from the castle walls.

(Since we are not in a position to exchange pleasantries, I would like to ask one simple question. Users.)

But before I could take a closer look, a low, rough voice followed immediately. It wasn’t a translation that felt a little incongruous like before, but a language that sounded familiar.

There was silence for a moment, and then a soft voice was heard.

(Is there a Mercenary Lord user here now?)

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. It’s very late. Due to an unexpected attack today, writing has been significantly delayed. My computer was taken over by my nephews. ㅜ.ㅠ I originally wanted to talk about this and that in the review and re-ripple, but today has been so complicated that I want to put it all down and rest for now.

First of all, it is very late now, so I will leave immediately.

I’m really sorry for the note. I will definitely send you a reply within Sunday afternoon.

Have a good night everyone.


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not work with dark mode