MEMORIZE Chapter 355

00355 Barbara ———————————————— ————————=

Wow. Wow.

Oh my god, the sword cries.

In an instant, fifty thousand thoughts crossed my mind. However, I quickly picked up the dropped sword. Dropping another person’s sword was a rude action, but it was also a reflexive action out of feeling sorry for some reason.

Eventually, I held Nam Da-eun’s sword ‘Seol-ah’ in my left hand, and gently caressed the body of the sword with my right hand. Slowly and gently sweep it down, as if you had stroked Ansol’s hair before.

Ugh… . yes… .

Did he stroke it like that about ten times? The blackness that had been mournfully ringing from earlier began to subside little by little. I did my best to gently sweep down the sword body.

“… … .”

“… … .”


Suddenly, why did I get the illusion that ‘Seol-ah’ was smiling brightly?

‘Could it be that you are feeling my touch?’

Even though I knew that this was unlikely, I was surprised by Seol-ah’s direct expression. If he had made a pitiful cry earlier, he was now trembling as if he had never done that before.

‘How on earth should I do this… .’

Aside from various miscellaneous things, ‘Seol-Ah’ is a sword that clearly has an owner. Nevertheless, I cannot help but feel embarrassed because it was unintentional for me to react like this.

Anyway, as I continued to sweep down my sword, I lifted my head and stared at Nam Da-eun. But she still had her gaze down on the floor. It seems like I don’t understand this situation either.

‘no… . You really want me to do something… .’

I sighed inwardly.

And, you may or may not know how I feel.


‘Seol-ah’ only shed clear blackness.


As Nam Da-eun said, there was a meeting of the people who participated in the ‘group’ in the evening. I attended her meeting with her, still holding on to unresolved events.

A meeting of special users began like that, but there was nothing particularly special about the content. This time, all that was done was a brief greeting from Nam Da-eun, who was selected as the representative of ‘Joe’, and the participants confirmed each other’s faces.

Although the number of people was small, it was a gathering of users with strong individuality. No, should I say pride?

Perhaps Nam Da-eun was well aware of this fact, and did not display an authoritarian attitude throughout the meeting. He just told everyone in an extremely formal tone, “I wish you good luck during the war.”

Since the attitude was that we should take care of everything from now on, the meeting became quite free-spirited as time passed.

Of course, the conversation was mainly about war. At first, most of the talk was about Barbara, but they soon ran out of things to talk about, and now the topic had shifted to the tramps.

“Ugh. sister. As for me, I really don’t like the tramps hanging outside. I don’t even know what they’re doing right now… .”

When I suddenly turned my head at the sound of a voice, I saw ‘nurse’ Kang Ye-bin with frowning eyes. She was clinging to Go Yeon-ju’s side and was in the midst of venting her dissatisfaction.

“Once you find out all the information you need to know, it would be good to just dispose of it neatly. I wonder if there was something good about it that was hung in the center like that… . “It’s so bad that my appetite drops every time I see it.”

“well. I do not think so.”

At that time, a gloomy voice suddenly interrupted Kang Ye-bin’s words. Judging by the deep tone of her voice, it did not come from the late Yeonju. The main character of the answer was ‘The Witch Doctor’ Kang Tae-wook.

Kang Ye-bin opened her eyes round for a moment, then made a puzzled expression as if she had checked the other person.

“under? Oh~. is it so. That’s perfect for your taste. “You’re probably right.”

“That’s a bit harsh. “It pointed out not a matter of taste, but a matter of atmosphere.”

“atmosphere? “What kind of nonsense is that?”

“… joy. I’m not confident I can make you understand. Let’s quit. Even if I try to talk to you, I don’t think you’ll understand… .”

“I beg your pardon?”

Taewook Kang’s eyes seemed to flash a hint of patheticness for a moment, but then he turned his head away with a sigh.

‘It’s the atmosphere.’

However, I felt like I could roughly guess the meaning of Kang Tae-wook’s words.

In short, it was literally a difference in atmosphere. War clouds were clearly in the air from the city. However, perhaps because the ‘advertisement’ that Lee Hyo-eul mentioned had too much of an effect, users’ expectations of victory were higher than necessary.

From this perspective, it can be said that preventing the infiltration of vagabonds in advance had a beneficial effect on eastern users. Even if it was only a little, it would definitely have raised awareness of the other person.

Tension that goes too far is not good. However, in a war where life is at stake, thorough vigilance against the enemy was a must.

I was quietly lost in thought, then glanced at Kang Tae-wook, who was sitting quietly.

In the first round, I and Kang Tae-wook were acquaintances to some extent. Of course, it would be difficult to say that they were very close, but he had a history of working together as a ‘vagrant hunter’ at one time. I still have quite a strong memory of the cruelty they showed to the vagrants they captured at the time, such as human experiments and cross-breeding.

Ugh… .

“Okay, okay.”

I think I stopped my hand without realizing it because I was so deep into it. Hearing a small sound of darkness coming from below, I started stroking the sword body again with my hand.

“… … .”

Then, I could feel Nam Da-eun, who had been silent in a corner, giving me an apologetic look.

It was then.

“Kim Soohyun. Kim Soohyun.”


It’s fair, but a sonorous voice calls me. I could tell who it was without even looking. It was Vivian.

“Now that I think about it, there’s one thing I’m curious about. “Have you seen Shin Sang-yong these days?”

“Shin Sang-yong? I haven’t seen it lately. why?”

“ah. They say we’ll arrive at Barbara tomorrow or the day after. Still, I thought it would be a good idea to visit once as a teacher.”

“You can just go find it.”

“But every time I go, I don’t see it. I wonder if he’s avoiding it on purpose… .”

Vivien trailed off in a slightly depressed voice. And I tilted my head at her reaction.

‘Avoiding the place?’

“Then shall I go and visit?”

“uh? It doesn’t matter though… . What should I do if I can’t meet him? And time is ambiguous.”

Vivien looked surprised at my suggestion. The meeting was already almost over, and there were one or two users who were absent due to unforeseen circumstances.

“If you don’t have it… . well. Anyway, it’s not like we can’t meet at night, so I’ll give it a go.”

“After a while. huh. Yes, thank you. “I’m sure Shin Sang-yong won’t avoid you either.”

At Vivien’s sigh, I nodded, shook my head, and stood up. No, it was the moment to wake up.

“Oops. Kim Soo-hyun Wait a minute! “Just one more thing.”


“This is a personal curiosity, but what on earth are you doing earlier?”

“huh? “What am I doing?”

Instead of answering, Vivien lowered her gaze. Her eyes were focused on ‘Seol-ah’ held in her left hand and her hand stroking her sword body. I reflexively changed the subject.

“The weather is nice today. The sky is bright too. it is not so?”

“huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden? And now it’s night.”

It doesn’t pass. I immediately put down my sword and stood up. I think I’ve been watching it for a while now, so I guess I’ll find it on my own.

“After hearing what you said, I’m a little worried about Shin Sang-yong. I have to go right away. “Don’t worry too much.”

“Yes. thank you. however… . Kim Soohyun? Kim Soohyun!”

I heard a voice calling me from behind, but I quickly left the barracks.

‘shit. ‘What an embarrassment this is.’

I grumbled strongly inside, and as soon as I left the barracks, I headed straight to where the 3rd echelon was located. Although Shin Sang-yong is a rare class ‘Chimera Alchemist’, he was initially assigned to the wizard class.


First off, I couldn’t meet Shin Sang-yong. I was able to find the barracks by asking the guard, but he was not there. Even the users who used the same barracks did not know where Shin Sang-yong had gone. All I heard from him was that he seemed very worried these days and that he returned to the barracks alone late at night.

I thought I could find it if I searched here and there, but I decided to put it on hold for now. Since we confirmed that we were returning to the barracks, I thought we could meet separately tomorrow.

Still, I had no regrets about going back like this, so I decided to visit Kim Han-byeol with the mindset that I would eat chickens instead of pheasants(?).

However, as a result of visiting Kim Han-byeol’s barracks to inquire, I ended up encountering an unexpected person.

“oh? Mercenary Lord?”

“uh. you are… .”

“What are you doing here?”

In front of Kim Han-byeol’s tent, Seon-yul, a tarot card magician and third echelon commander, stood.


The personal barracks of the 3rd echelon, the Tarot Card Magician. Guided by her melody, I sat down on the chair at the table in the center, facing her.

The barracks were entirely dark. However, the light stones placed around were emitting a faint light, and the melody could be vaguely seen through the faint light.

Soon, Seonyul’s lips gently opened.

“okay. He came to visit because he was worried about his clan members… . Hehehe. You are sincere. “I happened to be doing something similar.”

“I never thought I’d meet you there.”

“are you okay. I don’t find it offensive at all, so you don’t have to worry. “I actually like you, don’t you?”

A thin line is drawn at the corner of Seonyul’s mouth as she looks at me. I stared at her blankly.

Seonyul’s attire was reminiscent of a modern magician, and gave off a unique, mysterious atmosphere. However, perhaps because she was a woman, her top and bottoms showed some exposure.

A black lingerie outfit that reveals small shoulders and beautiful collarbones. Because the inside is quite transparent, it feels like the valley between the breasts is also subtly exposed. In addition, she even showed off her garter belt below.

The voluptuous charm was so prominent that it was like seeing the epitome of a femme fatale.

“hmm… . If it’s Shin Sang-yong… . “Don’t worry too much.”

“Do you know where it is?”

“sure. But first of all, this is the reason for my discharge. And all the mercantile people are interested… . I’m probably very nervous at the thought of arriving at Barbara soon. I feel like I’m walking around here and there with complicated thoughts, but I just leave it at that. “I think that would be better.”

I’ll have to meet him in person tomorrow to find out, but as Seonyul said, it was something I could understand.

‘Come to think of it… . I really don’t know this person either.’

At first, I thought it was just a pretentious user. However, new skills such as the ability to manage those around you and the sense of responsibility for your role come into view. I felt like I needed to revise my evaluation of this person.

“But just in case. He said that when he returns, he will tell you that the Mercenary Lord has come to visit… .”

“thank you.”

After those words, there was a moment of silence. For some reason, this silence felt uncomfortable, so I decided to speak first.

“Magic Tower Road. “You said you had a question for me.”

It was like that. I was able to meet the melody that was circulating among the discharged members near the Kim Hanbyeol barracks. And since she was already here, I accepted her request to have a quick chat and entered the private tent.

“You can call me at your convenience. And yes. As I said before, I have a deep interest in the Mercenary Clan members.”

Seonyul closed her lips for a moment as if she had something to think about, but then spoke in a low voice.

“But even if you’re curious… . “Honestly, it’s not that great.”

“What are you curious about?”

“I was just curious about people themselves. Would you say you were curious about this or that? What kind of person is this? They say he is Hamilrod’s younger brother. Is this true? How was it possible to excavate so many ruins in such a short period of time? What is the skill that makes him capable of holding Baek Seo-yeon prisoner even though he has 0 years of experience? How did they catch Go Yeon-ju, who was wandering freely? Was it really as great as the rumors say? Etc. To put it another way, Mercenary Lord, don’t you have any questions about me?”


I was doing well, but suddenly I felt like I was in trouble. However, Seonyul’s expression was too serious to tackle her, so I tilted my head and calmly opened my mouth.

“hmm… . I think I heard something strange in the middle, but I think I get the gist of it. I have the same question. “It’s all personal.”

“oh. That creates curiosity in its own way. Hehehe. Can I ask you some questions about me first? “I understand even if it’s a bit lewd.”

“just… . “I feel like people can be a little unpredictable.”

“why? Why did you feel that way?”

When I told her my honest feelings, Seonyul looked at me with a straight gaze. I was lost in thought for a moment and then spoke calmly.

“At the meeting, when I heard the story from the clan members, or when I talked to the vagabonds last time.”

“Members of the Mercantile Clan? What did you say? Can you tell me everything? I wonder.”

‘You’re a woman with a lot of questions… . After all, he’s a wizard.’

The endless questions from earlier made me smile a little bitterly. However, since I was the one who provided the clue first, I answered to the best of my knowledge.

“I heard that you took great care of me. I give a lot of advice on various things, tell fortunes, chat… . He said she was just like his real sister. Anyway, I am grateful that you took care of me.”

“iced coffee. You are talking about Hayeon and Vivien. There is no need to be particularly grateful. I just became friends because I liked them… . That’s why I looked at it… . ah.”

Perhaps only then did she understand the general situation, and Seonyul showed an understanding look in her eyes. It was then. She nodded once or twice and continued speaking, then suddenly raised her head with an expression on her face that seemed to have reminded her of something.

About a minute passed, and Seonyul slowly opened his mouth.

“hmm… . Mercenary Road.”


“It’s a bit awkward to say this, but… . Still, let me ask you one thing. Vivien is a resident, right? Are you in a contractual relationship with her?”

I don’t know why I’m suddenly asking this, but for now, I decided to answer the truth. This is because Seonyul’s consistently serious expression was giving unnecessary weight to the conversation.

“That’s right.”

“hmm. First of all, I’m glad. Still, just in case, take a close look at the contract. and… .

Silence came again. I felt more frustrated than the previous questions, which had been smoothly flowing, but I kept reminding myself that I would be patient since it was the other person.

Fortunately, the silence didn’t last long. This is because Seonyul, who seemed to hesitate for a moment, seemed to have made up her mind.

“Merchantry Lord. I thought about it a bit, but I think it would be better to tell you. “Be careful, Vivien.”

“yes? “What do you mean by that?”

“I did Vivien’s fortune telling last time, but the results weren’t very good.”

“Can you tell me the details of the fortune-telling?”

It may have been a slightly presumptuous request, but Seonyul nodded willingly.

“Since I brought this up, it would be right to stick with it until the end. Instead, you must keep it a secret from Vivien.”

“of course.”

Eventually, with my confirmation, the story of the melody began.

“Actually, card fortune-telling is fun to play, but it is quite ambiguous. However, there are times when this has an incredibly accurate hit rate.”

“The meaning of ambiguity is that it is up to interpretation.”

“that’s right. Whatever the result is, it depends on the interpretation. Some things are just for fun in the first place. But last time, Vivien… .”

Seonyul quietly closed her eyes as if trying to remember the fortune telling at that time, and began to speak as she was.

“There is one thing I want. Would it be appropriate to express it as a wish? And, that wish is very strongly connected to other people.”

“If it’s your wish… .”

“I don’t know that either. But there is a very high chance that your wish will come true. And when Vivien’s wish comes true… .”

Now that I think about it, there was a time before when I stopped because of an unexpected accident right before I heard Vivien’s words. So, I focused more and more attention on the melody’s words.

“Honestly, from here on I don’t know much. So, I will tell you exactly what I interpret the cards.”


“Both of them cease to be themselves.”


Yes and yes? The two words are the same, but the meaning is completely different depending on the connotation. Seonyul must have felt it too, as he opened his eyes again and took a sip of his appetite.

“I told you earlier that interpretation is up to you, right? Roughly speaking, it can be interpreted as losing oneself. Of course, interpretation is free, but I don’t think it has such a good meaning.”

‘Now, are you going to stop being yourself?’

Suddenly, I felt as if something vague but familiar was approaching. To put it simply, it was as if I had no idea.

“Merchionary Road.”

At that time, I heard a melody voice calling me from ahead. She took out a stack of cards from her chest and lifted it slightly.

“Now that we’re talking, would you like to take a look at Mercenary Road’s fortune?”

Cherrrrrr. Churrrr, churrrr.

Then, high-quality, yet skillful card shuffling follows.

Eventually, after completing a simple shuffle, Seonyul gently tilted her head and opened her mouth.

“Is there anything you’re curious about?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(We will be taking a day off from today’s Ripple. We plan to combine it in the next episode, so we ask for readers’ understanding.)

thank you Thanks to the consideration of readers, I was able to rest well for the day. First, I decided to quit drinking caffeinated drinks and gradually reduce smoking. Originally, I barely ate dinner because of my diet, but from now on I just plan to eat three regular meals. haha.

As the war that would end Part 1 was approaching, there were some stories I wanted to include before that. And now they are almost finished. We’ll be arriving at Barbara in the next episode, so we’d appreciate your understanding even if it’s a little late.

Actually, I almost couldn’t post today. The refrigerator at home is currently broken. But while I was writing, the power suddenly went out at home. When I checked, the earth leakage circuit breaker was off.

I almost lost my mind because everything I had written was lost, but luckily Word automatically saves? It was restored. It really took me ten years. ha ha ha.

ah. Tomorrow, Friday, is the last day I return from school. I may be late for the midnight update, but I will definitely continue the series.

These days, I keep asking for readers’ understanding.

I will quickly come to my senses and get back on track. thank you _(__)_


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not work with dark mode