MEMORIZE Chapter 347

00347 The choice is Barbara ——————————————— —————————=

In a world called ‘Hole Plain’, what are the factors that determine victory or defeat in war?

There are many factors and variables, but I think the number of ‘wizards’ has the greatest influence.

You only have one life in the hole plane. As such, wizards who can demonstrate powerful firepower from a distance are the most popular class in war.

How much more firepower can be exerted during large-scale battles? And how well can you defend against the pouring magic? If we could gain the upper hand in these two situations, it would have been a good war to have won by over 70%.

And, the roles that can turn the tide are secret and rare classes.

From personal experience, the aspects of the war that have unfolded so far have been almost similar.

The melee classes protect the wizards, and the wizards pour out a generous amount of attack magic towards the enemy camp.

So when do melee classes other than protection come into play?

It is only when there is some certainty of victory or when a quick pursuit is needed that the melee classes finally step forward… .


After the last pep rally incident, the baby unicorn showed a crooked appearance for a while.

However, the baby unicorn in Baek Han-gyeol’s arms looked very different and anxious than in recent times. Perhaps affected by the humid atmosphere among the clan members, they were casting anxious glances.


Finally, it was the moment we arrived in front of the main gate. The baby unicorn, which was quietly being held by Baek Han-gyeol, struggled to get out of his arms and ran towards me.

At that, I stopped walking for a moment and slowly bent one knee. Last time I disappeared without saying a word, he said he didn’t even eat, so this time I felt the need to tell him clearly before leaving.

“Baby. “I think we’ll have to stay apart for a while this time.”

“Kyu…” .”

“I’m really sorry for missing you last time. I didn’t do it on purpose, I just forgot. really.”

“Kyukki…” . Wow… . Wow… .”

As I gently stroked its head, the baby unicorn shook its head and then slowly looked up at me. The guy’s eyes were already bright as he looked at me, and it looked like he was about to burst into tears.

‘I guess I’ll have to leave quickly.’

Thinking like that, I patted the baby unicorn’s head three or four more times for the last time and then quickly got up.

“Anyway, I may be a little late, but I will definitely come back. In the meantime, you must eat well and listen well. got it?”

“What? “What?!”


And the moment I turned around, I saw a baby unicorn biting my ankle. It was as if he was saying, “I will listen carefully from now on. It seemed like he was saying, “Don’t go.” But now I couldn’t say I wasn’t going, and I couldn’t take him with me.

“When I get back, I’ll give you a name.”

With those words, I calmly stepped away and turned my back. Then eventually, a faint sound of crying reached my ears from behind.

After walking in front of the clan members with a slightly uneasy feeling, I carefully looked around at their faces.

Although there were some people, like Go Yeon-ju, who had a relatively relaxed expression, most of the clan members had expressions filled with heavy tension.

What should I say in front of them?

I had a lot of worries for a moment, but I decided not to drag it on for too long. I have no intention of using unnecessary rhetoric to force morale up. Suddenly, I thought it would be better to just say what I felt.

“No one knows how long the war will last. “It may be very short, but it may also take longer than expected.”

“… … .”

There is no answer. The clan members were just quietly concentrating on what I was saying.

“But no matter how many months it takes, there is only one thing I want right now. When the war was over and we gathered here again. “I hope to see everyone healthy and healthy.”

While speaking, Shin Sang-yong’s calm face suddenly catches my eye. Eventually, he suddenly turned his head to look at the building, and then looked forward again with a slightly dazed expression.

What was Shin Sang-yong thinking just now?

“I won’t ramble on any longer. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who followed my decision without any disagreement.”

I can’t imagine what effect my words had on the clan members. But one thing is clear: I conveyed the sincerity I had in my heart. Aside from participating in this war, I was really hoping to see my clan members return in good health.

“Then, let’s leave.”

The breakup was over long ago, and everything I wanted to say was finished. Thinking that there was no need to drag on any longer, I turned around and passed through the front door without delay.

Jump and jump.

Then, the footsteps of 10 people behind me began to powerfully resonate on the ground.


After leaving the main gate of the clan house, we moved to Prinsica through the warp gate.

Prinica and Monica had a similar overall vibe. Of course, the smell of war was in the air here too. However, the momentum emitted by users walking around the streets was clearly different from that of Monica’s users. On the contrary, the positive momentum was so strong that it seemed like a groundless confidence that ‘we will definitely win this war.’

Across that atmosphere, I led my clan members straight to the Hamill Clan. Since I had contacted him in advance, my brother greeted me warmly, and I was able to see the Hamill Clan members dressed in colorful equipment. My brother must have brought back all the clan members who went on business trips to other cities, and there seemed to be a lot more people there than when I visited before.

“Suhyun. rice is?”

“ate. “The meal is ready, so tell me about the program quickly.”

“guy. I thought so. “Then wait a moment.”

My brother laughed bitterly at my firm tone, and then ordered his employee to guide the Mercenary Clan members. I promised to go right after talking to my clan members and followed my brother up the stairs.

Eventually, my brother took me to his office on the third floor. And there I was able to see an unexpected person.

“It’s been a while~”

In the room, Lee Hyo-eul was sitting on the sofa, crossing her legs and waving her hands.

I frowned slightly and looked at my older brother, and he gave me a slight wink. It was a signal for him to endure for a moment even if he didn’t like it.

“What are you doing here?”


When I sat down on the sofa across from him and opened my mouth, grumbling inwardly, Lee Hyo-eul erased the smile on her face and answered hesitantly.

“What the hell! I’m still a member of the Hamill clan, so I’m here. And to explain the programming to you… .”

“… … .”

“Si, if I don’t like it, should I leave…?” ?”

As I was listening, I was about to reply “Yes” to a welcome sound, when my older brother quickly intervened next to me.

“Suhyun. A lot of his thoughts went into this programming. So, maybe you can explain it in more detail than I can. And it will also tell you about the organization of the mercenaries.”

Those words made me change my mind. After all, once one participated in a war, it was natural to follow basic controls. Even if you are a free mercenary, you cannot be an exception. Moreover, since there was talk about our formation, I decided to put my personal feelings aside for a moment and listen to what Lee Hyo-eul had to say.

“Hmm. Then, let me get straight to the point. Any problems?”

Hyoeul Lee must have seen my reaction as she opened her mouth with a slightly brightened complexion.

I nodded slightly.


Lee Hyo-eul gave a very lengthy explanation, but in the end, if I had to summarize it, it was this.

The total number of people organized in the eastern part this time was 16,000. And we plan to divide it into four units as evenly as possible and attack the east, west, south, and north at the same time. If the attack is sluggish, the team will join forces with the South and North, who have secured the warp gate for the city they are in charge of, and begin the attack again.

Of course, there were detailed strategies, such as intermittent checks or surprise attacks while leaving an escape route open, but the larger trend could be seen as a ‘simultaneous attack’.

“Anyway, I’ve come up with a lot of strategies, but you’ll have to face them first to find out. “You don’t know what kind of situation will come, so you need to deal with it as fluidly as possible.”

Lee Hyo-eul moved her chin back and forth as if her mouth hurt from talking for a long time, but then she sank into the chair and continued speaking.

“For now, the primary explanation is over. “Do you have any questions?”

“a few. It was said that the troops will be divided into a total of four based on clan. So who will be in charge of commanding each unit?”

“Goryeo, Moonlit Night, Han, Green Narae. “Users without a clan were appropriately distributed to places with insufficient personnel.”

“Okay. So, you said the total number of people is 16,000. What about the number of people in each class?”

“8,100 people in close proximity. 3900 archers. 2800 wizards. 1200 priests. “Of course, it’s not an exact number, it’s just a rough calculation.”

As if Hyo-eul Lee had expected me to ask a question, she answered without hesitation. And after hearing her answer, I fell into deep thought.

In the first round, the East attempted to recapture Barbara with its own troops, and suffered a crushing defeat by the West Continent and the vagabonds. Of course, the situation is very different now and then, but the fact that Dongbu is fighting alone has not changed.

To be honest, I don’t think I’ll lose if I just listen to the explanation. But the subtle anxiety in my heart kept stirring up something.

“Why are you looking like that? “You look very anxious.”

“just. “It’s a little strange.”

“huh? “What’s strange?”

Lee Hyo-eul asked back in a curious voice. It was a reflexive response, so I was unsure what to say for a moment, but I thought it would be better to say something euphemistic for now.

“There is no guarantee that the war will go as planned. And I looked at the atmosphere as I came, and there were users who said they had already won. “Aren’t you being too careless?”

“ah. atmosphere? That’s probably because we played a little bit with the press.”

“Press play?”

“huh. But it’s not like I made something up that didn’t exist. I just told you the current situation realistically. For example, excluding the existing famous users in the eastern part of the country, there are many famous people among the new users from the central and western parts of the country. Swordsman, Doctor, Nurse, Tarot Card Magician, Requiem Assassin, Witch Doctor, etc. ah. There’s you and the Shadow Queen. “They all said they would participate, too.”

Lee Hyo-eul pointed at me with her index finger and then quietly crossed her arms.

“Anyway, that’s it. There is certainly no guarantee that things will go as you say or as I think. In short, you’re worried about variables, right?”

“It’s a variable. It’s roughly similar. “We have famous users, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have enemies.”

“aha. Now that I think about it, I should tell you about that too. Previously… . Let’s decide on one thing and let’s go. “What are you going to do about Mercenary?”

“huh? “What should I do?”

At my question, Hyoeul Lee widened her eyes and opened her mouth once again.

“Most of the formation has already been completed, so the mercenary needs to go into additional formation. Originally, it was right for me to decide, but since I participated as a request, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give them a choice.”

“option… ?”

“huh. option. East, West, South, North. Which unit do you want to be assigned to? Just for your information, let me tell you that all four places want you.”

“I’m from the west, Suhyeon.”

Suddenly, I heard my brother, who had been quietly listening next to me, join in.

I thought for a moment, then slowly opened my mouth.

“I want to know more about the western unit.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(I will be taking a break from Ripple today. It will be combined with the next episode, so I ask for the readers’ understanding.)

There was a lot of detail about Lee Hyo-eul’s strategy, but when I suddenly came to my senses, it took up 2,000 characters. At that moment, I thought, “What am I doing?” so I boldly threw it away and reduced it to 7 lines. ha ha ha.

Happy Chuseok to all readers!


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not work with dark mode