MEMORIZE Chapter 340

00340 Finished. And then the outbreak. ————————————————– ———————-=

A week has already passed since I visited the Clan House in Istantel Row.

I agreed on the issue of handling the vagrants delivered that day, and Han So-young proceeded with the trial five days later as scheduled. Even so, it was an independent trial, and there was no question of right or wrong, so there wasn’t much difference.

In conclusion, all vagrants were sentenced to death without exception. And I didn’t keep my mouth shut in front of the tramps. The death penalty sentence was entirely based on Istantel Rowe’s judgment, and given Han So-young’s thoroughgoing personality, there was no possibility of meekly sparing the tramp’s life.

The tramp’s reaction when sentenced… . Should I say that it was all different?

There were some who scolded me for not saying they would save my life, and there were others who calmly persuaded me that I could definitely be of help in the future. On the other hand, there were people who shed tears because of the appeal to their emotions, and there were also people who were silently dragged along, probably because they had given up in the first place.

However, with the passing of Baek Seo-yeon, other vagabonds lost their value.

Han So-young did not overturn the decision once made, and in the end, every one of the vagabonds was put to death on the execution ground.

Just one person. Except for Baek Seo-yeon.

Strictly speaking, it is true that Baek Seo-yeon was sentenced to death. But one thing that made him different from other vagabonds was that he was not executed right away like the other vagabonds. There was a reason for that, Han So-young asked if it would be okay to keep her alive for a while.

And Han So-young’s request is none other than… .

“… “We have identified Jang Hae-yoon, an internal affairs official, and four others.”

It was then. A heavy voice suddenly reached my ears, and I woke up from my thoughts and slowly looked around.

The place I am currently in is the internal conference room of the Goryeo Clan House that I visited during the previous summons. There weren’t many people back then, but there are even fewer now. Most of the people occupying the seats were Goryeo clan members, and of the others, I was the only outsider.

The atmosphere in the conference room was dark and heavy. The people sitting on the chairs were all giving cold stares. As I followed them to where their eyes were focused, I could see four or five users kneeling in the center with both arms tied.

“Confirmed. “Then let’s get started right away.”

Lord Goryeo’s gentle voice resonates everywhere. His voice sounded quite calm, but the magic power inside him contained an anger that could not be hidden. Cho Seong-ho (a diplomatic official of the Goryeo Clan) who was sitting next to him must have felt this as well, and eventually he cautiously opened his mouth.

“Clan Lord. What would you like to do? The Yudo Newspaper is me… .”

“No, it’s okay. “It won’t be difficult, so I’ll do it myself.”

Lord Goryeo shook his head left and right and quickly stood up. He then opened his mouth to one of the users trapped below.

“Jang Hae-yoon. “As you’ve always been smart, I believe you know why you were brought here.”

“Thank you for the compliment. But my brain isn’t as smart as you think. “I really wonder why I was suddenly brought here and put through this.”

“You… .”

“So, I believe you will explain this situation to me in a way that I can fully understand.”

It was clear that it was a situation that could not be avoided, but Jang Hae-yoon answered calmly without even blinking. He was one of the spies hiding in the Goryeo clan, and was the first person mentioned by Baek Seo-yeon.

“hmm. But he doesn’t think his brother would have done something like this without thinking. In any case, if there is a misunderstanding, it is natural to resolve it.”

As Jang Hae-yoon spoke naturally, Lord Goryeo’s fists were seen clenched. He seemed to be wheezing for a moment, as if trying to vent his anger, but then he softly opened his mouth.

“I was able to confirm that you glanced at Baek Seo-yeon once as you came in. “It makes me tremble to see you come out so confidently in a situation where even if you pray hard, it’s not enough.”

“I really don’t know. I heard a rumor that Mercenary Lord had captured Baek Seo-yeon, and it was my first time seeing her in person. So, I just saw it because it was interesting, but it doesn’t really have any other meaning.”

“under. “Even though your name came out of this bitch’s mouth?”

“yes? My name came up? Why is that again… .”

Jang Hae-yoon tilted his head with a genuinely puzzled look on his face. And just as Goryeo Lord saw that and was about to get angry again, Cho Seong-ho touched his shoulder.

“Clan Lord. Please fix it. It’s just a meaningless war of words anyway. “I think it would be better to just end it early rather than continue on the squirrel wheel like this.”

“… … .”

Jo Seong-ho looked at Jang Hae-yoon sharply and said, as if there was something there. In response to his restraint, Goryeo Rod barely nodded his head and sat back down with a long sigh.

Cho Seong-ho slowly stepped forward and continued speaking.

“Jang Hae-yoon, an internal affairs officer of the Goryeo Clan. “I won’t go into detail.”

“You can say anything, but first, please explain the situation. “I am indeed.”

“… Not long ago, Mercenary Lord took Baek Se-yeon as her prisoner, and after interrogating her, he was able to hear one shocking piece of information from her. That meant that vagabond spies were hiding throughout the northern continent.”

Jang Hae-yoon tilted his head as if he was thinking deeply for a moment. Looking at that, I was amazed for a moment. He may have been working as an actor in modern times, but if you look at his appearance, he really shows an attitude of not knowing anything.

After some time passed, Jang Hae-yoon frowned and opened his mouth.

“Are you saying that I am a spy now?”


“under… . “To be honest, I didn’t expect it to happen, but hearing it in person made me very embarrassed.”

“Shameless to the end. “It’s almost disgusting.”

Jang Hae-yoon stared at Jo Seong-ho’s harsh words for a moment. Eventually, darkness appeared on Jang Hae-yoon’s face, and he answered in a sombre tone.

“It’s unfair. “I am not a spy.”

“Anyone could say that.”

“Are you saying that you two would trust the words of a vagabond rather than me, who has been with you for many years?”

“I knew you would say that. So, have you prepared anything?”

Goryeo Road showed signs of stopping Jang Hae-yoon a little, but Cho Seong-ho was definitely a formidable figure. He cut off Jang Hae-yoon’s words that appealed to his emotions with a single knife, leaving no room for him. Soon, he rummaged through his chest and took out a small crystal. And, the moment I confirmed its identity, I felt strength coming into my eyes.

‘Correction of truth.’

I can’t say it was completely non-existent, but it was one of the rarely found pieces of equipment. Only then did I understand the source of Cho Seong-ho’s confidence. In fact, the Goryeo Clan is now the best clan in name and reality, and it is likely that they possess at least one ‘Crystal of Truth’.

Without hesitation, Cho Seong-ho threw the ‘Crystal of Truth’ in front of Jang Hae-yoon. Eventually, the ‘Crystal of Truth’ rolled on the floor and stopped exactly in front of Jang Hae-yoon, and he slowly lowered his head to check it. And before Jang Hae-yoon could even raise his gaze, Cho Seong-ho’s relaxed voice continued.

“You probably know what this is.”

“This… . under. older brother! “Do we really have to do this?”

“As you said, considering the affection we have had so far, I won’t talk for too long. “If you are truly innocent, this correction of truth will prove it.”

“… … .”

The game is over. Jang Hae-yoon looked up again and his face was still calm. However, from the way his eyes were shaking mercilessly, I could guess that he was very embarrassed on the inside.

“In order to infuse magical power, one of the suppressors needs to be released. I’m going down now, so I hope you don’t think nonsense. Jang Hae-yoon.”

Eventually, I secretly yawned as I watched Jo Seong-ho go down to the center.


The business in the Goryeo clan is over. After the work was over, Lord Goryeo and Cho Seong-ho expressed their gratitude for my kindness. He also asked me to have a meal with him, but I refused on the excuse that I had a prior engagement with my brother. To be honest, I had every intention of eating it, but Lord Goryeo’s expression was so unpleasant that I deliberately stayed away. It must have been quite a shock to see with my own eyes that Jang Hae-yoon was a vagabond.

So, I really went to see my brother. There hasn’t been a single contact from his older brother since he lost his temper once during the previous summons. Rather than saying that my brother was upset, I could see it as an act of trying not to offend me. Since I was young, whenever I got angry, my older brother would always look at me for some reason. So he planned to go first and free them.

As expected, my prediction was correct as my brother welcomed me with joy as I visited the Hamill Clan. And when I suggested that we go out for a while and have a meal, I happily nodded. I felt a little sorry for Jun-seong, who was organizing documents with me next to me, but he took the lead and dragged me away, so I had no choice but to leave without even saying hello.

Eventually, we found a reasonably spacious and quiet restaurant and sat down at a table in the corner. And only after ordering each other’s meals did we begin to ask simple greetings.

“okay. how have you been?”

“so so.”

“What brings you here?”

“Something happened with the Goryeo clan. So, after work is over, I do my best.”

After taking a sip of the water the waitress brought me, I briefly explained what happened in the Goryeo Clan. From the first visit with Baek Seo-yeon until the final revision of the truth. My brother listened intently to the process without showing any signs of boredom.

“hmm… . “Then the Goryeo Clan didn’t say anything special to you?”

“He just thanked me for helping him. And he asked me to have a meal, but Goryeo Lord’s expression looked so bad that I declined. “It seemed like he really wanted to rest.”

“I see. After all, if the opponent is Jang Hae-yoon, it’s worth it.”

My brother sighed, tilting his head as if he was trying to figure out something. I stared at him curiously at the unexpected answer, and he seemed to have noticed my expression and opened his mouth again.

“I don’t know the details, but Jang Hae-yoon was known as a loyal confidant of Lord Goryeo. So when it came out that he was a spy, many people were surprised.”

My brother smiled bitterly for a moment and then continued speaking.

“That person Jang Hae-yoon. You were a little familiar with me, right? He was a pretty good person and a very popular person… .”

‘Right. Is that why Han So-young asked for it?’

Hunting down spies was not as easy as expected. Although it was said that progress was being made step by step, there seemed to be a few obstacles along the way. For example, in the case of Jang Hae-yoon, as his brother said, his reputation was quite high, so there were many users who followed him. If you suddenly arrest him like that, there will inevitably be a backlash.

And in order to minimize the backlash and give justification, Baek Seo-yeon is needed.

‘If my brother can say this… . ‘Maybe there is someone who fell for Jang Hae-yoon.’

“Anyway, thank you for coming. “I was planning to visit sometime soon.”

“huh? To the mercantile?”

As I was lost in thought for a moment, I heard my brother’s voice from in front of me. When I raise my head, I see my brother with a rather serious expression.

“Suhyun. My brother has something he really wants to say. “I want you to listen too.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s about this war.”

“… … .”

“Oh, of course I know what you’re thinking. “But can’t I just listen to what you say first?”

If he had told me not to participate in the war at all costs, I would have been angry again, but I could not just dismiss it as such, but the sincerity was evident in my brother’s tone. Anyway, there was no problem with just listening, so I nodded that I understood.

“thank you. “Then, was there anything special about it in the Southern Clan?”

“There wasn’t any. why?”

“is it… .”

My brother seemed to be silent for a moment, but then he waved his hand lightly. Then, I could feel an intangible curtain being created around the table. The older brother glanced around as if checking to see if it had been activated properly, and then opened his mouth in a much lower tone than before.

“soon… . In the East, it seems they are planning to organize users as early as next week. And that on a large scale.”

“next week? “That fast?”

To my question, my brother showed no reaction. Then he tapped the table with his index finger as if he was organizing something, and then spoke softly.

“Listen carefully. I will explain it calmly from now on. The scale of this war seems to be bigger than expected. “More than you can imagine.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Looking at what I have planned now, it looks like the full-scale war part will begin around the next chapter (episode 345). (Of course, there may be errors. It could be delayed further, or delayed by an episode or two.)

Sorry for being late today. We had a meeting today to celebrate the group assignment at the beginning of the semester. You can submit it at the end of September, but since Chuseok is in the middle and the exam is in mid-October, you will need to prepare in advance.


1. Usain Bolt: Yes. Congratulations on first place. 🙂 I made some changes to Han So-young. I am this kind of woman~. That feeling? ha ha ha.

2. Nodens: Congratulations. You gave up. I also gave up early. Same comrade!

3. AlDante: Suhyeon is neither gay nor a eunuch. Please believe me. Really.

4. Gamjatteot: Thank you! It was a little dangerous today, but fortunately I was able to save well. haha. Instead, I will have to take a day off from e-book proofreading today. ㅜ.ㅠ

5. Hyeonoh: Hyeonoh, it’s been a while~. lol. As expected, the comments are still eye-catching. 😀 You seem to be very busy. cheer up!

6. Fur Boy: Thank you. I can definitely say that patting is one of my driving forces.

7. Lea: Gem appraiser is a rare class! (Ho, did I make a mistake?) Since I only deal with the big things, I tend to miss the little things. ㅜ.ㅠ

8. Office2Lup19: Office2Lup. You are sharp. Still shh! Shh! Shh! Sobbing. He has eagle eyes.

9. Debaran: Hey, are you a professor? Ddddd.

10. Eshurika: We plan to slowly fix it one by one. haha. 🙂

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode