Memorize Chapter 34

00034 Boss monster. ————————————————– ———————-=

There are over 3 million gold points gathered?

For a moment, I had no idea what was being said, but what Seraph said before returning to the past flashed through my mind.

Could it be that there were still points left even after granting special benefits? I wondered if there were that many points, but it wasn’t something I couldn’t understand. Even though I achieved numerous achievements in the latter part of the game, I didn’t care about gold points at all, but I remember receiving a huge amount of gold points when I got the last zero code. Anyway, it was unexpected luck at the moment.

“Good. Then, call up a list of user-only stores. “It’s possible to load it from here too.”

“Yes. All right. However, there is still compensation left to be paid.”


Seraph nodded to my question.

“The boss monster. We will pay you right away. Please check the message for details.”

Seraph finished speaking and lightly snapped his fingers. Then, in an instant, numerous messages began to appear in front of me.

『Great achievement! We dealt with a boss monster, a rite of passage predator that killed many potential users. One achievement is added.』

『2 points of free ability will be paid.』

『50,000 gold points are given exclusively to users. User-exclusive gold points can be used in the summoning room or at user-exclusive stores within the metropolis.』


Regardless of the number of achievements or 50,000 points, receiving free ability points was literally a treat. Even if there is a way to immediately obtain ability points as an early mission reward, there are only 4 points gained after graduating from the user academy facility for 3 months.

Even though there are other methods, the ones I know are limited and they all take time, so it’s literally a jackpot. Considering that out of the 21 achievements made in the past, only one gave ability points. I looked at Seraph with excitement.

Seraph, still with a calm expression, displayed a list of user-only stores in front of me.

『User-only store』* Purchases can only be made with user-only gold points.

『Gold points held by user Kim Soo-hyun: 3,834,720 GP』

* 1. Weapon (▽)

* 2. Armor (▽)

* 3. Accessories (▽)

* 5. Other equipment (▽)

* 6. Potion (▽)

* 7. Elixir (▽)

* 8. Order form (▽)

* 9. Materials (▽)

* 10. Wish (GP required: 1,000,000 GP)

* 11. Others (▽)

I was just about to select an item, but I couldn’t find the item I was looking for. Then I said, “Oops,” and opened my mouth while looking at Seraph.

“I will pay 77,777 gold points to the store for free. “Now that the amount is correct, quickly reveal all the hidden things.”

In the past, there was a user who happened to use GP 77,777 times, and it is said that he discovered a hidden secret at that time. Called the 77,777GP Hidden Piece, it can reveal the list of hidden equipment in the user’s store only once. But the funny thing is that at that time, the user had no GP left and could not purchase it. And users who have already exceeded the amount are in the same situation.

“… “How did you know that?”

“The boss monster told me while begging for his life.”

“Don’t lie. There is no problem running it. But this time, please refrain from acting strangely like Hwajeong.”

I giggled and nodded. However, Seraph briefly glanced in disbelief and continued speaking.

“… Received payment of 77,777 GP. Reveals the entire hidden list, just once. User Kim Soo-hyun’s remaining GP is 3,756,943 points.”

Seraph frowned slightly as she spoke, but then lightly waved her hand. Then I noticed that the active list that caught my eye had been updated. I immediately clicked on the elixir without even looking at it. There might be an elixir that can increase your stamina points.

Eventually, as I watched the pages grow longer, I calmly began searching one by one.

Oh, there was something like this? It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have at least one elixir… . But the price is 300,000 points. hmm. A skill that can raise the rank of special and potential abilities by one level… . This is okay too. Price 500,000 points. It’s worth living.

I was casually purchasing a GP that was so expensive that other users would have thought it was expensive. If you are not collecting GP, it is advantageous to spend it right away. Especially since opportunities like this rarely come up, I planned to spend as much GP as possible. However, I never intended to buy a wish. Using wishes was against my beliefs, and above all, it was useless other than saving the user.

“under. It’s an elixir that gives 6 ability points. The price is 900,000 points. “Seraph, I want to buy three of these.”

“It’s impossible. Hidden items disappear from the list as soon as you purchase them. This means that you can only purchase one item per item. “Except for the potion section, it is impossible to purchase more than two.”

What that meant was that if I bought an elixir to increase ability points, other buyers would never be able to buy it again. Although it was a little disappointing, I decided to give it up as there was a condition that only I could eat it. After calmly looking at numbers 1 through 11 for a while, I was able to come up with a purchase list as follows.

* Angel’s Tears (x 1): New ability points equal to 6 are created. The added ability points can increase the user’s desired abilities. (900,000 GP)

* Elixir (x 2): Recovers from all status ailments. Restores all health and mana. It has the effect of saving anyone’s life as long as they are not dead. (600,000 GP)

* Elixir of Vision (x 1) – Skill point increase: The rank of special and potential abilities can be raised one level. However, this does not apply to unique abilities. (700,000 GP)

* Elixir of Stamina Increase (x 1): Stamina stat points increase by 2. Other ability points cannot be increased. (200,000 GP)

* Swordless (x 1): An invisible sword handed down from ancient times. There are functions that belong to the user. The entity is invisible because it exists in the spirit world. It can strike beings in all dimensions, and if certain conditions are met, it is also possible to summon the Sword God in this world. It has excellent cutting power and is sturdy enough to not break in most cases. It also has self-restoration capabilities. Additionally, the sword can handle 100% magic attack and magic defense for all attributes. (1,200,000 GP)

* Whole plain gold exchange (1 gold per 10 GP): 10000 GP → 1000 gold

『Total purchase cost is 3,610,000 GP. Refunds are not possible upon purchase. Would you like to purchase?』


『Purchase has been completed. User Kim Soo-hyun’s remaining GP is 146,943 GP. Transfer to the user-only warehouse has been completed. User-only warehouses can be used anywhere in small cities.』

Phew. When he raised his head after a while of enjoyable shopping, Seraph was holding his pretty face with both hands. It was my first time seeing a Seraph so frustrated, so I opened my mouth with a shocked expression on my face.

“Seraph. Where does it hurt? why are you crying.”

“… User Kim Soo-hyun.”


“Using so much at once… . Even if everything else is the same… . Of course… . Swordless… . ha… .”

I looked at Seraph, who was sighing heavily, with strange eyes. The reason why I used so much at once is because this opportunity will never come again. All you have to do is earn GP again. I bought what I wanted with my legitimately (?) earned and inherited GP, but I couldn’t figure out why he was making that kind of expression.

Seraph must have sensed my gaze and soon changed her expression and gazed at me calmly.

“Mugeom is… . It is a simple sword at first glance. “There are plenty of weapons that look flashy but have good functions and good performance, so I’d like to hear why you chose the martial sword.”

“I won’t explain further because being obsessed with the appearance of a sword is something only idiots do. It’s a shame that it doesn’t have a good feature, but not being able to see the sword can give you a huge advantage in starting the battle. In particular, when I use this sword, I can achieve 100% magic attack and magic defense against all attributes. If you think about it in relation to Hwajeong, there is no sword like this. It’s sturdy and can be restored. why. “Are you worried now?”

Seraph responded to my ridicule with a lonely smile.

“To be honest, I’m a little worried now. User Kim Soo-hyun is strong. If you use all the equipment purchased with GP, you will be evaluated as a higher level even compared to the top users who entered first. Maybe even with the users at the peak… . However, you cannot let your guard down. I don’t know if you know this, but Holplane users have a strong tendency to maintain and protect their vested interests. And there are quite a few groups that use extreme methods. “I can’t do anything alone.”

The words “I can’t do anything alone” pierced my heart. At those words, I chewed my lip without realizing it.

“I know what you mean. A protruding awl is bound to become a target. “Don’t worry.”

“I’m glad you know.”

I looked at Seraph’s face for a moment with a sad look on my face and continued speaking.

“But how much time is left now?”

“It’s now been a little over two hours since we passed our rite of passage. If you would like, I can give you a general explanation of the hole plane.”

“… I do not need.”

I decided to do some meditation. Meditation is for the purpose of self-training, but once you start contemplating the inside, you lose track of time. It was the moment when I was about to sit cross-legged and sink into myself. Just as I was about to close my eyes, Seraph’s beautiful voice struck my ears.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”


“I want to ask you one thing.”

“Speak quickly.”

Seraph looked at me, who was still irritating me, and then slowly opened her mouth.

“Does user Kim Soo-hyun hate me?”

What does he say again? I opened my eyes again and looked at Seraph with an uncomfortable expression. I couldn’t figure out why he was suddenly making such white noises. Seraph must have sensed this and immediately added his words.

“I am a helper who provides guidance and support only for user Kim Soo-hyun.”

“From my perspective, he’s just an annoying, meddling angel.”

“During your rite of passage, you appeared to your companions as a trustworthy, calm adult man. Is that the real appearance of user Kim Soo-hyun? Or is this your true self when you talk to me?”

I stared at her for a moment. To put it bluntly, I could say that she is a little closer to me now. Anyway, for the rite of passage, it was necessary to have a concept. I could roughly guess what question she was asking.

“… “Humans are animals with a thousand faces.”

Seraph’s eyes widened when I opened my mouth in a slightly soft voice, wondering if he was going to attack me again.

“Please explain in more detail.”

“I’m saying it varies depending on the person. “Is there a need to be nice to people who like me and to be nice to people who don’t like me?”

Seraph tilted her head for a moment and answered what I said.

“I think the lines are clearly drawn. Then I don’t hate user Kim Soo-hyun. But you have never once looked at me with favor.”

“Don’t draw the line too simply. Sometimes humans hope that people who dislike them will like them. So he’s saying the opposite is also true, right?”

The convenient thing about talking with Seraph was that the conversation took place right away. Without having to understand or think about it, they just accept what I say and do their own reasonable analysis. Seraph quickly nodded and continued speaking.

“understand. “I think I learned a good lesson today.”

“In the first place, what do you expect from someone who kidnaps humans at will and is used as an experiment tool by you guys? I am indeed. “Anyway, don’t talk to me anymore.”

Seraph seemed to have something more to say at my words, but in the end she kept her mouth shut. I immediately cleared my thoughts and started meditating.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Typo correction.


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not work with dark mode