MEMORIZE Chapter 339

00339 Finished. And then the outbreak. ————————————————– ———————-=

Fall of Halo.

What Im Hanna said was not a lie. It is said that there were users like us who managed to escape from Halo, and that they sent out a rescue request using the reconnected crystal sphere after they were a certain distance away from the city.

Of course, even the users who succeeded in escaping did not watch Halo until the end, but looking at the news floating around, it is safe to say that it was a major fall. It is said that only a few thousand users remained on Halo until the end.

And one of the other rumors, that an invasion force began marching toward Barbara immediately after the fall of Halo, was still just a rumor. But this too was very likely. This is because in the first round, they occupied all the western cities and quickly marched into Barbara.

The situation was once again becoming very slowly chaotic.

Although it has declined greatly since the Iron Mountains expedition, the SSUN Clan was once the clan that dominated the Northern Continent after the Golden Lion. The fact that Halo, under their jurisdiction, was taken over so easily was an issue that was more than enough to instill anxiety in ordinary users who were unaware of the circumstances.

I sat down in the chair and quietly closed my eyes.

however. Whatever happened to the western city or Barbara, it honestly didn’t interest me. What I am currently interested in is how the future will change in the future. Although the main points are similar, the second round was already showing some differences from the first.

And, at the center of it all, I am right there.

‘It changed, it didn’t change.’

From now on, no one knows what the future will hold.

Saving Lee Hyo-eul right away and finding out the spies hiding in the North Continent were all very different from the first episode.

One thing was certain here: from now on, I couldn’t 100% trust my memories of the first episode. Of course, the location of the ruins and the talent would remain the same, but it was difficult even for me to guess how the overall flow would flow.

So, in the end, there was only one answer.

From now on, past memories should be used only as a reference, and situations that arise unexpectedly, such as the incident where Mule was attacked first, must be dealt with as flexibly as possible. This means… .

‘It means we need to move more actively.’

The conclusion was power. Strength is important. I have no intention of sitting still and waiting. To me, in some ways, this war could be seen as an opportunity.

After capturing the vagabonds, Mercenary’s name and my name are slowly spreading. Of course, the possibility of becoming a target increases accordingly, but the plan to establish itself as a Yangjiseo, which was the original goal, has been achieved so well that it cannot be said anymore. So, we must use this momentum to build up the strength to handle whatever comes our way in the future.

After organizing my thoughts up to this point, I finally opened my eyes and looked around the room. Perhaps because it was midday, bright sunlight was shining through the window behind me.

I stood up indignantly. And then I opened the tightly closed door, letting the sunlight fill the room.


The next morning. I held my first meeting since the end of the plenary session. The current lively atmosphere was better than the awkward atmosphere we had before, but we couldn’t remain in this mood forever. Moreover, given the current situation, there was a need to quickly return to the original work.

The meeting was already in full swing.

“Istantel Low Clan said they would like to visit the clan house soon. “They say they want to discuss what to do with vagrants.”

“Visiting in person?”


Jeong Ha-yeon, who was reporting during the meeting, slightly moved her head in response to my question.

“hmm… . All right. I will take care of that part. “Do you have any other reports?”

“no. “This is the last time.”

“okay. “Then who else?”

“… … .”

No answer came back. Seeing as everyone is keeping quiet, it seems like there’s nothing more to talk about.

It’s a little shorter than usual, but there’s no reason to hold the clan members back because they want to get back to their jobs quickly. I calmly opened my mouth, intending to end the meeting.

“All right. “Then, today’s meeting will end here.”

After saying that, the moment I tried to get up, I felt a lot of eyes on me. When I turn my head, I notice everyone looking at me with curious faces.

‘… … .’

I know what clan members are curious about and what they want. But I can’t reveal my true feelings yet, so I have to save my words as much as possible. That was the promise of those who participated in the summons.

I decided to take this opportunity to make it clear, so I sat down again as I was about to get up. And then he quietly opened his mouth.

“Everyone here knows that the current situation is in disarray.”

“… … .”

“Like other users, some of you may be curious about what will happen in the future, while others may be anxious. But unfortunately, I am not able to tell you in detail about that at the moment.”

“I… . Clan Lord. So, was there any plan for this invasion in the last summons? At least that… .”

At that time, someone spoke in a cautious voice on the left side of the table. When I heard the voice, it was clear that it was Kim Han-byeol.

“hmm… .”

I thought for a moment and then answered in a calm voice.

“That’s right.”

“… … !”

At that moment, I felt a slight commotion in the conference room. However, I wanted to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, so I decided to continue talking right away.

“Well, there’s nothing you can do right now. Except for three things. To wait calmly. Working hard to improve your skills in preparation for when something happens. And no matter what the outcome is, not being incited or swayed.”

Even though he couldn’t tell me the detailed results, he gave me a few keywords. If I had said it this far, everyone would have understood. Maybe that’s why, but I could see a moment of tension on the faces of some quick-thinking clan members.

“I think this is all you need to know for now. “I think it’s going to happen soon anyway.”

After observing the reactions of my clan members for a moment, I picked up the pile of records in front of me and began to organize them one by one.

These records were equipment applications submitted by each clan member. To put it simply, could it be called a wish list?

“I will personally review this record and let you know personally. Then, everyone, please leave now. ah. “Sol, don’t go, I’m waiting for you in the office on the 4th floor.”

“yes… !”

When I gave instructions to Ansol along with the congratulatory message, she responded in a slightly powerful tone. At today’s meeting, she had been officially appointed as her new attendant. She warned me to be mentally prepared, but fortunately, it seems that I was determined.

‘There must be something more. Something Ahn Hyeon may not know… .’

There’s nothing I can say about that if I’ve lost my memory, but for now, I was thinking of doing something.

“Su-hyun. “I think you’ll be very busy again in the future.”

Eventually, as the clan members left one by one and the presence was about to disappear out the door, a clear voice spoke to me as if they were still there.

When I stopped reading the record for a moment and looked up, I saw Jeong Ha-yeon with a light smile on her face. I answered while letting out the breath I had been holding.

“Maybe so. It won’t get busy right away, but maybe next week we’ll have to vacate the clan house. “I’ll tell you in advance.”

“next week… . “So are you okay this week?”


I was in the middle of answering without thinking.


At that moment, I felt a strange sense of discomfort, and I stared at Jeong Ha-yeon with suspicious eyes. Then, she looked a little sad.


“Oh, no. Hehehe.”

However, Jeong Ha-yeon, although I don’t know why, quickly looked away and smiled quietly. Suddenly, I see a blush blooming on her cheeks.

I tilted my head for a moment and then immediately opened my mouth to a question that suddenly occurred to me.

“ah. User Jeong Ha-yeon. Come to think of it, I don’t see any baby unicorns these days. “Do you know what you are doing these days?”

“A baby unicorn?”

If I think about it carefully, I don’t remember seeing a baby unicorn at a pep rally. That’s why I asked.

However, perhaps Jeong Ha-yeon didn’t know much, so she looked puzzled at my question and opened her mouth in a tone that said she didn’t know.

“Yes… . Yesterday, obviously… . ah?”

It was then. For a moment, I thought Jeong Ha-yeon’s eyes got as big as a flower lantern, but then she looked back at me and opened her mouth.

“oh. Unity meeting.”


“Thank you for taking this valuable step. Mercenary Road.”

“It was nothing. Rather, I am honored to have been invited. Istantel Low Road.”

To Han So-young’s polite greeting, I also bowed my head in response.

The place where I am currently is the Clan House in Istantel Row. And the other day, the Mercenary led vagabonds to Istantel Row.

According to the rules of the Hall Plain, the city’s representative clan has the authority to judge and dispose of vagabonds on its own (meaning either accepting them back as users or executing them publicly or secretly). ) However, this rule does not apply to Mercantile. We were not anyone’s affiliated clan, and we were free mercenaries.

Nevertheless, the reason I followed the rule was for two reasons.

The first was my pure goodwill toward Han So-young, and the second… . It may sound a little strange, but it could be said to be passing it on.

“Of course I should have come to see you about this, but I feel sorry for making you keep coming.”

“That’s because I wanted to do that. “If you do that too much, it will actually be uncomfortable.”

Han So-young was in a quite different mood today than before.

First of all, it was clothes. She was wearing a thin, short two-piece that hugged her entire body, and it was a dark top that exposed not only her shoulders but also the upper part of her collarbone. Moreover, because her breasts were large and juicy, it seemed as if her navel would be exposed if she leaned back slightly. The bottoms were even bolder. Needless to say, the beauty of her legs, showing off her elastic skin, was clearly on display, starting with her wide thighs.

Han So-young’s face had both formal coolness and calmness, but although her clothes may have emphasized sensuality, one could see a glimpse of her bewitchment even in the mystery.

To be honest, although it is up to you to choose what to wear, knowing Han So-young’s personality, it was unavoidable for me to tilt my head a little. Although I am glad that my eyes are bright.

Han So-young, perhaps sensing my staring gaze, slowly uncrossed her legs left and right and gently rubbed her thighs. From that action, she could somehow get the feeling that she was being embarrassed.

“We are planning to hold an official vagrant trial soon. “I wanted to ask Mercenary Lord’s opinion on this matter.”

“hmm… . According to the rules, didn’t Istantel Row already have a plan in place to proceed accordingly?”

“I guess so. But that is only our opinion. “I really need the Mercenary Lord’s approval for this matter.”

“okay. “Then can I see the plan?”

Han Soyoung immediately nodded. She said it just in case, but as she had a thorough personality, it seemed like she had prepared it in advance. Eventually, as I looked through the records she handed me, I calmly nodded her head.

There was a lot of content, but to summarize, the trial was scheduled to be conducted independently rather than publicly. Additionally, an opinion was attached that they would like to disclose some of the facts discovered through the trial to users.

Since it wasn’t anything that would bother me too much, I opened my mouth right away.

“I also agree with proceeding independently. And as for information disclosure… . “Isn’t it too early to reveal everything?”

“Of course, I plan to exclude all important content, such as information about spies and guardians. However, as the Mercenary Lord knows, the atmosphere of uncertainty among users has been gradually increasing since Halo fell. Perhaps that is why we are receiving a lot of inquiries these days asking us to disclose information.”

“haha. “It looks like users are complaining.”

“It’s not quite a cry, but… . Sometimes, there are people who think it’s too much. The affiliated clans are also constantly paying attention… .”

Han So-young slightly frowned as if she had a headache and let out a thin sigh between her ripe lips.

I felt a little sorry for entrusting the cleanup to them like this, but it was still a situation I had to deal with since I was given guidance to the vagabonds. There will definitely be benefits to it.

Anyway, I had no problem revealing only basic information, so I nodded willingly.

“I agree with disclosing basic information. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but… . “I don’t think there’s any need to find out at trial.”

“yes? That means… .”

Han So-young looked relieved with a sigh, but then widened her eyes and asked back. I spoke immediately.

“There is information we found out earlier during the return process. I’ll go back to the clan house and summarize that part and send it to you. “Why not make it public?”

“ah… . “Then it’s okay for us.”

“Now that I think about it, I should have sent it to you a long time ago. I’m sorry.”

“no. “The Mercenary Lord has shown me this kindness, and I am just grateful.”

Han So-young gave a rare, gentle smile and bowed her head deeply again. Then, her upper body naturally bent down, and the long, concave part in the middle of her chest came into view.

I calmly looked away. I don’t know who coordinated Soyoung Han’s clothes today, but I was determined to buy her a delicious meal as soon as I met her.

‘What if I wore it myself?’

As I was thinking such trivial thoughts and laughing heartlessly, a voice that made me melt flowed into my ears.

“Oops. Mercenary Road. “Actually, I have one more favor to ask you.”


To my question, Soyoung Han answered “Yes,” and continued.

“It’s about Baek Seo-yeon.”

‘It’s Baek Seo-yeon… . Now Baek Seo-yeon and the vagrants will be of little use.’

I tilted my head for a moment because I had originally planned to execute them all, but I thought it was worth listening to as it was Han So-young’s words. After nodding once or twice, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Let’s listen first.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Tuesday passed safely like this. It’s Wednesday now. I hope the weekend comes soon. haha. After the weekend, it’s Chuseok. ha ha ha.

ah. Come to think of it, I kept the midnight update today! I feel like my pace is slowly recovering. So, you guys should pat my head.(?)

Everyone, cheer up for the weekend. 🙂

P.S. ah. Just in case, the baby unicorn is currently upset. Why did you get upset? 😀


1. Usain Bolt: Congratulations on first place. Now you’re taking first place lightly. 🙂

2. guzzi: Yes, yes? -_-a

3. Bullet: I like harems too. But I hate octopus feet! Anyway, other male harems or female reverse harems are also scheduled to appear in the future. haha.

4. Chiu Woo-hyeon: When I was a reader, there was a writer I respected, and he always published daily series. I also want to be like him. 🙂

5. -yS-: Haha. Not everything about Ansol has been revealed yet. The awakening will be a bit more intense, but the full story will be left as a topic for Part 2.

6. Pure blood: ?ㅇ? !blanket!

7. Hongga55: Haha. no! Thank you for always reading. 😀

8. pen36: Thank you for your kind words. Now that you’ve had enough rest, you should go tight again, right? War~. War~? War~!

9. Dancing Puppet: Today, I tried to speed up the development a little. I haven’t studied enough to raise it all at once, so I’ll study a little more and gradually raise it. 🙂

10. I don’t want to join: Ah. There are ways to avoid birth control. You can do it with herbs in the hall plane, and there is also magic. 🙂 Thank you for binge-reading!

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode